HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-10-14, Page 6�.Y .l •Y; PM. R SIC. .THIS LUCKNOW SONTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO RECIPE OF THE MONTH By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute "Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit" , Peach Jelly Roil 1 can Canada Choice Peaches 1 pkg. lemon-flavouired gelatin ' dessert Make gelatin dessert using only ONE HALF the water called for in package di- rections. Drain juice from peaches and store away in refrigerator for use in fruit: drinks, salad dressings; frap pes. Pour lemon gelatin mix- ture into can to replace juice. Stir very gently to distribute peaches evenly to top ' of can. Place in refrig- erator to. set. To serve, un- mould onto crisp lettuce leaves and garnish with. marashino cherries and may- onnaise for a shimering par- ty -style salad.. Or, for des- sert, simply , spoon .out of can, into individual dessert glasses and top with whipped • : cream and ' a' maraschino cherry, Interesting Talk On Cerebral Patsy: The Thanksgiving meeting of Unit 4 of Lucknow United Church' Women washeld at the home of Mrs. Elwin Hall.: The Convenors were Mrs. Jack McKim. and . Mrs. L. Eadie. The' meeting began ' with a brief Thanksgiving Worship Ser- vice, led by the Convenor*, aided by Mrs. Eleanor Irwin, who play- ed two lovely solos on the violin, accompanied '. by Mrs; H. Strapp at the piano. The guest speaker, :'Dr. Mar- garet Booth, ,gave an informa , tiive. talk on the . causes, and treat meat of Cerebral Palsy.. Her talk was effectively illustrated with the use of slides. Dr.' Booth spoke mainly on her work in , a Clinic in the . United States, where she worked with ' small . children af- flicted with Cerebral . Palsy, and she stlpssed.. the importance of beginning treatment at an early age. Severalguests were present who were particularly interested in the . care of Cerebral Palsied children, 'and all • ladies present found the talk extremely, interest- ing and. enlightening. Dr. Booth is . the joint founder of the Columbus, Ohio clinic she spoke of. Two .years; ago. she. married a minister of the Re- organized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter. Day Saints and is' pres- ently resently living in Guelph where ' she conducts a limited practice . and, works with children with Cere- bral Palsy. She, is an Osteopathic Physicians A • brief business period follow- ed, and the meeting closed ' with refreshments . served by the . com- mittee and a Sale of LBaked..Goods.' C.G.I.T.'.EXECUTIVE INSTALLED BY MRS. SHEILLS. (by Eleanor Whitby). The second.. meeting , of the C.G,I.T•. was held at 4:30 p.m., Monday, October 5th, is the Luck - now : Presbyterian Church: Pres- ident Cathy : McLeod ,read the call to worship. The ' roll call, the Nameof a Woman in . the -Bible was, answered by twenty-one members. The minutes • of the last meeting were read and ' adopted. During the business of the meet- ing we. .decided :to decorate the !LIY MEAT MARKI Custom Butchering Mondays Hogs, $2.00 in by 4:00 p.m. / Cutting and Wrapping, 2c pound CATTLE,' CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY,`: EXCEPT SATURDAY We Do Curing. and +Sm . i ... Beef, Pork and: Lai►nb. Sold Whole, Half or Quarter •... For Better Service, And Lower Prices — • Call Ripley. 100. Chas. Hooiazna — Prop. Mrs. Ross Shields Institute :Speaker. Mrs. Ross Shiells was guest speaker at the October meeting of the Lucknow Women's Institute and spoke on "Canadian arts and artists." In her talk she explain- ed that in the early 1800's our Canadian painterswere people who, had come over from 'Euro- pean countries and instead _ of. painting Canadian scenery they painted the scenery of their, home- land. Then ome-land...Then: came four Canadian. painters, Thbmpson, Harris, Jack- son and MacDonald, who started painting true ' Canadian scenery, and in 1920 three other .'Canadian' painters joined with the first four and they called themselves a "Group of Seven", and remained together till 1933. Mrs. G Whitbypresided for the meeting. • An invitation was ex- tended from St, Helen's W.I. .to Lucknow W.I. to join with them for . their Armistice service. On October 19, Lucknow . W.I. are in- vited to Whitechurch to see the pictures that Mrs. ' V. Emerson took on : her trip to . the W.I. con- ference at. Wolfville, N.S. A don- ation to the Children's Aid Society and the. Agricultural Society was approved. A motion was passed to send. money for the care of a Korean . child. 'A "Dessert course" is to be given in November. under the leadership of Mrs. A. McNay and Mrs. G. McDiarmid. The roll, call was answered by "A book :I have read," and Mrs. J. • W. Joynt and •Mrs. P. Ste- wart sang a very pleasing : duet "Whispering Hope," accompanied by Mrs. R. Cummings. A sing -song was enjoyed with Mrs. G. McDiar- mid at the piano, and • a review of "The Home and Country" was given by Mrs. P. Stewart. The'. Queen and , Institute Grace were sung and Mrs. G. Whitby, Mrs. H. Nixon, Mrs,. C. Congram, and Mrs.. E. Johnston served lunch.. church on Saturday morning for Thanksgiving. We' also decided :'to have a bowling party on Saturday, October 10th at 8 p.m. ,The newofficers were installed :by ,Mrs- . Ross Sheills, ' our: new leader for thin year. Past Presi- dent, Sharon Mowbray; President,. Cathy McLeod; Vice . President, Janet Carruthers; : " Secretary, Linda Marriott; Treasurer, Donna Forster; Pianist, Wendy Mac- Kenzie, Press. Reporter, Eleanor Whitby. ' Donna . Forster led ;the worship. Janet' Carruthers " con- ducted recreation. We closed our Meeting . with taps. Advertising helps to reduce 'con. sumer demand for scarce com.- modities by . diverting public de- mand to other more readily, avail able commodities: QUAL!TJ LE MINERALS... Make sure your. cattle " have ' proper 'minerals .sup- , . ,. pied .at all times by making available. SHUR- GAIN Essential 1llinerais : or SHUR-GAIN SPecial Minerals fed free choice • SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals for Cattle 'contains all the essential minerals . needed by "your ave-. stock to help improve feedassimilation and,, gen- eral animal health: SAUR-GAIN Special Minerals fors Cattle contain high • levels ,of phosphorous for " areas or feeding conditions with a particularly bad, phosphorous deficiency, essential minerals for catUe 0•T r -�.... Wit -Milli Sittig two emus ...AT: REALISTIC PRICES Berson -Flax special minerals torcums I, ...".."..ivaLlip.4•""::40'.1....7'.....7........"..47 • , Ni11111int* mks mos i Products LUCKNOW Phon 528-2026 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 14, 144 NOW THERE'S ONE MORE GOOD REASON k Esso ti • WHY YO.0 SHOULD CONVERT lYOUR PRESENT • EQUIPMENT TO SAFE, ECONOMICAL: . J OIL:HEAT It's easy to .convert to nil.. We have a complete', line of top duality Esso Heating Equipment to choose from • Esso burner— $1.85 .a month • Complete Esso oil furnace unit --$4.95* a month. And now, with Esso beating equipment, we can. arrange for you to get Esso Home Heat Service, at no cost. Your best guarantee for continued home heating comfort. Ni. *uncalled to your existing i.a seri • ROY HAVENS Plumbing . and Heating •— Phone 528-3012 'Lucknow ESSO. OIL • B JRNER SALES and . SERVICE. HOME 'HEAT SERVICE HITECHLJ'RCH (Intended for last. week) Mrs. Robert Ross returned home with Miss Winnifred Farrier from Scarborough after . a ~ two, week visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Craig. Visitors with, Miss'. Mary• Purdon over " the week -end. were Misses Edna Hoegler andTereasa Strauss of Kitchener. Mrs.. .Wallace Shouldice of Cooks- ville •and her aunt,- Mrs.' James Wightman of Listowel, visited on Saturday with Mrs. Herb Camp- bell of Wingham and other rela- tives in this district. . A 'farewell party' . was held at Armstrong's . school on Saturday night for Mr. 'and Mrs, Jack. Bur- chell who have •sold . their ' farm and are moving' to Wingham. They were presented with gifts, among them being an end table andstep stool. Mrs. Earl.' ,Caslick a n d 'her daughter, Mrs: Wallace Conn, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott of Ripley. Congratulations to our ' Junior C Softball team on winning . the first.. game of the . series with Bognor . team . at Bognor, Sunday afternoon. The score was 10.0. The . next game is scheduled for October 10th in Wingham Park. The C.O.C. of Langside Presby- terian Church, Langside, held their meeting :. Sunday at 300, p.m. in the Community Hall. The presi- dent,. Agnes Conley; presided and opened the meeting with the Cal` to • Worship. A . hymn was sung. Murray Moffat read the Scripture lesson. George Moffat led in pray- er. The • minutes were read by Donald • Moffat. The roll call was answered by '24 attenders. It was decided to have the closing me( ing of . the year , in two wee) October 18th: Murray Moffat w appointed president forthis, me Ing. The • offering was received Rickey . Conley and dedicated Simon De ,•,Boer. Mrs. • Chariie 1 fin gave the • chapter from Study Book the Buffalo and t Bell. Carolyn' McGi lvary,, piani played , another . hymn 'and. t meeting was closed ,by repeati the Lorti''s Prayer ; in unison. Miss Winifred Farrier of To l onto• spent the week -end with h mother, :Mrs. W. R. ?Farrier, a was accompanied back to Toror by Mrs, Russel Chapman who u visit with Mr. and Mrs. Rc Smithand, family for a we( and by: ' Miss Mildred : McClene ban who had •:spent the week -e at her home here: , Mrs. Clayton. Alton and (taut! ter. spent a few days last we with ' her sister; Mrs. Ivan La law . and : Mr., Laidlaw:. Mrs. George Coultes, who w a • patient in Wingham • Hospit has been brought to •the • home .her son : Norman and Mrs. Co Ws, • Mr, and Mrs:. Charles Tifi visited on Sunday with 11r. .a Mrs. Lloyd Moffat and famill Mr.. and . Mrs: Leroy Rintc were Sunday visitors with and Mrs. Victor Emerson. " Mr.. and MTS.. Jack Gillesp Donna, Barry and Lorraine Sarna spent the week -end' wi Mr. and 'Mrs'. Garnett Farrier a her. mother Mrs. W. R. Fart. and' Winnifred. Newspapers are the only ni ium offering the magnetic• apps of classified. ads. • MONUMENTS F, -)r sound cc unael anti a fair price on a int nurtrtent designed ftom quality./ materiai. rely on correctlyo SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat (Mager:, prop... Eqtablished Over Sixty Years Phone 881.0284 Walkerton Ontario.