HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-10-07, Page 4• • .PAGEPOUR. THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNCW, ONTARIO, • WEDN*'SC.AY, fJ' CTOBER 7, 19 IOY.��%{i7.. ••rte 1 ill Ai ;7 17) ll'ilflittar.:fti ' Arid/ ■ •"• ri‘5-y17.,1' �, .. Witutt . ice} (� �-2 rf ri.r�•`�-: sii• llerlanr �fil��,�•� �1�..�1�� .--111s-kCCTO S7045 ON iMI��MQ f 1I �i. • 1\,'��1�1115 f,lT..`/.^'.i1r.-S.Li._�� '•••.r .••••%•••••••••.••••• •• •••... Willi _ `Jamas=�:�► FOR SALE FOR, SALE --= 1960. Chev Belair, Al condition, 4 door. Phone Luck- now 528=2440: • FOR SALE—aa.-',,young boar of servicable . age; • half.• Landrace and .half York, price reasonable. Frank • 'Alton,: phone. 529-7218 Dungannon FRIG FOR SALE a used re- ' frigerator, suitable ' for chilling a cream ; can. ,, Wayne Atkinson, Lucknow.. FOR :SALE: — 75 .Pullets, Red' Sussex, ready to lay; also 15 started pigs. Peter de Boer, R.R. 2 Teeswater. Phone Wingham 357- 3097. FOR • SALE pink pram suit, size 18 months; . boy's : winter coat, size 10 yr.; Mrs Dan Mc- Innes, Holyrood, phone Ripley; 8 -r - WOOD FOR SALE Hardwood or softwood slabs, in . 10 cord loads. We deliver:, Borden Litt, sawmill, phone 392=.6895 Teeswater. FOR SALE .Inglis house trailer located Teeswater eto J. F. Mey- er. ` Forward highest cash. offer to Public Trustee, 145 Queen , W.,.• 'Toronto: .FOR . SALE 1 ton ; Chev truck in good ;.running condition, priced right for quick sale.: Blake Alton, R.R. 2 Lucknow phone Dungannon X7117. • FOR -SALE - ; two good, building lots, on River ° Street (High school street) : also hen house. on skids with hen cages, Ronald Forster, phone 528-3002. FOR ' SALE = Lady's bulky. knit ,sweater, size' 1C-16, . new, hand knit. Man's bulky knitsweater, size 42-44, new, hand knit. Mrs. Oliver .McCharles ' R.R. 3 Luck - now, phone 4-4 Ripley. FOR SALE = 'two piece brown • double' knit •wool suit, .worn twice, size 14 floor length. yellow . taf- • 0 feta • dress with lace. bodice, .head- piece head -piece and shoes to match • if. de- sired, size 9-10; skirts and slacks like - new. Mrs. 'Hugh. MacKenzie, phone • Dungannon 529.7259. • FOR SAi.E VACUUM CLEANER. SALES and SERVICE For all "makes -- Robert K. Peck, Varna, phone Hensall .352-W-2. SEWING and DRESSMAKING. Will: take in sewing and ' dress- making, Phone Lucknow 528-2027.: FULLER PRODUCTS - •For all your Fuller 'Brush needs in the Lucknow . and Whitechurch• area call Robert McIntyre, R.R..3; Teeswater.. Phone Teeswater 392- 6093. • • PROPERTY • FOR SALE °- - on the main street of Lucknow, be- tween the Mayfair Restaurant and The ' Sentinel Office, o w. n•e d by the late Miss Elizabeth Hen- derson, a. two storey building with full basement. Telephone 528-3118 or write Box 231, Lucknow. FOR SALE. — Double Apartment, '13. room house north-east corner of Havelock and Willowby St. New. furnace, new roof 'and eavetroughs and 2 bathrooms. For particulars apply to E. J ` Farrish, Gerrie R.R. ,.1. DRYERS FOR SAE the last of :the x1964 stock of Westinghouse Dryers. Special price $139.95. Mason's TN. and Appliance, Kincardine Phone 612W. • MILDMAY CIDER MILL Will make cider . every day ex- cept Saturday. APPLE BUTTER by ° appointment.'' FOR SALE Cider., Apple Butter, Used whiskey barrels, . Phone 367-4471. SPECIAL ON 'TYPEWRITER. SAVE DOLLARS •on. a Commo- dore Portable 'Typewriter-. Used three weeks after purchase and then traded on <a better machine. $40 will buy, this 'typewriter with full.. guarantee. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-313, 7 SEPTIC• TANKS . CLEANED Septic ' tanks;scess pools, ', etc., pumped and cleaned, with • mod- ern equipment. All work . guar-. anthed. Louis Blake, R..2 .Brus- sels; phone 7442-w-6.. FOR RENT SEWING, and MENDING Mrs.; Gordon ' MacPherson will FOR RENT— : front apartment, sew or mend for 'you. Reasonable close to; main street, available prices.'Phone' Lucknow •'528.5683. November ist. Apply: Mrs: Marg-' MING EVENTS CORN GROWING, )HANDLING and FEEDING G J. D. Ross farm. North Wellington • OCTOBER 14th, 1904., ZONE 2 YORKSHIRE . SALE WALKERTON • FRIDAY, 'OCTOBER 16th,, 1964 NEW CASH BINGO; Legion e. Hall, Lucknow; every Thursday evening, 8:45 p.m. 15 regular games $10.00 'each. 4 Share -The -Wealth `games w i t h jackpot included in each game. Jackpot this week $60.00 en 55 calls .Four ' Thanksgivir.g .turkeys will be given 'as door prizes. TURKEY SHOOT A Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot will ' be held, at Benmiller, On- tario, October • 12th at 1 o'clock. 22 calibre rifles . 'and 12 .gauge' shotguns, • •: approximately 15 _ lb.. birds. Sponsored by Court Ben- miller No. ` .86 C.O.L.'• RESERVE .THE :'DATE There's a treat'' in store; with the return of. the :Dominion Life Assurance ` Choir of 'Waterloo, on Friday, November • 13th, : .under auspices of the. Lucknow Agricul- ture Society: Concert to be held in the Lucknow District High School Auditorium. LIONS RUMMAGE SALE The : Lucknow Lions Club will hold their annual Rummage Sale on Friday and Saturday, October 23rd and ` 24th in Archie . Smith's store. Canvassers from the 'Luck - now Lions Club, will call at all rural and town ; homes in `Lucknow and district ;the, week of the rum- mage sale' to ` pick .ups any ar- ticles . you " may have to donate. • SALE ' OF BAKING, AND BLINDCRAFT PRODUCTS The Lady Foresters . are spon- soring a sale of Blindcraft Pro- ducts and Homebaking on Sat- urday afternoon October 10th in the vacant store . beside Sander - son's in Lucknow. The Foresters are : conducting a ; door to door campaign for ; funds for the Can- adian National Institute for the Blind, :in Lucknow during this week October ' 5th 10th: NOTICES area Carruthers, Ripley. NOTICE NOW BUYING Clover, Alfalfa The Farmers •Co-op ...Scales. Co and Timothy or •Mixed Seeds..: FOR RENT. 5 room house on will be `shipping' hogs on Tues- Bringg us in a sample for price: quotation. Lucknow District Co- op, phone 528-2125. SEPTIC -TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning :and • pumping of septic tanks, Ronald Forster, Lucknow 28 hone - -2002tu= P 5 ma n ' facturer of cement septic tanks and well tile. For . CORNPICKERS — ,PLOWS Arid Other 'Farm Machinery . • ' See Your Cock'shutt Dealer .. ROBERT E. •IRVIN Dungannon is Phone 5294911 Dead Stock Removal Service We are licensed to remove your dead or crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal;*. GORDON YOUNG, 'Elmira Phone Collect to: MRS. GORDON TAYLOR 528.5950 ...Lucknow 24 hour Service • Licence Nos. .213C63 and 22R63 Campbell ' St , Lucknow, "1 fur day, '.October 13th due •to `the hot iday on Monday, .• October • 12th: •. of - nace and : all conveniences, Apply Mrs. Duncan. McConnell,: phone 26-r-10 Ripley: • E •••0•E•••G••••••••••n vp 1 DON'S TV SERVICE • • • *Experienced • • so • All 'Work Guaranteed e • ' Prompt Service • • ,Reasonable Rate iHON • has a' stray anima ;.. •••B•••r••s.�oo•A�7E77Bt )' . al p con- tact. Frank Alton, 529-7218 Dun- • y < a LOST . Strayed fronnLo t -9 E 1$4, RIPLEY • tie beast ng See Anyone having n or o ` The • annual mNOTICEeeting of ' the •Rip- ley and District ' Community Night Classes will ' be held in. the Ripley District High School on 'Wednes- day, October 14th' at 8:30 p.m. All , interested persons are urged to attend with ideas towards mak- ing ` the 'coming season a success- ful one. LCST • rthorri lease. +w. Con, 6 Ashfield,. a Sho cat *041.4!#. .. gannon Dea.' Animal .. DRESSED and WANTED WANTED TO RENT — sod land for breaking. Anderson .Flax Pro- ducts, Ltd., Phone • 528-2026. HANDY MAN AVAILABLE . — carpenter, painting a nd wall papering. Gord Chapelle.,. phone, Ripley 9-r-16, . MALE HELP WANTED :Married man required. for Steady" 'employment on farm,' Apply T.. Edward Powell, R.R. 1, • Wingham. Phone Wroxeter 547-W-2. SALES HELP WANTED—MALE. MEN WITH CARS, outside work. No • experience necessar ji. Aver- age $3 per hour. Write Rawleigh, Dept., J-271-36, 4005 Richelieu, St,, St.: Henry, .Montreal. PFIONE 21-3.1.34, AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of X45 Purebred. Holstein Cattl€ and Milking "Equipment at the farm. of PETER ZETTLER 21/2.' miles. south-east ' of Walked on the .South Line •TUESDAY, ' OCTOBER 13 at '1:30. p.m,. ' Consisting of; 23 milking and springing m; tire cows;' 6 ' springing belle; balance in yearling heifers a calves. This. isan outstanding 'herd Holsteins which have all beenv; cinated, blood . tested and TB to ed; and, the owner has used t services of the Unit . for fifte years.. U''1 IU U 1 3 single unit Surge Milking n chine:' with .'piping, motor 'a 1 pump; :International: ' Cream. S, �, arator: Opportn�ty. Terms: cash or bank -a PProve Large United States and Canadian notes. Company in agricultural field ur- Noreserve as the owner gently requires representative in. giving :;up: farming. this area for Crop Service depart- BOB : •• MCNA I R, Auctioneer. ment. Applicant 'must" have recent PETER ZETTLER, Owner. • agricultural . background, and 'be 'well regarded, in area. AUCTION SALE . full-time, or can be of Household Effects and Antigt Position is handled' at first along with yourwill be he th•for present farming operation: ' Suc- : - TENNANT HENDERSON cessful applicant can expect earn- 'Havelock St.;. in' the' . village; ings between;$100' -:. $150 *weekly Lucknow, on . . with. excellent '' opportunity f 0 r ' :SATURDAY, •OCTOBER .11 early advancement in this • area: at 1:30 Write and tell me 'about yourself- Westinghouse refrigerator, chi Reply at .oncetokitchen set,antique kitchen < P.' J. HARRINGTON.. board, washing. machine,.;. • f • Vice -Pres,,: polisher,' radio, .oil, burner, vact Box 84, .London, Ontario cleaner, '2 single beds, double,. & dresser, *dresser and chest :drawers, kitchen stove, .' toilet Writing desk; rocking chairs, c: terfield, drop leaf table, picl frames, antique.: dishes, tools, 'gauge:': shotgun, rifle, numer other', : small articles. TERMS CASH ALLAN 'MacINTYRE,A TENDERS WANTED CLEARING AUCTION SAL TENDERS 'wanted for a new at. the 'farm of heating unit (to• be• 'installed' •by MRS. STAN KAY' 'November_' 15th) for the Kinlough Lot 29, Con'.. 3, .Kinloss Towns .Anglican. Church. .Lowest .' tender I 1 : mile east of Langside .st not, necessarily accepted. TUESDAY; OCTOBER 13t Apply on or before October 15th to Bert, Nicholson, .R.R. 1; Holy-' rood, Ontario. TOWNSHIP OF • AUCTION •SALC • Allan•Macintyre Licensed Auctioneer Luck:iow.. - Phone 528-3519 TENDERS WANTS • WEST:: WAWANOSH starting at 1:00 'o'clock Cattle .. 10 Holstein cows, milking and bred;'' 1 Holstein cow, due Nov ber 19; 2 yearling heifers, 5 fer calves.: . TENDERS FOR. SNOW PLOWING Machinery. , 19.64 A 65 '‘1:4; .Massey l+ erguson, 50, 'tragi ' " 2 rubber tired wagons; M.H. Tenders will be received 'by the 3 furrow plow; A.C..3 furrow undersigned until '6: 'o'clock p.m., l plow, M.M. cultivator; I.H.0 October 10th,. 1964 for plowing run P.L. seed drill • I.H.C. snow in the Township of West harrow; 5" section harrows; .0 Wawanosh at an dourly' rate, shutt mower r M.H. side • r� Townshi t s Towns* . o • unpin plow •and hay loader; John :Deere- tra wing. Tender to state size of manure spreader; hay car; truck, and to supply 'his own help, and: • fork; Surge milker, •coml also to mount• plow and wing at with line for 23 'cows; 700 1 his own 'expense, . Township guar- of hay. • antees $100.00 per•' month stand- y urnitur. e . ' �. ., • • ing. time for' four' months Decem F I ber, January, February, March. • Dark Oak•. • dining :room st chesterfield, suite Walnut: Lowest or any tender not nee 'room suite; single:and tic essarily. accepted. beds; ig` i ig -tor. Lorne .Ivers, Road Supt., Fri idatre :refri, er Twp, of West Wawanosh, • F!r fa• .: `, Dungannon, Ontario. The farm of 100 acres; 85 rableoom` T�ANKS on which is situated s -._ "- modernized brick he CARDgood barn, 'runnning stream bush, will be - offered unless ' 1 would like to thank all rimy resepriorw+eto bid,date termsofsaleto, besuanbjec. no friends who. sent . cards flowers .ed at time 'of 'sale. . and. treats !while I was a . atient Removal,' � p. ' . / • ' TERMSCASH in Victoria Hospital, .London, and Mrs. Stan Kay, Prop., Wingham hospital. This . kindness 'R.R. 5' Lucknow. will long be refnembered.. . ., P Dorn* McLelland, A Wm. 0.. punter C . We would like to thank , our' friends and neighbours for • the , • NOTICE many cards and, lovely flowers;. which -were sent to us' at the! . RE. CUSTOM BUTCIERIN time of the death of ,a loving 6 Button's Meat Market will 'husband and father, „be butchering, ' hogs • on Oct For DEAD or DISABLED. 'ANIMALS CaIi COLLECT Darling • ' " and Company of Canada Ltd. Clinton 1-10-2-7265 'Dead Animal Licenbe No, 262-C-63 ROUGH LUMBER • . Plywood,. Wall panels • Building Supplies N'ESONT LUMBER CO LIMiI'ED SAWMILL Lucknow Mrs. Walter Cam b 'ii, l 13th or 20th. Butchering bees Eunice and Met Go ette usual. k