HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-30, Page 9WIEDNESDAY,'SEPT. 30th, 1964,
CHURCH NIEws1 had .the eha meeting, Mrs Russell . Swan
charge of .the devotional per-.
Zion U„C,W. Meeting , bad read
,with Mrs. John Hunter,
The .September meeting .of Zion kgs the Scripture, Mrs. Chas. Wil-
�ItC. W, was . held at the. home .of ,'mss , condlcted. the Bible Study . on
Mrs. John Gardner . with chapter one,, 'from
hers: present, After .1�. mem_ .`�Gpd and, , the new book.
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Frank Ritchie will take chapter
two from Bible study for next
month. Mrs. Wesley Ritchie play-
ed an instrumental and Mrs. John
Gardner :. gave a reading. Mrs,
Frank Ritchie and Mrs. Kaiser-
aiserare the. visitors for the coming
month: During, the business period
Mrs. Kirkland reported .on sup-
plies sent, andalso the bale of
used clothing ' shipped this, .past
month. Mrs. Gordon, Kirkland -..as,
leader and Mrs. Harvey :Ritchie
as assistant,' were named as la-
dies to attend :the training school
in Wingham, October .8th and 9th
for. the 4-H Club, . Mrs. Ritchie
read .the treasurer'sreport and
$10.00 was voted to, the. flower.
fund. Mrs. Wm.' G. Hunter' .re-
ported on.the flower fund and•
also read thank you ,notes to . the
Society. Mrs. Eunice Dunsmuir
and Mrs: Lloyd Hunter were nam-
ed to see about bazaar'. time,
which will be held . on Saturday,
November 14th. Mrs. Wm. Hunter
gave a reading, and a hymn was
sung and Mrs. Kaiser closed,. the
meeting with prayer. • Lunch was
served by hostesses Mrs. Gard-
ner, Mrs. Earl ' Swan . and Mrs:
Bob. Helm,
Lecknow Presbyterian
Evening Auxiliary
The .annual Pot . Luck Supper
was. held ,on. 'Tuesday evening in
the church basement 'with • twen-
tysix ladies present.. Mrs`.: J. Ait-
chison. was' in charge ,,of the meet-.
ing, which . opened with the call.
to worship followed by a hymn
and prayer.. by Mrs. Aitchison,
Following: ' the Scripture . read in
unison, • Mrs. Don McCormick gave
.the meditation, :entitled "The ” Un-
expected ' Gift" • ,by , .Rev. Joseph -
Wasson. Members , of 'our • Aux-
iliary agreed to cater for the'
Young People's Rally on Septem-
ber 28th and also for . the pres-
byterial . annual meeting .. in ` Jan-
uary. A report. on the ,bale was
given . by. Mrs. ' Howard Agnew.. A.
motion was ,passed to adopt a re-
fugee child. Mrs. is Frank- Haw-
thorne gave the Glad Tidings re-
view consisting of a discussion of
work of "portworkers" and a
report on the .Bessie MacMur-
chy Memorial Fund." .Mrs.. Jim
Aitchison read a poem "Where
Did the Summer Go?" . Mrs. Nor-
man Taylor was in charge of
the topicentitled "Wheels for
Jungle Paths" dealing with the
medical work in ,India in which
Canadian • Presbyterians share.
The discussion took the form of
a radio broadcast from Jobat, In-
dia through the overseas service
of. CBC to Canada, following , one
of .themedical units' asthey
travel from one village ' to an-
other. Mrs. Norman Taylor was
the commentator. The parts of
the members of the medical unit
were . taken by Mrs. Noble ' John-
ston, Mrs. Jack MacDonald, Mrs.
Stewart: Jamieson, Mrs. Frank
Hawthorne,Mrs. Leonard Mac-
Donald ad Mrs.' James Little.
Mrs. Jim , Aitchison , thanked . the
ladiesfor such an interesting de-
scription of the medical work in
India. The meeting ciosed with a
hymn and benediction.
i acketts 'U.C.W:
The September ' meeting ' was
held at the home of Mrs. Wil-
fred Hackett and Mrs. Cliff ',1VIen
ary presiding. Psalm 693. Was re-
peated in unison, followed by
scripture by 'Mrs.' :Russell` Alton,
devotions , and prayer by . Mrs..
Andrew Rtchie. Mrs. Bert Alton"
gave the introduction ,.to . "God.
and .His Purpose:" A solo . "Trust
and' Obey" was "sung by .Mary-
anne' Alton. The chapter from the
study ,book on. India' was .read:. by
Mrs. • George.: Henry. The ., hymn
"Happy the : Home" was,: . sung,
followed by the roll call of a
verse. with "harvest" by .16. 'mem-
bers .and 1 .visitor. Our . bazaar
is., to be held on .November 28. A
list for fall supply work : for Can-
adian Indians was .read ''by. Mrs.
(Intended For Last Week)
The first meeting for this; fall
was held on September 16. Pac-
kie . conduicted . a ' game. Nancy
Walden w a s Toadstool Fairy.
There:. are three new 'Weenies,
Christine Scott, Barbara: Stanley
and Sandra Johnstone. Fairy Gold
was collected and inspection of
hats was °held. Books were mark-
arked in the Six Corners. The fol-
' badges' were presented:
Writer, Nancy Walden; Pathfind-
er, Nancy Walden; Toymaker,
Margaret Montgomery.. I n the
work period, semaphore was.
taught to those trying • the Golden
Hand' and The Golden Ladder
girls practiced work. The ,follow-
ing new appointments were "made:
Mary Jardine;. sixer of. Gnomes;
Joanne . Thompson, seconder of
Gnomes; Joan Chester, ' second-
er. of Elves; Edith Whitby, sixer
of . Sprites; Janet .Cooke, second-
er of Sprites. ,
Blake Alton. Presbyterial is to be
October 21st in Blyth. An invit
ation was read . to attend a Rug'
and Arts' display in .Lucknow;
United Church . by the Lucknow,
on Tuesday October
A letter from Miss ,Jean Bride=
man' a , high -school teacher lir
India was ' read: There is to be
a workshopfor leaders of U.C.W.
at Clinton on September 30 and
October 1st. Several visits were
reported ; to shut-ins. The contest
forapractical apron was •. won by
Mrs. ,Andrew Ritchie' and fancy.
apron by Mrs. Wilfred Hackett,
•Mrs.. Gordon Kirkland 'acted . as.
judge: A contest 'Odd facts about
the Bible' was read by Mrs. • .Ches
ter .. Hackett. Hymn . 'Lead' on O`
King Eternal', was sung and Mrs.
:Cliff Menary' closed with. the ben.
ediction. The hostess assisted by
Mrs. Alex ,Hackett served lunch.
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