HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-30, Page 84
•• WOW.. and •The WayR
Luckflow community Safe
Monday,: Octoher 5th, 1 Rao p.
Accommodation For 500 Head '
Phone Robert McIntosh, 164-r-11 " Ripley, 520-9912 Lucknow
•s, Imararamrararararararamai1ePmm�1e
(IntendedFor Last Week)
Owing to' the, , serious • illness of
her brother-in-law, . Joe' Black -
borrow ' of Hamilton, Mrs.; Art
Hodgins: spent last' week in ,Ham-::
ilton.. Word was received on Sun-
day of Mr. Biackborrows ,passing.
Art Hodgins attended the funeral
at. Hamilton • on Tuesday. Mrs.
Hodgins returned home with hunk •
We .extend our sympathy.,
la RELY.
L LJ G IC IN140111n/ O IN T_
Mrs: James
spent Sunday.
Brown . and Reg
.Mrs..: Tom
spent last week
Midford Wall:
Wraith Lucknow, •
with , Mrs, Frank
Hackett Ashfield,
with Mr, and Mrs.
Sunday visitors , with Mr.. and
Mrs., Tom. Stewart and boys were
Mr. and "' . Mrs. Jack Cardiff • and.
family and Mrs.. Ab Stewart, all
of .Brussels, . Alex Stewart'. and
girls, : Kincardine. •
Miss Beverley Wall spent last
week in London where she. has
secured : a 'position with London
Donnie Wall, , Laverne Harris
have an ' occasional day off from
' . tobacco at Port Elgin.:: and; spend
the time at their homes . here.
Farmers . have been busy sowing
fallwheat. , and silo filling is now
the order of the ; day..
Holyrood :,4-H Homemaking':' Club
The third meeting of Holyrood
Slumber Pals was held in the
Kinloss 'Central Public ,School 'on.
Monday, night with the president
Elaine Murray presiding.', Seven
girls answered 'the roll Call' "How
prepared . my material'"::' . The
leaders demonstrated stay -stitch-
ing, . , .lapped seams and French.
seams. Brenda Haldenby demon-
strated ' the correct way to
carbon paper . and the tracing
wheel for marking. The girls'
finished cutting out their sleeping
of c: t a little
• Right : now, Jimmy thinks: , of nothing but
football.. Kut tithe. flies and soon 'he'll be thinking,
9f• college and his' future. Thanks to a Sun Life/
Edueatibnal Endowment policy which his father,
took out soon after his son was born, a college
and. a place ' on the . football -team
° :should both be realities.
l'm associated with Sun Life . of
• Canada', the Company with the policy
that's right for you and.. your family.
Wlzy. not Cat( me today?
RZ'.R: 2. Lucknow
Phone Wingham 357-l981
'WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30th, 10' 4
Kairshea Hear mit..Howard Johnston spoke . on
her recent day at the fellowship,
Rae Gannon gathering at Goderich Summer
School, The guest speaker. there
was, Rev, orm
,The roll' call was answered by
twenty ladies. Lunch was served
Fbyred MrsYo,un Igvan Rivett and Mrs.
Don't forget, thennual Bazaar,
Bake Sale and Tea of Dungannon
United Church to be held this
year on Thursday,, Nov, 12 at 2:30
Mrs, Gilbert Hamilton was hos-
tess at the Kairshea Hall ,for the
September meeting of the Kair�r
shea 'W,I. Agriculture was the
theme of the meeting. Mrs. Alex
McLeod read the Scripture and.
the roll call was . answered by
"A written suggestion for a W.I.
project to commemorate .Canada's
Centennial."' . Mrs.. Ira Dickie was
appointed. delegateto the:. Grey -
Bruce area convention to be held
in Wiarton October 29 and 30.
Mrs: Donald MacKinnon, is: alter-
nate delegate. 'Delegates to the
County Rally are Mics. Eldon
Welsh and Mrs. Currie Colwell:
Alternates are Mrs. Leonard Mac
Innes and Mrs. Allister Hughes,
The ladies. ' felt they wished to.
wait until such time as the. Lucke
new. Sentinel, . could handle the
printing of Dean, MacLeod's
poems. .
• The tulip , quilt was : shown com-
pleted. It was • felta thank you
should be. sent to those ladies,
not members, who assisted in the
quilting of it and the Red Cross.
quilts... It was decided to enter
a .4-11 Exhibit . in ..the Lucknow
Fall • . Fair. ' Reports were heard.
from'. Standing Committee Conven-
ers, Fall Fair''Committee and 4-H
Leader, Mrs. Alex McLeod pre-
sided for an enjoyable program;
:Connie . and : Heather 'MacKenzie
favoured' with ; a: • piano duet. Mrs.
Donald MacKinnon . introduced the
guest speaker . Mr. . Rae. Gannon
who gave a most interesting talk
on "the Function . of the Bank' 'in
an Agricultural : Community." We
all learned a good deal from .. his'
talk andthe..question period fol-
lowing.. Mr. Gannon.. concluded
with • one • of, Stephen Leacocks
amusing . essays `opening , a bank,
account." . Mrs. 'Evan Keith, thank -
•ed. the speaker'and presented him
with "a gift.-
ift `'Autumn" "was the title of a
reading given . by Mrs. Currie Col-
well. Mrs.. Harry. Lavis ,spoke on
the ACWW county "Finland." Mrs.
Lavis thankedMrs. ,Hamilton and
all those taking part. After God
Save the Queen .and the Institute.
grace, • refreshments' were served
by . the ' • hostess . assisted by Mrs.
McLeod and• Mrs. Lavas. The Oc-
tober meeting ''will . be held .one
week late. on 'October 22nd. This
will '.revert to afternoon again.
The Dungannon, : explorers ' re-
sumed'their meetings for another
season on Thursday. evening, Sept.
15. They . plan to meet every 'two
weeks. The leaders are Mrs,
Frank Thompson and Mrs. Ross
•Eedy, The new officers are Chief years,
Explorer Susan Park, Keeper of
the Log Audrey Errington, Treas
urer 'Martha Eedy, Press Report-
er Rosemary Eedy. There, were
21; members present. �.
Anniversary services were • held YOv re'TIREDon Sunday atDungannon U,C. If with a ..good attendance at. both
Rev. J, A. yeldhuis conducted.
the funeral service for Alexander
Dunbar, 78, on. Tuesday,, .Sept.. 8,
at the Stiles funeral horse, Mr.,
Dunbar died suddenly at his Ash-
field Township home on Sept.,. 4.;
Interment was in Port Albert
cemetery. The 'pallbearers were
Ken Dickson,: Douglas Attrill, Har-
old GIen, Harbourn Adams , and
Nelson Pearson and .° Fred Dick-
A', son of the late James Mc-.
Ewan Dunbar and of the former
Caroline Simpson, Mr.' Dunbar
lived all his life in. the Port Albert
area .where he fanned for many
Surviving is one sister, Mrs.
Harry (Jean) Lednor, Ashfield
Township. " •
morning and. ,evening ' services.
The Rev. Veldhuis conducted
the 'morning service with special
music ' provided by Nile U.C.
choir. The flowers placed in ' the
church by , Mrs. • Bill : Bradley were
in memory of her 'grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Alton.;
The . Rev. Charles Rennie., of
Cooksville was guest speaker' for
the evening service and. the Dun-
gannon choir provided 'the' music.
Rev. and Mrs, . Veldhuissang a
duet accompanied by the choir.
Now and then everybody gets, a'
"tied=out" feeling, and may be
bothered by backaches: Perhaps noth-
ing seriously wrong, just a temporary
condition. caused by urinary irritation or
bladder. discomfort. That's the time to
take Dodd's Kidney Pills..
Dodd's help
, .: tunulate the; kidneys to relieve this
condition which may often cause .back-
'ache and tired feeling. Then you feel
better, rest better, work better. Get.
Dodd's Kidney Pills now.. Look.•for.the.
blue boa withthered band at all drug.
counters: You can depend on Dodds. eo ,
' (Intended For • Last . Weeks
Mrs. Lauretta Ilefford of Toron
to visited with her sister' and hus-
band, Mr. and Mrs. Herb 'Finni
gas. They .also called, on the lad-
ies' mother, Mrs. W. McLure at
the . Piuecrest nursing. home . in
Mr. and Mrs,' Win. Irvin of Ash-
field' visited Sunday': with 'Mr: and1
Mrs. Bob Irvin and Betty.'
Mr and Mrs. Tom 'Lawlor' and
James of Auburn • spent ' Sunday
with'': ..Mr.: and Mrs..Gordon.
.Schultz, Brenda,' Bonnie and Deb-
Guests on Sunday with Mr, and.
Mrs. Norman Pyrak and family
were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Reeves .of
Galt: '
Mrs J. Falls received word
Saturday evening of the death .of
her son-in-law . Wilfred ' Hopkins, in.
a .' spill at Mohawk ' raceway; Mr.
Hopkins was well known.. in the
harness racing field. He died from
head injuries resulting when four'
horses 'hada spill on the track;
Mrs. Falls left immediately fol-
lowing the sad news to be with ."
her '`daughter.. •'
Harvest Dome services: will be':
held Sunday Sept. .27 at 2 p.m.
Rev. J.*. King will also conduct •
communion. It ,is hoped for, • a
good attendance.,
'The ' September meeting of Dun=
gannon U.C.W. • was held Tuesday •
evening Sept. 15 " in the . church 1 •
The call to worshipwas taken
by. Mrs. George ' Errington. The
Scripture',. Matthew 28 was read
by Mrs, Fred ,'Young. The theme
"The Vital Core" Was well given
by Mrs. Howard Johnston, Mrs,
Frank Thompson read from :the•.
Notice Of AppkcatiOnBy
The Corporation of the
To Dispense With A Vote OOf Electors
... : ,
1: The Council . of the Corporation -of the . • Village of
Lucknow intends to apply! to The Ontario Municipal Board
for approval of the works . referred to in Schedule "A" here :
to, at an - estimated . cost in respect of each, work as shown
m such:sehedule and that the sum of . $24,000;00,'• (part of.
the cost .thereof). • shall be raised' by the ''sale of debentures
payable out of ;the general 'rate over a period not exceeding
10 years,
2: Application will be made •to. the Ontario Municipal
Board for an -order to to dispense with the assent of the,°
electors to the undertaking' of the said works Any rate-
payer may, within twenty-one. days after the first ' publica-
tion "of this notice,' send . by '• post prepaid to the clerk of
the > Village of :Lucknow,•' at the address given :below, . a notice
in writing stating . his objection • to .such • approval and the
groundsof such objection.
.•3:. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to
the -statute' that the. assent of the 'electors shall not be re-
quired and may approve •' of the 'said' works, , but • before: doing
so it may appoint a time and place fora public hearing
when any objections • will be considered.
DATED. at the Village of ' Lucknow : ' this 17th day of
August, ;1964.• ..
E. H.
• P.O. Box '40, .Lucknow, Ontario
.POE ,,
y :.. Total To
Cost Subsidy Deb:.
Construction of Bridge '
on Willoughby Street between ., /
-Ross St. & Inglis. Street . '23,000„00 • 18,400.00 4,600:00.
Construction .11, Paving Approaches To
Existing Bridge on 'Willoughby' St.
between Havelock &,Bob Sts. 1,5�?(►00 1;200,
3. Construction and.. Paving of Streets on:
(a) Willoughby Street .23•,680:00 •
. 11,840.00 1V1.,840,00
from 'Ross St. to • Havelock St50' h .
. : .
with, a .storm sewer: to be constructed x
'from Havelock to . 250' west, of Inglis St.
(b.) --Havelock Street / 1,770,00 885.00 885.00' .:
from Willoughby' to Campbell Street
(c) Wheeler Street.•- : . 10,009.00 .
from Havelock, St. 50q.
' ' to Inglis St,
pointsewer from OutramtSt.
with .storm
4. • ConslrUction 250' WCSt of Inglis St.
o a
of ,a Sidewalk, -
curb and Gutter qn•
Willoughby St., south side, from •
Havelock' St, to Outrarn St, 1,250:00
.5,00, 50-•:
• ,
Con $61,20900 4'$37'329,59 $23,879..50
tingencies 291,00 120:50
$61.,500.00' 4, • $24,000.00