HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-30, Page 1$4.00 A Year in Advance.
$1°00. Extra To. U.S.A.
Tam Choi. Kwun, Hong Kong Child .
AdoptedBy Lucknow For :.Lady esters
When searchng for; a worthwhile
project,, Lucknow Lady Foresters,
: Court Sepoy,. decided last : spring
, to financially adopt a' refugee
child. In 'June a cheque was sent
to. the Christian Children's Fund
of Canada, with instructions ' to
I pay for the requirements • of a
• young girl in Hong Kong. In Au-
gust the following letter and pic-
' ture were received by the group.
July 10, 1964
Lucknow (Ont., Canada)
Court Sepoy
• L1818, C. 0. F. • .
'Mrs. Gladys Hamilton
Box No. 77 • •
Lucknow, Ont., Canada
Dear Friends:. •
• Here is the news you have 'been.
waiting for:
i . know' you will 'be pleated to
receive the picture of your •"adop-
ted" • child. Because of your gifts,
• , this child ,:now has 'security and'
(Continued on page 1 S )
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30th, 1964
Eugene Pritchard, .12 year old
son of Mr. and Mrs:' John Prit-
chard, returned• to his 'home Sun-.
day from Wingham Hospital.
Eugene fell from a tractor -drawn.
wagon loaded with hay on the 6th
of July. The front wheel of the
wagon went, over his legsbreak-
ing them both.
Eugene spent over 7 weeks in
London . Victoria and Wingham
Hospitals and was then home for
three weeks. He returned to Wing -
ham' Hospital two weeks ago to
have the cast removed, from his
one leggy:. He is new able to walk
on crutches but can not put. any
weight on his right leg until x-rays.
are taken in mid October. ' • .
Council Eletted
On Wednesday of. last week
Most important schoel 'events was
coMpleted — the -election of the
for the various offices. Were , re -1
past week' the :campaigning start- !
• The entire .sehool Was en gwed
with banners and .pesters varying i
in size and content as . the cam -1
paign.. managers tried to catch
_the eyes of. the .ttudent tody:
then, in the last period on Wed- ,
speeches of the nominated were
PreSented: From,. there, everyone
.returned to- his home 'room where
the • sttidents from grnde ilk to 12
Principal L. E. Goyette
Bei; Kenneth,Kirkland; Head Girl,
Finlayson; Treastirer., Barbara
Nelson; Pianist4. Sharyn Mow-
bray; ;Press Reporter,,John
Those nontinated • by the nomin-
ating. committee, last- year's stu-
. dont .cdpncil; were: Head Girl,
Peggy Button, Sheila: McQuillan,
Wall ee.,' Hnuston Herb Hunter
Ken Kirkland; Secretary, Donald
Mathert; Treasurer, Wayne jam.:
ieson, Barbara Nelson: Preis, Re-
porter, John Bradley, jane Jdnt,
Terry, pathwell; Pianist, flarbara
MacKenzie, SharYfi Mowbray.
Class .RepreSentatiVet were also
..choten by ' each class, with the
:folloWing 'results: Grade 13;• Niary
Murdie and '''Doug McKinnori:
Grade 12, Marjorie Thompson:.
Grade: B4rbara Cameron;
. Grade 'DB,' Peter Steer: • Grade
'Brian Gardmie; Grade '9A, Bren-
da ReWitt; Grade. 9B; Jon Liz,:
With the 'election of-lhe new
eil headed by Jim MacDonald arid
'June Aci,tert retired. '
A "real bad :chimney fire" is
how fire thief George Whitby .de -
scribed the fire call to the farm
of Tom Armstrong, on the' ' ninth
•of West Wawanosh near the di-
vision line,: The call was received
by . the :Lucknow Department - Mon
day evening about':; 7:00 .p,m:
The blaze, cracked the chimney
and threatenedthe home for a
time. The' '. firemen .. used a dry
chemical :extinguisher on.. t h e
chimney and : wet the . roof down
with: water.' Theasphalt shingles
prevented the rodf of the home
from catching . on fire. Flames
were pouring out the .chimney • and
onto the roof at the . height of
the ,blaie.
Descendant Of
Eli Stauffer Visits
Na#ive Area
. The:Sentinel. Office had as a
,caller last week, Earl. .Stauffer, of
Roblin, Manitoba.. Some Lucknow-
ites .may. remember. him ' as: a:
boy.' He left Lucknow to go 'to
the West in' 1913 'as ' a..lad of '15
with' .his .father, mother and bro-
ther Wilke: Willie now lives m
Brandon; _Manitoba..
• The family lived dust west :. of
the town hall where Mrs. .Gar-
field . YVIacDonald's .house n o w
stands: His father, Joel Stauffer,
Worked for many ' years in But-
ton's table' factory;
Earl. returned to' tucknow
1916, . but has not been back .'since.
Heand his:. wife were, visiting rel-
atives :in Teeswater and Walker-
ton, and were spending . part ; of
a day . "looking over" Lucknow
and noticing many .changes. They
have 'a. family of :three sons 'and
two daughters, all' Of' whom "live
in the West:
'Earl .claimsto be. the "'great
grandson of : Joel. Eli • :Stauffer,:.
the first white man' to eventually
settle in Lucknow.. In referring to
"The Story of Lucknow".the-. book
published • at Centennial . time, we
find that Eli _Stauffer, a German.
from Waterloo County, :.followed'
the. trail ; to the northern end *of
Kinloss ` Township:, (where .Black
Horse now is) in.", '1850:' It was
there in 1854 .he' built the •`first
sawmill in. Kinloss. In 1856 he.
came to what is now ; the Village.
„of. Lucknow: Stauffer St: may be
named after ,.this man.,
Dungannon Fair
Slated For Firiday
'Friday: is Dungannop Fair Day
president Harold 'AdaMs and
.'secretaryttreasurer Marvin Dur-:
nin along . with their board of
'directors- a re 'busily preparing
things for this • Friday .s eyent.
willslead 'a parade of school. child:.
ren to the park from DaWsen's
.corner sharp at One o'clock. Six -1
teen dlassrooms '.are expected in
. dle horses will head: the parade.
the greunds there will be:
a midway, pony' rides, 4-H' donv Wintihnm :Hospital
ness races along with other ,hotte
races and .comPetitions. , Clark
Johnston Will provide. musical en-
• 53,, of Stratford oceerred suddenly
at Gananoque on. Thersday.. He
was the father • of Ray Thornton
Who was einployed recently by,
The Sentinel. wilt be kpown
to some village and district gar-
agemen, as an auto parts sales -
Mr. Thornton had been Nisei-
lalizeci: with a heart condition and
only a short time .before had
been released ' from ,hospital in
Stratford. He Was stricken white
taking 'a rest at a summer. co -
Lady Foresters
To Aids BR d
lie . is survived by his ,wife,
. Mrs Kathleen Thornton, a nurse
The Lucknow tady .Forvsters"
are again this year Workmg
stIPPort of the. Canadian National
" Institiite for the Mind in their
Pal) appeal. A • canvass Of the
village' will be made during the
week of October 5th to .10th,
In 'addition to the., canvass. the
ladies wil hold a ,Sale
craft Products ofi Saturday after-
at Stratford General Hospital, one
'son, Hay of 0Shawa aad. a grand-
daughter, Melody Ann. A brother
and sister also survive, Puneral
service. was in Stratferd op Mon -
Ladies! and Ivyn's Wear. Blind -
craft products are naines ;given
to articles, made by • the blind
residentS of our couritry, There,
will be a Wide variety of itemt
Or sale and they would 'Make
excejlent Christmas gifts, All pro-
ceeds from this Worthy cause go
413 the
isitors Asked
To Observe Rules
Single; Copy 10c 16 Pages
`One Mail In, One MaO Out Starts
Sunday, Hope To Improve Service
This '\ Sunday,. October will when ..you pick up ' your morning
see the start of .a newmail ser- mail,. this will be "it" for the
vice f o r Lucknow as well as day except for local mailings.
other towns and villages through- The mail will.- be . despatched
Tout this part of Ontario. The new once daily at 6:55 p.m. in the
service will cutback the mail evening to Guelph and . all Post-
delivery to the village once daily\ • gup • handled.
but despite. this it is the aim of � first . class mail on this nags to 6 30 willbe ha even-
the post office . department to pro- ing despatch will be delivered at
vide better service than before so nearly all destinations in . Ontario
far as speed is concerned.. the following morning. The Sun -
The mail will arrive once daily day mail will go out at 5:45 p.m.
in Lucknow. at 6;40 a.m., from and has. to be posted by 5:15 p.m.
Guelph and will also be despatch- Guelph will now .become the
ed at this time for Holyrood, • distribution centre for this part
Ripley, Kincardine, Tiverton and
of the province. The bulk of the •
mail w a s 'previously' • handled
some. points north. .In. other words, through Stratford:
To Hold Sixteefl:.
Week. . Night School
The Lucknow District High'
School . Board/ in co-operation with
the . Ontario ' Department of Edu-
cation and .the, Ontario Depart-
meat of Agriculture are sponsor-
ing night classes in the. 1964-65
A Management committee .meet-
ing was held on : Tuesday, .Septem
ber 22nd at; which time it was
decided that classes' would begin
on Wednesday, October 14th; . Pre-
sent at the meeting : were ' Mrs.
George Whitby, Mrs. 0 m a r
.Brooks, Mr, Charles ' ;Webster,
Mr. " L:'.,E: Goyette : and Mr. L.
'Stanbridgge ,of ''the • Community:
Programmes ,Branch, .Ontario De-
partment 'of Education:.'
Tentative . . plans . are to offer
seven. 'or eight: courses depending
upon the interest . shown by ` the,
community'. Classes will • be lim-
ited and entries will be accep=t
ted in •the :order •in which they.
are received. Application may
only be 'made on the registration
form. ; found .in:.the Lucknow 'Sen-
tinel. advertisement
E. Goyette, Principal:
"of the' Lucknow ' District High
School will act as Principal of
the night school. • • .
Special mention should be made
of the work of, Mrs. George Whit-
by and the ' Women's Institute
whose patient efforts have helped
to : provide this 'comtnunity with
a night school. •
..Thc school will operate' in the
Lucknow District .' High School for.
'sixteen weeks from 8:00 to " 10:00.
p:m, on Wednesday evenings un-
der the following schedule Oc-
tober 14th, registration;: Decem-
ber 9th, last night of first .term,
Hold Birthday
Party Together
Two of Lucknow's octogenarians
celebrated their birthdays together
last week. Miss Annie MacKay
who was 89 on ' September 22nd
and Mrs. Rod Canipbell who was
81 on September 21.st met at the
MacKay home last Tuesday; an.
occasion .they haye net .tnissed
together for 'many years. •
Akx.:..HtinigtOn . (*genie .
Problems ereated bY visitors
who fail to observe regulations at
the Wingham and District General
Hospital are causing serious con-
, cern ,to the :nursing staff: At a
recent meeting of the .board of
directors the public relations com-
mittee was asked to use every
. 'Possible means ,of informing the
public that the welfare of patients
is at stake and that the hospital
visiting rules must be Observed,.
The regulations permit only two
visitors. with any one patient at..a
time. TheY are also quite clear as
'to the ages of children whd May
be permitted to visit in the var-
. ious hospital areas. All regula-
tions are posted in the main lobby
of the hos ital
It should be pointed out that
visiters intik enter the hospital
only through t e main lobby.
, Other entrantes are for the staff,
anibulance :and fire purposes and
are not for use bY the public.
The hospital's directors have
sought to retain the most lenient
rules possible, but eontintied abuse
!result in curtailment of the present
! ation of friends afid relatives .of
'patients 16 vital to a continuance
of the present yisiting rules. '
'Residents of Liteknow since 19111,
Mr.. and Mrs. Alexander 'Wil.on
Hamilton are today, .Wednetday:
.SepteMber' 30th, observing their
50th wedding anniversary 'at their
home eri Walter Street in .Ltick-'
'ed afternoon and . evening :When
their friends are Welcome to call,.
Mr,. and Mrs. Hainitton weie
Married 'in Reck-Weed on Septet*.
bet .3pthl. 1914. Mit.. Hamilton 'WAS
the former Carrie Meadpws and
'Was ,nativ0 of that community
where she was born en Septeiri-
ber 16, 1831 "Alex was born ' in
North • tasthope township 'near
ShakCs*?Care oh October- VOL 1889.
ed :in Regina arid other taixkoad
towns "before corning to tucknow
in 1918.
Mex Was .raifroad. man for
yetvs.. He started on the old
Grand Trunk the.Stratford area ,