HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-23, Page 81:
(`intended, f or last week) zie and Mrs. T. J Salkeld told
•. The: 'regular Meeting, of. White..
church Women's Institute • was
held on September 8 at 8:00 in
the Whitechurch. Community Mem-
orial Hall. The President Mrs.
Emmn Coffin presided and opened
the meeting with. the singingof
the Institute Ode and repeating.
the , Creed in unison. Mrs.. Coffin.
welcomed the guests Lucknow'
and Kairshea• members and thr
local members as well. The min-
utes . and corresdence were
read . by the secretary Mrs. V.
Efnerson. It wasdecided not to
take part.. in. the Sr Training
School nor in the. Safety .• project.
for which. the .. prize is the Carol
ane Award.Thell .
�. Roll Call was
answered by 6 of the 23 members,
reading the' written write ' up of the.
history : of their house or farm:
A panel discussion.. `which, has done
more for the Home and Commun-
ity the pioneerwife or the mod-
ern' wife'? was put on by the
Lucl;Anow ` W.I.' Mrs. Isobel Mac-
Kenzie introduced' the . subject • by
asking .. the audience which they
favoured by show of ; hands; The
vote was fifty-fifty. ; Mrs. McKen
of the pioneer woman's contri-
butions, the making of bread, but-
ter, soap, picking apples, berries
.harvesting with slings, and driv
'ding •horses on, hay fork, and har-
vesting with children to care for,
Mrs., McNay and Mrs. `George
Saunders upheld the contributions.
made by the :modern wife, wo-,
men of • today have all the mod-
ern gadgets. and . have time for
church, sports, advanced educa-
tion, many are bread winners,
operate, large machines , on the
farm, If it wasn't for the mod-
ern, woman,. where would: we •get
enough teachers and nurses? .Mrs,
Cassie Falconer gave an address
on antiques describhig describingwhatt the
dealers really require, ..and she
displayed several valuable .artic-
articles. Miss Margaret Rae sang. a
solo accompanied by Mrs.. Grant
McDiarmid. Mrs. ' Harvey Houston
expressed' thanks for the invita-
tion 'on behalf of. Kpirshea and.
Mrs. George Whitby on behalf of
Lucknow W.I. Two .contests for.
grandmothers was enjoyed.; Mrs:
Harvey Houston received the. prize
for grandmother coming the far
_,. rOn
Luknow Communi
indq; October 5tl
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thest and Mrs. Gershom • John-
stonfor the most re-
cent grandchild. The hostesses,
Mrs. Dan Tiffin. and Mrs. Garnet
Farrier, served lunch to, an at-
dance of 58: .
On Wednesday the Whitechurch
U.X.W. were the group scheduled.
to present a., programme at Bruce -
lea Haven, Walkerton for the
residents there. Quite a , num-
ber from' here attended, Reverend
George Mitchell was chairman, for
t h e • programme which opened
with a sing -song led by Mrs.
Coffin. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz,
Mrs. 'W. R. Farrier gave an in-
strumental, • The Old Oaken Buc-
ket. " Mrs. Mitchell gave . a read-
ing The Ladies' Aid and an en:-
n-core. Mrs. . ;Garnet Farrier gave
a piano instrumental. Mrs. .Mil-
lan Moore gave readings Chang-
ing Colours'. and Grumble , Corner,
Mrs. Emma Coffin and Mrs. Ez-
ra Scholtz sang Annie Laurie, The
Quilting Party and the .Church
by the Side of the Road..` Rev.
Mitchell throughout' the program
gave humorous stories. Mrs. Em-
ma Coffin sang the solo How
Great Thou Art. After the pro-
gramme, lunch was served, and
all were. :given treats. Mrs. W.
A. Taylor was ,able to join the
meeting and was pleased to visit
with many old friends from White-
church and also to meet new
comer. s to the U.C.W.
1 At S. No, 10, those who be-
. gan their public school career
were ,Randy .Jansen, Ricky Hand;.
Jean Simpson and Robbie Ross.
Mrs. . Neil MacCallum, Lucknow,;
visited the past week -end with her
'sister Mrs, Annie McQuillin,
On Thursday a very successful
clearing auction sale, in charge of
auctioneer Jack . Alexander,. was
held .at the home of Mr, Alex
Leaver, R.R, 3 Wingharn. Mr. and.
Mrs. Leaver ;have beught the res-
idence formerly owned by the
late Mr. Dave Hutchison. of .Wing
ham and obtain possession Octo-
ber 1st,
Mrs. Maude Haggittreturned on
Friday to her home, in ,Brussels
to spend 'two weeks:
WEDNESDAY SEPT, 23rd, 1l44:
(intended for 'last week)
Mr„ and Mrs. Rod MacDonald
of Minnesota are visiting relatives:
Mrs. MacKenzie, of Manitoba.
spent the week -end . with her
cousins Mr. , and. Mrs, H4nry ' Mae •
Kenzie. .
Rev, Neil MaeCombe whospent
six weeks in Scotland has returned'..
Douglas Farrish of Sarnia., visit-
ed with his another' Mrs. K. Far-
rish recently,. .
Mr, .and Mrs.' Wm: ,MacDonald,
were week -end visitors in Detroit
With the latters sister Mrs. Wen
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