The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-16, Page 12• rot THE i UCKNOW SENTINEL,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO EHLJRCH and DISTRICT (intended. For Last. Weep COULTES In Sydenham Dis- trict Hospital Wallaceburg on Wednesday September 2, 1.964. to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes a son John Kevin a brother for Debbie. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes of Whitechurch are the grandparents, Mrs. Bill;` Evans 'spent Friday at London Fair and ; visited with rel- atives. • Miss Mildred McClenaghan R.N. left on Monday to assist at the. office of Dr. Heitz of Milton until he secures some other help. Mrs. Dan Tiffin, . Barry, Joyce and Mr. Joe Tiffin accompanied Mrs: Orville Tiffin accompanied Friday for a check-up. ' We 'are pleased to report Mrs. Tiffin is slowlyrecovering from her major' oPeration. Mr. and Mrs.. Victor Emerson returned home on Thursday even- ing after ' visiting ;relatives at Lenore Manitoba, . Biggor and Saskatoon Sask. , and Vancouver. They report . wet weather . on the prairie and the farmers ;anxiously awaiting dry weather to harvest fair to good crops depending 'on the moisture received : in the growing period. Present Young Couple On Friday evening a : reception 'was he�l 'in Whitechurch Com- munity Memorial Hall for the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Itintoul(nee Miss Lila Black). A. large . crowd of .I friends, relatives and neighbours gathered intheir 11011011r. At the lunch hour. Mr. and Mrs. Rintoul were called.. to the platform, given seats ' of ' honour. while " Mr. Alex'. ' Craig ' addressed them and Mr. John Willis pre- sented the.. couple with a gift of money. Both Mr . and: Mrs. Rintoul, thanked the gathering for their kindness in remembering them and for the evening of entertainment provided. Dancing was enjoyed ; to Music supplied . by .Tiffin's . Orches- tra and Messrs. Fred. Deacon and Oscar Shefter managed the call- ing-off. Congratulations to ,Mrs. George Fisher on 'passing the Summer Course, for` Junior Education for. grades 4,5 and6 Which she attended in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Proctor of Livonia Michigan spent the holiday with • Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. George . Fisher and Doris spent holidays last week. with friends at Toronto, Oak Lake, Kingston, Peterborough and Fort Erie ,and ' also viewed the cottage at Kawartha . Lake near Stoney Lake which :.Mr.' and Mrs. Arnold Lougheed of Peterborough .are building— Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs...: Victor. Emerson were Mr. and 'Mrs. Russel Proctor Livonia Mich.,` Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie, Mr. Elliott Taylor Kincardine, Miss Lila Emerson, and Mrs. Maude Hagge who remained for the winter mon- ths. Mr. Jacob•- Kuiper, Raymond and Paul, left on Sunday for Holland Michigan where he will rent a van and return on; Monday, pack the van and.on Tuesday' move to Hol- land Michigan to complete his. min,• iisterial studies. Quite a number from our' com- munity attended the Labour Day celebrations on• •Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. George Conn on receiving an A certificate standing in the Mathematics Short. Course he' attended at 'Western, University London, this., summer. Since termination of the course he. has; been' assisting Mr. 'Wilfred White in building operations. Mr.' Kenny Morrison: has been working with Yundt Bros. at the gravel, pit in .. West Wawanosh the last few weeks. Mr. Jim,Ross of Port Elgin spent. the holiday: week -end with:. his. parents Mr.:and Mrs. Russel Ross. Miss Linda Johnston of `Waterloo. spent' the holiday with Mr.and Mrs. Charles Tiffin. • Mr. and Mrs.Eddie Hand . and family of Orillia 'spent the holiday 'with his parents.Mr. andMrs. Hugh Hand& Miss Patrice King of Teeswater, visited :. last week with . Mr.' , and Mrs. Walter. Arscott and her sisters Valerie 'and. Andrea 'King. Minister Presented On ' • Sunday at the Chalmers Presbyterian Church,;student pre- acher Mr. Jacob` Kuiper' preached his farewell' , sermon as he has to return to the' Seminary at' Holland Michigan 'to complete his minis- terial education.At the close of the service. Mr. Walter Elliott read an address and.Mr. Andrew Gaunt, on behalf of the : congregation pre- sented re sented:.Mr. and.. Mrs.Kuiper with a lovely..:whiite leather Bible and a gift of money. Mr.Kuiper,although taken by surprise replied thanking all for the',reception"given': them when''; they arrived a year'. ago, their co-operation"during the'past year, and he • felt the fellowship: had been the best possible.. At ' Langside the congregation presented ' them with a plaque. The U. C. W. of the United LANGSIDE (Intended For Last Week)' Present Minister On: Sunday Mr.' ,Jacob'Kuiper gave his last, sermon as a stu- dent minister before returning to Holland, Michigan, to' attend his third year„ in college, At the .close of the service, Mr. James Rich- ardson with a few well chosen words presented . Mr. Kuiper with a • small gift as a token of re- membrance. Mr. Kuiper express- ed his, appreciation for the kind- ness he >> and• his wife and.family had received while: with the Lang -- side'. congregation:. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crowston and family of Chatham, Mr.. and Mrs. Orland Irwin,' Steven and. Fay of . Lucknow, Mr. and •Mrs, Clayton Alton and , Anne of . Ash- field visited their :parents Mr. and Mrs. John .Crowston. Week -end' visitors' with Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Neable were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Neable and family, Murray Neable' of Brampton, Miss Helen Neable of : London, Mr. and Mrs. Julius " Fischer and . family of Gorrie and Ralph Wilet of Lis- towel. Congratulations to Mr..' and Mrs. Neable who. celebrated: their 35th wedding ' anniversary quietly on' Sunday. Mrs.` Wm. Evans visited at. the home of her " son Ted,; and Mrs. Evans and.Linda of Downsview '.Church . are visiting Brucelea Haven Y 't d ttand Kenton. of'. Goderich. on• Wednesday at ' 2 o'clock when they will provide a varied pro gramme: Rev.'and... Mrs.. Geo. Mitchell will accompany the.; ladies. Those attending the Toronto ;Ex- hibition on bus trips Monday and Wednesday; were" Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Scholtz, Joann Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, ' .Andy'. Henderson, Wayne " and: Garnet Farrier, Ken, Jim and , Donald. Morrison, ' Mr. and Mrs.. Bill Pur don, Barbara . •and Mary, Donna Riritoul, Annetta Cline,; Jim . Fal- coner; John Coffin; Gary Chapman. Visitor's with:'Mr. and Mrs.'Ezra Sehel z on Monday ..were Mr.. an Mrs. Clayton' Scholtz; Karen, Lease WEDNESDAY,. SEPT. 1400, 1l0 RIPLEY MEAT MI Custom Butchering y Hogs, $2.00: in by 4 QO p.m Mondays - • Cutting and Wrapping, ,2c pound CATTLE, CALVES and: LAMBS EVERY DAY; 1 EXCEPT 'SATURDAY We Do Curing and Smoking ..' , Beef,; ,Pork` and Lamb.. mg •Sold Whole, Half or. Quarter . .. For Better Service,. And Lower Prices Call' Ripley 100. • • Chas. Hooisma .�-- Prop, • , and attended the C.N.E. She re- turned with them when they came up for the week -end. Several :.from the.'district • were in' attendance at the Palace , Gar dens, Formosa, when Allan Miller, Harvey Kuntz and" the Rippling Water Boys of Kitchener were the performers who put on the con- cert Sunday afternoon. Mr.' and IUirs. Jack Cochrane. of Tbedford visited Labour Da y with Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Scott. Mrs. LucyWangler is a visitor' at the. home of Mrs. Pat Mac- Millan for a few weeks. Mr, and Mrs. `Graydon ` Ritchie of Ashfield were callers at the 'home '.bf her sister Mr. and Mrs. Mary's •'` Hospital, Kitchener on Lorne Wall and' .family: Langside Correspondent Honoured .on 35th . • Mr; and Mrs.. Art Hinschberger, Dale and `.Lisa, Allan Miller of Kitchener were week -end visitors with their parents,. Mr`. and. Mrs. Frank Miller. Mr, and Mrs., Hin- schberger entertained their par- ents io dinner in' Wingham Sunday evening in. recognition of.their 35th wedding anniversary;which was on September .2nd.: Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon Wall and. family visited with her . cousin Mrs. Mildred Wettlaufer. in: Tav istock ; and, with .Mr. Alphonse Murray.' who is:a patient in St. TAILGATERS•TRESPASS on the protective space: behind other cars by following too closely. They caused over 7,000 accidents in Ctntariolast .year because they didn't leave' a safe bstopping distance between cars. Safe stoppingdistance is at:least one car' length between your car and the one .ahead for every. 10 miles/of:speed. At 60 miles;an hour you should be six car lengths. behind the car in front of you. • , li a fmlgater' is following you too closely, here's .o ,tip from the ,Ontario Saf Iy'League. SloW down a bit to leave more space; between yourcar and the one ahead. With 'extra stopping room in front, you're not so likely to have to Conte to a quick stop . and: not so likely to be,reas,ended bythe tailgate '.do -operators XnsiSaraz ce Association .and •. . Co-operators' •Life .: Insurance Association 11111.110111111Milli111111111.11 MINIM liM 1111111111111111111001.st• as Non'imil amilft.!•'• II r " • �a usent • ossa basun aw . UMW w MImar' ►�mmmme amour i:1� ■ �.�tA: d .. -- s��'1—/' a ri.n�W"J1. / .IJ'�'/i•'�'�i�"To'��A �'�1"�'si'a:r. *ro'o'a air lit�ArAs/�T11114 61' 11,4111111111111“11,T111.1 • Successful 'Egg' Production Depends On AH -Round Flock Performance PRODUCTION MAXIMUM. EGG P ON You can 'depend on good ail -round performance, when • you choose a S H U LOW FEED CONVERSION.' (lb ' feedidoz. eggs) R -GAIN ALL - MASH EGG PRODUCTION PROGRAM -formulated to suit your,, HIGH' LIVABILITY' particular requirements. Anderson • FIax Products Phone 5284026 Ltd. feed service snwerseswommomiumwommelein fSunday. Mr. and:: Mrs'. Russel Proctor of Livonia Mich., , visited during i the week -end With.. their cousins Mr.. and Mrs. Russel B. Ritchis and other:members of the' Tiff ir family. - Miss ,inda : Johnston 01 Waterloo visited during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Charii( Tiffin. Accident Near Langside We are glad to report that Mr ,Joseph . Guest is coming aioni nicely 'in Wingham Hospital sine( having the misfortune of being 'it collision' with Mr. Russel Ritchie Both drivers had -the . right of wa and met at the corner, one bloc} above Langside corner. Mr, Ritchie on his way east going to White church and Mr... Guest, travellini south to go to help with the harves operations at :'the• home of Mr •Bert Thompson. Visibility at thi, corner is. not the best and boil ears were damaged.:. Sincere sympathy is extended ti Mrs, Campbell Thompson ani family and his mother, Mrs. 'Rob ert Thompson and his sisters art( brothers in the sudden passing 0 the editor of the Liteknow Sent mel 'Mr., Campbell. Thompson. A water truck of 1000 gallon; capacity, owned by Morris 'royal 6hi0:and 9bouscd .in' brussels, i; available ' fo the Blyth Fire Are Board on arental basis,