HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-16, Page 7' WEDN.ESPA Y, 'OPT. 16th, .1:7641.
South Kinloss; W. M. S.
South KinlossW. M. S. met for
the September meeting at the home
of . Mrs. Frank MacKenzie with'
Mrs. Ross. MacMillan. and Mrs, Jiro
Butt. as. Directors. Mrs. Ted. Coll
yer presided and: 'matters of bus-
iness were decided including the
appointment .of . a committee to,
secure. a speaker for' .the Thank .
• Offering mee in. October;_
• Titus 2 Was read -by Mr"s. Mac-
Millan and that chapter studied
. .with Mrs, W..: F. MacDonald
reading .an • . appropriate current
a .
Roll call • was, answered by
a verse with "Obedience Mrs.
Douglas, Graham had charge of the
prayer circle and. Mrs. P. Steer
sang a .pleasing . solo accompanied
by Mrs.' A Hughes. Mrs. Ira Dickie
conducted. a discussiononthe
Challenge of the City Church with
Mrs Evan Keith, Mrs. It- Muck-
.ton, Mrs, G: Hamilton and. Mrs.A.
MacLeod taking part. There was-'
also a discussion on ..how to make
the .. outreach:. of our own local
• church of more service to; the
young and to the older people: Mrs.
Douglas Graham read a letter from
o 'new missionary in Formosa.
Connie and Heather ,• MacKenzie
played a piano. duet;:, and Miss
Martha Sutherland closed the meet-
ing with 'prayer. Hostess ' and bi-'
rectors served an'attractive;'lunch:
Presbyterian W, All. S
Mrs,, ,J. Little chaired the meet-
ing, of ' the Lucknow afternoon
society which was held in' the
Church on Wednesday September
2nd. The services of worship as
held at the anniversary celebration
in Montreal and outlined in the
September . Glad. Tidings, was.
:followed. The roll call was answer-
ed • by a verse from the book of
Ruth. The Bible Study was taken
by Mrs. Nixon, reading from Mat-
thew 12, & showed how even Solo=
mon as a great king is, long since.
forgotten but Jesus ' Christ is a
living personality today, to .those
who` follow him
Mrs. , H. Agnew dealt - with ' the
topic , on South, East Asia,, in' the
form of a panel discussion. Those
assisting her were Mrs. E. Hender-
son, Mrs. ' Ken Chester,. . Mrs. G.
Fisher r and Miss N. Malcolm. `
The work shows advancement
'along . all. 'Lines, Mrs. Emmerson
favoured with a solo -With Miss.
M. Malcolm :at the. piano:
Mrs.' . H, Agnew, the supply
secy..' emphasized the need for
used clothing' for sending in the
bale; There is dire ' need on. our
far flung home : mission fields;
both for men, women and children.
This list may give us some ;idea.'
Used clothing of all .kinds, parts
of •layettes, warm mits and socks.
underwear for. all ..ages, 'dress.
material," ,men's hats and "suit`s,
clothing, for elderly peoplespools.
of thread yarn for knitting `quilts •
Mrs. Agnew would call` for parcels
to be • contributed which .` would
be before September 25th.' After
that date. all has to be sent to the
,Presbyterial Secretary at Bluevale,
where; distribution:.. will be.' made
to the variuos needs in; our: ^home
fields and 'the . far west.
The annual meeting of the Pres
CA H • .
..not me!
'For ;relief from
• backache or that
Hied -out feeling.
I .depend, on.•
byterial will be ,'held , in Lucknow
in January Miss M. MacLeod
• ,:gave .the closing prayer.
Mrs: Kelso McNay opened her
home to group . 1 of. the Lucknow
U. C. W. ..Mrs. Brooks opened the
meeting with 'hymn '361. There was
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an atte
2 Visito
'Mrs. ,;' men reported for com-
munity f ndship. Members re-
ported on °' lls and visits to sick
and shut -i Mrs. Stuart reported
on Stewar ip., The; devotional
period . was iducted by Mrs. W.
B. Anderson.
Mrs. Stuart eviewed, the. Chap-
ter of the Wo ' • the Way;. 'on the"
Kingdom of,
Mrs; • Sheills : • 'e a; talk • on the
booklet "Partners n in East Asia".
Serviettes showin a map , of that
district had been . istributed and
the members were able to find
the districts that we referred to
in the report.
• The meeting closed' ith a ben-
ediction and lunch was 'ruedand
a social' time enjoyed.
ceof ' 13 members and:
Unit Two
Unit 2, met at the home of Mrs.
E: Ackert for their September
meeting. Mrs. E. Wightman open-
ed the meeting by reading a poem
by Edgar Guest entitled • "Song
Bird". Hymn 488 was sung and
the Lord's: prayer repeated in un
ison. The .roll call "A Favorite
Hymn". was answered by 16 mem-
l• The . minutes were read and ad-
opted. Reports;' given. O Rug
1 and Craft display will' be held Oct-
ober. 6th. ,There will be no anniver
sary. supper. this .year so a : letter
will be going out to all the ladies.
.:,Mrs.' E.Wightman wished to be
I relieved of her leadership and Mrs.
W. Wherry . was appointed until
the end of the year. We wish to
sincerely thank Mrs. E. Wightman:
► for her guidance. since the beginn-
ing': of the. year. -
' Mrs.. H. Robinson, convenor of
the programme took the chair.
I Mrs. W Wharry. read the scripture,
the first ' Epistle' of . Paul' to the
Corinthians, chapter. 1 versesl-9,
followed by Hymn 388. Mrs. E,
Wightman : capably gave the : study
'book, "the .Work. of the Church or
Evangelism in ' India" This goal
is .always the same but the meth-'
ods are ,different. The Church in
India is expanding . rapidly..'' It is
easy for a group to stand firm
but, for one . it. •is not. Pioneering
Work' of a . new kind awaits, ser-
vants of the .. Christian church in
- India. Mrs. J. W. Joynt 'accom-
panted by Mrs H Strapp led us in
a sing song of . older hymns! Mrs:.
H. Robinson read a paper on "The
Carving. of Wood Sculpture".
. The .carving of "The Clasped
Hands" was shown "which. we see
at one time or another on, Christ-
hristmas. cards and other papers of a
sacred nature: The -A and 0 on this
carving symbolizes the words AI
pha and Omega meaning the be-
ginning and the end which is on the,
lower part of our . United Church
The meeting closed ' with the
mispah benediction.
Unit 4 resumed its meetings after
the holiday, at the home of Mrs.
Harvey Webster.' The ,convenors
were Mrs.. M. Corrin, Mrs.. O.
Glenn "Sr Mrs. E. Hall. The meet-
ing began ' with a brief . worship
service; followed , by two musical
numbers 'sung '.by . Misses Jane
Joynt, Donna Corrin and . Janice
Brooks. `'"
The guest speaker, Sr.' : Major
Alice Uden, was then introduced
by Mrs. Corrin. Sr.. Major Uden,
'who is an aunt of. M; Corrin, spoke
on, her experiences, during the
war, as Police Officer on Bermuda
j Island. The morality 'of this 'tiny
• colony of nixed racial background,
was of serious concern ;to its cit-
izena,. 'when thousands of armed
forces were based there. Sr-.. Major
Uden worked specifically with the
care of neglected and mistreated.
children. In Bermuda, as Was the'
case :everywhere, during the war,
the Salvation Army was deeply
involved An helping the needy.
A brief business! session followed,
conductedd by Mrs. Hall, Who wel-
comed several visitors to the 'meet-
ing'. The evening ended ,after, de-
licious refreshments were 'served.
by the Convenors.
(Intended For Last Week)
Misses Nancy and Christine
their aunt .Msrs. Gordon. Ronald
MacLennan a Week with
in ;Toronto.
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3�2 Day•St., 35 Dunlop St., . .73 . M� �ssa a g .E., ,.
Toronto Barrie ' Orillia.
Sunday, School in Ashfield; Pres- severalof. the Barkviwell families,
byterian Church : will bef held `: at .on the holiday week -end.
10:00 a.m.' for the .month of Sep- ' Mr: Jim MacKenzie is in Wing
tember. Church service will ' be ham hospital as •'a result of . a
at 2:30' pan. . for the next five severe : back :injury:.;
months. Several from the district were
at the races.. in Goderich on Mon-
visitors home for the
long week -end ; were: Ray Mac-
Kenzie ° of Toronto, . Miss :'Sharon
West of London; Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Carter of Woodstock, Mr.
and Mrs. George Leadbetter and;
Barbara of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Ronald of : Toronto.
Misses Anna and Charlotte Mac-
Kenzie of Toronto spent ' a few
days last week with their sister
Mrs. Earl Howes"
day : afternoon.
Mr.. Ray MacKenzie of Toronto
spent the holidays with Mr. and
Mrs.. Henry MacKenzie.
Among others, from • the area
Mrs. Duncan- Farrish .enjoyed a
trip to . Stratford Shakespearian
theatre ` on. Wednesday evening,.
Mr:. Billy Finlayson :enjoyed a
trip to the. C.N.E. on Monday.
It's back : to school for 140 ' stu-
dents and Mr.: G. ' Martin, 'prin-
cipal, Mrs. Cline, Mrs ,McCharles..
LOCHALSH and Mrs: Fairish as teachers at
North ' Ashfield: Mrs'. Henry Mac
(Intended -For Last Week) Kenzie has.been:hired` as 'custod-
Sympathy of the Lochalsh cam- rangy
munity . is extended to the Thomp- .. Mr and Mrs Bill Rodgerson
son 'family in; the death. of Mr.; and baby son of Toronto spent:
Campbell Y Thompson: the . week -end ` with Mr. and Mrs.
Miss ' ' Barbara MacKenzie has Gordon Finlayson,
returned home from . Kintail camp The regular meeting of Kintail.
where she has , been a councillor Women's: Institute was held on
the early': part of .July: Wednesday afternoon at the home
since Mr: Oliver ;Backwell • entertained of Mrs. George •Moncrref. •
KEEP INSURED! . When you reach your 19th birthday.
you are no longer covered by your parents' certificate.
Register separately within thirty days, to keep insured.
Forms are available at hospitals, banks and Commission
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KEEP INSURED! If you change jobs, follow carefully the
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KEEP INSURED! When you marry, the Family premium ,
must 'be paid to Cover husband, wife and • eligible
dependants 'Tell your ;group • OR, if ►ay direct,
tell. the Commission. '