The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-16, Page 2• • •'r:. It THS LUCKNOW SENTINEL,: LUCINOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY , SEPT. 14th, 19" (arnmunity Mourns'. Sudden Pass•ng Sentinel Editor (am Thompsn Lorne Campbell Thompson.• It ,Was • a stunned and saddened side was.. Donald Campbell and community that received the news ` his great: grandfather :was: Mal of the sudden • :death. of Lorne color Campbell, Lucknow's first Campbell Thompson early Fri- merchant and postmaster. day, SePternber 4th in Wingham Cam grew up in the village, Hospital. attended public and continuation ,Ia his 56 years in .the village, . school' here. Thirty-one years. his good work rubbed .off - on ago,. on May 6 1933,he married litany people and to many .:resi- Margaret Thom, . daughter of Mr. dents, it was almost like losing and Mrs. Ed. Thom of St. Helens,. a.' part of their family,' As a young,.man he was a., keen. Campbell . was. • born, in Lucknow sportsman, oth in ball and hoc - on April 3, 108 9, the soil of Robert key. But . hockey was his . love. H. Thompson and Isabella Camp- On the ice . as in life, he was .a bell and the third in. ,a family of Pusher, devoted to the game, a eight. He took great pride in his lover of his • team, ' and' a gentle ancestry,' the ' reason being, that man in victory and de feat. , Cam they Were. part of . the original , never lost. his . desire:. to, as he early families of the " village, used'ti say it, "take. a stick in. my band ; a. ' His grandfather on the Thompson that.'he didnd nothe havofteentheregr• :opettported side was the late Adam Thompson. His grandfather :on the Campbell unity to do this. Young men will • •'a■■111mai U encu ■B nI■■BIEaallosa ammo ■ BIBIB■■BE ■ I ■ • • ■ 1 Something ASI The. Family. . . • .)i ■ • ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ 5 ■ i'. ■ remember hits as .one of the best minor hockey 'coaches. Lucknow ever had. Those werethe days. when the, financial; backing a team,. had was usually• measured by the size of the coach's pocket. Campbell Thompson, in his coach- ing days, taught the youth. of Lucknow;. how to play hockey; and many have often taken time to tell .him this. He had their respect. While working .in his father's grocery store where . Henry's Fruit Market • is now located, Campbell was first presented' with the . opportunity of entering the newspaper business; The late A, D. MacKenzie, located next door. where the new health unit . office is now located, approached Camp- bell and asked if he wouldbe in-. terested in . learning job printing trade. In 1928, a job was a .job, and he . readily accepted. He was introduced to ' the magic of type by Miss. Leea Smith and Drennan MacIntosh.. Threeyears later, When A. p. MacKenzie ;took 'ill, Cam undertook to "get out a paper or two" forhis. boss. This paper or two : extended 33 years. ' Mr.. MacKenzie's death occured later in 1931, and Campbell acted ' as managing, editor for Mrs. Mac- Kenzie for. the ,next , ten years. In those lean. 30's many . times after. the ' 'staff'.. and. owner ::got their ' weekly pay cheque,,' ,there. was none'. left. for the editor. The newlyweds of 1933, Cam and Marg, took their -pay out in merchan- dise from' stores. which had built up ., accounts with t h e :Sentinel during. those depression .years Thus Campbell :. Thompson got, his : start ' in ' the newspaper bus- iness, with no formal training in writing , and three years .exper- ience as a ,printer:. Then, as now, he tackled • any . job given, him with determination and a' success' story was born: As the ' paper grew. under ' his guidance, he realized ; a long ; cher-, ished ambition . in 1941,. ' owner- ship. He purchased the .paper from Mrs:. MacKenzie , at ,that time. In 1953, Donald • Thompson joined his father in the business and five years , ago, the two formed a part- nership. ,A . new . ,building was built and .the plant moved to its present location in -.1957 Since the years , of their marr- iage, Mrs. ' .Thompson (Margaret) has been an inspiration to the work, of her' husband. The life. of this -newspaper publisher ` and ed- itor caused . family, •life • to suffer to some' degree:: • Hard . work and many meetings kept . the family apart more than was . their wish, but his times with his . familywere his : happiest. ' Campbell has been fortunate in having a wife that worked . along' with him' and any success that hehas achieved has. been partly 'due to: this. • In his years in Lucknow, he has belonged to many groups. 'He was a charter member of the' Lucknow. Lions Club buthis true love was always for the Clansmen Club, 'a• small independent .group that op- erated in .the village for many year3 and :were .a force behind many ..civic projects.. He was a. member of long, service in 'the Lucknow Fire Department until forced to give up this position. He. was a member.of 'Old Light Lodge, and 'although not a regular attend- er at ,meetings .because of busin- ess pressures, he •valued :this "bro- therhood most highly. At one time Campbell` served on village council until; he realized he was the only councillor . on maitistreet and handled all the 'problems out of his office. For many. years he served as secretary of " the arena committee, and was a moving. force behind the . construction'.. of the ,present arena 'in Lucknow, In his church, Lucknow: United, he was a faithful, servant and .a mem- ber of session. He was ' a former member of the Oddfellows Lodge Lucknow until it disbanded, He was a part of every organization in the community • through. •his re- porting and his attendance at hun dreds and hundreds of meetings through the• years. His advice was sought about many things and his. opinions were valued by many people. Through his ' newspaper years he has made many friends among the brotherhood of Weekly' newspapermen. He has been, a member of . Canadian ' Weekly Newspapers ' Association, • Ontario Weekly Newspapers . Association, Canadian Continually ' Newspapers RIDAY m 1EMB'ER TURDAY Parade At One 'O'Clock ■ ■ ■ Please note' I;all children : in e ■. the .School : para a will be ads ■ . matted to the: `Fair. Grounds free. The parade will assemble . • ■ at Lucknow Public' School at 1:00 p.m. ■. ■ The Teeswater Pipe i. Band who won.. first prize at the ' Fer ■ ei ■ gus :Highland Games , and The Lucknow. District High'_School ■' • •.■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ w Band aind Majorettes will bein attendance: ■ DON'T. FORGET THE ALWAYS` POP:UI.AR, aby Show.. THREE "'CLASSES:— Single babies under 6 • months, tSingle le babies 6' months to : 12 months, Single • g ,hs, S ng ebabies 12 . months . to 18:. months _ ATTENTION ALL THOSE ENTERING PONIES IN PARADE ; ■ • " There are now TWO classes ..in . this competition of Ponies is ■ in Parade. They ' are:- Shetland Ponies for the best ■. N Cowboy or . Cowgirl costume in the parade, $5;00, $4.00, : $3.00, ■ ;' $2:00, Riding Horses: —' for the best Cowboy or Cowgirl cos- i