The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-02, Page 12a t4 ai fr T4,. eliY h+. A iii• tl of y fo • ot• tr PAGE TEN WE THE.,, LUCKNOW •SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO • DAY, •SEPT., 2nd, 1N4 DNES ■piummiESERRtRais■mm5,■or■■SS■opss■ EREexs■p eeesiieuxiiiNEeiiiimi■ ailii ai. •IHENFSFRUIT it II PHONE' 338-3015.. _ t_ i HOLIDAY WEEK END. SPECIALS•• ■ ■ " • ■ ...—. ..-.• ■: ■' SALE PRICE YOUR CHOICE 18. , different kinds of pU.NCAN. a- • ...Reg, 49c tin. ■ .H..110.,.•CAKE MIX, Reg, 49c SALE .: ,tins 79c• Kam, Duncan lilacs. Mix for. 7 - c ■:._ PEES W.EESWIN FIRST Op' GROUP;` 'PLAY.OFFS, •a to Idle for a month,. L Ieknow Pee Nikes showed no ill effects: as they beat , Wingiiam 7-1 on Tuesday . night in the . first _of a best -of -five • group championship series, The next two games, are; in Lucknow on, Thursday and . Satur- day evenings. Lucknow started off . with three runs in the first and added single- • tons in the 2nd, 4th, 5th and. 7th. Wingham's loan run came in, . the 4th, • BANTAMS WON 'PAIR, OF EXHIBITION GAMES Lucknow. Bantams •who •were eliminated by Bergrave from the. WOAA playdowns, • are looking to next year: They played a. -couple of eihibitiori _ games with Wingham at • the weekend. On Saturday night • they downed Wingham 26-9 and. back in Wingham Monday, Luck - now won again by 21-8. Hughie Todd started on the mound. on Saturday; but when Murray Mewhinney hurt his hand Hughie went behind the plate and Pee Wee pitcher Ronnie Nicholson finished "'the game. On Monday night Torn O'Donnell • did the• pitching with. Hughie Todd, catching. ,: Dungannon Shower For Pat Pentland ( Dungannon News) About 60 friends:. and, neighbours gathered on Friday ,evening in the Orange Hall to honour Miss Pat- ricia Pentland on her forthcoming marriage, Co-hostessess for the shower were Joanne Crozier, Lyn- da Blake & Mrs. Eleanor Hender- son. Joanne Crozier conducted a contest. • Esther Gibson and Donna Pent- land . assisted Pat in opening the many beautiful gifts carried in a decorated. clothes basket by Shelly Alton, Barbara Blake, and Joanne Thompson. Lynda. Blake pinned a . 'lovely corsage on Pat and Eleanor Hen- derson read an address ' express- ing ,.good xpress=ing,good wishes to, Pat to which, Pat expressed her thanks and ex-. -tended an invitation to all to come visit her at .her home in London, Lunch was served and a social. time , enjoyed. Mr. and . Mrs. Bill Park, Valerie,. Steve, Vickie, Tom and Wanda enjoyed a 250 mile motor trip 'on Friday past. They visited Eugenia Falls and the •Beaver Valley where .theft* crops are not near as ad-, 'vanced as 'this area. They also ii»seem■■ill■gawass■■naieee sueieseeee, ■ee■... ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ as ■ ■▪ :: ■ ■, v ,: ■▪ : ■. ,. re You Planning On... r;Your Home o matter :;what your . preference in sidin LiPPiY.:.i..t • • ■ •■ Siding : adds . beauty .and comfort . . to.. your home ., and greatly., increases its value, ' for a.. very, , REASONABLE . ~.COST• • . a r r - ramp1_ _. ■ ■ To Covet An >Average"Home; .0. ::. 24' x' 30' with Number One Asbestos and Cement :' Siding, Waterproofed: With Clear Silicone, , Glazed' Surface, " In Seven Attractive Colors. • • Costs • only ,360.00 ■.: ■ a. Completely 'Applied .W. itf ' All 'The : Ne• cess• ar• y:: Strapping,. .etc. i• : :o ▪ 'mo: ■. • TIE SAME HOME s.• • w`T0 COVER ■ . :.... ..:. • WITH NUMBER ONE HEAVY' GAUGE ' ■ : ALUMINUM SIDING . •,.Completely applied •'with all necessary accessories i ■ • Costs Only ' $700.00 • „r: . . ■ ■ .■ ■ .-. Aluminum . Siding Is Availabie. In Sev• en ■ Baked=On . Colors: ■ ■ a ■ Reg 25c Ib. SALE ECONOMY Sizer. Save 30c, Reg. $1,09. SALE4.1 ■ Lard 2for5c Paste 79c■ Tenderf�akeCrest Tooth ,•. ■ � ■ ■ ■ 3 . lb.. Pack, . Reg. 75c ' : SALE ■ dE ' 30c. ■ • ■ SA Kingsite 1:29Tulip: Margarine, 69c Tide, •■ 0 SALE .YORK,,,' 16 . oz., Reg. 49C " ' SALE Peanut29c• Butter� ■ MAPLE LEAF, 8' 'oz., ' Reg. •35c ■ •■ • ■ ■▪ • ■ ■ •■ ■ ' • ■. Cheese Slices 39c.h a • ■ . Agency For ,Hanover Cleaners- and 'Laundry ■ TUESDAY and FRIDAY' — • FREE RICK UP and DELIVERY i■■i■■i■■■■■■■iai■iinnei■cin■■■e■■i■i■■ii■■■■■■i■ara■an■■.nire■ipa■■ips■■i spent some . time ,in Formosa. at • 60th anniversary of their:wedd- , several days last; week along ° the the "beautiful' Palace Garden and ing, at a come and go tea in. the St. Lawrence •Seaway flowing well • . United . Church'parlors, Bethune, Recent visitors with Mrs.Aug. • AlvinSherwood was in Wash -•Saskatchewan: ,• Rinahan were Mr. .and. Mrs. Ed. ' .• -'� . in on . this : week on a bus trip • The: register signed by over 120'Monahan, Grosse'Point, Mich. with 50 Boy Scouts, leaders and guests was attendedby agrand Mr.. andMrs. Michael Kinahar parents from Kinloss and district. daughter, Miss Ann Sherrick.;