The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-02, Page 5• 1NED.NESDAZ .SEPT., 2nd,, 1:964: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • PAGE THREE • ORRNPampapaa■UR;E■/a.OE EE/REI....iiR* U■■/R EE■AEEE.■■ ■■aleismO■iimpiiim �. ■ • : • at 11, • ■ • LLY R,FA RITE CO ■ Pork and 'Beans 6 for $1. YORK, 20. oz ■ Chccolate Bars 29c Neilsons 4 bar pack, Jersey Milk,•. Crispy' Crunch : ■ Back 'to SCHOOL FEATURES 2 Northriie Pens 49c : Reg. 78c. p ack •of 2 long.pens,No,' S3' ■ ' ..� • ■ • • ■ ■ ■ HOLIDAY BEST ■ ■ I Strawberry Jam Aylmer, with -pectin, 24 oz.' Champion DoFood 5-51c ... 15 oz., 2c Off Pack •a. Quaker Oats 45c 49c • QUICK or INSTANT, Ig, pkg. Instant Mil-ko 99c. 3 i.b.' Package . Luirnys : Drinks ' Pineapple", Grapefruit or Tropical Punch, 48 oz, c. Monarch Margarine 4-89c.• • - Colored, 1 Ib. pkg., ; Parchment pack Fancy Biscuits 3 for 1 SUPREME BRAND, cello pkg.. :Butter.� Peanut • CLUB. HOUSE, 16 oz: ice box.. jar Nabob Instant Coffee I ' .6 oz., 15c Off Label Smok�I Picnic Ham 1b �. St. Fiesta .•Special WITH FREE REFILL, . No. 8382 BAKERY. FEATURE Weston Shortcake :FROST 'n' : SERVE, reg.' 39c each • ■ .G •• ■ ■ R. 1- ■ or1 . 45c• is ■ ■ ■ ■• FROZEN. ::FOOD 'FEATURE Oranges Drink 2 . BIRDS EYE. "AWAKE", . 6 oz, Fish 'and Chi s p .HIGHLIIIER HADDOCK,, 24 oz; • • • • •Hall's_ Red and White food Store••• PHONE 528-3001 — FREE 'DELIVERY• LOCAL and' GENERAL NEWS .Mr. 'and ' Mrs: John Emmerson ' W. F. (Bill) • Thompson of , Tor - spent • the week -end in • Hamilton onto, who was . seriously ill and, hos- with . Mr. and Mrs Victor, Whitley.' pitalized ' :for several months ` at Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart and Western . Hospital, was able to re- Nancy of Collingwood . spent the turn to his Toronto home last week -end,' with relatives here. • week -end. William. Potter and . Mrs, C. Mr and Mrs. E. Roberts and Shaddick •of Lucknow spent last 'son John of Toronto spent the week near North Bay at the cot- week -end with Ada and Hazel tage of Mr. and Mrs:, Aaron Boak. ,Webster.:' On ' their . return they Patsy.: Million of •'Auburn has were accompanied by .Miss Emily vision with her aunt, Mrs. Pearson '' who had been ' visiting beengat the Webster home: J. M. Greer and . Mr. Greer.. of Lucknow. ` • Mrs. Sam' Reid is a; patient in` Victoria Hospital Loddon where she underwent a major operation .on. Tuesday of last week. Mr..and Mrs. Goldie Emmerson and family :of Lon on, r. Mrs Sam` Emmerson of Ripley, V• were recent visitors. with Mr. ansl Mrs. --John Emmerson. ,' ,Mr. P. • A. 'Murray of R.R. 1, Holyrood is a patient in St. Mary's hospital Kitchener. Mr. Murray is improving nicely but will be hos- pitalized for awhile longer. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Martyn Ripley, • • Mr and Mrs. . Harvey ' : Smith and son Sterling of Paisley, Mr. , and Mrs. Ronald Mitchell of Woodstock,'• were ..recent visitors with Mrs. Wm.. Bushell. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.,.J..'McNaughton,, were Mr. and Mrs. John Young, London; her aunt Miss Mary Campbell . of London;. Mrs. M. Rett of Mark- inch, Fife, Scotland, which • is Mrs. McNaughton's home town; and Mrs. 13.Maclntyre of New mills, Fife, who were, holidaying in Canada. Mrs. Charles Cooke has rented the .Gammie Apartment on i�Camp- bell mpbell St., formerly occupied by "Mrs. J. D. Anderson,and will move the end of the month from the apartment in the Murdie Black, where. she has resided for t Graeme Elliott, son of Mr: and . Mrs.. Mr, Guyette, • principal of L. D. H. Bryce Elliott, was admitted to Win ham and District .bus 'i?tal S. has the.; first.of this week been g p interviewing parents and pupils on Saturday to receive treatment for a boil in his ear, which one prior to school" opening next 'week. affliction Wing - Mr. re- turn turn home on Tuesday - can imagine : would be .a painful Allan McQuilhWas able n day from Wing- Lloyd (Hap) Hall and Howard Agnew paired* up at the, doubles bowling . tournament at Clinton on' Wednesday night of last week and wort second prize. •Joanne Thompson was the: ,guest last week of Ann Geiger, daughter of Rev. and .Mrs. Gordon Geiger - of Essex, who have ' spent the ■J month of August at • their cottage at Inverhuron... Mr. and: Mrs. L. E. Goyette, Linda, Pahl,, Alan and Allison, returned home . the. , first of ; the week from a three week vacation at Constance Bay, near Ottawa. Births WILSON — Jack and 'Anna (nee Robb) are happy to announce the birth of a baby girl, on Friday, August 28, 1964 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, VALAD—at Walkerton- hospital on Tuesday, . August 25th, 64 ' t , g , o, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Valad, Holyrood, a /daughter TURNER—on Friday, August 29,. to Mr. and Mrs.. Richard . Turner' of Richmond Hill, . a daughter, Charlene Jean, a sister for Rick- ey, Alan and Anne. Because 'of a blood condition, Charlene 'Jean. was taken to Sick Children's hos- pital, Toronto: LAIDLAW—in • Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, 'August. 28th,, 1964, to Anne and Raymond' Laid- law of. Wingham, a son -a brother SCOTT—at Wingham and District hospital on Monday, August 24th, 1964, . to ,Mr and Mrs. Walter Scott of • Lucknow, a daughter, Vickie ,Lynn: • • I SEE:'..•.. By.'. Thi Sentinel THAT. Sharon O'Donnell%and Betsy Henderson, Grade 13 ' students at Lucknow District • High .School' have entered the St. Joseph Hospital school of; nursing, and reported in London on Tuesday: Sharon is.the daughter. of Mr. and Mrs: Jim'O'Donnelh "•and .:Betsy,. ' daughter. of Mrs,. Morgan Hen- derson and the late'Mr. Hender- son' THAT Mrs. Tom . MacKenzie re- cently completed a.•. methods. conference for business teachers offered by the.: school of education at Northwestern' ",University .. on their Chicago campus. Prior . to the 'five.'day : conference, ' Mrs. MacKenzie visited with her sister Mrs John 'Armstrong at Long Beach, Michigan City near Garry, Indiana. THAT a bit of sunshine last week gave farmers an opportunity to. A 'father .called the telephone company and ordered a 50 -foot. • extension cord , put on the tele- phone. He explained "Now' that summer is here and/the weather is • nice, I want my , daughter to stay outdoors more!" 'salvage some. of the grain still is the fields.: But the weather was "spotty" and the'' climax was another torrential rain and. elec- ' ' Weal storm. on Friday evening, although this immediate area escaped the brunt. of the storm. SUNSET Drive -In 'HIGHWAY 8' EAST OF. GODERICH; .•.•.r. .•,....... NOW: Thurs., Fri., Sat. Sep.. 3-44 Rock Hudson,.., Dorothy Malone and Kirk Douglas in "THE LAST SUNSET" colour Plus' . JimmS► Edwards and Shirley Eaton Nearly. A Nasty 'Accident MIDNITE :SHOW -Sunday, "Sept 6 Adult : -En tertainment' Barbara Steele; in "`BLACK SUNDAY" Plus Anton Diffring, is ... "Circus 'Of Horrors" Double-barrellel, Spine tingling entertainment. • Monday, ,Tues., Wed.,'Sept. 7, 8, 9 WALT DISNEY'S big special ' attraction.' "Nature's Half.;, Acre" .' Susan Hayward & Michael: Wilding "STOLEN' HOURS" Both in ' Technicolor Thur., Fri., 'Sat., Sept. 10, 11,. 12 MA and PA KETTLE At The FAIR Plus Pete Breck and Ruth.' Lee, : inn "Hootennany... Hoot" SHOW' STARTS'AT DUSK Children under 12, in cars, FREE •••••■•a•••E••••••Apea �••■■••••••••••••••••••••• • AT . THE SQUARE ' • THE PACK: Goderich• • i. Showtiiymes' 7:30 and .9:30 p.m. s is ..NOW --Thursda' Friday, Saturday,September• .3 .4 . 5 Tonimy' Kirk, Martha Kirsten and Slim Pickens: .'A Walt • • Disney•special adventure story, ` in • technicolor, •. • AVAGE� SAM" i • i • Monday, Tuesday, Wed., .Sept. 7, 8, .9 —"Adult . Entertainment - 1 DORIS DAY and ROCK HUDSON, .co-starred in a tittilating - • tale about matri-madness • in Technicolor. - Sheila .and ' Sandy 'McQuillin spent the past,few days in ,Toronto visiting their brother. Archie. and Mrs. McQuillin.. Archie had' just returned from ` Ottawa Where he ,spent' time at the "National Re search Council, Mr and Mrs. Jim Allen -of Saskatoon are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.. Elwin Hall' and family. Mr. Allen` is a Bank of Commerce ' manager at , Saskatoon. : �. Lynda Carter, daughter of . Mr. 1 and Mrs. Ernie . Carter of South F Kinloss, was . transferred .on .Satur- 1 day from Wingham hospital to the: [pediatric ward at Victoria Hospital, i London. Mr and Mrs. Bert Bain of London are spending the week at the cott- age at Amberley Beach, They ac 1 Companied their daughter and her t.husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Colley who spent the week -end at the beach. FL1SGF Orval Begley and Mrs. ,Begley,: son Pat and; .,daught- er Kathy, spent the week=end with, their aunt Mrs. Margaret Sproul. hey came from Vancouver and. are on their way to Ottawa where he will now be stationed, ham and District hospital where he had been hospitalized' for'almost three weeks with hepatitis;, Miss` Dorothy Cooke is a patient in*Wingham Hospital. Mrs. 'Phillip MacMillan returned to her home ..last Saturday, after being hospitalized: in London for over 'two • weeks. • Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Keane were. Mrs. Peter Vogt of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Art Reiber of Florida, Mr.: Frank Sullivan of • Kingsbridge. Mr. and Mrs, • Philip Stewart spent two weeks recently in Mont- real at the home of their son Allan his wife .and family._ Allan leas a lovely home on the south' side of the river ' and it was very inter-. eking to see the developments that are being done in the harbour in preparation for the World's Fair in 1967.- On their return Mr, and Mrs. Stewart spent three days in Oakville with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and a day at Toronto Ex- hibition. The Sentinel welcomes . personals. and 'other local • news ' items for publication; Mail or bring . them to the office or phone 528-3134. - .....f •' .1/PILLO• . .. :W ::TALK" i .... ' A Thursday; Friday, Saturday September'. 10, 11 12 •' • Tony Randall, Barbara Eden dnd John Ericson, , tell a mystery -• • ftintale about a• one-man circus in Technicolor. .. - • Coming: "THE RAVEN" Adult Entertainment. . • 6••••i6•••••••E■••6••.••E•••••••••••■■•••NlNN nee■.ir■nieoiiIpp`u*ru.E.BBiuI■■■i P■uu■■i■u■■e CEM Win h�tm111 SEPTEMBER 3, 4,. 5 TheSecond. Time Around ■' THuRSDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY . ', • . ' Colour -- CinernaScope Starring'; Debbie . Reynolds, Steve Forrest, mi 'Juliet Prowse ' ■ • ▪ The wild and. wooly •West was never lie this. Debbie Rey. - ■ Holds provides fun for the Whole family in this one. a • '• MONDAY,' TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 'SEPTEMBER 7, .8 v ,.9. ~' w Mail, order Bride • . • ■ Colour — 'CinemaScope ri ■ al Starring:' Buddy Ebsen, Keir 'Dullea and Denver Pyle • • '�; i. This is a warm, appealing Western. Comedy with a different ' • :, twist. Buddy Ebsen is a lawman with a, romantic mission as ■ . •: a western cupidi .ft's fun for everyone. m , MONDAY,TUESbAYy "i SATURDAY, . `THURSDAY,,, FRIDAY, ,. • • .WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 11, 12, 14, 15,. 16 • r> IN it . ''TOM JONES, ■ hila■■*alliin■riliriflr' ii iimiitiir aai.re■■sa■r 11 Andy Griffith and' r r.