HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-02, Page 1air'
$4,00 A Yoer In, .Advance .— $1.00 Extra, To U.S.A.
. WEDNESDAY, .SEPT.,. 2nd',: 1964
le Copy 10c
12 Pages.
ccep# fifer To
Purchase Shed
At a, congregational meeting of
the Lucknow Presbyterian. Church.
on Monday evening, it was un-
animously decided to accept the
offer of the Village of Lucknow /
to purchase the Presbyterian r `
Church shed for $4,500, .
The 'Board of Management. and
Session.. had previously` approved
the offer to purchase, but authority
to sell property rests with the con-
gregation. There was a smalll
attendance at Monday's meeting.
indicating general approval of the
sale. .
Final approval must be received:
from Presbytery. which meets on.
September 8th.
Wort To,,.Be. E..one.P:.k..,.t.Yei',r.
The change . of : ownership is,
scheduled for November:
CalgaryFIew To With Young�Son
Jack . Ritchie of Zion, accom-
panied by his 3 -year-old son, Ken-
neth, flew from Toronto to Calgary.
on Tuesday for :a visit with relat-
ives 'there.'
Jack who says "I've never had
a holidayor a plane ride in my
life", decided to combine the two,
together. Jack lost his wife Agnes
at the time of. Kenneth's birth and
Grandma Hawkweed and her . fam-
ily will no doubt be pleasedto see
the youngster, most . of them for
the first time.
Mrs; " George .'Andrew observed
her 90th birthday .on Saturday;
August 22nd. A lifelong and beloved
resident:. of this community, Mr's.
Andrew wasshowered with . ex
pressions of congratulations and
best wishes.
• Her appreciation is expressed
in, a .cardof thanks in .this, issue
which she . wrote . herself. , '.
Long associated with the United
Church Sunday School,. her daugh-
ter, Miss Flora Andrew, placed
the equivalent of 90 pennies in
the birthday jarat Sunday "school
on Sunday morning.
Her granddaughter, Miss Louise
Andrew, spoke, to theSundaY.
School on . her experiences ' in
church caravaning' a .few summers.
F�ranBarn At S1. :Augustine
Escaped• Berng Razed By -dire Thursday
A gangway 'fire while threshing course and scattered burning bales
was 'in. progress at the. farm of .in the field.
,Gordon Foran, north of St. Augus- Gordon had no. • time . to attempt
tine,' on Thursday, seriously threat- to unhook :.the . tractor; as he had
ened the farm . buildings, but was to get back 'to the gangway to
extinguished within.. five . feet of help ' the others battle the fire.
the straw -strewn barn floor. Withthe assistance of a : "bUrket
Threshing of .baled oats was in .brigade" which included. Mrs.
'progress at the Foran farm that Foran and her sister, Kathleen
day one of the rare .occasions Mcllhargey of London, Who was
that the/ weatherman .. had co- visiting at the Foran home, the
operated 'for such, work. quintette succeeded : in beating .out
Some of the -"gang " were'havin the . fire' on the . gangway which
"gang"g g g Y
supper, as Gordon,. his brother John had spread almost to the threshold
and John's son, . Con, returned to of the barn floor.
the barn to resume operations. The Lucknow Fire Department
A . bale elevator : was in use. • to ' responded to the ' alarm, which
carry the bales from the wagon, on was more. then a 12 -mile run, and
the ..'gangway, to, the separator 'in, watered. '.down the ' burning bales'
the barn, scattered about the field. ' r
The elevator. is powered:. by a The, wagon was badly burned,
gasoline' engine, which set 'fire to and the tractor suffered extensive
the straw at the base of the fire damage with the front tires
elevator 'and in a twinkling•the burned off where it, wasin contact
fire had spread to the Wagon load with the wagon,.
of bales. ,Had the firereached the barn
Gordon managed to ' hook 'the floor, there is little doubt but that
• tractor to the wagon and hauled the ' entire spread • of buildings
it through the gap in the barnyard would have "gone' up:" A hen house
' .fence' to an adjoining ' pasture and a drive ,shed sit near the barn
field'.' With n0 one "on thetongue" with the house comparatively close
of the .wagon it :weaved ;an erratic to the ,buildings. , •
A traffic ' bottleneck, and
` hazard . on the Stauffer Street. '.'
hill approaching Campbell St:
is tobe eliminatednext year,
Reeve G, W. Joynt had
County.. and Department of
Highways officials inspect .the
area a few weeks .ago. and ,the
. project has since been approv
The program. provides for
,cutting thehill between Wheel-
er and Campbell Streets on the
west side of Stauffer. This. is
the easterly embankment of
"Standpipe Hill" The exeava-
tion. work requires the moving
of the residence of Alex (San-
dy) Hackett which, sits • atop
the hill. It was for many years
.the residence of Mr and Mrs.
., Horace • Aitchison, until they .
moved •to Wingham..•
After the hill is excavated'
it will be sodded. Stauffer St., •
•coming in from the north is . a
Bruce County maintained road '
as is Ross street to the south-
erly limits, The County assu-
mes the . cost of this part of
the work and is subsidized 50%
by the Department of High-
ways, . •
The ; house is to .be moved. to .
another .lot ,approved by the
,The cost of moving • the
house, ,the foundation on the
new location, utility ',connect-
connections and sidewalk ' and such in-
cidentials connected with the
relocation, is shared three
ways: The Department of, High
ways pays 50% of this cost.
The balance is divided X25 per -
'cent to the County and' 25. per-.
cent. 'by • the Village . of Luck-
uck-'now.Curb and gutter work is
done by the Village with a 50
percent D,110.. subsidy.
The direct cost ` of the whole
undertaking to the Village . of
Lucknow ' is . estimated at be-
tween . $300.00 and : $400.00.
This work will result in the
widening and straightening of
the Stauffer. Street hill as,• it
makes a dead end entrance
.:onto. the main ':street: The road
is ` narrow and: visibility ob- •
scured at this point, where,
winter.snowplowing creates •
quite a problem for the County
Seeks information
About Ancestors
Don Straughan of this comm-
unity • came across. the , following':
item in ` a trade publication the
other day and passed' it on to
The Sentinel ` in thehop that
someonein this vicinity can pro-
vide the information wanted.
The item reads as follows:
"Mrs Arnold 'Dahlman, " 607
Second Street South,. Wahpeton,
North Dakota, seeks information
about her '.'great -great grandpar='
ants, Peter and Christine. (Mc-
McIntosh): McKinnon, who came
,from Scotland about 1853 and sett
led in • Lucknow, Ontario; also,. a-
bout her great grandparents, John
and Isabell ' (McKinnon) McDoug-
all, born in : Scotland, who ' also
settled .in. Lucknow:. Later they
homesteaded. ' ° near Wahpeton,
N. D., in 1880: Would` especially.
like to hear from any , descend-
ants of. those families in Ontario".
Mr. Straughan ' is CNA: section
-foreman at Lucknow and with his
family resides on the Greer ` farm
east. of Lucknow. Mrs. Straughan's
mother is the former Eva Gardner.
of Zion.' ; '
Lucknowites• Were ,
Chised Police
We. had : a feW anxious " mo-
ments en . route to the Canadian '
Weekly Newspaper Association .con-
vention in 'Toronto last week when
we were 'chased andwaved over
by a' policeman on the road bet-
ween Teviotdale and 'Guelph..
Our first thought was that we
might have been exceeding 'the
speed limit'' a. bit; but were 'notichigan Resident P aces Grave .
i actually sure how fast. we had been
, , 'r driving.. Our first glance,- at the
black and white vehicle was when
it tooted and ulled. a
.tooted, ,pulled long side.
rOfGentlemant Langside In Memo y
We .were ,greeted by a policeman
:. Ago
with a�� smile a mile. wid.mi nded Him 45 '.Years ' ,; would seem out' of styleho �fr ebusiness. ' •
Nathaniel Bradely, 'who was 1 Manitoba, .but who had a heart of
at one time worth a quarter of a gold and who he likened to Ward
million dollars, but died penniless, Bond, of • the Wagon Train'.TV,
• has had a marker placed to his serial.
r in Tiffin's Cemeteryb.. Mr. Bradley was raised in:this
memo tl. - n district bef re tnie lure of the West
a gentleman he ,befriended in Q :
.Manitoba 45 years ago.; took him to Manitoba, where he
He is William L. Simmons of made a fortune in buying and sell
815 Oakridge St, Royal Oak, Mich; ing horses, but lost it all in the
who with his sister, motored to depression days. He could not read
Bruce County last week andclim- or write, other than scrawl his
axed his visit by placing a head, name and Mr. Simmons prizes a
stone on Mr. Bradley's un kiarked specimen of his signature on a note
grave in Langside Cemetery. Mr. he • backed. He never drank,
Simmons said "he felt good" in, smoked or gambled..
paid aid° this tribute to• his Bill Pennell A' Nephew
old friend a man whose word Win. Pennell of the Tiverton
was his bond, a rough cast rancher district and formely of Kinlough,
and farmer whom he first met in (Continued on page. 11 )
We imiiediately recognized Con-
stable. Elmer MacKenzie', of: Mount
Forest, : detachment and formerly
of Lucknow. After a roadside that,
we went en our way with no de-'
merits. ' Elmer liad i"net .us a few
'miles back and hadturned around
and chased us catching up near
Alma which is the.borderline
his territory in that direction,
We are still not sure whether
Elinor was chasing. m the line of
duty, or whether he was more in-
teigested its saying Hi to someone
from back home. We prefer to
think of the latter as .being the
case: Seems he ad .'.
h q e a job
catching us too! °
Lucknow Fall Fair ' prize
lists were completed on Satur-
day, and weie going out to mem-
bers immediately.
Anyone wishing a list may
pick one
up atThe Sentinel
Office or - get one. from the sec-
Mrs, Fred' McQuflln
Dates of the, fair this year are
changed to Friday and Saturday,
September 18- and ' 19. •
park -Hill, Clecred,
To Be Seeded
.The Caledonian: Park Hill ` which
at one time,. before the advent
'of .'. bleacher seating, was ' a° nat-
ural grandstand,' is receiving
some landscapetreatment
Sell I�u s n Home.
TheJ poplars which crested theg.l .. .
top .of the amphitheatre had all
died `. and the ' hill had grown up
Back` -.From 6 Weeks
Overseas Trip
A belated news story which has
"come to our . ears" is an overseas
trip which' Mr. and , Mrs. George
Kennedytook this summer... ,
Leaving here on July 1st' they
sailed the next day on the Em-
press of : Canada from Montreal,
and docked,. at. Liverpool. as the
first leg of their ' six weeks tour
of the : British Isles and the ,Con-
tinent. ;
They. ,visited England, Scotland;;
Holland, Germany; Switzerland,
4ustria, Italy, . Monaca,' France
and Ireland, from where they, flew
from Shannon airport on the return
trip, arriving home on August 15th.
" ave To Lucan
A few . weeks ago, power equip- Mr. ; and: Mrs. Orville Jones have'
ment moved- in and in . short or- sold'' the Queensway Nursing Home
der bulldozed the underbrush, at Hensall. to Mr. and Mrs, Harry',
knocked down 'the''.dead ' trees and Klungel of .Woodstock, who have
levelled''the hill. • . had: considerakile experience . in
Seeding is . to. ' be done- : if it , hospital' work. Mrs. Klungel is a
has ' not been already • and the , registered : nursing assistant. They
stone on ,the hill • will be packed.i obtained possession September 1.
so that the • grass can be kept i' Mr. and Mrs. Jones, who have
put' . on' the. • hill' with' the new ,operated the'nursing; home' very.
mower purchased this summer by'; efficiently for ' the '' past' seven '
the Municipality. , years,;, took up, residence in .Lucas
But, :attempting to improve and:September ' 1
maintain public ; property is often At present there are.`12 patients
frustrating.. Last week vandals; in the nursing home . but inost ...of
decided to upend two . sections of the time there are 16 patents.
the ' bleacher .seats . and. cart .the 1 Mr, . and 'Mrs. Jones are :former
players :' benches' to the; . edgee of Lucknowites, havingat one
h °field.,. g °. time.....:..... ., Orville� , ,,
the playing . A psychiatric being miller. at ..Treleaven s
study might explain such actions. { Flour. Mill..
Former Kinloug6� Young Man Returns
From S e Work in Ethiopia
Percy Barr was, a , recent visit- the 'Red Sea. and Gulf of Aden.
or at Kinlough at the home of his The/ party with which Percy was
mother , Mrs. John Barr ' and, with employed had- headquarters near
other . relatives. ' • "• • Awash, on the upper reaches of
Percy ; returned recently from the River Nile..
Ethiopia Where he was . engaged They had natives employed on.
in a ,50 -mile road surface job in . their crew and relations were the
the lane of , Emperor Selassie, best and segregation nen-existent.-
Percy is employed by. De Leuw, 1 The temperature' was in the
Cather of Canada, a firm of con- high nineties and up to 120 in the
sulting engineers, with headquarters sun; but ' Percy said, they •didn't
in Toronto. They recently, opened mind it,. as it was' no worse than'.
an international branch in Addis our summer heat and humidity.
Ababa, the' capital of Ethiopia:: The survey party travelled by
They were, employed by the Iia- : air, and be .re returning :' to Can-
p'erial Highway Authorit ada, after a three -months absence
.Percy was at St. John's, 'New- did a • bit of ..sight-seeing in Khar-
foundland before going to the toum in the Sudan, Cairo, Rome-
; Middle East, . and returned to'Dusseldorf Helsinki y '
1 John's and has ' since motored to Percy has ninny; interesting
Toronto where hewill assist in ,pictures, including one on a camel,
designing the 50 -mile road .to be in typical Arab costume, with r one
built in East Africa, Ethiopia.• of the pyramids as the background,.
borders on the southerly part of •