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WilifINCESDAT, AUGUST '19; 1964
alt to
Practical Instruction .. '
... � Commercial Subjects
23rd .Fall Term Opens,. September 8.
Examinations set
marked, and Diplomasissued by
The Business ; Educators; Association of Canada
MODERN Equipment merit •- QDAZ,IFIED Teachers.-,- TUITION $36..
. Dial, 524-0521,' 728.4, or 6307for. en appointment •
faster Parent to Greek Lad
(Continued from, page l)
and approved by the local Direr
tor. Eligibility is determined by
need and.• the ability to benefit,
Thismeans that every Plan Fos-
ter Child must go to school, The
P'lan's purpose is . to guide a Fos-
ter Child toward economic •inde-
pendence, and' subsequently to re-.
sponsibility for his family and ser-
vice to his country,. Canadian -help
as a . stepping. stone • to self-help
is the Foster Parents'. Plan way.
By . caring. for a destitute child.
overseas a :Foster. Parent creates
'an indelible image of kindness
'from Canada, One Plan Foster
Child wrote to' . his Foster Parent
long after he had become indepen-
dent that. "Nobody cap tell me•
or . my family that 'Westerners are
bad, I know : how good they really
"Adoption" through the. Plan . is
financial not legal: Of the $16
monthly that the . Foster Parent
agrees to contribute for at : least
a year, ,:the child receives $8 a
month as a cash grant. The . rest
is spent; for food and new'. . cloth-:
ing,, medical care, school:: fees and
equipment; :andtranslations of 'let -
Foster ` Parents' Plan . is'. a non-
sectarian, ; non-profit,non-propa-
on-propaganda,:independent, governmept-
approved . organization. The . Plan
has no professional fund raisers
and its.. financial statement is
Mailed with pride, to anyone who
asks for it Full information may
be had by writing Foster. Parents'
Plan, P.O. ' Box 65, Station B,
Receives Lad's Life History
Mr, Ackert has been ` provided
with the following case history of
the young lad which . he has fin,
them for a• good • and useful lifer
free of the endless poverty, and
labor .the others know. But no
amount of careful handling can
make their small income stretch
:to . meet • the demans upon it.
PLAN'S help to Co ntine as-
sures him of the cha ce to get.
an education, and as it eases the
harsh terms of living for the fam-
ily; May .make it possible for
Ourania to go to, school.
They own. 'a . small house and
so, . fortunately, do not have to
•pay rent. It, has two rooms, of
which only one can be used by,
the family. In it ' they have a
double bed and two . single ones
and not much else. In thesecond
room is a\ hearth . and 'here they°
cook meals,. although they can-
not use. it for much else. The
two rooms are ' built up over an
area which. they use as ,a stable
and storage space. There is, of
course, : no form of convenience
or sanitation. Although winters'.
are fairly mild, they are cold
enough for warm clothing and
they all need coats- The rooms, .
with 'only the hearth fire for hea
and. this used sparingly =--at
meal times get cold, too. They
will find .a real comfort :in . a
supply of 'bedding,: 'blankets and
clothing from PLAN'S warehouse,
especiallysome, long-sleeved swea-
ters to wear indoors. ,
Constantine is ' ' a :n > appealing
youngster with blond hair and
blue-green eyes. He is bright and
lively, a . friendly lad . with . :good.
manners. Constantine is in the 5th
grade of primary school. He does
rather better thanaverage work
and hopes to attend the .Greek.
gymnasium (the combined junion
and senior high school). He likes
ancially "adopted" .,for a. year: history best of his studies., As
Constantine's home is • in Pia- boys usually: are, he is fascinated
by cars and
tans, a village about 293/4 miles ; 'engines: He .enjoys'
from Rethymnon, on .theisland.
of Crete: His,. parents settled there
- following • their . marriage. Five
children were born. Constantine's
father, Andrew Economakis, is a s of the fields and the ' house, He
simple man, a day laborer: He celebrates his Name Day which
•worked hard for'his family and I is 'a 'special day.like .a birthday,
• provided decently.. for them k and
gave: them' an unfailing kindness
and. devotion, . About '`three years
playing .. out of door games' with'
his friends but hasn't' too .much.
time for . play because ;.he helps
as much as he can with the ghores
on May 21st, the Feast of St,
Your kindness assures Constan=
ago h'e.developed bronchial.asthina• tine PLAN'S'' monthly • cash grant.
and a ' little later. phlebitis Hi of x:00, clothing, special , medical
physical condition has 'grown ste - , care and , . an education.. .tlealth,
dily ;worse and,: now he is• .too security, (a' door opening' wide"vfor
weak and illi to work. •
With the father too ill to work,
the family has .faced' poverty and
a' bitter 'struggle for a*istence.
They,own.25 olive -trees, which this
year gave no crop (there have `been
hard frosts), 4 charbo-bean trees,,
.4f3 of ', an acre of 'vineyard, .4 of
an acre , of garden, They have
about, 12 stremmata, or approx-
imately ;2% acres of fields, plant-
ed to wheat: They have a donkey
for the work of the fields, a goatWHITECHURCH
:•� „
the future _ these are' fine : gifts.
No' gift- can mean as much to
the boy. or his:family as your
friendship,. which brings.:comfort
and encouragement and a new
hope.. They will cherish this al-
ways,`:with a deep and grateful
Measurements: h e i g h t, 4'7";
chest, 293/4"; waist, 271/2',';' weight;
66.lbs, del.
and two sheep and so have some. milk, wool, and cheese ;for their
own use 'and 'at times can sell , a' Mr. J. C. "Xing and Patricia 'of
Purple Grove Women's. Institute.
Carman Osborne of Hanover
was guest speaker at the August
meeting of Purple Grove W.I.
which was held hi ' the schools. By
use of illustrations and samples,
he gave ' a most .informative talk
on Window Treatment. Every
house and every window is. dif-
if ferent. Type of house and type of
furniture and colours ' in room
determine type of drapes. Cur-
tains should come to •bottom ,of
window or to floor.. •Mr. Osborne
answered many questions ' and
members .enjoyed seeing the new
drapery materials. • He was in-
troduced by: Mrs.. Francis Boyle
and thanked ' by Miss. Margaret
Robertson who was also in charge,
of the program, Evelyn Harkness
gave a piano solo and. Mrs. Don
McCosh a reading Mrs. Wm..
Arnold read the Scripture lesson..
Roll call was answered' by a safe-
ty slogan. Mrs. George: • Harkness
and Mrs. Gillies were in
charge of thebusiness. Mrs. Gor
don Patterson and Mrs. Jack Far-
rell will act as 'leaders for, the
next 4H course, "Sleeping: Gar-
ments." Next meeting will be in
the school' in the evening, Mrs..
Morford Mackay will, take : a car
to the,' Log Cabin .on August 24.
Those attending, the July meeting
of Bruce Historical Society re-
ported an enjoyable day at Cape
Croker. The Indian. people had
provided a delicious dinner and
good, program; The beautiful seen
ery gave everyone , a new Pride
in Bruce County. The hostess,
Mrs : Howard Thompson, ' .was as-
sisted by Mrs Cecil Sutton, Mrs.
Ben Scott and ; ,Mrs. Victoria
Smith, Mrs: Howard . Thompson
reported something . of .Bayfield's',
history. Mrs. Wm. . Arnold and
Mrs. Don McCosh had represent-
ed Purple Grove W.I. when a
group of W.I. members and Fair.
Board members met with the
Township 'Connell :regarding plans
for a booth. It is hoped that' a
fine 'new kitchen and booth will
be readysoonfor use of 'organ-
izations using the Hall and grounds
Mrs: Francis Boyle : led in :. the
singing of the Queen and Grace.'.:
Little kids are :proud of 'making.
their mark, • especially if it's on
the front room wall paper.
Toronto, Miss Bernadette Icing'
The' mother` and John, 16, (the. visited • with Mr. and Mrs. Walter.
eldest brother) take care' 'of the ' Arscott on:Sunday. '
land and the animals, Vassiliki`, 1 Mr. Dan Cassidy returned to
the eldest daughter, hires . out as the'home of Mr. and Mrs.. Wal;.
a field worker. Stamatoula, 14;.
is . at home:' She - helps 'with•the ter Arscott after visiting relatives.
s at cargill and . Walkerton.
work of the land. and the home, .
for "she is pretty young to try . to' 1 .Miss Mildred McClenaghan vis-
work . as a field: hand. Onrania, 7; , ited over the' , week -end with Mr.
Ford -
the youngest daughter, is' in the and Mrs, Harold Pollock at'
wich and while there attended
first< year of primary school. The their twenty-fifth wedding anniver-
income' from the land and from sary.�
Vassiliki s earnings amounts , to Miss Mildred McClenaghan vis
about 4$3 drachmae,or $16,10 wa
month -=-- it is comletely made-: Red. for a few days at.Dr. and
quite for the support of seven,
Mrs. Hiltz's cottage at.. Port . Sev-
Aside from this, they ar faced
with .the problem of sending Con:
stantine and Ourania to, school.
They are; anxious to give these
two the education.. which will ,fit
What makes some people think
they can buy a golden harp \with
a silver dime in the collection
ice- iii ii iii riiiii lir•. iiia %�.
Effective September 1.si', '1964 •
For Renfal of .Legion
Dinner and Dance - -
Reception with license - -
—. .
- $35
��ii .iii i �iiiiii ilii ii i _—._-iiii�iiii• ii•
DUNLOP TIRES (Most 'Sizes In Stock)
Repairs to. All Makes of Cars and Tractors
2 . Licensed Mechanics
heel Alignment and Balancing
made . tohelp your cows produce
ing. Look at these results of a test
is a ; new, ; high efficiency dairy ration
ALL the . milk. they're ; capable., of., giv
conducted on Purina's ''Research . Faun:'
A HERD OF DAIRY . COWS was split into two evenly -matched- groups.
During the first, lactation, both groups were fed a good n anal 10'o
milking ration. The ` two herds produced about the .same a erage milk
Viper cow during that first 'test lactation. Ing the second lactation,. One group
on the
new. PurinaremaineL
'Milk Che ' Special and thee sec nd gsecond ' roup up averaged rouP was put on the
ver a
ton more. ,milk per cow than • the. 'group on the regular ration.
"TRS' PURINA MILK CHO��CI SPECIAL on your herd. Keep a close eye
ori the average production and we're sure .you'll prove to yourself . that
this new Purina dairy ration can give you .:more milk and' better milk
omas Hackett an
Canadians who want bigger, profits tomorrow,.. feed Purina, Chows' Today,
PHONE,. 528-3530
111 111 11 al 111 111
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