HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-08-19, Page 210.7
•••NErN•aE•••E®sNGEE•N00,••!000fBN•GNIe►! NI
. *.. ■ ...II.MMIIMP .� O ..* 1. 0.11111111111111• Taken B Death
ANNUAL In Her.th . 100th Y
i ■ MRS. A. G. ELLIOTT •. 'Mrs! A. G. 'Elliott, .who is.
remembered •by many friends in.
is mm passed away gat
oth counity,
St... Mary's, Hospital, London, on
year •
Tuesday, August llth. .
i •
• WILL B.E.. HELD IN � i
Sheas n her, 100th
■. levity being a characteristic lon-
• her.:familtherThe Leg on Hal ,Lucknowpast the century mark:
• ■ Mrs. Elliott was the 'former
Ella ' Hays, daughter of - Robert
F R I:DAY AUGUST 21 Hays and Ann .ane Laird and
• / : ■ was born at Seaforth . on. Febru-
• • pM: ary 2n , 1865, She was the last
i The Hall 'Will Be O To The Public •
on::°' i , ' her
■ • father and mother's family.
FRIDAY' AFTERNOON. from 3:30 to' 5:00.p,m. •
one: ofher: generation in lot
• Her husband, Dr.. A. O. Elliott,
t,la .
AndIn • ' On' FRIDAY EVENING from .7:00 to 10:00.
• 111 •practiced in Lucknow 'for a • num-.
im EVERYONE. WELCOME . • • .SILVER COLLECTION : bet of years, until his sudden
ure ,suffered at a Kincardine.
,ItRNi11MB1EsN1�1at*RRtEEm■EsiEE■ENEmEsIiEEEnEEEmiEE la death m .1923 • from a ear see_.
�� • Lucknow ball. game .in. Kmcar-
• Lucknow. Pipe Band Still Musters Forces Dr Elliott'graduated dusted •from Trin-
•ity . College with his M.B. degree
For •
Concert .At (Bachelor of Medicine).. He ,was
f ort Elgin, A Habit Since The Thirties
(By Sandy MacDonald) Of late, thisSunday occasion
Some members of the LucknOw has 'becomea reunion for its mem-
Pipe Band were seated in the begs, rather than just another pip-
band -shell on Pert Elgin's broad, ing engagement 'It' can be des
sandy beach, .It ' was the .Sunday cribed as that because it is the only.
before Civic Holiday and despite engagement which they take during.
the : overcast skies, . the waterfront the year.: „Thus it provides an op -
was still thronged with bathers. • portunity for renewing friendships
While waitingfor the hour to be- and: recalling 'memories
gin the evening concert, some . of. , For the last three or four years,.
the older pipers began: to , reflect Reid.MacKim' has acted as' Pipe
on the"a number of. years.., since the. Major for the Lucknow .highland-°
.Luclmow Pipe Band had first tra- ers.: Reid,' a native of Lucknow and
veiled to Port Elgn, forthis ann- now living in Ottawa, arranges to
tial Sunday 'concert. It turned' out take his vacation each year so that
that,.several of :our members could ':it coincides with this Civic Holiday
recallmaldng the trip in the thirt- engagement
ies, several years before the out 'Present also on thisyear's tri William T. Townshend, : '
break of the Second World War..,
Reflections of this kind revealed
to. them only : too ;plainly the swift-
ly, passings dears so they did not
dwell, long bn the subject. It: should
• be pointed out however,; that these'
recollections .;also indicated the
staunch loyalty of these pipets for
the Lucknow band.
a native. of Bayfield and was a be-
loved practitioner' in the . com-
munity for a number of years.
After her husband's death, Mrs.
Elliott continued ' to • reside • here
until 1942 when she moved to
Strathroy where she resided for
15 years. She had been a patient
at ' St. Mary's Hospital . for seven
Mrs; Elliott has been a faithful
member. of ' St. Peter's . Anglican.
Church while in Lucknow and the.
funeral' service was held at St.
Peter's on Thursday afternoon,
conducted by . Rt. Rev.. W • A.
Townshend, Suffragan Bishop ` of
:Interment was in : . Greenhill
Cemetery ..with Frank McKenzie,
Duncan A.. MacRae, John: E. Town
Mervyn Elliott : and John . Wise as
Mrs. Elliott' is survived by . Mrs:
Ian MacRae (Winifred ),. of Lon-
don, who was a niece of . Dr. El-
Thee YeIIow Rose
of . Texas
were Lucknow'.s'veteran • pipers:; D.
A. MacLennan, Murray . MacDon-
ald, Frank MacKenzie and Wilfred,
MacQuillan. Frank's two. 'sons, Ian
and Roddy and• Wilfred's.: son Sandy
represented'.a second: generation of liott and adopted daughter
pipers ' ' She was predeceased .; by her
Another Sandy (MacD: ), • . your husband, parents' and ;a sister who
correspondent, marched .'•in' 'thedied in' ' childhood. .
ranks , :for the occasion. Scott •
Christorphen, .a young• 'gentleman
froin Kitchener: whose father sev
.. ,' Emer(� enc � Aid :.
eral, ' years :ago associated with the �+ y
Lucknow.,Pipe Band,' kept up tra- •
'dition b' t piping With us this. ear. Eff ctil0 After • :lad
YPp gwi Y .
Heading" the percussion section •: •,
was, Mac Webster: of Kincardine
As a leadingside drummer, he has rjed. 'Poison Fluid
campaigned with Lucknow for both John Weigand, '`Jr.., the, two- Miles • of the total- trip:: This section,
competitive and social' events'over. year-old •son of Mr, and Mrs. John was. 'vel road and while the
the -years: Finley MacLennan, D. Weigand,: Route . 3 Goderich` bad •
A.'s son, .who has taken , up the a narrow escape from' poisoning f•along :beautiful and Arles
drum instead of the nes ablyfill- I when 'he ' accidentall: swallowed farms' . the route,-, Charles
pipes, Y
I � said: -,he 'would drive•for.miles
ed a • position as our second. side some '• carburetor conditioner.: without 'meeting ' a car: ,
a drummer: ,Mel'Stuart, whose ass-, John, Sr ; had.set' the can down
' ucknow dates'. back fora minute'in a place, which he • '
. 1 - . - . •
ociatton.'with L•
many years, played the bass thought" was, beyond the 'toddler's to 1 }
• : •R1'N: UG, t
drum. His daughter, .Judy, dressed reach:; while.' be went inside the
in a Scottish outfit, helped to.enter-house. Mrs.' jack, Hewitt 'spent'. the past UNITED CHURCH.
taro our'' audiences this' year with
' When ; he came outside a .. ,few two weeks . at Ottawa where' she
her highland dancing. `- Rev. Howard W. . Strapp
g. , mMutes. later his boy had the can is taking _a ,si simmer course in
•Following: the custom of • other ;.in his hands with the -cap off. After Home,Economics. : stere
years, the band gives' an:.afternoon i smelling his breath, they realized ;• Recent visitors . with...Mr. and SUNDAY, AUGUST 23rd
concert starting' between 2 and 3 he , had 'swallowed some ' of the • • Mrs, . William E. Haldenby were
D. O'Connor: ' The Talking Mule 'p,• M. The programme of slow 'and.1 fluid, . a methal hydrate solution, Mr.' and Mrs. Norman Fry . and
It's old : tymers' nite. family. fun quick marches, continues • until commonly referred to as wood' al- family of. Harriston and Mr. and
We : salute the golden age club. nearly 5 P.. M.. During this. time, cohol. • Their efforts.' to make him Mrs, Harvey Becking a -'
.� bring. g rant
g..• kin or.Brant-'
All Pensioners admitted ._FREE , two of the Lucknow pipers.are ' up the. solution had no ef-.ford. .•
busily passing: their hats (tams) a- feet so, without wasting any more Mr. and 'Mrs. George, "Gilbert of
9mongst the spectators for a silver time, they rushed;him • to the 'God !Stratford, visited on Tuesday with
' I • . collection. Financing . this trip is erich Alexandra Marine Hospital'. Mrs. William Cox:and n
• The Thrill of It . Alnd Rev..BensonIt was .a s stem established byan Thetetihent. Cox. . .•.,.one by tau "cleans and this alone for tree •
.lie wastreated � by their � Mrs. Pence Collins,.of• Echo -
Color • agreement with.. Port Elgin's Cham- familyphysician who had been ; Bay Mrs. Doroth Thompson : and
Doris 'Day; James Garner • '' berroof Commerce whe• the first alerteinnadvance bya tele hone ` - y ' ' a
The 'Best' Blues . Chaser In Yearsy
P Mr. and Mrs: Arthur Graham, of
begansponsory'ter: .Sault sae Marie, visited tluriiig. the
Band call from the bo s older sister, to the' Sunda
.•`- week with relatives and friends
• coSome years, this ro sition is pita' indicated t ha John; J e hos
HeII �•is For Heroesp p° was here .
• • • • a , profitable one . for the bands as:recovering satisfactorily• ; Mr, Rae Iia
:, .:.. � •,.. ldenby ` returned
Steve McQueen, Bobby Darrin the members will return -home. with ; home after, holidaying at
CARTOON as high as twelve dollars in their Oil drilling operations in Saugeen Coast
Y g the � est
• -sporrans '•'. after deductions for.. Township in Bruce Co. were dis. 'Miss May Bole Mr, arid
trans Y Mrs.
SUN. LATE SHOW, MONDAY portation and. meals. ' Other ; continued when trouble developed Karl Boyle and Carol Visited on
August 23• .end 24 • years, the proceeds are disappoint- at the 1000 foot level, .with no Friday, evening with Miss Edna
ing—to ' put it mildly. wgrthwhile" signs of oil, ; Boyle.
The evening concert begins at
Wi � Guitar ' P. . • g • " Other .visitors during .the :
8':30 M. and lasts until 10 P.:M.
• week
with Mrs. William Cox and fico..
• ' Arch ,Half ' ' , It is introduced. by a march down' This year, a sudden violent.thun- Benson Cox were Mr. and Mrs.
to the piers where the'big,derstorm broke oust near the end .' Hiram Pan-�burn,
QUICK. AND THE DEAD..lux-!; .. of Amberley;
�, Adult :entertainment L. Mann : urioiis yachts are moored. After of our programme. A ba shell Mr. and Mrs. John Scott,
a few numbers on the dock, during; does .not offer much • protection 'a- Huron; Mr. and Mrs t' lltvoon. ,
which another two of our members ' gainest heavy rain; to a �oid a ilod ins an Ellwood
WED., THURSDAY g o, family, of Toronto, Hi , t
TUESDAY, are collecting:, we return to the •soaking we scurried far the shelter 1111. Karl • •Bo 1' : ' �
August 25; 6, :27 . band -shell to finish out the of Allan Reid's bus. • Y o , of London. 13th SUNDAY.' AFTER' Tft'INITY
• e evening Although we firs. •• Pence • Collins,' of Echo
hadn't quite concluded our pr•o- Ba' • Mr
Churchchooh 10.30 e.m.
I' With the aid of an. amplifier • and gramme..'tee were satisfied' that Mr. ' s' Dorothy.��T�aho�m son and ,
. .Mira. Arthur -Graham ('of , ing and +. , Morning. Prayer. 11x15. a.t04
Rod Taylor, ' Ty Iiardi.n ,. A. system, the band broad asts.,'Lucknow lupe hand had Tt,fticient} •Sault sae, Marie,
Adult Ent. ,,,pipe music to the occupants of sev entertained the holiday: throng 1 11rs: Gertrude' 'Wal The ktev. J. R. 'King'. '
CART Color gah spent E
ort E1 yet •. Rector
Hitchcock'sitchcpck's Suspense Adventure i oral ed cars parked along the a at gut• beach for another ;'I'tiursday with' Mr, and Mrs. Scott
t.: r year. Walsh and familyatf �.'
Cdrlsruhe• , • r1+ambi rioonia, i � r* isor0 rwr. irirwi r+>.�r.ti•
an ers
Lucknow -- Phone 528-301' 6.
Ladies: & Mes1'a .1�ear,,
i the :: .
FALL SUITS are here
• B�udeand-WOOI
Sizes in Misses, Womens, and Petites•,
• in; cranberry, brown,F,black, blue, green
etc., and'tweed mixtures:
• STYLES are three "and. two-piece
• ..models overblouses ' to : mix and
414 $19.95to$39.95