HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-08-19, Page 1, • $4.00 A Year 401111. n Advance -- $1.00, Extra To U.S.A. L'UCKNOW ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1964 1 Single Copy 1Oc; • • 10 Pages, Loyal ResidentBecQmes Foster, Parent i Technical Difficulties Cause Deny To. Heed�> 1.114:10.r.41.d.Oreek..YOuth.. Ernest .Ackert. of Lucknow has financially "adopted" Constantine Economakis, an 11 -year-old . Greek. - boy,' through Foster Parents' Plan, Montreal The Foster Parent has promised to contribute $16 a month for the child's support, . for . at least a . year.. , Monthly'. letters will be received':,• from overseas, both ' original and • translation: In it a Foster Child • may .describe how, it feels sud- denly to have shoes on his feet, - a, mattress to sleep on instead of a dirt floor, and thecomfort of a • full stomach. He always .reports on 'his progress. at . school. Letters from his Foster Parent, both original and translation, are treasured. Often they.. tell about life in Canada. Letters are ex- changed: monthly, A Foster Child starts learning about generosity, Canadian -style, as. • soon as , he is.selected' by • a Plansocial worker. tin' his. country, (Continued on. page • 9) • V. Constantine .Economakis Toll •Free Service Between .n Spring ow -Dungannon Till Technical difficulties will delay. the introduction of toll 'free call- ing between Lucknow ' and. Dun- gannon and between Goderich and Dungannon, officials of the Huron and Kinloss Telephone Company and, the Bell Telephone. Company announced this 'week. Originally. scheduled for later this year, the plans will go into effect in . the spring of . 1965. Long •,distance charges will be` removed from telephone calls plac- ed between Goderich and Clin- ton, as scheduled, this fall. The addition of the Clinton exchange to the local calling area. of. Gode- rich is ::sufficient to make a nom- inal increase in monthly rates. There .will be no further increase in Goderich rates when the Dun• - Lj�yd AShi�n,Buys Heart of . Lucknow' Henderson: Block 1� gannon exchanges is . added .. next !annul Although. ' Goderich 'telephone users will pay higher monthly • rates when the plan is ' introduced most of them will pay less in tot- al .monthly bills than they are .pay- ing at present when long distance charges to . Clinton' are added to themonthly bill. The . nominal increase in mon- thly rates in Lucknow and Dun- gannon will not come into 'effect Until the long distance charges are . removed from 'telephone calls placed between : Lueknow. and Dungannon . ip the ' spring. of, 1965.. In the fall, Direct Distance Dialing (DDD) will, be introduced to Clinton and, Goderich subscrib- ers; Dungannon will receive. the DDD. service in , the spring of 1965: The three communities will then. ' • the growing number ' of com• - munities where subscribers cam: .dial their own station to .station. long distance calls to any one of more than 90,000,000 telephones in Canada and the United States. Direct Distance Dialing is made possible by giving every one of the millions of , telephone users : in Canada • and the United States . a different number, just as each "dere- .' phone customer hi Gederich and Dungannon or Clinton has . ,, his own individual number. North America hasbeen divid- ed into more than 135 Number- ing Plan Areas, each identified by a three digit area code. The area code for Goderich, ' Clinton and Dungannon is 519. -,A seven digit telephone nuniber in any of „ the three; centres, when prefixed by 519, will not be duplicated any- where in North American YOUR CO-OPERATION, PLEASE Fractional Increase In: Taklate, Scho�Q•BUSlnessS��tao/�n PROBLEMS •AT THfSENTINEL: � '': ., Lloyd. Ashton, of Lucknow, has purchased the Henderson Block' on. Campbell Street from . Mrs. Wellington Henderson' of town. The * block is known to many as the. "Allin Block" having been built by the late. William, Allin,, of Lucknow. It. was sold to Mrs. Henderson's father, 'the late Is- aiah, Congram, about 1928 and has been in the family ever since. Mr. Congram's death occurred' in the early 1930's. The bio c k contains three main street businesses, Ashton's Ladies and Men's Wear, Ritchie's . Barber • Shop. and Bennett's Sepoy Store, : as. well as eight apartments over- head. The Sepoy Store:was established in 1938 by .Mrs. .':Henderson's ; son- in-law, Doug Trench, of Listowel, and Mrs: Henderson `managed the store until it was sold about' five years ago to Mel • Bennett, of ' Kin- cardine. Prior to being operated as a variety store, 'it was the site of the Ailin ., implement shop. Or- iginally there:. were. four ' .business places. ` in the block, but when Williani''.Schmid built his : new building, Ashton's expanded their' space to take in the building -.form- erly occupied , by Schmid's ' The new owner, Lloyd Ashton, commenced' a children's a wear bus- iness in' us-iness"in' the Joh istone Bleck in 1947 and in 1952 he moved to the. Henderson building and . expanded to include' Ladies' and Men's Wear. He purchased the business of Miss, Emma • McCluskey, formerly Templeton's, at that time. • Headlines variety Shou�r here next week TOMMY Tommy Common, a star of the. CBC Country Hoedown show, headlines a galaxy of 'performers g Who wiltsta e a variety' show .. . in Lucknow arena on Wednesday evening • of next week. The show and dance, tender CO1VIMON' •p Lions , Club. aur ices, marks, the y�.ng• of the ,, openi. new arena.. floor, Tommy..Connmor1 appeared in 'Lucknow four years ago with the Bill O'Connor Show and those .who heard him in person are anticipat- ing `his return appearance. Allan McQuillin,' who ..has been > carrying the brunt of the linotype work at : The Sentinal office;, was admitted to Wing- ham Hospital. on Thursday of. last week with ' infectious jaundice •. When he will be back on the . . job is uncertain at present. The linotype load "fell" on Allan when . Ray Thornton took °a position in Oshawa and quite a .spot:• Allan's. sickness. has . us in With Cam and Don "conte fined" More .than; ever to the back. shop, the reporting and writing may be neglected some so we ask the to -operation of everyone . to :send', in = and promptly, please- news items meeting reports, stories or Up -offs, so we may, keep up to date with the -mews: This week 'a retired news- paper publisher, ' Doug ; Young, now of : Kincardine, has helped us out part time with some of the linotype work Doug is •.'the father of . Mrs.,Art Putney,: of Lucknow. osteone Arena ;urvey Until ,The nd Of. The Month The municipal survey to be held in order to assess public opinion as to the project to be undertaken at the arena has been postponed till. the end of the month. The blitz canvass was planned 1. for this ' week, but the postpone= Ment was decided'; upon .in order to give residents of the. Commun- ity ity a chance to see the new per- manent manent concrete floor, which • has' been laid in the arena: This $10,- ''. 000 project completes the artificial' ice undertaking, which was :.spon- sored by the Lucknow and District Lions Club and represents nn' overall expenditure of . a"pproxim- ately. $38,000, at no cost to the ratepayers. The new polished concrete sur face will add to the use which can be made of 'the building and is re- garded as a factor in warranting'1 the municipality to undertake the construction of a new auditorium.' building at the West end of the arena. A variety showand dance will mark the opening of the new floor on Wednesday evening'., of next week and afford the oppor- tunity for the public to have ' a ``look see" at this achievement before the municipal • survey is p • u y made. levies .Are Down, Municipal Levy.. Up Lucknow's 1964 tax rate will be. on •residential and -farmassess mentis is . only 90%: of the •rate. levied for. such: 'purposeson com- mercial assessments, making a spread locally of .7 7.8 'mills be- tween the residential and. com- mercial }levies. The two• rates and 'a comparison with ,the. 1963 levies, follows: RESIDENTIAL 1964 1963 Bruce: Count"" ` 14:0' 13:3• Public School ., 14:8 17.9 High' School . '13.2 14;4 Village 26.1 24.7. Police '5:1 • • 2:2 up . just a fraction of a mills., ac- cording to tax bills. which . will be going ' out shortly. • The commercial rate is, 81 mills up a half mill from last year's 80.5 levy. The residential rate . is 73.2 mills, up seven -tenths • of a mill over last year's rate .of 72.5 • mills. The . Countyrateis up . slightly. The Public School rate is down by 3.1. mills this year on : resid- ential property and 3.5 • mills on commercial,. The High : School rate is down 1.2 mills on both. residential and commercial property.: ` School rate .reductions result from 'sharply in - Creased provincial grants. ' The general , village rate is. ' up 1.4 •mills on. 'residential property and .1.6 mills on* commercial. The :biggest hike this . year is in . the Policerate which is 5.1 ` .mills covering a full' year's ': service. The 2.2 rate last year covered only a portion of the 'year, :with full time' ' policing service:. being introduced in August... Assessment Over Million The assessable; property in the Village exceeds the million .dollar mark,with the :residential' assess- ment $676,100.00 and the comm- ercial assessment .$337,749.06 A Provincial unconditional . gra:- nt. ra:nt. of $3093.00 applies on residen- tial .and • farm property • and .thus reduces the residential tax rate by 4.6 mills. In addition the tax., rate levied .for school purposes • 73.2 =..72.5 COMMER.CIAL Bruce '-County ; , 14,0 13.3 Public School 16.5 " 20.0 High Schou :7 15.9 Village 33.7 29.1 Police • '5A 2.2 120 ACRES OF ;SUNPL•WERS. MAKS 'QUITE A SHOW 120 acres of towering sun- flowers; : now' in full head, makes quite a ' sight ,on the farm of Hector McLean, 'south of. ' Amberley: ' The crop is owned by Geo.; Wraith of Goderich. • ORALE CONGPAM PLANS 'TO ATTEND UNIVERSITY Dale Congram; 18-yearold on of Mrs. Cliff Congram of • Port Credit and the late Mr.' Congram, has .successfully completed 'Grade 13 ' in one year, obtaining nine ; subjects. • Dale, plans •to attend, university , with a teaching career in mind. His brother: Brian, age 16, will be in Grade 12 ,. in September: • The • boys are grandsons of Mrs. ' Charly es Congram. of town. Itwiilb ca h child, Dale was in collision with a car and suffered : • severe in- juries Which hospitalized him for a long period and, required the use of crutches for a time 'after returning, to. his home here. 81.0 80.5 Provincial education grants are up sharply this, year. The • high'. school grants total ' $92,000.00 and the pubic school grants, $25,250 for a total of $117,250 . ' Highway g'. -ants are :up this year to a $40,000 'figure withpro- vincial grants to the municipality arnot4nting to over $45,003. Locally the taxpayers contribute 29,500.00 for school ,purposes and ,. 33,200.00 for municipal purposes ti August .Flower Show This Friday. The Lucknow and ` District Hor- ticultural Society's annual August flower show is scheduled for Fri- day night of this week in the Leg- ion eg ion Hall. . This ''•is always an interesting ,and colorful. display / and ' with plenty of moisture' this year the exhibits should be plentifuland beautiful. • • • .The Hall will be open for ;an hour and a half on Friday after- noon and on Friday 'evening. In the . gladiolus, annuals; roses, '° . dahlias, 'perennials; baskets, floral arrangements and potted plants, there are no less, than 101 sections for exhibits. There 'is another clepa'tinent' for vegetable exhibits and the Junior section, which .includes some 25 competitions for flowers, ,*eget- abler, novelties and collections. The children's class ' always.. at- tracts keen oonpetition, Anyone wishing a .prize list, who did not receive should ,, . one, Tay- lor, the secretary, loot=mar Tay- lor, or the president, nt, F• a. Henderson,