HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-08-12, Page 1ri
$4.00: A Year, In Advance-- $1 00 Extra To' U S.A,,
Date D# dote Not Yet Set
A vote 'on. five questions for the
licensing-�of , the sale of beer, • li-
quor ' and wine in Ashfield Town-
ship will be held in the township
on a date yet .to : be set.
At. the August meeting of Ash-
field Township 'Council on Tues-
day of ,;last : week .a petition was
received bearing 341 signatures,
asking for such a plebiscite. Court=
cal accepted the petition° and . au-
thorized ~.Reeve Donald MacKen-
zie and. Clerk Donald M. Simp-
son to• : obtain' legal advice as to
procedure, and to contact the Li-
quor Licencing; Board regarding
the _petition :.for. the plebiscite..
The • petition was submitted'' by
Ray Mitchell. of Goderich request-
ing council to "submit•:.the follow -
ii g . questions to a vote " of the
persons qualified • to be on the
Voters list and to vote at 'elec
• tionsto the Legislative Assembly
in ' that municipality:
The 341 '`signatureson. the peti-
tion were considerable in excess
of required 2
the. 25% of• theeligible..
eq .
voters of the municipality.
• The five questions to be sub-
mitted respecting the .sale of bev-
•erages "by -the -drink" , are as fol-
Areyou in favor of the sale of
beer only under a'r public house
licence . for the. consumption on
licenced premises to . which. only
women are • admitted.
Are you in favor „of the sale of
beer only under a 'public house
licence for consumption on lic-
enced premises :to which men
only are admitted:
Ali -44u in 'favor of the sale of
beer and wine only under a din-
ing room ;;licence for consumption.
withmeals on licenced premises..
Are you. in favor , ofthe sale of
liquor. under : a diningroom lounge
licence f o r consumption with
meals on licenced premises.
Are you in favor of the 'Sale of
liquorunder a lounge licence for
consumption; on licenced premises.
We understand that Mr. Mit-'
chell has taken an option on ''the
old hotel building at Port Albert
(the Grey property) pending the
outcome' of the liquor plebiscite.
Should the vote be favorable;
Mr.' ,Mitchell would modernize the
premises, to the standards de-
manded by the licensing board.
An. estimated expenditure of
some $20,000, .over and above the
cost of the •property. would be
necessary to comply with these
requirements. _ T
Possible unicipal. Vote
With a new ` 6." -man Township
School. Board to • be elected this
fall. to.' have supervision of all
schools in the Township, under
.new regulations by'' the . Depart-
ment of Education, there ' is a
definite likelihood' ;of : a municipal.
-election in ` early December..
Whether or not the liquor: pleb-
iscite 'could be held .at this time,
or at an earlier date, remains
to be : determined.
o Made Betz Canvass (1f Y�la�e :Yo
�e#ermine Course Of Action �At Are. nu
Plans are being made for a
Canvass' 'of' the rate era the
F pay :.
Village to determine if -possible
1`what course of action is to 'be
taken .at the arena. The canvass -
is . expected to take the form of
a blitz, and if plans can .be fin-
alized in time, will be launched
next week.
There are ;.two alternatives. An.
extensive renovation and- restor-
ation program of the interior :.and
exterior of the . present building,
or a modern', new addition at : the
west • .end, which. 'would • become
the main entrance, with off -the -
highway parking facilities. ,
A 'brochure has been• prepared
which will,' be distributed . by the
canvassers, giving • a comparative
cost of the two projects.
,,. , The figures arrived at, estimate
that the renovation programde-
bentured over 10 ` years would cost
the' local taxpayer .approximately
as much Per 'annum as the new
building for` the 10 -Year period, but
the ` new .addition' .would be fin-
anced over 20 years
For this project there are grants
available that could not be fob
tained :for 'a renovation program.
The 'canvassers who will ' blitz
the Village,.' seeking 'a "yes" or
• "no" signature to the question-
naire, . will be comprised of Vit
Plage ratepayers representing the'
Lions. Club, Legion and Firemen,
who are supporting the new bold-'
With a $38,000 investment in
artificial ice and a permanent
floor atno cost to the taxpayers,
it is,. felt the new building, with
the modern facilities andadvan-
tages it will . offer, is the proper
course, to .pursue from ;the long
range' 'outlook.
ire Departments' To Urge .County
o Ban Public Sale Of fireworks
Bruce County 'Mutual. Ald Fire! I. Fire departments •represented at
:tidy' throughout the county, were
Elmwood, Chesley, Lucknow, Rip-.
ley, •Southampton, 'Tara,' Teeswa-
ter and ' Mildmay. ; . ..' '
men's Association are concerned the meeting, which, are held mon-
about' the misuse of firecrackers
and fireworks within the county
and have Made a motion to , be
.presented to 'Bruce County. • Coun-
cil calling for a county -wide : by;
law preventing the sale , of fire-
crackers and fireworks. •
The i`hotion was made at the
monthly meeting held in the Luc -
Town. Hall last •Thursday,
with Lucknow ' the host depart-
merit Considerable discussion cen-
F6re Damages•.
Farm Kitchen
Fireabout the supper hour on
tred around the danger of fire-. Sunday evening, August 2nd,
works both from personal arid heavily damaged tale kitchen on
Firemen know of the farm residence of ' Mr, and
• property basis, • Kilpatrick at Belfast,
many fires that were .started by Mrs. Harvey Kilpati is
yfour miles south of town.
French frying potatoes caused a
'grease fire that spread rapidly•.
in - the kitchen of the home.; Ex-
tensive fire damage was done to
misuse of the ',products and of
severe injury resulting from their
use. Fire chiefs of Teeswater:.'and
Southampton spoke of town by-
laws they had in . force prohibit-
ing, sale, and in Southampton ,it
is , even an offence to set them
off ' unless a proper permit has
been : obtained, Both these' depart-
ments have organized public fire-
works displays near the 24th holi-
day, •
It was felt that the bylaws pro-
hibiting sale within a town or
village : were no good if fireworks
could be purchased at rural stores,
so it was decided to ' :approach
the problem on. a county basis
the kitchen and • cup wit
other � smoke dam ge, Lucknow
Fire De • artment 'put out the
blaze. Through a mixup in phone
calls, Blyth firemen also respond-
ed to the fire, a distance of about
20 miles. Apparently Blyth has
a large number of "truck Chas-
ers" as .they had quite 'a" proces-
sion . ing the truck
follow.. Luck-.
miles' to'
now with only fourdrive,
had' the fire under control when
the Blyth department ,arrived.
Alexander MacLennan, 62, of
Tillsonburg,. died August 3 with
burial taking place in Tillsonburg
cemetery: He was .'the .only, . bro-
ther of the late H: M. "Mack"
MacLennan of -Lucknowand died•
less than . ;a _year. after his bro-
ther whose death';occu,red :here
suddenly August 7 of last year.
Mr.. MacLennan was a native •
of the Millbank area and at. the
time 'of his ' death was a partner
in ' Stauffers ' Motors,; Tillsonburg.
He was a member ' of the Mason-
is .order and the Rotary, Club.
The pouring of the' cement
floor in the. arena. .on Tues-
uesday, resulted in some "scurry-
ing about" on oMonday even-
ing, as so often happens when
mechanical problems arise.
A representat4ve of the Can-
ada Ice Machine Company,'
.arrived in the village on Mon-
to. see that all was in
order before the' ice.. pipes,
. were " cemented over.
In starting up the equipment
it was found that the seal for
the. compressor had to be 're-'
placed. .Telephone ' calls ' were
made to Toronto for' the-party--
he-part,:--but how to get- it was the
problem. Finally it was ' learn-
ed that a midnight bus into
Guelph was the .closest 'deliv-
ery could . be' made.,
The Company representative
and • Sandy 'Havens :. dismantled '
the equipment' early Monday -
evening. Bob Finlay met the
busy in Guelph at ' midnight,
and on his return, aroused..
the' .machinist whq went to
work about 2:00 a.m. .to get
the compressor 'into operation,
so cement pouring could start
on : schedule at. 7:00 a.m.
in e' Copy •10c • 16 Pages
To -Move. To. London
' ont s� •
Clair . (Ada) `Agnew of
Lucknow will vacate her apart-
ment in . • the 1Vlurdie • : Block'" the
end of this month, and move to
Mrs: Agnew and her daughter,
Mrs. •I. M. (Katherine) Hall have
acquired a home. in London where
they .will . take up residence:
' Mrs.
Hall and ; :her 4 -year-old
son David have. • continuedto re-
side in. Ottawa since Mr. Hall's
death. Mr., Agnew ' was killed in.
a-•-notor-accident ' at Dunlop, north
of Goderich, ;three .years ago last.
Mrs. Agnew has been a 'valued
member . of .t h e Presbyterian.
Church and the W.M.S., and many.
friends regret her departure In--
cluded in this/group are a : num-
ber of youthful music students;
Mrs:. Agnew ,taught piano to a '
group of young..: fol who --had:
increased ' 'in ; numbers' to about,
forty-five pupils. •
Mr, and Mrs, Elmo Sanderson
(Marguerite MacKenzie) have ren-
ted the apartment being vacated.
by Mrs. Agnew.
.New Lighting, ;New Bridge :Highlight
Improvements duthorized By CouncN
At a' special • meeting . of the
Village Council on July 14th con-:
struction • and installation of; new
lighting'. was approved on:..Camp-
bell . St.,. from Havelock St to
• the , Eastern limit of the .mumci
Estimated ; cost is. $3,451.85 for
material ; and $3060,00. for Tabour..
Authorization was given to ' sell.
sufficient : bonds . to '• finance 'the
. New' :Bridge '` .
Ma'Jor single item of the road
and bridge program is the con
struction. of a new bridge on
Willoughby .St. south of the . bus-
iness section.' Owen King :has. been
awarded the contract,. being the:
lowestof three tenders
The entire road and ` bridge pro-
gram is subject to the approval,
of. 'the • Ontario Department of
•Highways, a n d the Municipal.
Board from which approval of a
$24,000 .debenture issue is •being
Tax Rate .Little Changed.
Reduction in both the High '.
'School and . Public School rates,
makes possible higher municipal
expenditures without affecting the
tax rate . greatly from last year.
The residential rate is, up 07% •
`of a mill. and the commercial.
rate .is ` up half ..a mill: Details. of
this ' will be . carried next week.
EntireIce Pf.olect:COI.kg:ClosSa8. Q00
In . a continuous all -day opera-
tiona permanent re-inforced con
crete floor. was laid in the arena
on. Tuesday. This is the final stage
of the ' artificial ice installation,
which has been a major project
of the Lucknow and District Lions
Club involving, a '.total axperi-
ture in the neighborhood of $38;
The artificial • . ice ' plant and
arena installation amounted to ap-
proximately $25,000, The floor hea-
ved after the first winter's• 'oper-
ation deciding the Club to exca-
vate; drain and back fall ' with
gravel • the ice area. This • was
done at a cost, of $3,000. The fill,.
after last winter's operation, has
now packed very hard, providing
an excellent base for the pouring
of a permanent,polished andsteel)
reinforced . concrete floor. . This
will cost close to $10,000, making
the entire Lions sponsored pro-
ject a $38,000: achievement,
The Club is short about $5,000
to. complete the job and is going
into debt to that. amount to fin-
ance it_�
The artificial ice project receiv-
ed wonderful support through in-
dividual contributions by .mcrnbers;
of the community and many for-'•
mer residents, who were espec-
ially generous,
The . Lions anticipate that there
may still be some who have .not
(Continued on page 1,0'
Lud IiijureLIn
Harvest Accident
Michael Courtney, ...' 12 year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Court-
ney of Concession' 10 Ashfield had
.a .escape from what might
have been fatal injuries in a farm
accident last Thursday evening.
Michael .apparently fell from a
farm wagon, ands suffered very
severe scalp lacerations and a
slightskull fracture. IIe was rush-
ed .to Wingham Hospital and to
War 'Memorial Children's Hospital
in 'London, where he is still' a
patient. He was in . surgery for
about an hour, and remained con-
i all the > to the hos ital
It is notanticipated that any
brain 'damage resulted.
Michael's Uncle Joe Courtney
was • d'riving . a.' tractor drawing
two' wagons, which were empty
at the tilde. They had been draw-
ing baled grain for threshing. It
is surmised that Michael fell be-.
Sween. 'the wagons. •
Joe .was unaware of the mis-
hap but was "about to turn into"
the farm off. the Concession road,
whenhe, turned to look for 'traf-
traf-fic and saw Michael .on the road-
way. '•
Eleanor Irwin
Second In
Canadkin Contest:
„Mrs.:' Eleanor ' Irwin of R.R. 7
Lucknow placed 'Second in the
ladies' division of "the; Canadian
Old Time' Fiddlers'- competition •
held at •Shelburne on Friday and'
Saturday •'of. last week. 'She was
edged out by Ellen ,Walker of
Hamilton who won the class. 'Dor-
`othy Houston of .Earltor, a form=
mer winner, placed third..
Eight entered the ' competition
on Friday and three finalists were
chrise'n to• compete again 'on Sat-:
urday, ' Tt was in the wee small.
hours of Saturday morning before
the preliminaries • were chmpleted
.and finalists were back at it=again
on Saturday. Mrs; Its Cumming
of Lucknow - was Eleanor'sac-
f There were; 107 contestants;
male and: female,in the entire.
on. during competitiAttedance, d rin the
2 -day affair was approximately
9000. This was the loth . annual
Canadian Old Time Fiddlers', Conn
test. Congratulations .go' out froti
the .Lucknow area to Eleanor for
placing . second in this Canadian
cornYietitimi and ptittiivt her coin-
' triunity "onthe inap."