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From lucknow
Attend Camp
Guides ..
• (Continued .:from Page ':1)
ation escorted :by Reverend Harold
Ptllen to the front of the ,church.
After prayer by 'Rey. Edward
Todd, who , read the . charge to
Rev. Harold Pillen, ' Mrs. Pillen,
Kenneth and. 'Sandra. were also
escorted , to the: ' front and intro
'duced. to the • congregations:: An-
other daughter, Darlene...will' ar-
rive shortly to be 'with her fain-
ily ..at the manse. After the dos-
ing hymn, "A charge to .keep , 1
have" prayer • was given by Rev.
E. W. Todd. A reception follow-::
ed 'in the' Sunday 'School •robin and
lunch prepared by . the .ladies.
of the three' ` congregations . wase
enjoyed anda social hour follow-
During . the lunch , hour Rev. E.
W. Todd :called on ' members of
the: , various organizations f o r
words of welcome which :were ex-
pressed to Rev: Harold .:Pillen.,
Mrs. Pillen, Kenneth and Sandra.
Rev. Donald A. McKenzie, who
leaves shortly for his new charge,
was present for the 'induction - .ser-
vice, .also . Rev: - Oliver Strapp, . a
brother -of Rev. 'Howard.' Strapp.
Western Native
Rev., Pillen was • born in North-
ern Manitoba,. grew up and at-
tended .High School there' in a
Seventeen Giri" Guides f r, o m.
Lu'cknow are part of a group of
200 from the Galt area camping
at. Camp: Keewadin between Am-
berley. and Kintail gat - the end 'of
the. 12th `concession of Ashfield
Township. The camp..: is from - `the
5th . to 'the 15th of . July.. and ;par
eats : took the girls to :camp' on
Sunday.:' Guide leaders ,:here . are
Mrs.,,Jack McKim and Mrs: Jack
Thbse from . Lucknow who. are
attending camp, :are Donna Fors
ter, Nancy Corrin,: Joanne Greer,
Janet Carruthers, . Eleanor Whit-
hitby, . Beverley • MacDonald, Gail,
Jamieson, Linda Marriott, ' Sandra:
poak, Donna. Mallin, Lynda . Wal -1
den,. Mary . Henderson, Nancy :
Kirkland, Lynda Chisholm,. Linda'
Boyle, . Valerie. l'dorningstar.., Shar-
on Wagner...
DiedNearing H
95th Birthday
arming com• ms nifty.• . In 1942 ' he
(WHITECHURCH'NEWS) went to. Sudbury 'where he work
There passed away in Wingham .j ed . for International Nickle, ; He
and District Hospital on Tuesday,' k served as a lay supply for Sud=
June .30th, one of the earlier resi- btfiy Presbytery. While in Sud -
dents of �,,.
ty Mrs. Wil- bury he was superintendent of the.
liam Conn, who was in her 94th Sunday Schoolfor eight' years and
year: She would 'have celebrated` also served as .a member of •ses-
her '95th birthday. on July 5th. •:sion and on the board of 'stew
She was' the daughter .. of the ards In' 1958, he became a can -
the late Mr. and Mrs.John John7 didate for the ministry and 'en-
ston and lived on a farmnearby tered a . new university, Hunting -
her present. home where she' "re- : 'ton, at Sudbury. and. was the f `list`
sided for almost 57 'years .student ordained from ` that un
She- enjoyed good health
until;; le-ersity - • fie received his B.A.
this spring when she contracted' there andwhile�•attending univer-
.• Pneumonia from which she failed sity he was. a student in eharge
to 'rally.. Her husband predeceased of the' Blezard • 'Valley . charge.
her in • 1943 also one son . Robert • . Three years ago, in 1961, he be -
and one daughter: Mrs. r Maud) game student in 'charge of Spring.
Stewart Scott. She leaves to mourn Brook in the Belleville Presbytery.
her loss her sister, M. Samwhile attending Queen's Theelog-
• Hutchison of Wingham and .sons Acad. College at Kingston.. During
.Wallace and Johnston Conn of Kiri- that time he commuted, On week
I iss, Mrs. Hardy Simpsoh tele ends .to his 'family . and char e . at
of Teeswater, Mrs. Harold John- Spring .Brook. On June 3. this year
ston ;Lauraof Parkhill. The
:fun= be was ' ordained into the ' Cn ted
eral c as held on. Friday from,. Church of 'Canada at Kitchener...
Walker's funeral'home • to Wing- Mr: and l f rs. ' Pillen and • three•
ham. bemetet with Rev. Cox of children moved .inn(„r, , the manse
Teeswater officiating.' This eom- -at Pine 'River on July 1St. Dar-
munity= extends their. sympathy to clerk,. 13 -and Kenneth. 15. *ill.
the. bereevede attend Ripley District High School..
Sandra. 7,1, ' atte
, ilio
A fool and . his money are soon ' school at Huron. -le eel. just ace ss.
,- invited places. • . : the 'road froth the. rues
By TheSenIineI
THAT , Stanley • J. Pym, m * has
rented the apartment of Mrs.
John Carruthers just south of
the Legion . Hall formerly occup-
ied 'by Harold Farrish.. ,
THAT leaders -Anne Ritchie., and
Jim Anderson. report - a first day
enrolment at the Lucknow' Play-
, ground of slightly over 50. • For
. the first day swimming .ctasses
at Teeswater 92 turned out.
THAT Roy Havens, his - father,
Alex Havens and his sister,Mrs.
• James Gardner left last week-
end on a amgtor .trip to Western
Canada. They will be gone about
three weeks.
THAT • a "freak of, nature" oc-
curred recently, in T. J. Salk
eld's orchard, when a pear tree'
blossomed fora 7second, • time •
this. year. 'The normal May blos-
som is: now in fruit and it was
surprising, but • not, unheard of to
• have blossoms budding again in
late June.
THAT Miss Lynda Blake, daugh
-ter of Mr. and Mrs. - Cecil .Blake.
of ,Dungannon, .and. a• :graduate
this year of Stratford Teachers'
College, will.- teach in : Scarboro
When the September term op
THAT Mr. and ` Mrs. Gordon . El-.
•" liott, are having , a '. storage ad
dition built. at the . rear. of . El-
' liott's Beach Bar at ° Amberley.
Beach. Gdrdon has further plans
in ` mind for: expanding the en-
terprise : and has been doing
-sbme : excavating at , the :. north-
east cornerof the property to
.provide an: area Tor construction`
of a dance --hall -adjoining, the -
Beach Bar.
THAT .P.O. George Richards of
• Portage La Prairie,. and . Dick:
Richards of Kemptville visited..
last week -end with their .par.
e ; . and. Mr :.Orland Rich-;
..arils.atsMrGeorge, is. •an, -RCAF. 'in-
.structor and -flew .east with . a
student pilot lane 'ng at . Downs
. view. George visited here and
the 'student airman at St. Cath-
• arines:
THAT Miss Helen McNay,. , daugh-
ter• . of Mr. and. Mrs: ,Kelso Me-
' Nay, : and a Grade. 12 graduate
at . Lucknow District' High
School,.has joined the . staff of
• the local branch of the Bank
• of Montreal.
THAT a family . gathering was
held' Saturday at • the : home of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ritchie
when over. forty.relatives gath-
th• ered to ' honour Mr. and- Mrs.
- Ewen MacDonald of Alberni,
- B.C. Guests were 'present from
:Hamilton, Guelphz, A r k on a;
Wiitechurch, Lucknow St.
Helens, Poll Albert, Tara.
THAT Frank Hamilton split the.
share -the -wealth game at thio
Teeswater .bingo and .also won a
regular .. game 340 prize. Other
local '..people who .split regular
•game 'prizes. were Mrs`. Bob
Currie, Mrs • Albert • Morton;
Mrs. :George •Tiffin.
THAT if -you. have -any glass vin-
egar jugs which . are collecting
dust: the Kinloss . Boy Scouts
will be glad to receive .thein,
as they have plans for putting
them . to good use this fall. .
• THAT Mr. and Mrs. Ron Me-
Lelland :* Agnes Conley).*of f Lore•
burn, Sisk., and', children. • tarn-
Bron ' 9 and, 141arlene 6... visited
this week with her fa_her. Joe
Conley and ether relatives. They
metered east te attehd` the Lions
lnterrnat on:.: Co n e hien t h 1 s
'week in T,ronto.0 Rot, is the
charter ;president: *of the • Lore-
bu Lions. C;uh. • '�,�hich :was
- formed in i959.• H' ckey fans will
best remember ' Roe when the
. MacL e land, Vaughan •end Mid-
dlehS tsar -came, east t5 male
things. , interesting on the i.ee
lanes when they rfor ned' with
.1 Sampo w•s
Lucknow Arket
• Crest 8c OFF Pack
"Toothpaste Sale.
SAVE 39c •
.B.reakfast Club New' Pack with Pectin '24 -oz.
Strawberry .. Jam Sale 2.1firS;98c
"MIR" .l c Sale ' ' SAVE 12c
LiquidDetergent Deal 2 bottles 79c
Van'tarrip. .20 -oz..
Pork Beans Sale
Bick`s Coin or: Or • 12 -oz.... •
Re is : Su er Sale
5 tins 99C,
SAVE, rim.
2 jars 5
on't Gamble; Everyone Saves Here.
We Sell For Less • Values Effective
Phone. Lucknow 528-3420 July 9, 10:; 11'.
THAT Tony Johnstone,' son of. Mr
and ' Mrs. J. C. Johnstone ,has
commenced ,. of ',apprenticeship
at The' 'Sentinel Office. The Sen-
t rePs--needefor-help-results-from-
the :departure of Ray Thornton,
who has. been a valued . member.
'of . the •staff . for close : to a year.
Ray came here 'from Stratford,
and has accepted • a :position in
a. printing .plant in, Oshawa. Mrs..
Thornton and daughter Melody;
Ann .are .presently: in Stratford.
. Ray leaves :. this. Wed esday..
THAT a cg u - le .of 'fire calls with-
•in the Test week ; were of a
minor: nature: 0n July 1st hol-
iday in' the afternoon, : a grass
.: and 'brush . fire on the river bank
across from the old carding mill
near Anderson Flax : Products
was cause for concern;. and, fire-
men put it out. Apparently fire-
,. men were taking. advantage of
Canada's birthday as only 4 re-
sponded to the alarm. ,Last .San -
Sun -
day, at . church . time, a grass
fire took: the department to the
'residence 'of Dr. Peter Johnston,
.-the former Raithby glee, just„
east of town, 1
THAT Mrs. Laurel ' Hewitt of the
THATHarold owald is taking,
physical education .sum m e r
course in. Toronto.. •
THAT, Mrs.' James- •McTavish of
Lucknow- :1'ubhc = School ,Se -Mrs . ;:
• George 'Fisher. of St. Helens
school are taking' junior educe- ..
tion summer courses in • Tor-
THAT : Steve Hall i0-ye'ar-old 'son
of Mr.. and :Mrs: Lloyd. Hall, will
' . have ..to pass • up for. awhile,
swimming, playing ball and ':rid-
ing .his bicycle; the things .a
'10 -year-old :would do. ' Steve
broke his arm- in; as fall from-
' his' bike and the right :arm will.
• be - in. a cast -for about six weeks:
'HAT Mr.. and Mrs Ewart Mac=
Pherson moved last .week - into
their new .home, on Rose St
-built for' them by Wilfred ,White_
Construction of Wingham:. Work
on this new home conimenced
in March. Mr: and Ms."' Mac
Pherson resided.: in: an apart-
ment in . the Johnstone Block,
until the home was. ready for
occupation, last week. .The, new
hon�ie on Ross St. being built by
the -congregation of. the ' Dutch
Reformed Church is also near-.
. Luckfiow. District High School ihg, completion. The site of this
S .t'a. f f, • attended` ; a refresher' 'home .is adjacent to the Gam=
course •in 'Guelph -last week at. , rime Apartments.
the MacDonald institute.
THAT Miss Joyce..McNay of How-
ick. Central School Miss Pati Celebrated. 30ih.
ricin Thompson :and Miss El-'
. eanor McNay, '.who both teach •
in Etobicoke, are etaking sun -h.,
' mer Bourses in physical .educe- ; Mr,. and Mrs. ;Peter • Cook of
tion' at Guelph.' ., the : 13th Con, of Ashfield . cele-
orated their 30th wedding anni-
THA'T. Miss Joanne' :Hunter is. tak-:_ i. _ . .:.. • ._......
� rag a summer course at 'the versary on Sunday. Pete arld Eve
O.C.E. in Toronto • in history, elyn .were presented with many
'En ish and. florae ec. Miss rr1a beautiful gifts:'
Present. for . the occasion were
'ion. Reay ie is .taking a music -
course in Toronto. Marion ea `- Mr, and Mrs. ' Ivan Cook and •Sui-
t ch
es in Toronto and Jognne:'Wi11 San, liipley, Mr. and, Mrs= Lorne
be at l 'orest. Cook, Sharon, • Shelly ..and Gerald
of the 12th ' Con, and Miss Elaine
THAT •Mr.' and Mrs.. Harold Cook .Cook;: Mr, ` and Mrs. • Bruce Hol-
• and . young child are moving: into land, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Hol -
the McConnell resilience on main land. and family,. Clinton; Mrs.
street rend. to the Supertest Gar- Ken .Wilson. Win��ghani; Mr. and'
age.. The house. 'is *being vacated Mrs. Harvey -Joh st nfamily.
. _ n .ori andy
this week: by Mr,4.and Mrs, Bray Goderieh Mr,; and , Mrs. Jack
Thornton. Harold is now assoc- Swan, Bervie; Mrs.• J. R. Clipper`-
ia` with , his• dad Chris' Cook 'ton and family, Mr, and
• � .,ped � Bill y> London;
�1n his. seed cleaning business. Mrs. Bill ' Humphrey and fatally;
south of Belfast.. Harold has Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McDonald
been working as. •a locomotive and family, St. Helens; Mr. And
• engineer .at - Kapuiskasingand Mrs, Milvert' Reid and family:*
• prior to diet had been sailing .for Mr. 'arid Mrs, *Keith 'Cranston and
a number. of years. fail Luck