HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-08, Page 6t
St. Helens Institute
Top,''Quality at Reasonable . Price
Wheel Bdlancng and Alignment
Shockabsorber Service
2 . LicInsed Mechanics
Visitors over the week -end with spent two days after attending the
Mr-. `and Mrs. George, Fisher . were National. Women's Institute Con
Mr and . Mrs: ' Bob Dawson , : of vention at Wolfeville, . Nova Sco-
Kingston, Mr. , and::'Mrs. Gordon tia.
Fisher, Lonnie and ' Lori of Guelph Miss..:Cathy Smith of Toronto is
and Misses Sandra Fisher and spending holidays *with her grand
Janis Farrier returned : to , their parents Mr.: and " Mrs. Russel
homehere after visiting in Guelph Chapman and her great grand
for: a week. mother ' Mrs. Mary Chapman.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill' Gibson, Rhon- Mr and Mrs. ,Elgin Wellwood
-da, Billie and: Gregory visited on and Mrs Nora .Cronin of Caledon
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. visited;this week with Mrs Cecil
,George .Fisher:'.. .. Falconer.
Mr. Harry and Miss Betty Hayes
• : Mrs. Dan Tiffin and Mr. Joe
of Birmingham, Michigan visited Tiffin were in London ' on Tl urs-
this week with Mr. and Mrs. Rus-, day at Victoria Hospital to visit
sel Ritchie, .. Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred, his mother Mrs. Orville Tiffin, who
Tiffin, ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tif- had that day undergone surgery'.
fin, The. Mildmay .:' Midgets a n d
Mr. and .' Mrs. Russel Ritchie,. Whitechurch . Midgets played on
Mr. and Mrs. Charlet Tiffin and 'Whitechurch; diamond Thursday
Mrs Fred . Tiffin spent Sunday evening with a score 11-2 in fav-'
• :with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Payne our of. Mildmay.
of Toronto at their summer cot Mrs. Maud Haggett: ,of Brussels
returned on .
.aage':at Bell Ewart on Lake sim-:Saturday Y� tovisit with
,Mt$ :.Mr. and Mrs. °Victor Emerson for
• Mr. •Herb Laidlaw is visiting a few weeks. J/
this week in Powassin with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Farish Moffat . of
and Mrs. Don Benison. •Wingham '.spent Wednesday 'even -
Held Picnic MeeiIii.g
The .children's meeting of the
St. Helens W.I. was. held Thurs-
day, July 2nd' at 2:30 p,m. in •
the hall with an attendance of
24 adults a p d 26 children. A short.
business Tod was held A com-
mittee concis ' g of Mrs. E. Bar-
bour, Mrs. Jas. Aitchison •and'
Mrs. Ross Gammie was appointed
to look.` after the Fall Fairdis-
play. Mrs. Ross Gammie,. the
'president, gave a short report of
the district annual at: ,Belgrave.,
The results of the races. and.
games under the leadership of the
4-H girlswere as follows: races
girls: pre school, Dale Mac-
Donald; 7 and under, Loree Gam-
mie, Dale MacDonald; 10 andun-
der, Verna Aitchison, •Lois . Stru-
tru thers; 13 and under, Mary Pan-
nabecker, Ver a MacDonald; 14
and up,. Jackie Cooper.
Mr: ' and ' Mrs. Frank ' Stockhill " ing with . Mr. and Mrs. George
Harold Kenneth, Shane and Coni
stance; , of . Timmins visited ` thi .
Mr. and Mrs: Ross MacGregor
week With her Parents Nir.''-and,', of .Toronto. are• . spending � their.
Mrs. Tom Morrison. holidays here. Last week was`
spent at a cottage at Kincardine,
Boys' races — 8 and under,
David MeWhinney, Douglas Ait
chison 10 and . under, Douglas
Aitchison, David . MeW hinny 13
and under, Donald MacDonald,
Melvin. Lyons.
Ieg race'- Mary Pannabecker
and Jackie Cooper, Mrs. D: Pan=:
nabecker and Mrs. A. ".McDonald•
rabbit -hop, • Jackie Cooper; stock-
ing . race, . Mrs. L. Woods; Miss
W. Rutherford; elopement . race,
Mrs. Ross Gammie and : Mrs. Don
Pannabecker; ° egg race, Jackie
Cooper and Mary. Pannabecker;
hot potato, " Mrs. L. Hunter , . kick -
the -Slipper, Marybelle' Hunter,
Kenny.: MeWhinney.
After the races' and games all
enjoyed. a picnic lunch and .ice-
Mr. and Mrs. Ewan MacDonald
of . Port' Alberni, .British Columbia and accompanying them , were
Mrs....Walt Arscott, Misses. Val=
visited . this week with Mr. and .rn .
. � •; _ ees:P
Andrea and Patricia, Kung:
Mrs. Dave MacDonald • and : his 'On Thursday Mr: and Mrs. Vic
aunt Mrs; 'MacDonald and other tor Emerson celebrated •their for-
relatives in the community.. Ewan tieth weddry.
ing 'anniversa. ;
has not been back to this • com-
• munitY for 38 years. He attended. Mr • Dan Cassidy . is visiting
S.S. No. 9 when his parental home
was • the one now owned by Mr.
Ed. 'McQuillan
Mrs. Victor Emerson retained. of ' Wingham and District, ,High day ' for Summer
where she. will' and' an . '. A-line : skirt which ; • swept Betty Jane Lee of; Stratford:
• home ' on .'Tuesdayfrom Prince School from this community' who attend summer sc hool ' and her into' back fullness With a waterfallof Kit
tY ,. . Mr Barry L.. McQuillin
won lst • class .honours,. . 2nd class course will. be Junior Education. chapel ':train of chantilly lace. Her chener• : was best man for his :oro -
w . Island
where she . had' • •.. . ,
♦••••♦•♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦•♦•♦••••♦••♦w•••,►o•♦•♦♦•••♦.•♦♦•.•H•♦♦♦♦•♦;•• •♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦•••♦••♦♦♦•♦♦i44 -♦♦♦♦♦♦♦y . tber, and%ushers were Mr. Ken•
neth Somers of. Elmira, . brother
It' < isn't so good ; when .a, tight
person and .a loose tongue . come'
One woman's definition ..ofre-
tirement: Twiceas much husband
on half as. much :income:
honours, •L•thir_d class Onours or
with . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arscott
for a week.' ,
Congratulations`` to all students
passed'. To those who : have com-
pleted their course and ,are en-
tering other fields we wish :you
success. To `•those, who failed we
exte '. oursympathy and we re'
mm. - : that you can do the
things you want to do. Sotry.
again. •
Mrs. Claude Coffin left on Fri:
day, . for: ,Montreal from where she
Ontario farmers use
more petroleum prod..
ucts than any. .other
farinr group in Canada .:.. let this. .
great buying- power Work for you •
You build ownership and, earnings ;
in the form of Patronage Refunds
Iwhen you make your local CO-OP
headquarters for all your petroleum
supplies.You are assured of quality
products, dependable service .and
competitive prices plus ownership
in your own business. Help yourself .
. BUY•
• Telephone 528-2125
Wedding l.
The marriage of M. Mildred ` • of . chantilly lace held a
T eMil .Ann crown Y
Somers and Ivan Edward Mc -1, finger-tip.veil of silk illusion. She
Quillin was solemnized in :Wesley.; I carried pink . roses, stephanotis.
United Church, Elmira, June ' 27. and white carnations.
Rev, Alvin L. Evans performed : Mara ion Sourer of Elmira
the double ring ceremony.' ;vas maid of honor" Pefor filer. sister
The : bride, of.:Stratford, is the h , blue au ,de chrome:'
will accompany her son Richard : elder daughter of , Mr. and Mrs'.Igown fashioned. with a skirt shay-
and • his _wife to_ Joe....Batts=-.Arm,_ , William N- Somers, Elmira. ,The..# mg__into back fullness and ac
Newfoundland,: where her mother- bridegroom, of Waterloo, is' the ':'cented with rosettes at the waist.:
in-law Mrs. Coffin is :livin elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Her head -piece was a 'crystal, comb
Mr. and *Mrs. Jacob ' M iilwyli McQuil in R R 1 Lucknow and ' bouffant veil." Similarly gown-
and Barbara of .Morris .township The bride, given in marriage b ed but in powder' blue were brides-
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. her father, chose a formal, go maids ,Miss Karen Lobsinger. of
J. D. Beecroft. - • of •,peau di faille fashioned with San Diego, California,. Miss Cath-
Mrs. George Fisher -,left' on Sun- an, empire band of chantilly lace, arine Gerhardt of Galt and Miss . .
♦ • .
a. ♦ •
' ♦
t • •
' I
CUT FEED REQUIREMENTS by up to 50 lb. per hog .
with• the new' ' SHUR
CAIN Limit Feeding . Prograrn
MORE GRADE `A`s MARKETED because' the liryited "
energy' feeding with the SHUR-GAIN ' Limit . Pr"bgram
helps control, the development of excess fat, .. allows
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hogs to grow '.mor lean mea`
phog.feeding G�nCe � In ,YOU POCKET THE.;EhTRA.
DOLLARS available. from
. . cuts feed costs ,. • . improves, lower feeding costs per hog.,
more. `A'
. extra .returns
.. 6 increases profits! Grade. hogs ,r arketet3.
roducts Ltd.
. . LUCKNOW PHONE528-2026
*****die*♦**♦***♦♦♦ *s••♦♦♦ i♦**♦i*i♦♦*+♦♦fe♦•♦4♦+i♦♦*4I♦♦i*` **,•
•' °
limit hog feed's
O of the .bride,, M. 'Bruce Richmond
of • Kitchener and Mr; James Aus-:
♦: . tin of ' Elmira,
♦ . The organist was . Mr.. Clare
• r Bauman. of St: Catherines.
♦ s hardt, soloist, sang
i "Wedding Prayer" and. "Be`Thou
• With Mis'TheinGer.'
.An evening dinner and .recep
tion was held' at Valley • View.
Lodge, Three Bridges. Mrs. .Som-
ers, wearing a dusty rose lace
and Organza dress with white ac-
; cessories and a corsage of white
♦ carnations, welcomed the guests
• a.She _ was. assisted , by Mrs. Mc-
Quillin wearing a Picadilly pink
chantilly lace jacket dress . with
. pink • and white accessories , and
♦ a cprsage of pink roses and white
•• carnations..•
4 Following a motor trip through
• New England States the bride and
groom will 'reside in Waterloo.
• Mrs, McQuillin is : a graduate of
• St. Mary's, Hospital, . Kitchener
and Western University, London. •
• Ivan is • a • student at Waterloo
• Univsersity.
• ter: Among the s gruests present ' was
Ivan's grandmother, Mrs. John •
• Miller of Lucknow.
1 tt—wally takes a.. person longer
♦ , h . .
♦s1 tell whatsaywhat he. Meheows't. inks than to