HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-08, Page 2•
10100s Resuhs
' •
. WHITECHURCHhfield Esteered Citizen
. ' Mr. and Mrs, Edgar y�lghtman • Mr, and Mrs. Carl McClena lien
Died "• ofBelgraveanountheengage- visday wig iVli•, andMrs$elder daughter, J.. C. MacIntyre of Ridgetown and
' ' { merit ,of their r g
Margaret Elizabeth, to; Mr. Wil- Mr.. and Mrs. Ben. McClengahan
ham. BruceHamilton,
' son ;of Mr. who had been visiting there -for 3
and Mrs. Gilbert . Hamilton Of weeks returned home with, them. .
Lucknow.. The marriage will take Visitors . with Mr. arid. Mrs.
p 1. a c e in ltriox * ;Presbyterian George Walker . were Mr. John
Church, g
h ch Bel rave,. at 3 00.1i,m, . on' Snell of Brandon, Manitoba , ,and
. Mr. and Mrs, . Clarence • . Walker
Saturday, July ,25th,
and family of Teeswater.
' .. ,- . � their Sunday -School• -The United. Church are holding
• ' picnic' on .the
18th of July at the end of the .12th
ds: ;L mt " in the oo. on. , re of
ComReimunityCorners Hall; on:WTuesdayeeven- Lake Hfuron. ' ThAshfielde congregation. and.,
ing 'June . 30.• There. was an ' at- all. children are invited to attend.
tendance of seventeen• • 'members and will leave around. 2:00 o'clock.
and five visitors. ' Mrs. William. .Mr. , George Connhas gone to
Ferguson and Mrs. Donald Court- Western University, London where. .
ney presided .for the businessper he is spending six weeks on a
iod. •After the .opening ,ode, . the special course in. Algebra. - •
roll call was. answered with 'Flow- Visitors over the weekend' with
err of • your birthday month. Mrs. Mr. and MrS. Walter . Elliott were
Gordon •Emmerton and Mrs. Kel- Mr, and Mrs Bill ' Mitchell .of"
vin Henderson were appointed as Livonia Mich and on Sunday Mr.
leaders ' for *the sewing' course and Mrs.. Bill'MacPherson,, Bev-
which is to . be `held • in Lucknow. erle . Gail,. . Janet, Margaret,
The topic' "All nations smile 'in Stephen' and Larry, and_ Mr. • and
the same language" was capably Mrs. Don Campbell; .:Bradley, Scott,
given by :Mrs; J: E. ,Rowe of Kin Robert : and Bree:
cardineShe .introduced her topic ; ., Oliver Mntc$rienofBlgrave
and Mr: '
by asking 'the' audience ' to' sing Percy AnsGoderich' ..visit
It isn't any trouble 'just to Smile. ed Friday.tranwith Mrof .. and Mrs'. El-"
Throughout her talk She renin- roy. Laidlaw and' Misses' Annie and
isced of childhood' days which .kept Mary, Laidlaw,
everyone in a jovial mood. Mrs. ; . Sandra Hill:.is.;assisting .for..
Robert Courtney sang the old song•
the .hohda months at :the home
"Smiles" with the audience join- of Mr. Charlie' Falconer. of .Glan-
ing in the chorus. Mrs.. Chester. is.
Emmerton ' . gave' interesting • high- Mr. and Mrs. Ezra ' Scholtz visit='
lights • of 'the annual association. of : ed, 'on Sunday with • Mr. and ',Mrs.
Mayors ' and• 'Reeves which was Leslie • Scholtz of. Dungannon.
held at Sudbury last' week: Pieces and Mrs: Stewart Cou plan
of ore,: a fancy cop.lr�plate, 'seen- the
� and 'Kevin. of': Toronto. spent .
is • cards . and other' souvenirs were ' weekend with her parents, :Mr.
displayed.• ,Lunch was served by and. Mrs; . Charles : Robinson :" of
'.Mrs. John Reid, :Mrs. Wm. Mur- East Wawanosh.: ..
dock and, Mrs.' ' Wesley .Robb. Mrs. Frank Coulter and Alex
Guests of,' Mr. and Mrs., Eldon visited on Sunday: with .Miss
Bradley and family on :'Sunday Mabel Purdon at. the Ontario Hos-
June .. 28 . were .Mr.. and • Mrs..Ross pita', Goderich. `
Sh enlls' and. Mary Ellen; and' Mrs. Mr.and .Mrs. Carl •Weber, 'Ann
Jean': Jardine of. 'Lucknow, M `r s Marlene and Clare visited Sunday
Wilfrid Bradley of ,Toronto, Mrs. ' with .Mr: and Mrs. Robert Chain-
Murray McLennan. and Norman of bers ' and Mr.• and Mrs, Mock of
Winghamall: attending, the:. Cee- Hairston
`tenial service at . Pine. River Un- Mrs.' Alex' 'Coutts` and • Norma of
i.ted= :Wui 'ham were—Sunda evettin "
Mr..'.andRa Collins are • g S g
: Y ,. , visitors with .Robert. Ross
proud _ parents 'of a son born gat. Mr•;d Mrs; .Keith 'Collyer at-
Kincardine hospital July .' 3. Con- • ..tended the church wedding, ill Gor-
gratulations are •extended to them rie..:Saturday afternoon of • his
-.Miss,.Mary Ellen Shielis • of - .nephew,, Mr. Ted .CollYer and Miss
Lucknow `will • be organist: for July Sandra Edgar. The.' young couple
and. Auguste at,. Pine River. United'' :Will reside 'in Kitchener where: he:
Church. •• -is a bank ;'employee and she is .a
Mrs: Elmer McKenzie .: assistant. '
registered nurse. • ;
leader.` 'of the C.G.I.T;' of •Pine M.. and Mrs. Clifford' Farrier,
'Ri'ver .United Church entertained': Linda, Dale and •-Dou'las'..of_Kit- '
10; members of the .0:GI,T. at her. chener visited. on Sunday with
home at Point Clark
Mrs. Wm;, Tideswell' of Cam- Ase •d"days 'last week: ' Thi cels report-
. a
evidence • of the.destruction, g P remained for: a holiday .with'• her
To Grade 9'. --•= Donna ;Pentland', Jones •accompaued them back
Charles Young,Kathy ' Stothers, home to :visit for two' weeks. JAMES' WRAITH •
M Ann Re, Bernice Thomp- ' Mr. and Mr"s. Mel ' Reid and. . .JAM.
There passed, :away suddenly a
' y left for Goose Bay Lucknow on Thursday, June y 25,
son, Joanne, Veldhuis, � Mary Lou family' ' who,
,Henry, ' Labrador on Friday takes this 0P- beet Wraith, son of the
To Grade 8;— Colleen Park, portunity to say goodbye to their Wraith and Ann: Tur•-•
late Robert
Debbie Hodges,:Jim McWhinney, friends and neighbours• for the nee in his 77th . year.
Di Rivett, Sharon- Spivak,, .many • acts ' of• kindness shown: life longresident of the 1 th
Allen Park Glenn Olson. ' ' them .while residents, here; • A
Brenda Schultz' Cori atulations. to Miss Lynda concession,• Culross township,
To Grade '7 -- . Bren gI' received . his , schooling. at S.S, . , 0,
beet, Rodirie Pentland, Blake who successfully passed her
,Arlene Cul � 10 Westford school, after which.
Doug, Renry, Patsy Reid, "Peggy examination. at Stratford. Teachers ' 'he :and his. dad operated the home
Hodges, Paul Black, Gary Caesar, College. . • • •
CaroleAnderson Jean. Stothers, . Congratulations to .Mr. and Mrs, 'farm*
� On December 25, 1916 he mar-
Lexie •McWhinney, Nancy Mole: John Foran on the birth 'of',a baby' vied Frances . J. Stobo of Tees-
To Grade 6 — Anne Errington, girl en • June 28th: •
drErrington,. Rand ' 'Henry, We are glad to report that :Mrs: water where they took . over . the
� a, Randy. home farm, which they operated
Susan Pari, John Young, J 0 h n Mary Chisholm is feeling much successfully and , were' active . in
St'anbury, Morley • Reid, Laird better and is . up and around: after all ' neighbourhood and community'
Spivak, Claire McWhinney, Marsha being hospitalized with ' a very affairs, r .
Hodges.. . • ; bad cold. . We hope. to.see her. home: as me bee of the Teen
To ,Grade 4 _ Bonnie.• Schultz soon. ' ' He w a : m
' . Jim Stethers Dave Mr. 'Harry Epplewhite •and water. United. Church ' where ` he'
Heather Park, acted• on the session prior to, re-
' Caesar, ' Debbie Qlhon, Doreen:daughter Susan. of Toronto spent.. •
Mason # . • : the 1st of July holiday with Mr. tiring to Lucknow .in 1961. .
� � � He leaves' to ; `mourn his; wile,
To Grade :3 — Valerie Park, Fay" and Mrs'. Bob Stothers, and fame
.Mason 'Penn Reed Joanne it at Cedar Grove' Beach: Frances; one •daughter,. (Gerti 0
,• y � Mrs: ,Murray Henderson, . t w o
• Thompson,: Donald Heniy, Nancy ` Mrs. A. O. Anderson of Royal
andchildren Linda, and. Larry.
,Errington, Danny ,Rivett',; Terry, 01 Oak, Michigan, spent a week re-, s n• one brother :Walter.
son, Alex Chisholm. • Gently with Mr. and • Mrs, Bob .
Hen er o ,
• To. Grade 2 Philip :Black, Stothers -and family : and Mr, and Teeswater..
Wraith of
Cindyton, Stewart Caesar, Mrs. T. C. Anderson. • • Funeral service was held on
Errington, .• � Monday at the MacKenzie'.Mem-
Brian Stewart, Doug Park, ' Billy Spending two, weeks with Mr. a conducted b : Rev.
Mole,_Steve Park, Bill Van. Oenen: and Mrs. Bill Park and family'' is oriel chapel, y....,.
Bei in the Fall: are; Lori Miss ' 'Gail Ashton of Goderich, H. W; Strapp with interment in
South Kinloss 'cemetery, ' I?allbear
Pentland, .'Sharon • Young';}• Vicki After her holidays she will./.return els' were former neighbours,
• Park, ,Colin . Chisholm, John An- to work .at the W.A. Sheaffer Pen:
ders Ron Olson : Bill. Errington, Company in ' Goderich: Frank gins, ker, Morley'Wall,
°m Art Hodgins, Alex' Whytock, Mid-
Ron- Brindley. Mr. and. Mrs. • Harvey : Tides- ford Wall, Cedric Green: Flower
Honor Reid. Girls well and family: of. Goderich visit -
The Explorer's • ou of Dun -ed : for* a ., . dayrecently with •.Mr. bearers ' were Donald Stobo; Brucegroup Kieth Reg' Brown, . Alex Havens,
gannon United Church last, Tues -and ; Mrs. Stan Reid and'Mr. and Ross ' Henderson, : Dan;Nicholson.'
day' gave. a weiner • roast ' and: Mrs. `.Mel., Reed' and .family:
beach ;party; for Patsy' Reid upon Baptismal Service • .
her departure- for Goose Bay' with Two children :'received • the sac- :
her family, a Mrs. F.. Thompson;- .rarnent of Baptism ,from the Rev.. '
• their leader, ' presented her • with J. R. King' on Sunday, in St Pauls
Mr:. and Mrs: Wm: Wherry vis-
a 'lovely 'jewel box' and Patsy Anglican . Church. The children - it the first: of
thanked her, graciously: Miss'Mary were Wanda Darlene and Patricia his ia t .the wandek with.
' Ann Reid was also honored on her;'Joanne, children of''Mr. ''and. Mrs. 'sister ;.and. her. `husband, Mr..
leaving., e� grade eight.class. of Bill. 'Park.: ;° .. ;. � and: Mrs. M. Dziak : at � ;Union,
... Th grnorth of Port Stanley. Mr.. and
which she was' a : pupil ' gave. her' a: •Just a reminder about the T.B:
Mrs. Dziak are convalescing from.
sinnbar party , and :* she 'was pre -Clinic at the' United *Church on '
injuries received in a recent mo: :
seated with; a friendship :, r i n g. July 13 , and 14, 16 •; and 17.- It is: tor - '
'Mary - Ann thanked • her ' school- hoped everyone will take:. advant- accident.. .
mates • for their lovely t. nage of :this' service. A : second. hmisforturte ' came on
We are lad: to report that Mrs. `': Visiting with Mr..: and Mrs:_Tom . Friday �'�ihthe form of; a. hail
, -gig--- P .. -. � � ....storm, which.Caused-total-loss. t�
W. 'Andrews: was released.from .Park, on Sunday were ,Mr.:, .and various' crops in that : area. :More:
hospital on.: Wednesday , and': pians Mrs.. Edward . Pelz of Walkerton. P
to staywith:bet her son' and'' daugh- Mr...an d: Mrs. Jack McGee had ' . like jagged •'.nieces' 'of - ice - than -
g round' hail, stones, the barrage � rip -
ter -in-law, Mr and Mrs: Harvey as visitors on' Sunday,* Mr: • and: ped .and cut: vegetation shreds.
Andrews of ','Exeter. Mrs... George McGee. and family g . .opon-
:The Dziak tobacco crop is 'con -
Visiting .ion Wednesday . _ with of Wingham, Mr:: and Mrs: Har-sid r 'neighbor's
• Mrs:.. F. Jones were.. Mr. and Mrs..:vey Haney of Brantford and: Mr• e ed a. 100% loss. A neighbors
Weldon : Ruden'(Bertha' :Jones),.' :and . Mrs. Wm. ; . Skarpota :: and apple crop on .:the 'adjoining farm
is' a complete loss,.and he ' is •
Allen and Betty of, Elmira. M rs Linda of • Pilot Mound, Man.' • ; returning ,the unused spray -mat=`
Visiting with. Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. erials he h
as.. on hand
Park: and family . on Sunday were.'
Mr and Mrs
RoyAshton, 'an itated and :heavy,glass in
• green
Marilyn of Goderich and.Mr. and houses shattered ar for three Mrs W R Farrier. Miss Lind
lachie. Mr. Wherry brought home a stalk ed ,•a fine time. grandmother.
Mr. and, Mrs. Clifford Jardine, of rhubarb 'a Came 'Farthest .To' Centennial
• ' rid a green apple. • .. - '
Cindy: and. Cheryl visited with Mr. 1 Both .:were•. riddled: as if' someoneMrs William. Steele ofr .Ripley: •;• ^-� •+� t.
and Mrs:` Eldon Culbert over the 'had been hack` wishes to extend, s cal. thanks
weekend,.Bonnie and Carol •Cul' uig at;them`witli a, to members of the' official board LCN�
1= best' accompanied them 'to Toronto knife. of Pine' River United Church: ` at
• for a ; two . week vacation. the' Centennial Service for allow-
Visitng with 1VIr. and Mrs..Otto, ing their car to; be. arked • near
_oar For Texas
.. Popp. , on Sunday ' were Mr. • ' and file church . so: that Mrs: Steele ev: Howard
Mrs': Lorne Po
'Adult; Entertainment.:. ' Technicolor.: '. pp and `family of :Mr. and' Mrs. Wei.: Kennedy" 'and her. daughters, Mrs. D. R. Brown - • 'Minister'
F' Sinatra,.D.'
` � ` Bl , Mr: an
g �; d:' Mrs. Murray Popp children., of Sarnia visited .with of,. Serials ,and' Mrs.' Ackerman' . and. � :�'
Martin, . A. Ekber 3�,•
of 'Saltford Mr: and 'Mrs.: Brian: Mrs. ,tDou as Drennan',on Satur- famil SUNDAY, JULY l2th
"The' picture: •that's too big: for r : g1y hfornia Ackerman
:1 Hallam, Greg and: 'Anita 'of 'God- 'da tike 'farthest to' :be
y: • . .present, for this 10:00 sari: Sunday 'School
'� . uld • enjoy the. ;service. ..
erich •and Miss Sherry Plaetzer .of Mrs. Colin Howes, with children occas►on, .. co
Auburn and•two friends. Misses Alec,' 'Brian' and Sharon are visit= 'Mrs.: `Steele is.unable to use the
:11, i)0 arm;
Sandra ' Po remain in in Toronto and Oshawa stairs and a reciated this act of "Transfigured"
JUSt:FOr fun ¢.Dlanxie 'and S Pp' g . PP
...: • . led at their grandparents home". ,_ • Mrs. George Leadbetter a lid courtesy so much.. •
Wynter CARTOON , a week's holiday. Barbara ; last k �. Mr M' •. _. •• ' 4.:.,....:�....�.�...,�.�;..�..�.�.� '
M. for o y. ' spentweek . with
t, .. ands. elviii Henry of
• I . Miss Patti Ladd of Goderich: Mrs. 'Colin MacGregor.. Kitchener . visited .recently . with ,,,,..,,�
visited for a '.few days . recently Rev. ' F. MacKenzie •of • North Mr., and Mrs. Norval .Nesbitt and. i
JULY 12-T3' " with her • aunt and uncle, Mr. and Carolina- will preach inother relatives and friends `:. Ashfield in this
Mrs. Leonard Brindley and fam- Presbyterian Church next . Sunday vicinity. n0 W
• uc
Mrs. Bradley and babya
a I of . N.oise ,!fly. Baugh- t 11.15. lie is a' son of the 'gate Miss :Aria Smeltzer was ,soloist; ; Presbyterian. (hutch
S° PL h :.. • ter Susan returned, from 'Goderich James Mackenzie of Detroit who at the An lican Church service at : ,
usan es ette, Ty Hardin
hospital' : on' Saturday. was born and raised • at Lochalsh. Pine River, on `Sunday morning. A Rev.' Roderi k MacLeod
''Adult Entertainment ; Visitors, With Mr and Mrs. Wil* James Oke of Oshawa is .spend- •
large' attendance of sunirner visit-
c ' ,
"The inside story of horse racing" bur Brown over the weekend were ing the .sum2ner holiday. with his ors' were present for the service
• F/'0 Wayne Brown of Trenton and -'grandfather, marl l�owes:: • Amberley Orange Lodge 'w a s � � '12th ,
�... �.M._ -and-Mrs. Arthnr-BrO and' well represe K7`nioardi
w �� _ _ • Ilteil nt.. i
• �Vanderhoof, . y Baptist Church: �1ir�, a m. Sunday School -7
r Ctl"I1C111oIaC on, ' Sunday.•
ne d
Steven . of Dundas ren from B.C. The P t •
Miss Donna Mullin of Lucknow returned home on Wednesday ac4 Mr. and Mrs, J. 'Bond of Clinton 11 $.m, Rev.. Douglas Fry,
"A_ shacking'Thriller" spent a few day8 with herr coup coin anied b Mr: and. Mrs: Wes v'
Y p y Sunday Nests of Mr. • and
were� Seaforth .
J. Scott; CARTOON sins Beverly, Arlene and:. Lynne Rivett and son Paul. Those 'at-. Mrs Walter Brown'' of. Amberle .-.—�.--r...• ", ;,..,;�
Culbert • ' .. din s.,=;George also McLennan' who is
' .. tell g were 1VIr:' and Mr Normals .. ,
irU Mr. and Mrs ' Harvey ,Culbert Rivett; . Mr, and Mrs,' Len Rivett spending a weeks • holidays `..."-4•---66-6--m----.,....,....0.--40....--1.•.,
O:, .THUR. July 1a -15-7.b y with ;
girlsspent Sundaywith the slid" three children;, Mr, and Mrs.
S ^ E: .. lady s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Javel and their i
Gathering of Ea . les five child ST. PETERS.
° games "Beaton of Lucknow. , ren. Mr' and Mrs. Gordon Bowers BORN'
Several from the comrnuni at-. ` and , nine ' Childreh, Mr. and MrS, , VAN,
Rock Hudson, 'Rod 'Taylor;ANGLICAN
�—� g m and: u .A
OSCIT 1i � , In "�J'in ha
" Technicolor. ‘ CHURCH'
tended. the, garden party` at Sings- Wes Rivett and Paul,.Mr. and'District Hospital, on`Fruday, June
ridge. It . was a good day for Mrs. Garnet • t)iehl and Brian, Mr.- 26, .1964, : to Mr, and. Mrs. Peter ;
the large crowd' in andance. Norris ' and Miss Gwen
Van Osc 13.;Ft. 3' �t' '7th
L c
Sampson• lnot ,'twins SUNDAY AFTER ''TkINMTY
Welcome And Farewell Party Fowler all of Goderich, Mrs. Vera a daughter; and a soly. "''
levitation 'Genera
A ; corribination welcome home 'Carter, Mr. Peter Boe1. • Mr. ,and Church School . 1os3b •'arm, .
party and farewell party was held Mrs. WAY Aillaire of Wallacebur� MLE.RA'' - In Vin h
Glenn .Ford CARTOON Saturday ., • and .. . am and j SVtorn'ing Prayer 71:1 a.m.:
.,.... lir
day at the home of . Mr. and Mr. , and Mr's: Joe Boel 'Strict Hospital, on Frida Jun ` ;
`The strategic Air. , Command in *,Mrs. Jinn 'Rivett. 'Welcomed horn , to26 e i .
. e ' children. , .• of the N 1 1 e; � �4, to Mr, and Mrs.' Frank..:' J. It. King;
Action"were _Mr: and Mrs. "Jack. Mason 1 a d Mr: and ,Mrs. Jack Mason Murray,M• l .it, 1 llol rood ,. . Rector'
ureirmetliorweareirlaimarliononii . (Joyce HIVettl and -their: sic child- 6 d s children of Vanderhoof, B.C..daughter,
.. ..++4111►f*:.Ft:aa►7i..144�►riiMr.rai.,►..,r....,+�..r�'