HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-01, Page 131 V. eDNESDAY. JULY 'let, 1941: • . ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC 'ACCOUNTANT GODERIcH, ONTARIO $ox 478 Phone 524-6521 A, M HARPER. CHARTERED:. ACCQUNTANT i6S , 57 South . Street, Goderich . ' as Telephone 524-7562 JOH NSTON E`S -.FUNERAL HOME Modern ` and. Convenient Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 Day or Night " ,Serving All ' Faiths. According to Their 1Nishes Moderate ` Prices Established .1894. A. R. DU VAL DC;, Sp. C. NE LUCKfOIK • SENTINEL,: ,LUCKNOW, . ONTARIO News Briefs n ' FROM 'NEARBY A new 10 -unit motel ,is being built in 'Walkerton. * N Thenew minimumwage law,, and other increased costs have resulted in the price of coffee being upped*'to 15c in the Walk• erton-Hanover :area.. e'. * The" ;CBG farms and :fisheries department announces t h e ap- pointment of Bob Carbert as farm commentator on t h e Toronto, .staff, • t. ' - • A father was buying a watch. for his son's graduation : gift. .. I suppose," said the clerk, "that , it's to be a surprise; " . . "I'll say it is," replied. the fa- ther, ''He's expecting a conver- tible." Chiropractor Physio and Electro . Therapist' Wingham -•+ . Phone 3S7-3580 (Office, located on John St: West: :, oext ,'to Toronto Dominion Bank). I NSU RANCE . - FIRE, WIND,' CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure 'With . Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone S28-3423 .111-.W..A:N'DREW Barrister. and Solicitor 1.ISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday . and' Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone. Lucknow 528-3116 . R. S. HETHERI;NGTON, Q..C., Barrister,. Etc. . Wingham' and.. Lucknow IN'LUCKNOW . •: MONDAY and WEDNESDAY Located in . Kilpatrick Block Phone Wingham 0“150: 3574630 ' Rei. 357.2570 IMPERIA.L'OJL .PRODUCT for prompt service, • • and quality products; • • Contact ; GRANT CHISHOLM Phone Collect Dungannon 5297524 . "Always Look To Imperial„ • `For The Best" 6 A Williatris,,O.D. Optometrist 9 Patric ' k. Street WINGHAM• • Phone . 357-1282 ,40.14,044.444.0440444444, The preacher, hoping to get acquainted with one of the new members of the congregation, knocked on the front door of her home one evening. • 'Is'that you, . Anel?" Came, .m e: the': woman's voice from within.' `No," repied the minister, "but I'm .from the same department.", WI NGHAM: MEMORIAL' 'SHOP THE. 'BEST GRANITES Along With EXPERT DESIGNING .'AND WORKMANSHIP.' Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering : a Specialty JOHN `MALICKC Box• 158 RHONE 351..1910, ,•WINGHAM acKenzie Memorial .Chapel FUNERAL SERVICE•' Services ' conducted according • to your wishes at your Home, your. Church, or at our ;:Mem- orial Chapel at no additional charge. . Lucknow, Phone 528.3432 ' Day. or. Night K. J. MacKENZIE, O.D Optometrist NOW''IN RI•PLEY • EVERY WEDNESDAY. Office Hours 1000 a.m. to 9:00 p.m, Phone .Roy MacKenzie, Ripley, 96-r-24 for appointment R.. W.BELL ' OPTOMETRIST — GODERICH Callum. Cameros • PACE TH 1 RTiiEN. Passes Detroit i M. CALLUM CAMERON Funeral _services .for Malcolm Callum Cameron, 67, were held at Detroit on Tuesday,: June 16. from the Harris Funeral Home there. He:. •died Saturday, June. 13th 'at St. Joseph Hospital in. Detroit. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery. , Callum Was the son ' of the late William Cameron and Josephine Radcliffe and • . lived at. St. ' Helens while a young;, man. His. brother'. John Cameron is still on the home farm south of St. Helens. Follow- ing the first world war, he work- ed in and around Lucknow before. going . to : Detroit. ' He had been a resident 'of De troit - for ;about:' 40 years. In 1963 he retired as chief . engineer in the. ice division of • City Products Corp, where; he had been .employ- ed for 38 years. He was a 'mem- ber of Grace E.U.B. Church, the. American Society of Heating, Re- frigeration arid. Air Conditioning Engineers,. the national associa- tion of Practical' Refrigeration En- • gineers, A,c: a .c i.a .Chapter: 168 R.A.M. 'and Old Light Lodge, Luck now He is survived by . his wife, the former. Flora Goodhand , whose family originally came ,from the Ripley, area, a . ,'daughter Carol, two : sisters, . Mrs. ' James (May) Douglas ' of Mitchell and Mrs.' Charles (Mary) McAree of .Mc- Cauley, . Manitoba; , one brother, John of West,; , Wawanosh Town- ship. He ' was , predeceased' by a sister Mrs. Ed (Josephine) Pick - woad of New York and a brother Gordon of Blackie, Alberta. Apprentice: "The," foreman' :on� this, fob ish' the dumbestcharac- ter I ever met!" Journeyman "Good thing he is . if he was any smarter, you probably wouldn't : be herer' Definition of --r -poise The ability to . keep talking. while ,the other fellow picks up the cheque. • PROPERTY FOR PAUL S. STARR. and G. REALTORS WINGHAIVI :OFFICE DIAL 357-3840 Local n Aget, J..EVE ., .. REIT PENNINGTON RR. 2 TEESWATER P2ione 392-6064 • ONLY $4,900.00 --- For this 1 12 'storey .6 room home •• plus 3 'well' located lots in the village of Dungannon: The modern. 3 piece bath, built in cupb oards, hot and ,coldwater on tap, H.D. wiring all help to make this a good substantial comfortable ' home. The ' 3 large lots :with severallarge maple shade trees, an abundance of garden space and a large number; of flower beds make this one of the most attractive village homes on the mar- ket''today...Located. only one 'block: frommain street with stores, • churches and, post 'office.' The priceis very rea§onable, immediate' possession can be arranged, so. be sure to see this •ideal. -home soon! 4=394 $10,500 FULL . PRICE WITH EASY- TERMS 'for this 1.1/2 storey completely modern Lucknow home, plus' five acres of 'land' with: river at ',the back. There is also 'a double;•' garage and a thrall barn completely equipped hydro and water:. $5,500, FOR THIS 30 ACRE. PROPERTY with 1'5. acres .workable and the 'balance is river and .bush. 1 %2 storey 8 room 'home with conveniences:.Small barn .and garage. ;_ . A low :down payment and. easy terms: can be arranged, $6,000 FULL PRICE FOR THIS 100 ACRE FARM With65 acres . workable and' the balance. in hard .,wood bush .and pasture. There is a spring fed ^stream tin the property. A:1 1/2 storey 8 room home with conveniences such as H.D. wiring, water underpressure, ° etc: Situated approximately .1 12 miles from Wingham: .IF YOU HAVE . BEEN THINKING OF -SELLING YOUR PROPERTY, CONTACT US NOW FOR, SPEEDY; COURTEOUS` SERVICE s4A Clear Lead '. Lacklfl 9 .: Beatingdo Woman This community was abuzz re- cently ' with conjecture as to what took place, and:. who was involved, in a woman beating incident which had its climax in Ashfield Town- • Early one morning, Mr. and. Mrs. William Phillips were ' .awak- ened by a ' knocking at their farm home door on Concession 9 .Ash- field. : They discovered a near - nude, . and blood -covered woman, and a doctor, and later the police, were summoned. The Goderich-Signal Star report- ed the ,story as follows, based on` police information "Provincial Police this weekare seeking a man for questioning m; F;. T. Armstrong connection'' with • at assault on a,. Consulting Optometrist The : Square (Phone JAckson. 4.7661) 'ED' COLLYER .. 29 -year-old woman six miles south of-Lucknow two weeks ago. "Beaten in the attack was Mary Cameron, who , gave her address as Southampton: "The woman was battered by an unknown assailant some time Registered Master ,Electrician /ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Electric Specializing, ,In • Heating, Electric Wiring and Repairs • and . . "All Electrical Appliances LuekrioW --- Phone 528-5182 miller, McIntosh and Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS' f1PsidenC 1"artner, JY 1 7. Kennedy" . C.A. Opposite ' Post Office -3471 Walkerton , f Phone 881 the night of June 5 .or the early morning of •June • 6. • "The man sought for question- ing was unidentified. "Constable Alex Twaddle, of- ficer' in, charge,. of _the investiga- tion, said '-the woman—dazed and bleeding and suffering 'from in- ternal' injuries sttitggled •.to a door of the farm Nome of, the William Phillips family about 6 o'clock the morning, of June 6. ' "Phillips. summoned a .Lucknow physician. 'The woman was admitted to .the wingharit hospital; where she •underwent. surgery. She since has been released • ' �i "Constable Twaddle indicated that questioning oft the woman' failed' to turn up a crystal clear lead: "When she sought help from the. Phillips', police said, the phy- sical punishment she had absorbed had left her somewhat hazy and incoherent.!' • • UL S. STARR and. CO' LTD 2 EA/I:TO RS • ONTARIO'S LARGEST RURAL REALTORS ORANGEVILLE FLESHERTON ' OWEN SOUND HANOVER BRAMPTON GUELPH PORT ELGIN WINGHAM CHESLEY MEMBERS OF THE -- Grey Bruce. Real Estate Board ,- Orangeville Real Estate Board Brampton R. E..B.; Owen Sound R E. B -• Guelph R. E. B. Ontario. Association of R.E.B.—Canadian Association of R. E. B. MULTI LISTING SYSTEM •'ASK ONE OF .O R AGENTS HOW TO GET MAXIMUM. COVERAGE: BY LISTING YOUR PROPERTY AS A . MULTIPLE LISTING Through n ': PAUL'S. STARR and ®.. TD..:. ''WE SELL RURAL ONTARIO" air and Acheson Chartered Accountants ,—. Municipal Auditors Boit 663 Kincardine • Phone. 55 Pedlar . Agency • • TOP Baler and Binder are Consi.stant fr9m beginning to end Breaks No. Order Too Large Stops No Order Top Small ANECHTEL and SON LTD `Lucknow )3ranch, F!hone 528-5014 "There's A New. Life reed .Every Need°. •