HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-01, Page 12SAGE; TWEI,V.gI -
DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sizes in Stock) ,
Repairs to All Makes , of Cars and Tractors
2 Licensed Mechanics'
feel Alignment and Balancing
Decide Track end Fief Chum��ons
At `North' Ashfield -Public School •
The Teeswater .News • commen-
ted as follows last week:
"It is noted with interest that,
the village of Lucknow has placed
a strict. curb on use of the, noun-
icipal dump. It will be locked to
the public: and open ' only at cer=
tain' advertised times when.. super
vision of • dumping of refuse • will
'be in evidence. • .
"What brought about this move?
Is • it hard to . guess? Teeswater
has -'the same problem,, . and• it
appears that . the action as an-
nounced in Lucknow is . the an-
swer—albeit an expensive . one, as
the extra hours . of supervision..
will be " charged directly against
"The public':• have little or no .l
regard for any place that isused
for dumping purposes. Np matter
how often the place is' cleaned
up, or how many requests are
issued or 'signs. ' posted asking to
dump at the brink, etc.piles piles . of •,
rubbish are deposited in the . mid- :
dle of roadways and approaches
far from the proper location. With-
in a very short • time the ' whole
area presents a : cluttered -up mess:
Then .there' is the joker who; rath-
er than dig a hole, carts • dead
animals to the dump. Last week ,
we saw:a dead' calf—no. t thrown'
over the edge.: where it would at •
least . not be. noticed as much
but deposited well 'back to the
road where both . the sight and ?.
smell was nauseating... Yes, and
we've seen innumerable dead.
cat's , ,and dogs,: someones' pets,' (.
similarly discarded ..
"If ` the sameconditions exist
at .Lucknow, and such is no doubt i.
the. case, . then the village fathers .;
cannot ` be blamed for their >ac-
tion. The same curbs could • be.
the answer •for.. Teeswater.",
Track and Field champions were MacLennan, Michael Hogan; Soft -
declared at North Ashfield Pub- ball Throw, Allan Ditennan, Ken
lic School on Friday, June .19th. MacLennan, Jim Hogan, Champ•
The following results were 'listed. ion,` Kenny MacLennan, Runner
Junior Boys: Up, Jim Simpson.
Dash, , Ken. Parrish, David Far- Intermediate Girls:
risk, . Rod MacLennan; - Standing. Dash, Jean Webster, Kathleen
'Broad, Paul ; Hogan, Dennis. Dren- Hogan, Ursula' Courtney; Stand-
nan, Gregory. Hamilton; ' Back-. ing Broad, ` Kathleen : Hogan, : Janet
wards Race, Dennis.:! Drennan,' Gibson, Alma Parrish; Backwards
David':Farrish,: Gregory Hamilton;. Race, .Jean Webster, Alma Fair=:
„Running .'Broad, . Paul Hogan, Ken risk, ..Kathleen Hogan; Running
Farrish, Dennis Drennan High'. Broad, Jean Webster, Alma Far -
Jump, : Dennis .`Drennan, ' Glenn risk, Carol Finlayson; High Jump,
R o b b, Paul, Hogan; Softball Shirley 'Robb,: Jean Webster, .Kath-
Throw, .• Dennis Drennan, . Glenn, .,leen Hogan; Softball Throw, Jeam
Robb, Paul Hogan Champion, Webster, Janet Ritchie,
:Dennis.• Drennan; Runner Up, Barger; Champion, Jean Webster
Paul Hogan:. Runner Up, Kathleen Hogan:
Junior: Girls: • Senior Boys:
Hash, Henrietta Van Diepen Dash, Tom 1VlacDpnald, Ronnie'.
beek, Mary ' Louise O'Neil,' Jan- Hogan, j)rew MacRae, ; Standing
nette,, Hogan; Standing ; -Broad, Broad; Drew MacRae Tom, NFac-
JanetteHogan; Henrietta Van Die-. Donald, Ronnie ` Hogan;' , : Back
penbeek, ,, Mary Bradley; ;rack wards Race, . Tom MacDonald,
wards Race, . Henrietta Van Die- Drew •' MacRae, . Ronnie Hogan;
penbeek, Helen Eskritt, Lisette Van Running . Broad, Drew MacRae..
Diepenbeek; Running Broad, Mary Ronnie Hogan, , Tom MacDonald;:
Louise O'Neil, Jannette Hogan, ` ' High • Jump,; George MacDonald,
Mary Bradley; High Juin, Jan- Alan • Finlayson, '' Ronnie Hogan;
getter Hogan, Helen Eskritt, Mary. , Softball . Throw, Tom MacDonald,.
Louise O'Neil; Softball' Throw, George MacDonald, ' Drew : Mac-
Helen Eskritt, Debbie ' Wilkins, Rae; . Champion, Tom MacDonald;
Brenda MacLennan; Champion.
Runner Up, Drew MacRae. •
Jannette Hogan; Runner Up, Senior Girls:
Henrietta 'Van ' Diepenbeek.. Dash, Christine MacLennan, Di
Intermediate• Boys azure Vassella, Helen . Courtney;
Dash, Jim Hogan, Russel Mon- Standing '.Broad Dianne Vassella
crief, : Ken, MacLennan;: Standing Christine MacLennan Carol Bur -
Broad, Kenny MacLennan, Jim- roughs; Backwards . Race, Carol
my Simpson, Jim Hogan; Back Burroughs, Mary Anderson, Don -
on wards.• Race, Jim Simpson, Ken na .Wylds; Runing Broad, Donna
MacLennan, Donald :Simpson; Wylds, Christine MacLennan, Jane
Running Broad, Ken' MacLennan,Moncrief High Jump, Christine
'Jim .' Simpson, Billy ' .MacKenzie;
Ontario farmers use.
• more petroleum prod•
ucts . than any' other
farm .gr oup in Canada ... let this ;'
great buying. power work for you
You build ownership ':and earning • '
in .the• form 'of Patronage Refunds
when you make your kkal CO-OP..
headquarters for all your petroleum
supplies.You area b eservice and
assured s •
products,. depen
competitive prices plus ownership
in your ow'n business. Help. yourself
News. Brlefs:
To supplement the Central Hur-
on Secondary Vocational School
at Clinton, indications are that
Exeter is. to . have its own voca
ti- onai addition,' , and: in the :for -
orseeable. future Goderich College-
iate will also . have a vocational
More than 400 delegatto th
es e' •Works"'decided—to pool resources
annual convention of the Ontario to collect vote returns in the. No -
Urban and "Rural' School Trustees
Asso 'aticin voted unanimouslyto ' have always found; it fascinating
'urge the Ontario Departmenvember Presidential election We
of to see which .network did the best
Education to discontinue Remem •]ob and who was' first, second and
brance Day,third. • This move eliminates com
November ii' :as a
school holiday,: 'as it has': become petition, which is not good.
Nat ' that
Telephone . 528-2125
by William
Recently the 3: American: `net -
With CTV: enjoying' success with
Ajnderson, Softball Throw, Mary "Let's , Sing ' Out we wonder' if
Barger,• •Janice ,Robb, Dianne Vas- it was wise for; ABC .to'
sella; Champion, Christine Mac- ",, p
Hootenany . .
Lennon;Runners Up, Dianne . Vas- ,
sella, Mary Anderson, Carol Bur *
roughs - tied. ' ,
Nomination for thew
orst COM -
Open Mile mercial . on television the . Old.,
MacLennan, C a r o '1' . Burroughs, ,1 Ronnie' - Hogan, • Tom 1VIacDon- : Vienna Beer .
commercial, s�-gh Jump, Jim Simpson, Ken Margie Simpson tied withMaryaid, Ray .Hogan: ''nilly the one ,witthe profeesssor
• •.
a NEW.
banging on an ash tray with his
pipe and his stupid observations..
s *. •4
CBS has 13 new shows for the
corning fall season, with. ABC. 12
and NBC 7 . — Ernest Borgnine
McHales 1V v
-" andof
a '; Ethel .M
man will marry ''June 27th
Audrey. Hepburn may be a. seg
ment in ".The' Rogues" next ' fall
-- Ed Sullivan plans re -runs of. the
Beatles . en August 23rd; Septem-
ber. 6th and 20th -;- "The Best. of
Pierre Berton" (-once .a : week)
started on Channel 13 last Sat-
urday — 'The 19655 , season may
see a swing to Westerns : again
Brooks • Hayes, special assistant :.
to President Johnson will appear
on'.a' Meredith. Willson .Special.
'CBC • coverage of 'the; Queen's
Plate last .Saturday was ` loose'
and why don't they. ''give, the prices
the' horses pay when its official.
That'shalf the fun;
* . .•♦ NORMAN 5. LEESON
i The death occurred suddenly at
his home in. Greenock Township.
on; Monday, June 15th, 0f Norman
Leeson, in his 37th year.:
Deceased' was born yin Green-
ock 'Township, a son of Mrs. Wes-
Iey Leeson and the .late Mr. Lee-
son. Ile resided with his .mother.
Sut'viving ,are eight sreters afld
'two' brothers; Mrs. John Eiphick
(Verna), Lucknow; Mrs Kelvin
Lamont (Merle), . Culross; Mrs.
• Neil Lamont . (Isa), Greenock; -
Mrs, Stuart McDonald' (Ivadetlr �r
Kinloss; Mrs, Lawrence BoiSV'crt
(Bertha), Swastika; Mrs, Lyle
• Md'Donald (rlorence), Windsor;
• Mrs. Matt Bell (Bernice), Or ilia`:.
C FEED REQUIREMENTS by up'to .50 'lb. per hog •i
• with the new SHUR-GAIN Limit Feeding Program.... ♦ S
MORE 'GRADE' 'Xs MARKETED because the limited
• eneh the
helrsyCbrr rolg the t developmenR- oAl xcess it Program • !j
p fat, allows
hogs, to
• . grow more lean ' meat. ,
concepte n hogfeedingOU' POCKET THE EXTRA • •
DOLLARS-. from
.. •cU S teed, ��� S � • improves •low„ . '
abets per
• extra . returns front Mare
2 •
limit :hog fees
e y:
. .• ,� ` ,.,, M Syly stein JOh�ison (Audre
r .Kitchener, lra Leeson 'of. Carrie
Peter Leeson of Huron
arson ax Products � s
. hi ��'
• n fUC l� • The 'funeral was held on Tlinr.�� ..
I'Ufii 52$2026 •
d '•
J n m the e
•iiiiiii♦fie♦♦ii*iiiio♦i♦♦•♦• ♦♦♦i�♦s�ii♦♦e♦♦♦ ` .
delve, at 12:30 fp.m.,. with inter'
••••••♦i♦♦♦♦•••••i♦i`••4 $4i +♦foo♦♦♦i rent in Teeswater Cemetery;