HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-01, Page 8, 'PAO EIGHT v 114, .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ' 1,UCKNOWS ONTARIO Leiters To . Editor Livestock Sales 'Good for. 1..hgrklu.ltu.re' June i,, 1964 And Boon. To Lucknow an.._.. District The Editor ' .For. sound counsel' and afair price on :a• monument Lu ;.w Sentinel, exp, By' Ted McConnell . o . correctly designed from quality, . material, . rely on: • Lucknow, Ontario, - - • .� � . T,n.. The Kitchener Record.. Sir: � .s� • Co-operative Medical Care Community livestock; . sales, in 'livestock (In farming) a free ex - mese days most people , are past have come under f i r e : change and good. market . are nee- from; many quarters as, spreaders essary. truly concernedeabout adequate of • The Luckaow CominumtY live medical. coverage. � in :view of the tiona was 1 eveneaadvocated�. aboli-. � stock � sales held every Wednes- trim t flood a material on nemm-"Much of the: talk..against them .day. is one of the longer -establish-` muiuty Medical .care plans,gh bees of our co-operative have ask- proved to be false, but a lighten- ed.operations of this area. Started jug of controls by, the department : in' 1949, it attracted buyers and ou 'ine to write a letter pointing of agriculture and the sales units sellers from a -.large area ,and six out that there. is: already a coni themselves has wiped... out nearl-. years • ago new, enlarged ed accom- benefits the town. Merchants re- He : purchased the James John-. minify plan in,operation iii Huron a a: .i. "y modation was built to .look, 'after County' coveringover ,12 000 per -11 dverse. criticism, •. port many farm :wives• do .their stone feed barn. for -tits purpose yAll such sales must now be :increasing business. shoeing while their husbands are. in. 1949, which was ,the former sons. Huron :Co-op Medical . Ser'- licensed and there nplust be ado- y ng or just looking. Allan MacLeod livery stable. vices , has the only, Co-operative.. AL1 livestock is sold and! bought selling or: bu . e Bob McIntosh built We present Coridmuni :":Eeal man based in gusto quarters for ; the livestock here but stocker. cattle' and; young; Robert McIntosh. is sales man barn west .nt ty and suitable salesnn accommo- steel covered sales Huron County that is open to .all g pigs .and dairy cows predominate. ager of the local unit, ' the Caledonian Park in west dation, A veterinarian : must ,pass ; Breeding stock' both in cattle. and .persons , in the . area, � ' �.. • ••on the. health of .all ,animal .con swine, , and even the occasional , To start with: it is fitting ..-to . $igned•, team, of horses . are, also consign (Publisher's Note - The Luck- Construction i s underway of'. -point. out that in county:medical, A r i :c u'1 t: u: rel re resentativ ed : now Community' Sale was. estab- Tavistock's new, arena at an es - co -operatives ' Ontario w e r �e g p e 1 1940 s George R. Gear of . Walkerton says Not only. jis a 'well. run salesfished by •`'the •late John M Mc-. timated . cost of " $85,000. ' Tavistock' first formed m :.the early these sales are "..:Intosh 'of Paramount, father of recently completed. 'installation of ' to provide the .self-employed and good fore barn an asset to the: surrounding _ agriculture, They set the price for agricultural district but'it also the present.owner and operator:. a sewage system, others generally considered un . d sizable' •o ► e . r uninsurable by the l••4••O•nG•A••nn�••G•••••••�O•i••e+•••o•s�•e+i•+a•a••••oe+•4i••*n•on4••n••i•en•••••O••4�n•••4•e+•o•••4s Jorge carriers (because they were: • • either not . in large industrial : groups or 'were :over -age), 'with • a '" T "T T T /'� j A rt. WEDNESDAY,. JULY 1st, 94 MONUMEIITS• - •• �� SKELTON MEMORIALS ' Walkerton Pest O'Hegen, Prop.: Established Civer Sixty Years Phone ° 88140234 'on1 lace ' where they could procure. • cooperative medical coverage; at group- .rates. • The /health coverage we. nave • provided, serviced. by 'Huron Co- ,.operative o- operative . Medical. Services, has . •.. . '. kept, pace with the demands of _•; the . conununity, rising/ successive-: • '40 • �ly.through. the :provisionof simple , hospital : accomodation . to t h e ' *. point' where todaywe ' are. able to provide .coverage' In the health... • care field of the highest possible i degree through the, mechanism of ! cb-operative • prepaid `insurance' • In '.addition . we provide our :•, members' witha guaranteed Ma, t • or Medical .plan . to cover those : •: many other health extras such as. • - prescription : dr ug s, ambulance costs, appliances,' home nursing, • etc:, items : which often Cost more than a doctor's 'direct attention. • It has always:, been 'a., point of it pride•: with our organization ..to • pay ' physicians 100 per cent of fai the general tariff • listed in -the-. —• . — Ontario Medical . Association's Schedule of Fees. It is significant to note that • : . when the Ontario goverziment en • tered the h� field of ..Hospital insur- • ante .in 1959 it., was 'to .the ' med 2 seal. co-operatives in the province • . that it. turned, rather than to' any 'other carrier, to . act as official • 'collectors and serve the needs of the self-employed; in the counties • in enrolment; :procedures: and col . lection of fees.Huron Co-op Med • seal :Services : remains the 'only: ' medical coverage organization . op- • erating .in Huron County, who is an official . collector for the :pay - tient . of premiums , for the On-....• .- .. tario ' Hospital Insurance plan as • well as; Blue : Cross semi -private • Hospital care. An added Co-op; ben- • efit is that all members •who' paid • . their Ontario' Hospital Insurance , premiums through . their Co-op. • are now protected from the re- cently announced increase in .Ol:•I= . • SC •rates until such titre, as their • •next• normal renewal date . with • the Co-op: • • Through a contributory system, • the medical co-operatives in On- tario n tario are paying the way 'through . • medical school of deserving ; stu dents, a means of providing the services forwhich other insurers do not attempt to pay: • • Since our aim is the ultimate _. provision of total health care . • through the mechanism of .re- g p '• payment,the fact . that we can be • most sensitive to the : voice • of • our membets,. who represent, thou- sands -of tpeople ; fn : the county, gives us a powerfulmedium. for. •" the development of : a sound pro- gramme 0 f consuimer-sponsored •• prepaidhealth plans. • We take great pride in the fact that the co-operative funds and the personal , interest of its direc- tors and staff are all 'invested in • the development and growth of • total health care for residents of • • our country. • 'Co-operatively Yours, Gordon .Kirkland, President. 5 •. NEWS BRIEF. • The Satigeen District l# i g h 4' School Board has made applica- tion to 'the Municipal Board for ' _� approval of a : $274,000 addition tb .. the Port Elgin .school. • PROUDLY THEIR NNOUI'ES PLANT — • THE OFFlCIAL OPEN!NG,• •• i •• 376 BAYF1ELRD. GODERICH OMMEMQRATETj5 OCCASION AND. OUR -0th YEAR {N BUSINESS WE • ARE OFFERING ••- t• • • • • • . WITH YOUR ORDER FOR • fCULLIGAN SOFT WATER, i A.RAISED RELIEF WORLD • • GLOBE .17" HIGH OVERALL: • ' A $1 s:oo VALUE. ' Call • today., For a limited time only, our new Culligan Customers will ..receive .this wand erfgl .Rand McNally. Globe. , i It s in three ..dimension .raised • relief, in full color is :: complete with 28 ,page 'Globe Handbook. Let this `timely gift introduce your family• • to the luxury and economy of pure' filtered soft ..water. WE SELL AND RENT. (WITH . LEASE 'PURCHASE` OPTION) FULL 'AUTOMATIC AND 'MANUAL WATER SOFT- r' ENERS ,or our. portable • excka nge service s avaiibble.:at popular r rates. Free Na#ar•, . !• ,.10 'analyss and. installation estimates. Pro Iemwater cleaned up, sulphur, iron.,sediment • ,• or bacterid.i. a ' OR S VD COUPON ' ..;,I.. . • : ..N.„.....„.„,...........,......_........,„..............„.....,o.,.....„,.... .. CulliganWafter •,376 Bayfielcl Conditioning•.. ., . .. * •s ' • • •• w He Culligan Man ,.1 would like to know more about soft • �, wafer andyour. free offerof a Rand McNally, World Globe. •, NAME a I' 1 STREET or R,R, No.• • o • PHONE • wl....., ......, —„.tr�.....,.. ,yr .,,,rr,„.64,4 „,...,f ,w'i H p iiia.<1►i' •EON..Ma•AN••Ai•f•iN•••••• 414af4,6•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i •err!•«••1rA••0•••••••A••••,- �• ••i#•s�snr►riiilraes .GUARANTEED SERVICE AND SALT :DELIVERY UST CALL AND SAI .. �derich,: .5249571 Collect TOW i-� rq