HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-01, Page 7lirla
WEDN**SDA ', JULYlstr 1964
low as $32i...
for a 1 .$d bushell••.size
pl,,us freight, and -sales,'' tax).
B. and W.
;Grain Aerators pnd Driers:. ; .
In Stock Now At $68;50 •••
. •.
Lochalsh Shower cantly.'
McKenzie of Mo
For. M. MacLennan
• , Mr. and . Mrs. Walter Dexter
spent the 'weekend in . Michigan
where they ,attended a ` wedding
•on Saturday.
.Tuesday evening- friends and
• neighbours of Miss Margaret Mac-
Lennan gathered ' at :North' Ash-
field Public 'School to .shower her
with gifts'. and good wishes. Miss
Lorraine Hamilton was' chair : lady
• and conducted . a :Sing -song: Miss
Sadie Johnstone read the , Loc-
halsh news. .Jane Moncrief .eon.
ducted• a contest. • Donna Wylds,
Jane, Moncrief ` •and Judy Thor -
burn were heard in ..a• trio. Mrs.
Oliver ..McCharles conducted a
contest on famous personalities.,
The:.. bride --opened- her' gifts and
thanked:. those : in. charge . for, •hav
ing . the shower for her.
'Mr: and : Mrs. ,John MacRae and
family moved to. Niagara on Mon-
day where ' they will make . their
Donna : Elphick daughter.. of Mr.
and ' Mrs, ' David Elphick, is a
patient in'War 'Memorial hospital
in London..
Mr. • and Mrs.. , Bruce' Millar. and
babe and Miss Florence. MacLen,.
nan of Palmerston spent the week-
end with Mr; and Mrs: Emile
MacLennan: •
Miss Elaine Robb is . working
• at the :Bruce Inn; Kincardine for
the summer...
Mr.. and Mrs, Frank MacLen-
, nan spent a'. couple of, days in
'Toronto with their ' daughter re -
'Rev. Scott a n:
treall is holidaying with his bro-
ther Mr., Henry. MacKenzie. .
Week -end visitors with ..Mr. .and
Mrs, Gordon Finlayson were 'Mr:
.' and Mrs. Rodgerson Sr., Mr. 'and
:Mrs. Bill Rodgerson and. Miss
Jane Finlayson all of Toronto:.
• Mrs. Harold Elphick. ' spent
Thursday in. ;London with the pup-
ils of her school.
'Mr. , and Mrs. t'Frank , Fellows
of .Sarnia were: recent visitors with
.Mr. Herb Ensign.
Finlay. MacLennan is spending
the 'summer with. Mr. and . Mrs.
George Sutherland.
A line out ofg place can garble-.
up, a news item, and; :that's what
'happened in; a :couple of items -: in
the Lochalsh news last week
Gaily proofs of reading; . matter,
,'set 'on the, linotype, are checked
for errors and corrections' noted.
+ If qne of these corrections is
wrongly replaced itcan have
s'o m e strange effects, as was
:the case.
The ;two items referred to should
have :read:as ,follows
•Mrs.• `Emile MacLennan enter
tained relatives ' and friends' , .to
a tea :in honor of her: daughter.
Margaret, bride -elect, on Satur-
days.afternoon, ; .
_Mrs. Ewan .MacLean and Mrs.
' Oliver McCharles enjoyed 'a bus
trip, with the Ripley and ,Dis-
trict Horticultural Society. •on
' Thursday. oto, the Hortidul.tur'al Con-
. vention in Guelph ` ..
The .smart way to' save Mrd .travel ;: extra: coach car
conveniences to ake your trip more ,comfortabl
.bite � • , . '
, . io Faro cal{-,
Forwother eG0.no.'my
Visits Erin,;Fin
Dublin, Ireland,
General P.O
The . Lucknow Sentinel, •
Lucknow, Ontario.•
I thought perhaps some of your
readers might be interested to.
geta short, picture of a trip across
the water. I have always ,wanted
to see, the "old sod" as the say-
ing goes and ;decided this. spring
that it was now • or never. . •So
here I am. `
We came over , on- the. Fran-
•conic of the .Cunard. line,. leaving.
Montreal on' Friday, May 22, Go-
ing down the St. Lawrence Fri-
day afternoon .the sun was bright
and warm and the prominade
deck was ` crowded. Every avail-
able deck'- chair was occupied,
Mine was No. 178. Saturday .was
fine but not quite . so Warm., Sun-
day p.m. there was great excite-
ment. We were in the iceberg
zone. We sighted nine .in the
course of the afternoon and the
last one the ship had to detour
as it was dead ahead. They are
quite a sight! They looked about
the,size of ' a large barn. They
claithere is three times -as
much under water . as le show-
ing really ' quite : ' an . icicle.
The rest of the voyage was
without incident.,` We : passed:. a few,
fishing parties, a large boat ap-
parently. ,pother . ship to small
two -men fishing •, boats.. The 'wea-
ther was ,fine all the way over.
The management endeavor to
have different entertainment each
Congratulations to Jean Sutton
and, Sharon Stanley who passed
their . Grade 10 examinations .at •
the " Lucknow and District High
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schneller,
Jimmy and Betty visited with Mr.
and Mrs. , Donald hilae and . babe
at Ingersoll. i•
Miss Betty Schneller `spent a'
few days with 1VIr - and Mrs. Elgin
Hogg . and Sandra /at Wingham.
Jimmy ; Schneller;. is employed
with Mr. Dan .McInnes for the.,
summer months. •
Theteacher, pupils and friends
'held a picnic. at the E.U.B•.:camp.
Races — pre school, Steven Eck-
enswiller; . girls 6-7-8, Margie Col-
lins; boys 6-7, Billy Bushell ` and.
Steven. Eckenswiller; girls 9-10-11,
Betty Schneller; boys 8-9,' Bruce.
.Bushell; girls 12 and over, ''Jan-
ette Eckenswiller; boys 10 and
11, : Bob Haldenby; boys 12 and
over, Ted Milne; ladies race,
Madeleine Haldenby, 3 -legged race.
— girls,. Margie Collins, Lois Nic-
holson; 3 -legged race, Bonnie Ec-
kenswiller, Joan Percy; boys 1-4,
John Bushell, Ronnie Gillespie;
boys 5-8, Bob Haldenby and Bruce
Bushell; wheelbarrow race, Bob
Haldenby and , Bruce Bushell, Al-
lan Nicholson and Barry Hoiden
by, Jannette . Eckenswiller and
Heather Hewitt, Lorraine Robinson
and Margie Collins; slipper kick,
Heather Hewitt,: -tarry Haldenby,
Ronnie Gillespie, Margie Collins;
ladies, Mrs., Douglas Haldenby:,
The Belgrave . Community Centre
which collapsed under. . a snow.
load in 1962, and has been rebuilt
at • a cost of $22,000, was officially
openedlast week by W. T. Cruik
shank.-- Among the other speakers
were Paul Henderson and .Murray
Gaunt, M.P.P. .
• In response to a request for: an
immediate liquor . plebiscite in,
Goderic'h; • Town Council on Fri-
day evening decided to.contact the
Liquor License .Board' of Ontario
on the. matter. The • request came
in the form of a letter from.
Frank , Curry, proprietor of the
Bedford Hotel. The .last. plebiscite
was in 1961
,�.. *
Five women from the ' Walker
ton. and district: area ; 111'6 been
arrested and are out on $500 bail,
on charges' of having spray -paint-
ed in red ' the word "scab" on
the home ;of a notl,-atrildng fe-
' male employee', at the Sprague
plant ' in the town,.
Tipperary Records
Don't Ga Back Enrouqh...tc. Trace Ancestors
afternoon. and evening; also re-
freshments between meals. I don't
think too many failed to make
the: dining room regularly though
did one morning. My table
mates were sure I had fallen a
victim, but I turnedip for lunch
quite chipper. I had failed to
wake up in time. •
We reached the • Irish coast line
Thursday morning - 'and could fol-
low • the outline faintly at first,
then could distinguish the 'hills
quite clearly. We entered. the
Cork ' Estuary about 10:30 a,m.
and were taken off byship tend-
er to dock. We were. lucky -we
weren't a day later as Cork har-
bor was tied up by . a .• strike for.
four days. A couple of liners were
among the unfortunate ' ones.
I got quite a thrill coming in
from the ,sea. I've often heard
how deep a green ...often ..country
is. We weren't disappointed. The
hedges dividing the small fields
presented a, checkerboard effect
which was . really attractive to
look at, though. I doubt. if. I'd care
to be the farmer. Cork surprised
me! I pictured it .a small sea-
port town. Instead it . is a thriv-
ing city of 115,000, well built : and
seeminglyvery busy. I was sur-
prised though to find it . so MY -
Quite a steep hill makes a cres-
cent around the harbor.
• I took a bus out:, as far as
Thurles, Tipperary on Saturday.
I thought ' I could .:look over the
county . records of the last 'cen-
tury and perhaps trace back my
ancestors -who left Tipperary in' ..
1837. In this I was disappointed -
as none ' had been kept previous
to 1864. However,. I had a lovely
ride through some scenic 'wonder-
land. • I . came up to Dublin on
Monday, and have been giving it
the once' over since then. I took'
one- lovely drive out along the
Irish sea. coast. I was lucky,en-
ough to watch • the big Epom
Downs. race. on Wednesday on
The reception was - real 'good;
andthe race - was ` reallysone
thing There were • eighteen hof ses
running, and Santa Claus, seem-
ingly flashed from the packto.
win going away.
I' expect to take in - some of
'the six-day bus tours around the
'Island. They tell me they . are
real good. My return ' is booked
for August ' 13 on. the . Carinania,
so . after then I'll .be: seeing you.
James J. Cummins,
Lucknow, Ontario.
,N..f.� ".._.•
"... ..
L of
Frost - Free
ZENITH Deluxe:
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4.12 ft. Frost -Free
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Full -width covered
Crisper ' `` •
t. Combination
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• Porcelain Enamel. ' Liner
• Magnetic Door Gaskets.
• Non -sweat Cabinet
Auto. Interior . Light
40 Budget' Plan With. low.
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t. size . at `the LOW PRICE ,of
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