HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-01, Page 311111111111111111111111U2ORMAIMIIII:MithilaMMFAIII =or! • VI DN. $DA1f, •111t.Y i.*t, 1!'64 IIE1.IE0.EER11141.1,ea.a■e■nee141eii .THS CKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ■ galaBO■!n■nnanna■■wrnailaNNIaNIIm mansass' ■ ■• ■ • • r A • • • • • • • ■, _ ..... ...: ....;...•.air,': flry Supreme'Pies - ■ Fresh . Baked A •. • � PPIe or Raisin 2.4 oz.Pkg• EYork,Peanut:. Butter 41c •• • 16-ozice box jar . Fruit Drinks 3 for 89c ■; Aliens Assorted 48 -oz.' 11, AylrnerCatsup -2 for 37c NI 1 1.oz. btu. Jell -o Puddings .4 for 49c pkgs. e Crispy Numbers• 2 fbr 69c i' Post l0:oz. , a Y II Tea Bags �4 e Red and.White 6c offpack Wax Paper. :.■ Save ' All 100', roll Skim ..Miik.Powd:er I.Carnati'i Instant 3 lb. ■ Surf King Size • 40c off. pack ■ Toothpaste Maclean, .Reg. 59c gt. 'tubes a • !Cinnamon. •Buns 35c : Weston, .reg. 39c, 12 , to 'pkg. .■ g. of Attention PAGE 'THREIE an Mrs. Wm, ;Stanl'ey, plan to ' leave on a trip to Calgarry the first of July.: Mr. and Mrs. Ron. ;Graham and family moved recently from Ripley to Orillia. Mrs, Allan Turner of Aurora and. Misses Pearl and Annie, Turner. of Toronto attended the funeral on. Monday of =Mr. James: Wraith. Gordon Struthers . is a .:patient in Wingham and District Hospital; ■ He as admated on Saturday af- u •ternoon. • ° • • Mr,. and Mrs; Ewart Jamieson Red and White Shoppersoftot wkvisiting relatives at London Corunna and:. Dresden. • ' • Dr.' B. N. Corrin.and Sons, Ray and: Norrn of Wingham, flew from ■ Malton. to New York last week w 'to attend the. World's Fair. • ' • ■ Mrs. Grace Kean of Hamilton, Mr.' and . Mrs. Art .'Farnell of Tor- o onto,' called on Mr . •and Mrs. Bob. • • Hamilton on Saturday. 2I,92O.(sh. Prizes Worth $5O,000' In.our Circle. 5 . Game •Play it like pingo • Get your free cards each time' you 'visit 'our store. New ' set of lnurribers.n this ad each. week All cards can• be •used for -the entire ten week .contest. THE. WINNING NUMBERS for GAME NO. 2 ARE 4,. 6, 8,' 1Q,," 16; .18, .20, 22'; 28, . . 10, 32, 3;4, 36 38, 48 5.0, 56i 5 8,' 60,:62, '68, 70, 76, 78, '80, 82,. 88,'`'90,,;96, 98. PAST WEEK'S WINNERS ' ■ Mrs. Duncan MacConnell who • was.. h0 spitalized in Wingham for ■ a time with a. coronary ,condition is convalescing. -,at the. home of her daughter, Mrs. 'Herb. ,Buckton Mr. and M Buckton. ■ ■ . Mrs...Bob' McLntosh, R R. ' 3 ..Lucknow, i• won' $5;. $1 winners were • Dan Mclnnes, �. RR. 1 Holyrood, Doris. McKinnon, RR..6;' :■ Eldon Henderson, ' Lucknow; Mrs.. Roy. Emberlin, Lucknow, : Mrs; . Harvey ::Mole, ■. Lucknow;. Mrs:.. Bill Haldenby, R.R..' 6; !. Mrs. 'James Arnold; RR. 2� Mrs: Fre•d ••. Gilchrist, R.R:.'6. • r $peedyShoppiflg±./— •• . • • f • USE OUR' REAR -OF -STORE . . .. Parking: Lot Enter and • Leave, store by the rear 'entrance: ■ 1 PHONE 528-3001, 'FREE• DELIVERY • Scholars of the United Church Sunday School arebeing • given attendance record . cards, which they can : have signed . if attend- ing church. or. Sunday school else- where . than their home.' ,church, and received • attendance credit. ' Mr. and Mrs. George' MacDonald and Mr. and •. Mrs Wm Ha r' s' r of Ripley . are . on a . motor ; trip throughWestern Canada to' British Columbia They will attend ,the Calgary stampede. Mrs: Al Martin and her son Ned Martin .of' .Long Beach, California, are,' spending : a ''month here with. her mother, Mrs. Ed Thom and other ' relatives. They • flevri, to De- troit and from there accompanied. Mr.Nand. Mrs,' Hank' Krueger •.who. motored here' 'to spend the .week= end Mr. and Mrs. T A. Cameron attended the funeral '. of . their brother-in-law, Mr: John Gernmill at - MacDonald's Corners .. (near. Perth) ,on Sunday, June 21st. They • Mr and...Mrs, Jack Leith of Hamilton called on, friends in Lucknow last week. were accompanied :by their grand- daughter, Linda C.auneron, and. spent the weekend with relatives in that district. Mr. and. Mrs. Huh Cu Gloria and BilIie of London, isnpent the ;weekend with her mother,'M s. Charles Steward... Miss Linda McQuillan, dau ter of Mr, and Mrs• Disk McQ con: 6Kinloss, is home ' from. Lo don for the •summer holidays." ' Miss Ruth. Anne McQuillhi, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Quillin of ,Sarnia, is also holiday- ing .this week with Mr. and Mrs. Dick McQuillan: and family. S'UN'SET. .Drive -In HIGHWAY' 8 • EAST.'. OF ' GODERICH.• NOW PLAYING -='JULY .21 3-4. Louis: Jourdan, and Sylvia Syzns '. "Amazons of . Rome" . color ' r•-• arid' Just 'for, the rare fun of it • "Ma and. Pa 'Kettle at Waikiki" MON.; TUES., WED.='JULY 644" Vincent Price and Nancy Kovak "Diary of. a Madman" in color. Plus . the . Buster Keaton comedy "She's Oil. Mine" and a'cartoon THUR., FRI., SAT. -JULY 9-1041 - Vincent Price and Joan Freeman "The . Tower of London" with' "Abbott and, . Costello ;riot the Keystone' . Kops" Coming "The Return of • Peyton -Place"-- , .adult . Entertainment • :-SHOW STARTS 'AT DUSK ' :Children under.12, in Cars, FREE meeeeeeeseeseeeeii ee00099•e•0A•'n•••e4N• 0.mmel d ATDAR Y THE SQUARETHE ' a Goderi ch . Showtirmes 7:30 and• 9:30' pain.. • • • NOW PLAYING — JULY 2-3-4' ••• ' • • Walt Disney's . BIG Special, Attraction _• "Miracle of the White Stallions" •. Starring Robert Taylor and Lihi Palmer ' • • ' • MON., TUE., WED. — JULY 6-7-8 Adult Entertainment • Henry Fonda, Edie Adams and 'Cliff Robertson . •' A. topical, behind the • headlines ,political satire ■•• - le•R••Eia:QiE•■••••••■■ne■ease■■,ai■eanSSne:■a■■•■t:EEftne■eee•■■•nae■Eitiail • • a Whitby. Wedding` Local Intee:e$t.. OOSTERVEL'D The marriage. of_ Miss Ann• van der, .Ley, daughter of ,Mr, ; , and '' • Mrs: .Peter. Van ; der Ley : of 'Whitby and Mr. Gordon Oosterveld; son of : Mr. and Mrs. Martin,' Ooster veld' of R:.R.. '3 Moorefield, .was. solemnized in Emmanuel, 'tteform=- ed' Church, Whitby on June ..20th at '3:30 p.m. The cefentony 'was• Performed'.. by Rev. Katerberg. Mr. Henry Reind'ers .was organ ist and the soloist was Miss Fran- cis Reinders of Drayton 'who: sang "He''.' and: '"0 Perfect •L. •oVe.'' The bride, Oven. in marriage by. her father, •chose a floor -length gown With lacey top, V, cut waist; and lilypoint sleeves. Pearls en- cireled the scalloped neckline and' her head -piece ' was a cr•owr of pearls • and'..crystal. beads„with shoulder. -length ” veil. 'Her flowers were pink roses with white car- nations. Mrs. Ron Wiersma of. Whitby, sister of the' 'bride, was,' matron• of honor'. She, chase a light blare dress or organza over, taffeta with *White accessories.' Her . flowers were pink roses and white early)- Of — van .der LEY van der Ley of. Zeeland, Mich.; brother of the bride and ;Peter .0osterveld ' of Moorefield,. . brother of the. groom . • , • . j: A reception and dinner followed at St.. John's -Tall,. Whitby. The bride's' mother received the guests irk a dark, turquoise dress with ;white• accessories. •She was assist- ed by the groom's.' mother, . who chose a 'light blue 'dress , with .white accessories, After a trip to Vancouver, Mr, and ivrrs. •0osterveld t will re- side at H.R. '3• -Moorefield. For travelling the bride chose a ,two- piece pink, suit .with'matching ac- cessories.. tions, " The :bridesmaids Miss Chandra ienry, R,R, 7 Lucknow and, Misa Joanne Oogterveld of Moorefield: sister of the groom, were dressed in 'pink organza over taffeta with White AceessorieS, The ring'hearer' Peter De Vries 8: es ''wore checked jacket with dark pangs. Mr. Albert Oasterveld, f1tY . Moorefield, was, his brother's* at. Cendant: The ushers Were Corey * The .bride attended' (rade 1:1r in l;trr:know : iligh School and Grade 12. Conmer c ial, to Goder.ich .Dis- trict High Srltc ol.'' ' - w.r.xMr ' •M JAMES WRAITH 'DIED 5UD17ENLY l3N THURSDAY'• • ••Tames:° Albert Wraith' of I ick- iiow, died suddenly Thursday af- te mrii►rri at '.alit' farm of 'his , son;- ' in�law ' and . daughter, ' Mr. and Mrs. Murray ' 1Tenderson, Bound- . • ar y -gest. • • i ENGAGEMENTS • Mr. 'and,. Mrs: ' W. ,G. Hunter,' R R . 3 . • Lucknow, announce the 1,engagement of their daughter. • . • Audrey Marlene ' to Mr. Edward, Roy Keane, son of y Mr., and Mrs. James Keane of 'Lucknow. 'The marriage will take place. on ,Sat- urday, July. 25th; 1964, at 3:00 p.rn.. in • St. , Peter's, ' Anglican Church, Lucknow' Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Schlosser. of Greenock . wishto announce •thee. engagement of. 'their. daughter, Dianne Mary to Mr. Anthony Vin- cent Carter; son' of Mr.' and Mrs. Ernest Carter of I;ucknow. The, wedding will: take place at' St. Anne's`:Church, Riversdale,'. on Saturday, ; 4s1,13,'l4s1,13,25th,: at. • 10:30. o''clock... Mi. Wraith.Was driving the Murraya 2.1 for for' u ray' who was haying' when he was'stricken with the rata): seizure. ., r rice , .was held The furicra:i •S+~ �•, .,. .. en Monday at the-MscKen2ie Memorial ' Chapel, eonduetcd f by t v. • lf. W, Strapn with interment i in South l.inloss Cemetery, 'For last Results READand VSE NEWAMADS EGULARLY! There was a young dentist named Fiddle too accept his de Inthe ' middle,'. to be riddle' diddle D►`. D. Who • refused gree He was right 'Twas enough Without being • . • • • • •.•. • ,or: Hold I learned•.to stop• worrying and, love':the bomb. • • "THE 'BEST MAN'S.. . • . , e . Plus a technucolor., featurette on ..Tho • London Symlihony . • • TH,UR.,,: FR1., SATS' — JULY 9.10.11 . ` ' .: Peter Sellers Keenan Wynn and' Sterling Hayden : • .British made; based on the book "Red Alert". , '■ A psychotic gg . •r 'III �. general almost tri ers world W • "DR. STRANGELOVE" ' a/ • ' .. G' : •• . • .0. COMING "SOUTH' PACIFIC".• int Color, adult entertainment 2 . ••e•••••••••••••4••!•••a••••••••••Ow!•o•••••N••': �iiiaeera:■i•i■aae.asieiri:::■ea■i•:■iii■ri■■••E LYCEUM-Winghani THUR = PRI. - SAT.'. ;JULY .2=3.4 • • • ■. 1eReach Party CinemaScdpe �- Colour ■Starring: Bob' Cummings, Dorothy Malone; Frankie •Avalon,` t... • ' • Dick Dale and The Delfones • •• • Come to this beach party and feel young again. • ■ • ADDED ATTRACTION111. • Tho Beatl`es: Come To Town" • Starring: (of .course,) The Beatles • 1 si /7 ■ ; MON.,.... TUES. - WED. JULY 6-74 •• is a •. . •• ' Adult Entertainment' ' •it • ■` Y ■. • .. The Best Man" :a■i: gHenry ■; Starring:: -Henn Fonda, Cliff Robertson, Edie Adams• -Shelley • Berman and Anne • Southern, 1 It's a tension packed story about Ameriean political conventions ■ ■ • and the candidates. . ' ■ n n■■Ri IIII.ai pili illui i iliam•ir i�inrlir■BB"iei mulch . !i 7i 1 !.• Arri 1