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St, Pauls Narks 140th Anniversary
The: 100th ' anniversary of the
building' of St. Pauls Church, Dun-
gannon wase held Sunday evening
with a large:crowd in attendance.
• The church was beautifully . decor-
' ated with summer flowers,. The
Rev. J. R King of St. Pauls. was
in. " charge • of the: service. The
Rev.' J. A.:. Veidhuis, of -the United
Church gave . the lessons from.
Joshua 24 and John 15.. -The guest
preacher. Rev. H,. Jenning, -Brus-
sels, a former rector. of St. Pauls
• spoke on "the building of the
church,. not materially but spirit-
wally. ' He went on to : say "the
youngsters of today are the found
• ation,, the older ones. the walls,;
the -bishops, deacons and : wardens,.
the ladies aid groups and the rec-
tors are the roof that hold. the
church. secure." Miss Baripara
Foster rendered a solo • •`YYHHow:
Lovely are Thy Dwellings" ac-
companied on the organ ' by . Miss
Lynda Foster. : ..
Rev. King thanked the' guests
and everyone . attending and invit-
ed everyone to the Parish . Hall
for a social time:
'Visiting over the- weekend with
Mr. and Mrs Cecil' Blake and
,family Were. the; tatters uncle and
aunt, .. Mr. and.Mrs. H. Eugene
Hanson, East Tawas, 'ch,, Mr.
and Mrs. Palmer Kil Mich,
d aim patrf ,
and Cheryl :of-Agincourt:and their.
son Jim. Blake of Toronto.
Visiting on Friday were Mr.. and
Mrs. Richard` Kilpatrick and -Dr...
and Mrs .A N. .'Atkinson all of
Wingham, Mr. and..'Mrs,.. `John,
Watt of Hamilton and . their datigh-
ter, Mrs'. ' Wm.. Barker :.of 'Strat-
ford .visited • on. Monday.'
Congratulations- to Mr. and : Mrs.
Raymond . Chisholm. on the birth.
of ` a son'' on June 22nd: '.A brother
for Suzanne. •.
• •.Congratulations:to Mr: and. Mrs.
Leonard Brindley on • the birth of
their' daughter. on June 22nd. . A
wee sister .for • Ronnie, Larry,
Brenda and Elwin, .
On Tuesday and Wednesday of
last week visiters with .Mrs. H.
Ryan were' : Mrs. J McGratten of
Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Thom-
as of Picture Butte, Alberta. The'
ladies are sister -in-laws of Mrs,.
Visiting _recently with: Mrs. I.
Henry were Mrs. Herb Curran,
Mrs. John Curran and •son Paul.
and Miss . Ida '.Whyard:
We wish to' congratulate. Mr.. and'
Mrs. Arthur .Stewart on the ..oc
nasion of their 34th wedding'an-
niversary • celebrated on Sunday..
Visiting with.• theme: were e . Mr and
Mrs.. Mel Stewart and Doris of
Goderich. They all attended the.\'.
100th anniversary services of SL
Pauls Anglican church held in the
evening. - .. •
We see where Mr. Richard Ste-
wart has returned to London for
an 8. week course. Richard grad-
uated as an honor student. from
'O.C.E. and plansto teach ,high
school in Ste. • Sault, Marie; He
specialized in physicalandhealth
education and we wish him sucess
in his chosen field .
Visitors over the . weekend with
Mr,. and Mrs. T. C. Andersbn were
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Earl (Kitty
Woodcock). of Brantford, Mrs.
Earl at one .time worked here and
she and her husband renewed
acquaintances, while .visiting here.
Dungannon WI Meet •
Mrs.. Warren Zinn was :hostess
for the . educationalmeeting of the
Dungannon. WI. on ' Thursday even-
ing. 'How to interest your child in
learning" wasthe roll callan-
swered by 19 members.
Mrs. C. Crozier presided for a
short,' business period and it was
decided to join with the .Sunbeam
Club on their bus trip later in July.
Mrs:: C. Blake was remembered
for her kindness to the department
representative of the copper :tool-
ing course. The motto. "The . life
you live is the lesson you teach",
was prepared by. Mrs. M. Erring-
ton and read by Mrs. F. "Young.,
Mrs. I. Rivett displayed finished
garments , for the , Children's;.: Aid.
The topic given by Mrs. F. ,Young
educational interest in Toronto.
This.. trip was sponsored by the
senior room •of. the school and was
enjoyed by many from the com
munity. Places visited were Mal;
ton Airport, Casa:: Loma and the
Canadian ..Imperial Bank. A his-
tory of Dungannon . is being pre-
pared by: our . members in answer
to a request from Dungannon, Ere -
land :The historical : background
will. be :compiled and , .forwarded
under the Department . of Citizen-
ship and Immigration at Stratford,
Ont. Mrs, :. W. Brown and coin.-.,
tee convened the lunch.
Cliff Crawford;
Gets Town Job
Cliff Crawford. has been named
as the rnd'lucipal employee, to
succeed Hugh MacMillan, ' who re..
cently accepted another position,
Council made: the appointment.
on Monday evening. There were
12 applications for the position..
The applications ad called for
an . assistant to the Village fore-
man with. duties to include oper-
ation of the grader, public ; utilit-
ies work, etc.. •
Cliff who has been employed by
Bud ,Hamilton, Cities Service dis-
tributor,, commences. his. ` Mown
duties on July 2nd,
Saturday Weddingg
At St.Peters Church:
White .glads and .,red and white
mums were the floral decorations
in St. Peter's Church, Lucknow, on
Saturday,. June 27th, for the mar-
riage of •Isabel' Mary Ritchie, and
Mr. Eugene S. Janes of Hanover.
The bride is the daughter of : Mr.
and Mrs. 'Russell Ritchie, R,R. 6
Lucknow and the, groom is the son
ofmr. John Janes of Bonavista,
Newfoundland ' and the late Mrs.
Janes. •
The ceremony was performed
gat :two o'clock by Rev. J. R. King,.
rector of St. Peter's Church:
dealt with the bus trip to points -of
The organist was Mrs: Thomas
Pritchard ` who played ``O Perfect
Love" during the signing of: the
register. ,
Given in ::marriage by her, father
the bride's gown was waltz:. length
nylon' sheer over bridal •Satin. The
bodice' had short • sleeves, ; bateau
lace .'appliqued ' neckline, back, rose'
accent enhanced with matching
lace motifs adorning the -flowering
panels . over a sheath skirt. Her
shoulder. length, ' over -the -face. • veil,
was a self ; silk rose of sheer tulle-
ulleand silk. Her flowers were baby
white mums and red roses,
Her attendants :,were~.Miss Trudy-
Thomson, R.R. 6 Lucknow, in
lime green embroidered : georgette.'
over taffeta with . a .bouquet of
yellow and:- white mums, and Miss
Tonita . Ritchie, sister of the bride,,
wearing a yellow ' nylon dress and
carrying a basket ' of . white:baby..
mums '. and roses.
The• best man .was Mr: Lewis.
Pitcher, R.R. 2 Kincardine; :'and.
.the .;usher was: Michael : Ritchie,
brother of : the bride.
A buffet of et
supper upper was served at
the bride's. home with Mrs. Ritchie
receiving.. in a phik flowered silk
Turkey and ham supper 5 to
8, p.m. Seaforth High Scnool Band
on grounds at 4:00: o'clock. Games
and entertainment. Kingsbridge
Children's Choir. Adults. $1.25,
children • 75e., Draw for $100: bond.
Nearly 300 Years..ExperienceM�k�s Good Music
Combine close to _ 300 years ex-
perience in singing in the Amber-
• Tey -Pine River area andit should
come up with some good music
_: and .it did. Those ixi attend-
ance, at the: Pine River (United
Church 'centennial church services
on Sunday ,heard "The Pine River
quartette" and it brought back
many 'memories for those in at.
tendance. • It also gave the'oung-
.,er generation a chance to catch
1" a bit of the 'past," Poi* both
young and old it was a pleasing
performance, Shown left to right
are members of the old quartette,
Walter. Walden,. 72; Don Cardiss,
67; g •Jim Courtney, -72 Charles
Boyd, . 85. Combine these ages and
you get , 296 :years of music; •a
fitting number for . a 100th birth:,
day party. The foursome started
singing. as a ; quartette about 35
years ago. They sang at. the 75th
anniversary of . Pine River Church
twenty-five years ago. They have
not been actively singing for about
ten years and their last time to.
fether . was at a farewell evening
the late Rev. John C.• Hutton
two years ago. •
Sentinel, Photo
WEDNESDAY,. .,JULIE' 1st, 1114
BrideSn.,ai...d .0f -.5q. :Years Ago: Present.
For Golden Anniversary Saturday
MR. .and'; MRS.
On. Saturday, June: 27, a . happy
occasion was marked when. a fame
ily dinner, was held .at Danny's
Restaurant near, Wingham to hon-
our Mr.
onour.'Mr. and Mrs. George:, Swan
of Wheeler St., . -on the occasion.
of,their Golden Wedding anniver
Mrs Swan is : the former Annie
Eliza Ford, daughter . of •. the . late
Mr. and Mrs. David Ford. Mr.
Swan is the eldest son of •, the
late .Mr.. and' Mrs: George 'Swan.,
Annie and George were ` married
ion . June :'24 : 1914 :in Georgetown
by.the. late = Rev.:Cameron: After
their . marriage, they resided in
Georgetown for one year, then
moved to ..Ashfield Township for
six years, and in 1921 they moved
to : West Wawanosh Township. to
the farm now owned by their
daughter Ettaand her .. husband
Gordon Struthers. They retired to
their present, home in Lucknow
in--May-of-1944. ,
Theyhave a.• family. of one son
David •of Toronto" and a daughter
Etta, Mrs., Gordon : Struthers of
West Wawanosh. A daughter . An-
na Mae ' died . at. the . age:; of nine
months. They alsd have four
grandchildren, Susan Ann Swan;
Lois : Ann, Douglas and .Robert
Struthers. .
Among those ,present was their
bridesmaid, of fifty years ago,
Mrs. Swan's sister Mrs. Jim :Wil-
son of London, also Mr. Wilson,
dress .:;with jacket '..
white accessories.
Por travelling the bride wore a
beige and brown linen . suit with
beige accessories.
Mr. and Mrs. Janes.' will reside
in Hanover.
Guests from a distance attend-
ing,..the 'wedding • were: ' Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Shields;: Mr. and.:
Mrs. Robert Lannebal of port Col-
borne; Mr. and . Mrs. "Ed "D'Aoust,:
Mrs. ' Clara' Juneau from Perkini-
field; Mr. and Mrs. Russell' Mc-
Connell; ' Mr. and Mrs.: Calvin Mc-
Connell from Armow.
Pre Nuptial Showers
Prior to her •marriage,: Miss Rit- f
chie was ; . guest of honour at a
miscellaneous'shgwer arranged by*
and pink and
Mrs. Wesley Smith of Ripley, and
at a shower -by the neighbours' at
Mrs. :M. Sherriff of 1 Hamilton,
Mrs. Mary "MaeAuley, of ' Acton, r
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swan of Ash
field, Mr. and. Mrs.. David Swan
and /Susan of Toronto,: ; Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Struthers , and. fam-
ily of West Wawanosh, and Miss
Marlene Martin of. Whitechurch.
Mr. and Mrs.. Dave Lindsay of
Acton and Mr; . and, Mrs:. Sam
Swan of Lucknow were: unable to'
Mr. and Mrs .Swan received
many lovely .gifts, cards and .,flow-
ers 'in
low-ers'in addition: to :many 'other ;'ex-
pressions of ..cdngratulations and
best wishes
Rev: Howard W. - Strapp
Minister .
1000: a.m. ;Sunda School.
11:00 a Y
The Heard of: Clu istianity. .
Presbyterian Churc
iiev. Roderick,.MacLeod
10:00 a.m;:. • Sunday, School
11:00 a.m. Rev Douglas Fry;;,
Seaforth • . �.•'
Church School 10:30 am /
Holy Communion it:15•' a.m.
The Rev. J. R, King,;
the. home' of Mrs. Herb McQuillin:�+
lSth AnniversarySeryices
:Oi iv'et::r United Church
•00 a.m, and 8;00• .#n,
Sunday, July 5
Guest. Preacher,. REV•- . `,
R,OUf:,STON of Exeter �.
Reception w � .Morns, 'Follo
- • If Sit -Nice • • •