HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-01, Page 111.10141.1111/7 •, r v: • • $4400 A Yoar In Advance si,00 Extra To .URSA, • , ._.�..-.,..T..,,-T.,..._..:,,_.._...,-..�..,.T..._._._ � LUGKNOW, ONTARIO Honor Paid Rev. cctOn 90th Birthday, V,us'5;.; Tears'In Grist an Ministry A special service of Thanks-. • A special of. • giving was held in the Kinlough• Anglican. Church on Sunday, June 28th in honour, of Reverend Ben- son Co* on his 90th birthday, and: in : recognition of .56 years• of ac- :.Y tive service in the Christian „min - IS • min-Istry. • The church was . filled to cap- acity on this occasion with friends and relatives gathering to share in extending. 'best wishes to, this esteemed gentleman. Canon R. W. Stump spoke kindly of • Mr. • Cox. Miss Edna Boyle was organ- ist and. the choir sang • as an an- them; Rev. Cox's favorite psalm, "The. 'Lord's My ' Shepherd.. The Service was followed, .by a reception and ' buffet luncheon, which all enjoyed , greatly. Canon S• tump introduced the • master , of ceremonies, Rev. Charles Cox .:of Teeswater who paid a loving tri- bute :to his cousin for ..his years' • of faithful service..,A 'letter of REV. '•G•EORGE '• BE congratulations was read fromBENSON COX -Bishop Luxton:: Mrs. Harold Hald enby ;favoured with. the solo "He on June • smiled ' on me . • Thp wardens 29th, 1874, the son' of Jo• hn W. Cox and Mary Boyle: He at- tended S.S, No; 3 Public School and as a •youth was.: a. memberof the Church. of the Ascension Choirand later. a teacher in.' the Sunday School. H' attended High. School at Kincardine, and took teacher training at . Kincardine:. Model. (Continued .on Page 16) WEDNESDAY, JULY 1st, 1964: In e Copy 105 . • 16' Pages VISITING ,"BA;GK. HOME'S FOR �� • FIRST TIME •IN 38 YEARS. P• llte River United diurch Observed'. Mr, and.. Mrs.:' Ewen MacDonald of Alberni, B.C., are visiting with --- Mr and Mrs.. Peter MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. „Andy Ritchie. and other relatives. It is Ewen'a, first trip home in 38 years. It ' is, Mrs. MacDonald's ' first trip east, : bay; ing been born in. Montana, but spent much, of her life. in B.C. Ewen is . the . eldest. sonof the. late Mr. and Mrs. •Duncan Mae, Donald ' of St. Helens. Harold Haldenby read,' the address and Don. Gillespie made . the pre- sentation of 'a : gold '.desk set and lawn chair. Mr. ' Cox: repliedfitt- ingly. "Praise _ God ,' from whom" was sung. Reeve . P. A. Murray brought . greetings: • • '• George Benson Cox was born in Kinloss Township, Bruce , County, • Ohvet To. Nark 75th Anniversary,. GRADE. 04E PUPILS,REGISTER AT K'INLOSS CENTRAL ' Registrations for Grade 1 at Kin- • loss. Central Public: School for next' term:: as received by Mrs. Allan . Olivet United„ Church. in Huron 'Maclntyre are, with their parents,' Township: will ` otiSunday;•July.. 5; Randy, Mn -and, Mrs. Jack Ackert; observe :' the 75th anniversary of Robert,. Mr,..and Mr`s..Jim: ;Burt; the 'establishment of the : ' congre- Wendy,. Mr. and Mrs.. Don Eng- ,gation. land; Freddie, Mr. •and Mrs..' Peter De Boer; • Jeanne.' Reid; Mr. and Services will. be held 'at . '11. : OQ Mrs. ' Ford ' Cumi'n ham;; Sheila, am. .and 8:00 p.m with a native, son as guest minister,-' Rev. Edgar Mr!: and :Mrs. Donald MacIntyre; J...' Roulston of °Exeter. Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hanna; Marilyn, •, Mr. and , . Mrs. Leo A . reception will follow the Marra ' morning service, and the ; occasion Y will be . one' • of homecoming : and ' .. , . reunion for many. A .historical' Reunion- On •FnmiIi�Re booklet •with ;pictures of signifi- . • . . cane, is , being' published to conn • ' • meinorate : this noteworth anni;Y 49th Anniversary versary. . • A. family `gathering was held at ,The present' pastor • is ltev. e' home of Mr. and Mrs. Gor= George N. Bali, the' at the weep -end to don Brooks On.:Two Weeks'_ Trip.. To Jcipan Mr. and Mrs. Harold ' r od G eer'of town are now holidaying 'in Japan,. courtesy of ' the G.E. Company for sales volume. argld is in part- nership with'Bobby 'Bauer in Grey Electronics: "Toby". and Eileen flew from Malton to Vancouver on Sunday' and then to San Francisco from. where •the flight left for 'Tokyo, Japan by way of 'the Aleutian Is. - lands. They will also visit4:in Hong' Kong. The "G.E:" party" will spend close to two weeks':in. the Orient and are, scheduled to return home'. on; July 13th: M'Lwkn�w1':r,In: The P..E.I. Dailies Mr.' S. B. Stothers ' might well be. given'' (he; title of goodwill am= bassador: for the:Sepoy Town.. He , had the: name ' Lucknow in . the Prince Edward, Island daily press Centennial On Sun�da�� -Fine feather ForOutdo�i: Reunion'.And'iuncheon ,;Friendships and pleasant' mem- secretary. of Hamilton, conference °ries ..of the . past 'were relived, extending greetings. Flowers plat- at the Centennial services of Pine' ed :in the church were acknow- Rivera United Church held morn -ledged by the minister as .follows:' ing and evening at the 'church in 'memory of John' A. • Nesbitt, on Highway • • 21, .2 miles north of Pine River; . Mrs. John A. Nes- Amberley, on Sunday last. hitt, a Pine River; Innes 'Nesbitt, • The hard work and planning of Mountain Iron, Minnesota;..Kath the centennial committee: over the erine Nesbitt Bridge, Palmerston •past .months ' was well :rewarded placed by Sam and. Alberta Nes on Sunday as overflow congrega- batt, Kincardine; Norval a n d • Don - tions attended•the services 'of wor- ship. . , • ald, Melvin and. Christine Henry,' Rev. Merrill, MacLeod, B.A. of Kitchener; Rose 'Bell, Guelph Ann Trinity United Church, Guelph, ..Nesbitt, : Mountain Iron; Alex and • preached the sermon at . both Hilda Nesbitt, Toronto; ' Russell morning . and evening worship. In ,Bridge, Palmerston; Olivia Nes- . the morning he chose as his topic batt, London. In memory of Mr. "The power of . the . 'keys," and and Mrs. • W. J. Cameron, •Mrs, in the evening spoke on • ``Ther= W. H. Cameron, Miss Grace Cam- • urometers and 'thermostats." Rev. Bron .' placed by the family. In - MacLeod had charge of . services memory of Mr: and Mrs. William Henderson and. grandson. Ronald at' Pine River .last summer while from 'the family. In •, memory of the regular• . minister, Rev.: Donald. Ronald Henderson 'McKenzie was on .holidays° and Rev:,, •and. Mrs. J. C. Hutton by Mr. and In charge of ' the services; was' Mrs. Norval Nesbitt. / Rev. Donald . A. McKenzie who • Cut Birthda : Cake Y was' officiating ` at his 'last Sunday Mrs. .' William Hooey, who " will worship at `:Pine: River. He leaves' be`; 91 • 'ears Years of age in September,. the Pine" River charge: the first had ''the' . honour of cutting the of July to accept new' duties . at 100th. . birthday .cake prepared by Kirkland :'Lake, Mrs.• Eldon; Bradley. and Mrs. . Make Dedications • • " Glenn ,Campbell, Lunch was serv- • A :number. of memorials .were ed on the. lawn surrounding the.: `dedicated on Sunday. Rev.: Mc -manse and church •at which time Kenzie 'made the dedications. "A many old . and new friendships dossal curtain was presented. by. 'were kindled. Don Mason's> public Mrs:; .Clark • Johnston' in memory I' address system was used to :bring. of Mr.and Mrs. William `: Bell` the 'morning' service to many who , and their son Lloyd. Bell; a flower were unable to'get into the.'church: vase 'Was presented by, Mrs. Steve • Short Musical Program Irwin •in memory of Miss Eliz- Diking the after -church. lunch abeth Welsh; a . projector and and reunion hour ' in the. morning, on more. than one occasion during screen was presented• by. .Donald a •short''musical ..program was pre- . . 'Hutton and Mrs. Wane Johnston .sented with''.Reit .Irwin actingas a recent 'short 'sojourn there: ' - Wayne , Mr.'`. and Mrs. Stothers returned (Ruth ' Hutton) in memory of: their master of ceremonies. ` Carl. and on Friday from a tripto P,E.I::parents Rev. and :Mrs. , John C. Lynn Lowry sang a . duet,. Bertha Y Hutton ; • vestr and . a visit in : Ottawa with Mr: Y furniture was pre- June . a :solo and Donald' Fraser and Mrs..R. C. Passmore and sented by Mr.. and Mrs. V.C.* a 'solo. The . Pine River male family ;(Elizabeth . ' Stothers ). • Brown in memory of their ` son quartette of a • few years ago,: ,Purpose of the trip' to P.E.L P was. to , attend' :the annual' meet- ing of the Canadian.Swine 'Breed ers' Association held in• Charlotte- town,;'when Steve: officially. bowed out as secretaly-treasurer, a pos- ition he has held for some` four teen; years " His successor 'is . Murray : Mac- Rae of Ilderton who 'assumes. his new • duties on September' 1st . • • A picture 'in the Charlottetown Patriot shows';Steve with the',pres mark the' 49th wedding annivers- ident of the' Swine . Breeders' As- ary of Mr: and Mrs,, James Cul- sociation and: oneof the Maritime • bert of . town._ ',. directors. The ., `cut -lines" with Mrs.' Culbert was the former 'the picture identified Steve as Mr Annie Fitzgerald. They were''inar- d an'June 23rd, 1915',and'•far'm- in. Ashfield for. a time before cum moving . to the• Lucknow •vicinity 79 young people ' •in .this • . 9 Register '' For. • .• ria wim 'Instruction ed mu'riity registered at the week -end in 1929,. Mrs.. Culbert "have a for �swimmi instruction at the Mr: and family of three daughters, and' one Steve has Teeswater Lions • Pool. son who were all present for' this'with Lionism haying joined . the. Two buses will:bee required ';lo sons occasion: Mr. and 1 Arthur Club originally -and is a trams ort the group, with' the '.anGordon Will (Beatrice. )• and faithful. member of the local club. . P g p, Mrs, .• G ' firstinstruction bein g Fri-: i Ellen, l+ rances and John While: in • Charlottetown,• Steve took periodg children.. la , day morningof this week. Buses of Brntford; Mr.. and Mrs. Roy time: to drop in :ata Lions meet- will:the Legion hall leave from b Teeft (Jean) and 'children Marying, .where' he received .a warm s ra ey q of Dunnville, Mwelcome, A photographer. for • the Rev. Gilbert Gomm, who served r r at 8.00. a.m. Jane and Rllen Mrs: John Blue, Rev. Donald A. . - ,snappedRiver' from 1919'to 1924; was I ' One bus will go by way of Holy ,and Mrs.'Gordon Brooks:.(Shir Charlottetown, Guardian PineMcKenzie:. , . an and. children, ,Janice, Ruth', him chatting with the president 'pre"sent for Sunday morning's ser rood, the other . by way of •L g ley) side, Donald and I athy . of . Lucknow of the. Club and another Lions vice and pronounced the benedic- a Gerald' Culbert' and ,member from Auckland, New teen. Revs Gomm is the only for Instruction will • be given ,tWICe' MI-. 1Vi�rsvisiting in mer rY mister of ;Pine :Rider still Hole-ln-One Wins g and Fri . child' en, ;Carol `and. Denise of.Don • Zealand, who :was : Weekly on Tuesday P.E.I.ing an s beenretired for' '►fi lis; �! days during the summer, �'. } W 16 years dand 'living at Alb right'.L�tdif (his, Trpphlt. . Re istr for swimming 'Was. :;'PINE RIVER CHURCH Gardens, Beamsvi le: He came to g anon , A. AILABLE HERE Pine River in 1919 from Dungan -.1 Jim BroKen nae and isWawanosh �Ttiwnshi sadand nt of West held at the-To�Vvn •Hall • do F� ida ' f�e�r�d . ' • ...} BOOKS�' Y evening and Saturday afternoon bestrememberedfor i ' • , i. his hospitality andhis ante est in 1 ployee; 'of Lucknow Dist dict Co-op, oy Jim Anderson* and Anne Rat- p ,. •The centennialb history of, Pine �. -, scored chole-in=one at the Wing - at chic who. will accompany the rwim''HipRiver United Church ,is available n1u, ic. j { n a` / `Sentinel office.: Rev. Donald 1VfeKenzie,, ;. in his •hath Golf. Course on S'und'ay. classes. 26 registered on Friday ;►,recall. ,of .town The announcem ants paid tribute to all Because . Jim was playing with avenin and53 on Saturday of Mis. �'ialliarn ;, This is an interesting history,' il- e p g "nt to Victoria, Hospital, • done . is 'a' patio with numerousPictures'the departments of. the church for =� . ;iarticular make of golf balk, • te�nocn. 'These hatrc not dt n a frac,lai•d hip• lustrated w ttheir work in ma nig the 100t1i' he ,eras. entitled t7 $100 .worth of s si 'zed• .London. with covering the hundred-yeai period ,.g d must: bring the form, b „lakes ,liar . home . anniversaryoss:ble Mentioningequipment courtesy' of that firm. ii. their, on, 'r)day. . 1 e s. ith Gill t since the congregation tdaa organ- , p Y arents, here with 11fi'.. and , lllrs. Robes the United Church Women; 'Mrs. He chose,' a , new' sat of golf clubs. P • 'zed ' In Charge'Of P!layground.. ► : Eldon Bradley and Mrs. Glenn Jim was playing with his still.. • ,, o f "aril a n• ., he' The book was published in con. 1 er n Anne and Jim• are ail charge �l last week s., sal miniver- Cam bell, for g , the . e� function with. centenna t the Lucknlown,ow PIlanlc round. lc at On; p ondaylae f ;,la to , ? Ii s,. Fteen al cake, pthea urbanist and andteHai i' �1Elliott. Th. y h we e yS atornp4inicd sal •y sea vices held on •Sunday, July on tueeid to, sseirvie and was . :. ..... pian. . Mrs. •Nesbitt for ceretak- playing the eighteenth hole on t e . , , ft t l)ali . - 7 ha Sentinel •has had in ing; -the choir and special mus- nine hole„ course when , he set it icians the historical booklet . - in the the on the •123 yard drive. > e coin . �.. . mittee. A letter was read. from Jim also received a trophy from Rev. Harry ' Stevenson, Chesley, f "y ; additional ,. a brewery a� an additional award Ronald • Brown. A' lighted " sign, donated in memory of . Thomas Fraser by his wife Elizabeth and family did;not arrive on time. and so the dedication will be held later. In the evening the' minister also dedicated.'' the : new ; organ. Burn . Mortgage In the: .evening, John Blue and Norval. Nesbitt burned the mort- gage on 'the church. The present church; built in 1958 cost over Walter Walden,.. Don Cardiss, Jim Courtney and Charles.: Boyd pleas- ed leas- ed"'those in : attendance with'' their vocal; number: , A double trio of . girls, Carolyn, Barbara, ;'Joyce and '. Mary. Ann ,'Funston,' Dianne'. Mac- Auley .. and ' Corrinne MacDonald sang The •;. CGIT group of•girls from' Pine River and Bethel .Un- ited Churches and Lurgan , Arig-. lican ..Church: sang a • number. • Their: leader' is Mrs. Gordon El :. liott. Following the evening ser $33,000 $17,500' was "received' •from g ' g the' highways department at that vice' another social time was en-'. time for the relocation c•. tie . old ipyed at which.. time• lunch was church and shed: again served.. •- Special Mus': Historical booklets and souvenir. • ` pens : of the ." 100th anniversary Lucknow," . an error which.'didn't The congregations at'' Sunciav s y displease : him in the . least.. Could services. were . treated'. to special ' were available .ata Sunday's'• ser- be that the new pseudonym- might music by'thea choir of the: church,.. vice. The booklets tell of 100 stick and replace 'the "Senator" also a solo by Cecil• Fry in 'the years of growth in story, and plc- title which he now gets in some . morning; and . a quintette by Bar -,tare and ' •may • be, purchased at, quarters. bara, Joyce and Mary .Anne Fun- ' the Lucknow Sentinel if anyone long been . associated ston, Dianne MacAuley and • Cor- in this community' still wishes ,' to rinne MacDonald. A pleasing' fea- ture . of the service was the organ -The. Centennial ' planning corn- coin - piano' music with Wayne Brooks mittee 'at •. the church.was con p , posed , of James Bradley, chair playing the organ accompanied` by, man,John Reid,Donald Court Lorraine Ball. on the' : piano: Only Living Former Minister ney, Robert ,Courtney,. Mrs. •. Gor- don. n, Elliott,'` ' Mrs. EldonBradley, Monday,° Wednesday and Thursday •,,. , . iltea.e, wli'eii she felt an .. h book and for ' morning, This "playground" fractured ting the h an Saturday. � about obtaining t e , round is • , ,_. . fr•acrtured l� to !the eotweniehee of anyone inter= 1 Cat' orad by the and is free to Mfrs. *McGill was first taken front ested they ate available ' at his rection Committee and, is free of Kineaarditte Hospital a nd all children between the ages of ' ' price is $1,00.. ttl 12 there to London. a office The • years. .. r u. 1 1•• •ri Y•