HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-01, Page 111.10141.1111/7
$4400 A Yoar In Advance si,00 Extra To .URSA,
• , ._.�..-.,..T..,,-T.,..._..:,,_.._...,-..�..,.T..._._._ � LUGKNOW, ONTARIO
Honor Paid Rev. cctOn 90th Birthday,
V,us'5;.; Tears'In Grist an Ministry
A special service of Thanks-.
• A special of.
• giving was held in the Kinlough•
Anglican. Church on Sunday, June
28th in honour, of Reverend Ben-
son Co* on his 90th birthday, and:
in : recognition of .56 years• of ac-
:.Y tive service in the Christian „min -
IS •
min-Istry. •
The church was . filled to cap-
acity on this occasion with friends
and relatives gathering to share
in extending. 'best wishes to, this
esteemed gentleman. Canon R.
W. Stump spoke kindly of • Mr. •
Cox. Miss Edna Boyle was organ-
ist and. the choir sang • as an an-
them; Rev. Cox's favorite psalm,
"The. 'Lord's My ' Shepherd..
The Service was followed, .by a
reception and ' buffet luncheon,
which all enjoyed , greatly. Canon
S• tump introduced the • master , of
ceremonies, Rev. Charles Cox .:of
Teeswater who paid a loving tri-
bute :to his cousin for ..his years'
• of faithful service..,A 'letter of REV. '•G•EORGE '• BE
congratulations was read fromBENSON COX
-Bishop Luxton:: Mrs. Harold Hald
enby ;favoured with. the solo "He on June
• smiled ' on me . • Thp wardens 29th, 1874, the son' of Jo• hn
W. Cox and Mary Boyle: He at-
tended S.S, No; 3 Public School and
as a •youth was.: a. memberof the
Church. of the Ascension Choirand
later. a teacher in.' the Sunday
School. H' attended High. School
at Kincardine, and took teacher
training at . Kincardine:. Model.
(Continued .on Page 16)
WEDNESDAY, JULY 1st, 1964:
e Copy 105 . • 16' Pages
FIRST TIME •IN 38 YEARS. P• llte River United diurch Observed'.
Mr, and.. Mrs.:' Ewen MacDonald
of Alberni, B.C., are visiting with
--- Mr and Mrs.. Peter MacDonald,
Mr. and Mrs. „Andy Ritchie. and
other relatives. It is Ewen'a, first
trip home in 38 years. It ' is, Mrs.
MacDonald's ' first trip east, : bay;
ing been born in. Montana, but
spent much, of her life. in B.C.
Ewen is . the . eldest. sonof the.
late Mr. and Mrs. •Duncan Mae,
Donald ' of St. Helens.
Harold Haldenby read,' the address
and Don. Gillespie made . the pre-
sentation of 'a : gold '.desk set and
lawn chair. Mr. ' Cox: repliedfitt-
ingly. "Praise _ God ,' from whom"
was sung. Reeve . P. A. Murray
brought . greetings: • •
'• George Benson Cox was born in
Kinloss Township, Bruce , County,
Ohvet To. Nark
75th Anniversary,.
Registrations for Grade 1 at Kin- •
loss. Central Public: School for next'
term:: as received by Mrs. Allan
. Olivet United„ Church. in Huron 'Maclntyre are, with their parents,'
Township: will ` otiSunday;•July.. 5; Randy, Mn -and, Mrs. Jack Ackert;
observe :' the 75th anniversary of Robert,. Mr,..and Mr`s..Jim: ;Burt;
the 'establishment of the : ' congre- Wendy,. Mr. and Mrs.. Don Eng-
,gation. land; Freddie, Mr. •and Mrs..' Peter
De Boer; • Jeanne.' Reid; Mr. and
Services will. be held 'at . '11. : OQ Mrs. ' Ford ' Cumi'n ham;; Sheila,
am. .and 8:00 p.m with a native,
son as guest minister,-' Rev. Edgar Mr!: and :Mrs. Donald MacIntyre;
J...' Roulston of °Exeter. Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hanna;
Marilyn, •, Mr. and , . Mrs. Leo
A . reception will follow the Marra '
morning service, and the ; occasion Y
will be . one' • of homecoming : and ' .. , .
reunion for many. A .historical'
Reunion- On
booklet •with ;pictures of signifi- . • . .
cane, is , being' published to conn • '
meinorate : this noteworth anni;Y 49th Anniversary
versary. . •
A. family `gathering was held at
,The present' pastor • is ltev. e' home of Mr. and Mrs. Gor=
George N. Bali, the' at the weep -end to
don Brooks
On.:Two Weeks'_
Trip.. To Jcipan
Mr. and Mrs. Harold ' r
od G eer'of
town are now holidaying 'in Japan,.
courtesy of ' the G.E. Company for
sales volume. argld is in part-
nership with'Bobby 'Bauer in Grey
"Toby". and Eileen flew from
Malton to Vancouver on Sunday'
and then to San Francisco from.
where •the flight left for 'Tokyo,
Japan by way of 'the Aleutian Is. -
lands. They will also visit4:in Hong'
The "G.E:" party" will spend
close to two weeks':in. the Orient
and are, scheduled to return home'.
on; July 13th:
The P..E.I. Dailies
Mr.' S. B. Stothers ' might well
be. given'' (he; title of goodwill am=
bassador: for the:Sepoy Town.. He ,
had the: name ' Lucknow in . the
Prince Edward, Island daily press
Centennial On Sun�da�� -Fine feather
ForOutdo�i: Reunion'.And'iuncheon
,;Friendships and pleasant' mem- secretary. of Hamilton, conference
°ries ..of the . past 'were relived, extending greetings. Flowers plat-
at the Centennial services of Pine' ed :in the church were acknow-
Rivera United Church held morn -ledged by the minister as .follows:'
ing and evening at the 'church in 'memory of John' A. • Nesbitt,
on Highway • • 21, .2 miles north of Pine River; . Mrs. John A. Nes-
Amberley, on Sunday last. hitt, a Pine River; Innes 'Nesbitt,
• The hard work and planning of Mountain Iron, Minnesota;..Kath
the centennial committee: over the erine Nesbitt Bridge, Palmerston
•past .months ' was well :rewarded placed by Sam and. Alberta Nes
on Sunday as overflow congrega- batt, Kincardine; Norval a n d •
Don -
tions attended•the services 'of wor-
ship. . , • ald, Melvin and. Christine Henry,'
Rev. Merrill, MacLeod, B.A. of Kitchener; Rose 'Bell, Guelph Ann
Trinity United Church, Guelph, ..Nesbitt, : Mountain Iron; Alex and •
preached the sermon at . both Hilda Nesbitt, Toronto; ' Russell
morning . and evening worship. In ,Bridge, Palmerston; Olivia Nes- .
the morning he chose as his topic batt, London. In memory of Mr.
"The power of . the . 'keys," and and Mrs. • W. J. Cameron, •Mrs,
in the evening spoke on • ``Ther= W. H. Cameron, Miss Grace Cam- •
urometers and 'thermostats." Rev. Bron .' placed by the family. In -
MacLeod had charge of . services memory of Mr: and Mrs. William
Henderson and. grandson. Ronald
at' Pine River .last summer while from 'the family. In •, memory of
the regular• . minister, Rev.: Donald. Ronald Henderson
'McKenzie was on .holidays° and Rev:,, •and.
Mrs. J. C. Hutton by Mr. and
In charge of ' the services; was' Mrs. Norval Nesbitt. /
Rev. Donald . A. McKenzie who • Cut Birthda : Cake
was' officiating ` at his 'last Sunday Mrs. .' William Hooey, who " will
worship at `:Pine: River. He leaves' be`; 91 • 'ears
Years of age in September,.
the Pine" River charge: the first had ''the' . honour of cutting the
of July to accept new' duties . at 100th. . birthday .cake prepared by
Kirkland :'Lake, Mrs.• Eldon; Bradley. and Mrs.
. Make Dedications • • " Glenn ,Campbell, Lunch was serv- •
A :number. of memorials .were ed on the. lawn surrounding the.:
`dedicated on Sunday. Rev.: Mc -manse and church •at which time
Kenzie 'made the dedications. "A many old . and new friendships
dossal curtain was presented. by. 'were kindled. Don Mason's> public
Mrs:; .Clark • Johnston' in memory I' address system was used to :bring.
of Mr.and Mrs. William `: Bell` the 'morning' service to many who ,
and their son Lloyd. Bell; a flower were unable to'get into the.'church:
vase 'Was presented by, Mrs. Steve • Short Musical Program
Irwin •in memory of Miss Eliz- Diking the after -church. lunch
abeth Welsh; a . projector and and reunion hour ' in the. morning,
on more. than one occasion during
screen was presented• by. .Donald a •short''musical ..program was pre- .
. 'Hutton and Mrs. Wane Johnston .sented with''.Reit .Irwin actingas
a recent 'short 'sojourn there: ' - Wayne ,
Mr.'`. and Mrs. Stothers returned (Ruth ' Hutton) in memory of: their master of ceremonies. ` Carl. and
on Friday from a tripto P,E.I::parents Rev. and :Mrs. , John C. Lynn Lowry sang a . duet,. Bertha
Y Hutton ; • vestr
and . a visit in : Ottawa with Mr: Y furniture was pre- June . a :solo and Donald' Fraser
and Mrs..R. C. Passmore and sented by Mr.. and Mrs. V.C.* a 'solo. The . Pine River male
family ;(Elizabeth . ' Stothers ). • Brown in memory of their ` son quartette of a • few years ago,:
,Purpose of the trip' to P.E.L
was. to , attend' :the annual' meet-
ing of the Canadian.Swine 'Breed
ers' Association held in• Charlotte-
town,;'when Steve: officially. bowed
out as secretaly-treasurer, a pos-
ition he has held for some` four
teen; years "
His successor 'is . Murray : Mac-
Rae of Ilderton who 'assumes. his
new • duties on September' 1st . •
• A picture 'in the Charlottetown
Patriot shows';Steve with the',pres
mark the' 49th wedding annivers- ident of the' Swine . Breeders' As-
ary of Mr: and Mrs,, James Cul- sociation and: oneof the Maritime
• bert of . town._ ',. directors. The ., `cut -lines" with
Mrs.' Culbert was the former 'the picture identified Steve as Mr
Annie Fitzgerald. They were''inar-
d an'June 23rd, 1915',and'•far'm-
in. Ashfield for. a time before
cum moving . to the• Lucknow •vicinity
79 young people ' •in .this •
9 Register '' For.
• .• ria
wim 'Instruction ed
mu'riity registered at the week -end in 1929,. Mrs.. Culbert "have a
for �swimmi instruction at the Mr: and
family of three daughters, and' one Steve has
Teeswater Lions • Pool. son who were all present for' this'with Lionism haying joined . the.
Two buses will:bee required ';lo sons
Mr. and 1 Arthur Club originally -and is a
trams ort the group, with' the '.anGordon Will (Beatrice. )• and faithful. member of the local club.
. P g p, Mrs, .• G
' firstinstruction bein g Fri-: i Ellen, l+ rances and John While: in • Charlottetown,• Steve took
periodg children.. la ,
day morningof this week. Buses of Brntford; Mr.. and Mrs. Roy time: to drop in :ata Lions meet-
will:the Legion hall
leave from b Teeft (Jean) and 'children Marying, .where' he received .a warm s ra ey
q of Dunnville, Mwelcome, A photographer. for • the Rev. Gilbert Gomm, who served r r
at 8.00. a.m. Jane and Rllen Mrs: John Blue, Rev. Donald A.
. - ,snappedRiver' from 1919'to 1924; was I '
One bus will go by way of Holy ,and Mrs.'Gordon Brooks:.(Shir Charlottetown, Guardian PineMcKenzie:. ,
. an and. children, ,Janice, Ruth', him chatting with the president 'pre"sent for Sunday morning's ser
rood, the other . by way of •L g ley)
side, Donald and I athy . of . Lucknow of the. Club and another Lions vice and pronounced the benedic-
a Gerald' Culbert' and ,member from Auckland, New teen. Revs Gomm is the only for
Instruction will • be given ,tWICe' MI-. 1Vi�rsvisiting in mer rY mister of ;Pine :Rider still Hole-ln-One Wins
g and Fri . child' en, ;Carol `and. Denise of.Don • Zealand, who :was :
Weekly on Tuesday P.E.I.ing an s beenretired for'
'►fi lis; �!
days during the summer, �'. } W 16 years dand 'living at Alb right'.L�tdif (his, Trpphlt.
Re istr for swimming 'Was. :;'PINE RIVER CHURCH Gardens, Beamsvi le: He came to
g anon
, A. AILABLE HERE Pine River in 1919 from Dungan -.1 Jim
nae and isWawanosh �Ttiwnshi sadand
nt of West
held at the-To�Vvn •Hall • do F� ida ' f�e�r�d . ' • ...} BOOKS�'
evening and Saturday afternoon bestrememberedfor
i ' • , i. his hospitality andhis ante est in 1 ployee; 'of Lucknow Dist dict Co-op,
oy Jim Anderson* and Anne Rat- p ,. •The centennialb history of, Pine �. -, scored chole-in=one at the Wing -
chic who. will accompany the rwim''HipRiver United Church ,is available n1u, ic. j
n a` / `Sentinel office.: Rev. Donald 1VfeKenzie,, ;. in his •hath Golf. Course on S'und'ay.
classes. 26 registered on Friday ;►,recall. ,of .town The announcem ants paid tribute to all Because . Jim was playing with
avenin and53 on Saturday of Mis. �'ialliarn ;, This is an interesting history,' il-
e p
g "nt to Victoria, Hospital,
• done . is 'a' patio with numerousPictures'the departments of. the church for =� . ;iarticular make of golf balk,
• te�nocn. 'These hatrc not dt n a frac,lai•d hip• lustrated w ttheir work in ma nig the 100t1i' he ,eras. entitled t7 $100 .worth of
s si 'zed• .London. with covering the hundred-yeai period ,.g
d must: bring the form, b „lakes ,liar . home . anniversaryoss:ble Mentioningequipment courtesy' of that firm.
ii. their, on, 'r)day. . 1 e s. ith Gill t since the congregation tdaa organ- , p
Y arents, here with 11fi'.. and , lllrs. Robes the United Church Women; 'Mrs. He chose,' a , new' sat of golf clubs.
P • 'zed '
In Charge'Of P!layground.. ► : Eldon Bradley and Mrs. Glenn Jim was playing with his still..
• ,, o f "aril a n• ., he' The book was published in con. 1 er n
Anne and Jim• are ail charge �l last week s., sal miniver- Cam bell, for g ,
. e� function with. centenna t
the Lucknlown,ow PIlanlc round. lc at On; p ondaylae f ;,la to , ? Ii s,. Fteen al cake, pthea urbanist and andteHai i' �1Elliott. Th. y h we e
yS atornp4inicd sal •y sea vices held on •Sunday,
July on
tueeid to, sseirvie and was . :. ..... pian. . Mrs. •Nesbitt for ceretak- playing the eighteenth hole on t e
. , , ft t l)ali . - 7 ha Sentinel •has had in
ing; -the choir and special mus- nine hole„ course when , he set it
icians the historical booklet . - in the the on the •123 yard drive.
> e coin . �.. .
mittee. A letter was read. from Jim also received a trophy from
Rev. Harry ' Stevenson, Chesley, f "y ; additional ,.
a brewery a� an additional award
Ronald • Brown. A' lighted " sign,
donated in memory of . Thomas
Fraser by his wife Elizabeth and
family did;not arrive on time.
and so the dedication will be held
later. In the evening the' minister
also dedicated.'' the : new ; organ.
Burn . Mortgage
In the: .evening, John Blue and
Norval. Nesbitt burned the mort-
gage on 'the church. The present
church; built in 1958 cost over
Walter Walden,.. Don Cardiss, Jim
Courtney and Charles.: Boyd pleas-
ed"'those in : attendance with'' their
vocal; number: , A double trio of .
girls, Carolyn, Barbara, ;'Joyce and '.
Mary. Ann ,'Funston,' Dianne'. Mac-
Auley .. and ' Corrinne MacDonald
sang The •;. CGIT group of•girls
from' Pine River and Bethel .Un-
ited Churches and Lurgan , Arig-.
lican ..Church: sang a • number. •
Their: leader' is Mrs. Gordon El
:. liott. Following the evening ser
$33,000 $17,500' was "received' •from g ' g
the' highways department at that vice' another social time was en-'.
time for the relocation c•. tie . old ipyed at which.. time• lunch was
church and shed: again served.. •-
Special Mus': Historical booklets and souvenir. •
` pens : of the ." 100th anniversary
Lucknow," . an error which.'didn't The congregations at'' Sunciav s y
displease : him in the . least.. Could services. were . treated'. to special ' were available .ata Sunday's'• ser-
be that the new pseudonym- might music by'thea choir of the: church,.. vice. The booklets tell of 100
stick and replace 'the "Senator" also a solo by Cecil• Fry in 'the years of growth in story, and plc-
title which he now gets in some . morning; and . a quintette by Bar -,tare and ' •may • be, purchased at,
quarters. bara, Joyce and Mary .Anne Fun- '
the Lucknow Sentinel if anyone
long been . associated ston, Dianne MacAuley and • Cor- in this community' still wishes ,' to
rinne MacDonald. A pleasing' fea-
ture . of the service was the organ -The. Centennial ' planning corn-
coin -
piano' music with Wayne Brooks mittee 'at •. the church.was con
p , posed , of James Bradley, chair
playing the organ accompanied` by, man,John Reid,Donald Court
Lorraine Ball. on the' : piano:
Only Living Former Minister
ney, Robert ,Courtney,. Mrs. •. Gor-
don. n, Elliott,'` ' Mrs. EldonBradley,
Monday,° Wednesday and Thursday •,,. , . iltea.e, wli'eii she felt an .. h book and for
' morning, This "playground"
ting the h an Saturday. � about obtaining t e ,
round is • ,
,_. . fr•acrtured l� to !the eotweniehee of anyone inter=
1 Cat' orad by the and is free to Mfrs. *McGill was first taken
front ested they ate available ' at his
rection Committee and, is free of Kineaarditte Hospital a nd
all children between the ages of ' ' price is $1,00..
ttl 12 there to London.
a office The •
years. .. r