The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-24, Page 91
A*, JUNE 24th, 19.64 ..
Custom; Butchering
Mondays. Hogs, $2.00 in. by ,4:00 p.m.
tutting and Wrapping,- '2c: pound
Wo Do "Curing and. Smoking . :
g �.. , .Beef, Pork and� Lamb,.
Sold Whole, Half or Quarter... . For Better Service,
And Lower Prices — Call :Ripley 100.
Chas. Hooisma =-h. Prop.
Plan To Publish MacLeod Poems
Mrs: Harold Campbell was hos Evan Keith were appointed as a
tess for the. June meeting of the committee to make enquiries re
Kairshea. W.I. The theme. of the Publishing and to assist .Miss Mac
meeting was Citizenship. Mrs Leod in any way. This will be
Frank MacKenzie and :Mrs. Evan' a : Centennial project:
Keith presided. Mrs. Bob: Gil Donations were made to District. Mr. ' Allan Reed'. at. the Goderich.
Over the week -end visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne . Woods ' were
Mr.' and Mrs. Roy Hawley and
Leslie Anne of Oshawa, Mr. and
Mrs. Mel : Brown and. Mrs. • Mabel.
Murdie of Kitchener and Mr. Bob:
Murdie. of Chicago. • '
Mr. W.I, Miller' is. .a patient , in
Wingham and District hospital.
Week -end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. W. I. Miller and Isobel were
Mr. and: Mrs. Gordon Miller 'of.
London and Mr. and Mrs. ' Gordon
McIntyre and Don: of .Richmond
Hill. -
School Bus Trip ,
The St. Helens school and their
teacher ,Mrs Rena Fisherenjoyed
a bus trip to Goderich on Tiles -
day. The tour included Goderikh
airport, Sifto Salt, Court House,
Tiger Dunlop T o m b, Bissets
Farms, and the. Museum., At the
conclusion of the. day, supper , was
enjoyed by 56 and their driver
christ read the Scripture and the projects `sponsoring the Korean restaurant.: •
roll call. was• answered by r "A child" and "District delegate to St. Helens U.C.W.
,way 1 , would improve 'my corn:: the National convention."Mrs.
Triunity.,.. Dickie gave a .fine report of ''the. Mrs • Don Cameron opened. her.
district annual which was held in.: home . to the June meeting of the
It was decided tofind out how
Tally 'of the girl's .' are, interested the meeting with 21 ladies answer -
in the . 4-11 course ``Sleeping Gar -
County ed Mon use= trip ' to the Bruce
ments'' and appoint leaders next clan up day: ' ing. the . roll call by A • flower or
Kincardine and Mrs. Harry Lavis U:'C.W. Mrs: Tom; Todd. opened
Mrs. Harvey Houston and ' Mrs..
/Lloyd MacDougall. were appoint-
ed conveners in charge of the
centennial project of ; planting •
flowers and shrubs at the Kair-
shea. Hall, .Mrs, .Harold Campbell,
Mrs. Bob. Gilchrist and :Mrs: Jim
Standing, •
committee reports were f in the Bible," The topic was
Beard. Mrs. Evan Keith asked in charge of Mrs Mintz and Mrs.
that the ladies ,report . to her''
Lorne Woods: Woods: Scriptural passages
accidents , on the 2nd and ':4th con- were read by Mrs. W. I. ' Miller,
cession. Mrs E. W. Rices Mrs,'John .Cam-
• '•� eron and• Mrs. Carrick. Also as-
Mrs:. Bob Gilchirst ,.presided . for I sisting , in the topic :were, Mrs.
the following, program. , Mrs Herb. ' Charles McDonald, Mrs. ; Green
Buckton read an ...Edgar Guest l and Mrs• Gordon McPherson. Fin -
poem Not so bad: Miss Dean , al plans ,' were made for 'a bake
:Burt are to be in charge of the
Macod !prepared and ;read the
display: for the Fall Fair Ten sale.:A refrigerator was.• bought
motto ."Your community' can be for, the manse.. It . was .decided'
dollars' was :.donated to . the Luck -no .greater than • its ' inhabitants'"• not to have a meeting. now •A ricultural Society.MrsJuly Lunch
g ,with' Mrs. Donald MacIntyre 'read- was. served. ' at the conclusion. by
Cliff Roulston read the . 1964-55•; ing a poem about the home. Mrs: rferDs.on.MacdN.eil and Mrs.."Charles
budget `as preparedby the press=•i Roulston ; gave:.a 5 minute talk
dent and secretary and •. herself. Inn Abe country .,of ,. Scotland and •
•Mrs. '•Farrish,: Moffat is to' report Mrs.-Gilchirst conducted •a'don-
back on what is needed . in the ' test pertaining to' .the word . citi•
,Kairshea room at Wingham hos-1. zen° • Mrs. Roulston • 'thanked Mrs.
pital A bus 'trip • was discussed Campbell for the use of' her home
' with Mrs.. Moffat &:.Mrs. MacDou-:1 and, all . others • taking :part and
gee complete catalogue
• Phone 41 '— Kincardine
Hacketts UC.W.
Mrs. Lois Alton was hostess 'ori.
,June 18 for the Grandmothers'
meeting presided over by Mrs.
Bert Alton. A :hymn was 'followed
by the. repetition of `The. Lord's
Prayer.". The Scripture was read
by. Mrs. Cliff Menary and. medi-
tation , followed' by Mrs. .Ken Al-
ton. The chapter.. 'Man . befor e
God' 'from 'the. Word and the Way
was taken' by Mrs. Kaiser.. A
question andanswer period fol-
lowed., The roll "Namecall,my
first SS. and S.S.. teacher". acher".was
well,,answered and enjoyed by 17
members and 13 grandmothers.
,and visitors: Eleven children .Were
also present. The Birthday Box
was passed . around. A reading
was '. given by •Mrs. Bert. Alton..
Cards were then prepared to 'go
to. Mr. Adam Johnston and Mrs°.
Wilson Irwin. • Mrs. Ken Alton. re-
ported that 300 had been fed at
the garden: party ' and thanked
everyone for helping Six ;call's`
NEWS BRIEFS '. and , visits were reported. to shut
At. a, recent meeting at .:Kinlough' ins. A . ' poem . entitled 'A • child
Orange Hall, the past master's needs : a,: Grandma'',.'was -. read by
jewel' was . presented to Clarence Mrs bonald . Hackett and Lynda
gall. to make enquiries & report to Mrs. ' Campbell replied., McLennan of,' Kinloss : Lodge: Cameron favoured with an kg -
the, July meeting:.: It was the .,Ink; Tlie meeting ended with The * ' * 4' • cordian ;selection. Mrs:. Russel Al=
animous' decision of the: meeting Queen and the: Institute Grace: . The • : Presbyterian Church i n ton read, a poem • "The •Minister's
that the, Kairshea: W.L -sponsor the I Mrs: Gilchirst and, Mrs: Roulston Wingham, damaged when the 1 Wife" and described..a typical day
north: wall: collapsed recently, is
to : be torn down and . a new
church built on • the same site. The
new church will cost' over $100,-
000:. ' .
Publishing : of Miss'' Dean Mac-
Leod's poems with her ' kind . per-
'mission. Mrs.' Currie Colwell,' Mrs.
assisted the' hostes . in serving a
delicious lunch. Mrs. `,Eldon. Welsh
be • • hostess at the Kairshea
Cliff. Roulston; Mrs, Ira Dickie,. Hall for . the. July ' meeting which
Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and Mrs will be an: evening .meeting.
5.. DAYS
• the. sooner you 'Collect your' money,
The sooner you get your Bogs to market,
Not: only that, but' you earn More when you.'cut down your feed coats.
.. .: ,.
Te. most critical .growth period for pi s is when they
re young. They grow
fastest :then: Arid usually, a pig with 10 pounds of extra weight at...9 weeks.
will take: 25 fewer days to become' a '190 -pound .market .hog
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tet your pigs off to a fast,, safe lerheilt the sow's. milk
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put on these 'early p ,
otinds. Research has'+protived that Purina Baby• Pig Chow and Purina Pig $tei�a
xt,• will. help 'y.'ou. get your litters off to a fast •
start .so you can market them up to 25 days sot�ner.
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'0 10 Ai Itil***111'11111111111-11111111i
_.. M.r��M.altalMl.�■IMM®;.sive
ing: entitled "T0 One : He Gave
Five" urging us to use what 'tal
i• enta we have. even if•• they'' seem.
smali. The meeting closed with
a hymns and prayer by Mrs. Vir-
den Mowbray. Lunch was 'served
by' the . committee An • charge.
in... her' 'life. "Whispering;, Hope" 1
was then played. by Lynda on the'.
accord'ian and ' Douglas Cameron
with his, violin. ."The T eatitudes
of Older Fdlk", was read. by .Mrs.
Bert •Alton. Mrs ' Thos.; Hackett
Jr. won the prize • for the grand-
mother with: the :most grandchild -1
ren, 25: A demonstration of Spode
china was given by Mrs. ' Ken
Alton explaining ' :its history, types
and how it • is made as well as
care : of Bone china., Each grand-
mother was presented with "a .pot-
ted' planta as a remembrance and
the: hostess assisted by Mrs. Frank.:
Alton served a delicidus'.lunch.:
Lucknow: Presbyterian
Evening. Auxiliary
The June meeting cf the •Even-
ing Auxiliary' . was held on Tues-
day . evening, June 16th at the
• home .of• Mrs. Frank .Hawthorne.
The 'meeting ' was in : charge of
the ' president, •Mrs. Noble :John-
ston who gave a . short discussion
of the word, "mission" and . what.
our mission, is in the .W.M.S.'Fol-
lowing a hymn and prayer by
'Mrs Johnston, the Scripture was
°read in unison: Mrs. Bert Gam-
mie took the meditation entitled
"The Christian's Inheritance" by
Rev. Joseph Wasson. Flower' cont-
.. mittees ' were chosen 'for' t ,n. e
months ' of • July and August. It°
was with regret that the resigna-
tion 'vas received ` of C G.LT
leader, :Miss Gladys; MacDonald',
Who was:. thanked by Mrs. Noble
Johnston for her manyyears of
faithful leadership. .Mrs. Gordon •
Fisher and Mrs, • Virden Mowbray
were chosen to see about getting
new leaders for the C.G.I.T Miss
Maude Fisher read several in
teresting article's from the ' Glad
Tidings,' Mrs, Ronald Forster gave
the topic dealing with the educa-
tional work: in India. The illit-
eracy rate in -India is • very • high
but there are many fine schools
and colleges for those wishing an
education. A skit depicting an In-
dian girls" visit to her ' former
school was presented. by Mrs.
Ross Gammie, Mrs. Morgan Hen-)
Jerson, Mrs, Stewart Jamieson
and Mrs, . Gordon .Fisher. Miss
Gladys MacDonald gave a•read
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