HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-24, Page 8PAO*: rG14T
d "Owl House" To Hear Ston
Engkind's Wool Smugglers Of Long
VIbad . guys I told you about, bought
a lot of the cannon and' sold them
to. the; French. Every
now and.
AAgoage, the Frenc$ made a raid
go on. England and fired:. on the Eng*
the Continent. lisp with good
Th theyloaded ton pack Pon traitors to thea
tear -. Young, Mie a Ito. take thewool to o
Oh me,, Oh -nur! It ,is ,a long;
time since I have written you a
4i ether,. And what shall •t tell; you
about today? Books?• Castles? His-
terY? • Churches? Wars? Smug
liters? blow. there is a good story
about. the •good guys and the.bad
. guys hundreds of years ago. And
1 think all. the Young Mice from'.
to ay d./eight, tames ten. may
' Mrp guide. book said , "The Owl
lBouse.. That caught my imagin-
magin ation; Ari house for an Owl! "A
16th - Century half timbered.. tile.
hung' cottage." It must. be old
400 years _ half timbered would
be timber and plaster, ' or bricks
with; a tie` . roof, so ' it would. be
'quaint.. But the ,other, word ' `wool
• sanuggiersl'. That finished me I
•bad: to see• it. So we drove from
• large, old ruined ' and ° moated
to 'The.Owl House.: The.
miles were over a very
narrow, i ',, winding road, with
trees ti , t over it, and
• now and again � in the
shape of an :owl ting on. Fin
ally, we got. to the gate and drove
•. in along. the 'driveway with 'acres
and , acres of ,apple trees ' on' one
side, and acres. and acres .of hop -
vines on the .other.: And• there it
Vis,. jv as. the' guide books said,
• all but:.the smugglers.. .•
A . man was painting the...win-
d**. and door frames,. and .since:•
there.. was no one else: around,' I
spoke to hi ' Yes;' it was tire,
hen quai"ters of ;the • wool smuig7
,piers is that part: Of the country
..Deeds of. years ago. In. , those
,,days, nearly '411. the farmers grew
sheep: and ,the..; wool ,. smugglers.;
forced • the: farmers ' tic :self the
weal to thein. (Almost lu`ke, the
cattle rustlers or gangsters.) They
stored it in.the • cottage and in
the bumldings around . it: until they
diad' a shipment, ready' . and: there
Was ' a smuggler's ship at :Rye:
or .Dover or one of those ports
made: can
• non: Those bad guys really were
Then a i country,weren't.
res — no trucks or' .wagons in
those days, and went down that they? Finally, a nobleman in that
very narrow road I had driven Pdrt
of the country, gathered a
up, and away up and down- hill group of militia . and.trained
until they reached the coast, them well. They heard of some;.
You may be wondering why they Plans' for a 'shipreent of . some
smuggled . wool out of the country.: thing and that time they did not
Nowadays things are smuggled
watch the•wall, ,'hey hid ail a
lin; Well, at one. tune,., there: church tower Aand when the smug-
was a tax on • rawwool . go- glers were Passing ^ by, *fired en
ing• out . "of •England so : the smug- kiling. some, and •taking .a
giers, took' it away secretly to lot of prisoners.' Then they. hang'
ed or shot. most/ of the prisoners,.
evade the tag, Thenthey smug -Bled; other things in to England And that putan end to smugg.
from . Holland and Franc a -and. Probably the tax•lawsng
. di.
evaded . the import tax too. They House has had quite
made' a lot of money for them
selves' — real bad guys. And they a history.. It was built by monks
• So the Ow
there: their was fish ponds are
told the authorities anything about a • smugglers • cot-
bumped off any informers'who„ and. '
their : activities. In fact ' my friend tage and a farm house. It now
at the Owl. House quoted some belongs to the.. Marchioness of Duf-
poetry about those bad guys and: ferin and Ava, who spends many
their . bribery _ week -ends in . the quaint little
'`Five -and -twenty ponies pace. It has l _ most .beautiful gar -
Trotting ' . through the dark — • dens every . kind of shrub • and.
Brandy • for the Parson, flower you can imagine.; ' The fish
Baccy for the 'Clerk;
ponds are still fish ponds but now
Laces for a lady; • have' hundreds of gold fish • and Letters' for s y, ; y water lilies in • them • . and 'water
° "s ' , .
And . watch the Kvall, . my darling, plants ;around them. I saw . the
While, .the Gentlemen go by.” grave of a dog " named . Crocus
That verse was about .smuggling Bud. ' with a charming ' verse on
'the gravestone in the rose gar-
There, I . think' I ' have written
of ' all the things }you made faces'
about.. The book with ' the ' verse
my friend quoted "'was 'Puck of
l'ook's Hill by Kipling. My Spouse
and I have both enjoyed: reading
mer mall about . half a male from i it . this week. We have seen most.
where I was standing at the BOWL of the ' places .named in it, in -
House. The : sands of Sussex and chiding' Pook's.. Hill. Wish you had
Kent : were fairly rich in iron and been along to see . all these things
the, ground .' was covered with: for-
ests. Many people spent their
lives' making charcoal from the
trees and the charcoal •was'. used Frating . Green, Essex..,
to ;smelt the ' iron' from .the sand June ..7, . 1964.
and the iron . was .:made into all PS — The :farmers' are eat -
sorts: of things' such as those rail: ting hay: here and, I have seen
jagsand also cannon. Well, those a . few `•:forage , harvesters:
My friend said. "Do you happen
to know about the railings:. from
St: Paul's Cathedral churchyard,
now in Toronto?"' ,Well, of course :I
do and 1 have shown them tosome
of . you'/young Bice. They ' were
made in a small water driven ham -
The Country Mouse
r Your fAMILY.S': sa
Location •.,'` •
BRUSSELS —Sc • .j•.
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DeIecIjoii. 'Climes
:and plan to have ALL.•
of 3 fanuly.attead
owe :of them!.
"111 p.. • eat dam'',
except wtrere .- noted
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OOO•--To+ian: bail June 24'
CENTRALIA tRCAF' Station) •:
Gentre • , June 33
1 p.m to 3 p.m., 7 ;Lin. to
MAW Church .
f9E ••
',Cy'Canormardey Arent
Cance• July • i Jelly
• EL111/61fILLE—:Townskiiiii Ha.; July 7 July 1.1
' EX R—Car. rsunity Arena July 8 ' July, 13
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July 3' July .3
'rldrtria, 5t*
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R*all E iii i�aa
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July 24
WEDNESDAY,, JUNE 24t11, 1l44
Top Quality at •Reasonable Price...
Wheel Balancing and Alignment
Shockabsorber Service
�l Licensed Mechanics
Infants Baptized.
At :South . Kinloss
Mrs'. . Jas. Barton of Fergus , construction of 401 Highway east
visited the past week with her
daughter; Mrs, Allan .Graham, .Mr.
Graham and family..
Jack Lockhart of Burlingtgn is
again spending the summer . with
his uncle and . aunt,:' Mr: and Mrs.
Geo. Lockhart,
Mrs. , Ross MacMillan and Mrs
W. F. MacDonald of :South. Kin -
toss ' W.M.S. attended'. ;the '. week-
end camp at . Kintail.
Mrs:• •Grace MacIver,; -Jack,
Donald and, Ronald. 'of London Vis-
ited Saturday : at. the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ira. Dickie. Jack ' has
passed' his first • year . in engineer-
ing at Western University with
honours ' and is employed` for the
summer, testing concrete on. the
Central Ontario Cattle : Breeding
Association;. Maple was honoured
this month at the annual Perform-.
ance . Registry . International .con-
vention held•. at Tulsa,' •Oklahoma.'
Awards were presented. ;the assoc-
iation .for qualifying four 'golden
certified meat sires' .in . less- than
one year. This feat is not only
unequalled in P.R.I, . butis espec-
ially ' 'noteworthy' " because there
are only seventeen certified meat
sires in . 'all of North America.
Two : of . the qualifying dulls .are
Charolais, two : Hereford. 'All : four
are owned in partnership with
Waterloo Cattle Breeding' Assoc-
of Cornwall.
Twobabies were baptized at,
the Sunday service . at South Kin
loss Presbyterian 'church by Rev.
Scott of Kincardine. They. were
Marilynne Ruth; daughter o f
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Niacin -
tyre and Dean Francis, son••. '"of.,
Mr. 'and . Mrs. • Gil ' ltustin of
Georgetown. '
Congratulations ..to Allan Mac- •
Dougall In , passing his second
year :at Western- University.
:On Dominion Day,, Wednesday,
'July 1; Kincardine . Kinsmen Club
will be . presenting.. the first half'
of their: twenty-first annual har-
ness race meet. ' = •
The' Kinsmen Club of. Kincar-
dine' was the first .service club,_,
in . Canada' to •sponsor • the sport..
Proceeds.' go . for the :•.club's, ser
vice ,work ; .
Secretary ' 'Elmer' Thompson re-
Ports little difficulty in securing'
horses' 'to race' at Kincardine while
improved Pari mutual betting
booths . Will appeal to • the custom-
ers' - who' set .a record last .year
for patronage as, they enjoyed a
real day of racing 'on: one of. On-
trio's - finest . tracks, . located on
the inviting •shores of Huron;. in
the, town°"where you're a 'strang-
er only "once." ,
Let Us Record
Day ..�
of 'your life in .one
of our°albums, to be
•cherished .forever.,
--When arranging
for your Wedding
photography, . ask
for your Free,
13.1-ide Boob;
P10 -14E . 41
KI CA.itD'