HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-24, Page 4ti ati k PAGE. FOUR. • THE LUCKNOW. ;SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO owl _ _ G.rwO-Wrnll AOMK7r A Y:." cr." aa NUO IMO,1 14NAkR •OOk,. RSO M R 14.10 • WEDNESDAY, ,JUNE. 24th, 1114: CASHIELCHECKER; CIERICALS•ACCTG. 570.85.'' �.� o.......w.ot o.r -...oy a. ai 1 gi�ppngai r _• e. .y..•.......fit..-. •-• owe. - o -O: w__ FOR SALE ROSCO. GRAIN TANKS Order now when .available. 'Lucknow Dis- trict Co-op, 528-2125. , FOR SALE , feed barley .and spring wheat, Gerry Van Beers, phone Bervie 2474..:. • CAR FOR. SALE — 1957 Ford sedan, in good condition, reason able for 'quick sale. Ted Collyer; R.R; 5 -Lucknow, phone 628-5182. CUSTOM HAY BALING -- round bales: Hugh Mason R.R. 1 Rip- ley, phone 162-M9: STRAWBERRIESIrri 'gated berries . • now ready for delivery, H. ' M. Greer,. Lucknow, after . Thursday, phone 528-5352 . FOR ' SALE No': 3 Massey 'bale, will be sold to 'highest bidder... Bank of Montreal, Lucknow. • FOR SALE, . 2 wheel covered trailer: Was used as a workshop: Cheap. G. E. McInnes, ;phone .528-. .3811:. STANDING HAY , FOR SALE.'' -= Russell Ritchie; • Langside. 528-5251: FOR SALE a Extension .table and four chairs, suitable for cot tage. Mrs. Oliver McCharles, R.R. •3 'Lucknow phone 4-4 Ripley:. FOR SALE — used Thistle baby buggy, like new. Priced, for quick sale. Phone 528.3210 HOUSE FOR SALE near ' main St., Wingham, three bedroom's,. brick, ;oil heated. Apply to. Box 556, . Wingham • :CUSTOM HAY BALING Frank „ Alton,, phone 529.7218 Dungannon., • BICYCLE.. FOR • • SALE _ girls; :used,. MacKenzie Furniture, Luck: now, phone 528-3432 FOR 'SALE. y— : small, kitchen stove: Water front,'good condi. tion, cheap. R. D. Ross, phone. 528-3721,'' FOR. SALE - :Cate : A 6- combine, pull type with motor. in A 1 con- dition; also . McCormick Deering, 7. foot binder. Gordon Drennan, FOR SALE : -- Massey -Harris 6 -foot binder in goodrepair;. rub- ber tired .wagon with .60.0 x 16 tires; 1948 Chev car,' with 600. x- 16 tires; 10 -foot dump rake. Wm. E. Haldenby, Kinlough.. store, phone Bernie 2390. HOUSE. FOR SALE: -- 8-roorh, frame; house; on -, corner' of Have- lock and Gough St,. the residence of •the late Wm.' Johnstone; also three, good building lots, Apply to -John . ' At... -Johnstone, Elmira, ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES—. full range of new • appliances . and a good selection of used stoves, dryers and frigs Pollock Elec- tric, Ripley, phone 190,, WOOD FOR SALE-' Hardwood or softwood • . slabs, hi 10' cord loads.. We deliver. Borden. Litt, • sawmill, phone 3926895 Teeswater. FOR SALE ' - ` Jersey cows, ` good quality, heavy producers, cash or terms to 30 months. G. L. Martin, R R 4 ; Goderich,. phone ..Goderich 524-6315.° PENS, PENCILS, : calendars, nov- elty ;items'' with your name print- ed on for all .types of businesses, are available right here in Luck - now from the : Lucknow Sentinel, Phone 528-3134. Let us give you an estimate. FOR RENT FOR : RENT =. apartment, close: to". main street, available July" lst.. Mrs.'' Margaret Carruthers, Ripley.. APARTMENT .FOR RENT = Apply to Tom: Anderson, phone 528-3045: • LOST; . 1„ PHONE 528-3134 COMING :EV1E N.TS "' 'NEW :CASH BINGO ' Legion :Hall; Lucknow, . every , Thursday evening, 8:45 p.m. ': 15 regular . games. — $10,00 each. 4 Share -The -Wealth games with jackpot included in each. game. Jackpot' ,this' week $70.00 on 57 calls. LOST ,licence plate off true, '96004C. Finder please ' leave at.. Sentinel Office. FOUND Highway ' 21, 2 miles north of - Km - COTTAGE FOR SALE Lake- front, ' 'inside 'plyimbing, ' sleeps 6 to 8, . floors.. tiled, acre and half land attached: Apply 'to. Mrs. J. A. Henry, Wingham, Ontario, phone ' 35"7-1735: • . FOR 'ALL. 'your mower . knife sharpening and.' sickle repairs come to Art . Helm's .. Welding .and. Metalline' Shop, Com -Ashfield 1t R. 3 ' Lucknow, phone Ripley 77-r-9. STRAYED to Lot 5; Con. '10; Ash i field, a steer weighing 'around 250 'to ' 300 lbs: Peter MacDonald, phone. Dungannon 529-7125. SERVICES p , SEPYIC- .TANKS CLEANED .. Septic tanks cess.. , pools, etc:,. ' pumped and cleaned with mod- ,.i..e - -equ!pment:.' All :.work:' .uar- • •fin Vi • *teed. ' Lotus Blake, R.' 2 Biros- - HOUSE FOR, SALE 6 -room I CUST01�A 'BUTCHERING phone 442-w-6.' . . NO WORRY :about; money 'am= house, .mociert, Havelock Street Beef and Pork sold in any • CHICKEN a'nd PIG. TAILS BARBECUE • At Elliotts 'Beach.. Bar • Amberley Beach 'SATURDAY, JUNE 27th 6:00 p.m. to ???? Chicken : $1.50 Pig Tails. $1.25 children's' portion MEMORIAL SERVICE, The annual memorial'` service at Dungannon Cemetery will be held this Sunday, June 28th,• com- mencing ; at 4;25 p.m. In' case of inclement., weather the ° service . will be in Dungannon United Church. The offering will be for cemetery upkeep. • BINGO • Teeswater Lions Club A11 -Cash. Bingo games 'start Friday;: June 26th ; in Teeswater Arena, and - every 'second 'Friday for the sum- mer:. Commences at 9 p.m. Pro- ceeds for community welfare. work. ,' Admission -= $1.00; ' extra and special. cards, 25c or 5 for $1.00. NTED SUMMER WORK WANTED High . school girl : would like work for 'the:' summer baby-sitting or housework: -Phone, 105-17 Ripley WANTED = female' employee for full time, duties' Start immediate- ly Lucknow Fruit Market phone 528-3420: HELP WANTED • in . feed mill, 52 tact Treleaven's Mill, Ltd., phone - man for work day week. Con- Lucknow .Feed' 528-3000.. FARM' WORK WANTED'-.-' Mar- ried man, with 4 school age child- ren, wants year round work 'ori beef, , 'poultry, fruit, or , general farm work.: (no dairy). Apply to Ernest Carter Sr.,' R.R. 5 ' Luck- now. uck-now • NOTiC DRAINAGE .COURT of REVISION . A Court of, Revision will be held, on the Second Concession Drain on .Monday, July 6th at Holyrood Hall at 2:30 p.m. . G H Wall Clerk' NOTICE .BAND .MEMBERS ' AND MAJORETTES Members of . Lucknow ' District High School Band are reminded. of the bus leaving from the School for Atwood on Wednesday, July 1st at 6:00 ' p.m. - , CARD'OFTHANKS • I wishto thank all those who re memberedl me in - many ., .various ways while a . patient in Wingham Hospital:. This thoughtfulness wai. very much appreciated., Tillie Wilson ■rB■B■B.A■■BR/BBB■■/ISE■/B^ WANTED AT. , ONCE . TO LEARN PRINTING' - LINOTYPE. OPERATING AND. GENERAL NEWSPAPER WORK Apply By Letter • Only LucknowSe.nfine-I: sa mision■sa•Bruuu•n■aUBRBI The. • fellow :.who knows . all the. answers usually misunderstands the,. question ;' .. 1 • • I. old like 'to thank our friends and ighbours 'who were so kind to . Mr. Hunter and myself while I' was a patient in Wingham Hos- pital. -Mrs*. : ' Geo. Hunter. Rev R, H. MacLeod wishes-' to thank all friends near and far who remembered him with cards, letters and 'flowers while. a : pa- tient in the Wingham Hospital. He.'also wishes to thank the staff and nurses of the hospital includ-. ing the*' local doctors for their m u c h . • kindness and attention. shown to "him, and finally► wishes to . thank most ,'sincerely all those who . remembered him in their prayers.. IN MEMORIAM RITCHIE In loving memory' of Agnes Ritchie: - (nee '. Hawkwood )- who passed a*ay' • July' 3, 1961: Ever' remembered by: Mother, ' ; Brothers . and .Sisters TENDERS TENDER FOR .OIL. FURNACE The . undersigned will receive Jul �. 1 tenders on. .or before �' e y th 5 , 1964 for . installing the . following/ equipment in Ashfield United .Church,.. Manse; 1. Converting a present coal.,.. furnace for burnin oil,': with all the necessary :acce sories. 2. A. new oil furnace.; All details canbe obtained . by calling at the . manse and utpect_ ing present furnace or from' the undersigned. Lowest. or " any ten- der not necessarily accepted. Jerry ,:.Cranston, R.R., 2, Lucknow, secretary Trustee Board. IN EMORIA, • McKENDRICK In 10: v. in g memory of a dear ` husband John McKendrick, who •; passed away two years ago . June . 22, • 1962. ; The joys we" shared together Are the:memories I hold. dear, And the'love and happiness you. gave me • Keeps you forever' near. Ever remembered' by his Mae. wife ROBB In loving memory • of Mr;, and' Mrs ` W. .J: Robb, . who passed'` away on June 30th, 1963 WANTED'. and June .20th, 1961, respectively. OLD •ESTABLISHED .HATCHERY • • We. who loved youdl l you, As it dawns another year,,, • In our lonely hours of:thinking, Thoughts „of . you 'are ever'near. Ever' .remembered by ' Les ar' a .,:an gra ren .requires additional . flocks ;to :sup- ply hatching eggs, dual .purpose; `egg and . broiler''breeds required. • With some breeds eggs taken ev- ery week' in 'the year, large prem- ium paid. Apply Tweedle Chick Hatcheries; -Limited, Fergus, On- tario. sa y miss Dorot. and. W ' d Il d ndchild by Is' Your Subscription .,Renewed? good Rawletgh Dealers. They .: i n a -- --- a• i lr• j e k i n e Til • South, : possession June • or, early : quantity. Custom butchering in ""jam for/ themselves. Earn more • _ • than a boss- can . afford. Write ul ' ' ' Government licensed. abatto` Pt y. J.. -; .;i,iacDonald; phone 528- vernmetRt u• , Rawleigh, : Dept: F=271-8:13, . 4005 . 2170. every Tor sday Beet from 1lionday through "f ursda . • Richelieu St.,, St. Henr Montreal S y� `-1IPTF'lENTS FOR ' SAVE — SUTTON'S MEAT ,MARKET ■ Dion threshing machine. complete' with drive belt. good'. as new: w.;_ AUCTION SALE. Mass e... v .. , Harris birder; grain box. • Allan MacIntyre Apply Spence' NI Farlane `11.11.„,',1. Licensee Auc; neer • Holy oar . phone` Beit -ie 2a51.Lu oty Phone 528-3519 'FLA` ' GRASS — for 6 head of Is: ''ou7' Subseripton Renewed? cattle for remainder of • season, Gonion Lyons: R.Ii.:1 ,Lucknow. 0••••.ls•.f••.i•••••.••ia phone 628-6341!.. CAR FOR SAtt 1962 i oaks N;•aaen.. deluxe with radio. low Mileage. ApplyNits. peter John- ston. ohnston. R.R. 1 Lucknow. phoaae •ate- • FOR SALE -- International B 4.14 diesel tractor: used three hundred hours; complete t;:th , belt pulley, all lights, etc. Also three bottom International C$5 plow. trade of stnail tractor or pick •: up truck will be considered on tractor. con., tact . C. '* Robin. n ' on E.t B. Suter Lake property, 1 mile south of Kinloss, week -ends only. o • Rug Shampooing ,. with the Iafest Modern . equiF'rnettt . Far• Expert Service Call Finkv Will PHONE 184 111PL`IEY • • WANTED DEPARTMENT OF>PUBLIC W'ORKS. OF CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS' addressed. to' Secretary, Department of Public. Works of Canada, :Remit B322,, -Sir Charles Tupper . Building, Rivers- ide Drive, Ottawa 8, and en- dorsed'' "TENDER FOR POST OFFICE •(S. P: •16),. PORE`' ELGIN, ONTARIO. will be received until 3:00 p.m. ' (E D.S.T.) / WEDNES= DAY, JULY. 8, 1964: Tender ocuments 4, can be ob- tained' on deposit . of ;$50.00 in .the , form of a CERTIFIED bank cheque ,to ,the 'order of the RE- CEIVER GENERAL OF CANADA; through: District 'Architect, 241 Jarvis Street,. 'Toronto 2i and can be:seen at Room C-705,''Sir Char- les Tupper + • Building, Riverside i ''Drive, .Ottawa; the Post Offices eh at Port Elgin, Kincardine, South ■ I ampton and Owen, Sound, Ont.. a { The ,deposit will be refunded :on ■ y return . of.• the documents in good ▪ condition within one month • from P-; the date of tender opening. To,' he •:I considered each tender must ▪ ' submitted' on the forms' supplied ■ ' by the Departrnent, and ,;must by . accompanied by the security ■ specified in the tender documents. Tehe r,lowest or any tender not n .�r.- ■ ssarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, : Secretarw • preferred, batt not ; DON'S .TV MunicipalErnployee yReaI Estate Agent WANTED F4R For The Municipality Of, The • • VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW Luc110W and. APPLICATIONS for ''the position • of municipal employee, ' as assis- •■ . taut to the 'village Foreman, will . tie reeeived • by; - the. undersigned • until 'Saturday; June 27th, 1964, :'E\perienee DtTIES to include operation of ne graders Public 'Utilities work. etc. I' District ■ A... I SALARY will be eom men surate #. •PP with qualifications. 'State age, n • experience, , marital status, and. F W1 . � it re when available to accept posit' ■ ' cessary; •I • ,SERVICE• ▪ • • •tion 'and' dMIt cee : Experienced ■ ■ All Wrn.L Guaranteed Co, Limited' ■ • Prompt Service • • Pension Plan 0.M E.R.S. r a. Decor-aiors , plications be kept in the . p Ph 8'81 �0 ■ • p„ �. REALTOR -•-� ALKERTON ■ • W i�easoriable: l�ates 6onfidence •- ' oI~ w'!'lte B07C 'u40 ■ .`i' stxtctest ■ ■ . E. i1. Agiietwr Cie k�Tr '• ,. � • o,a■■aaaaamai l•■iI:E . tBBB*1•B44.M.iii 01�11•••r Lwow Picone i28-3434 1►vf r easurer, .Rtaa■ina n I !. • ' i '