HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-17, Page 12• .PAGE TWELVE. ro' 4114E. LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17th: ,l4 ereI.! r you drive In Canada or:. the f,Tnited States CIA autatngbile- -claims - service is as close as the nearest telephone. If a CTA insured •'car is involved in an accident „in Ontario, CIAis ' own trained claims men, located in key centres, assure fast and corn-, petent . handling'' of claims.. anywhere else in Canada or the United. States, a phone call .;to a . CIS office will bring on -the -spot handling of the claim by a local adjuster. There's a 24-hour answering service at all CIA offices. For more information about ClA's Automobile and Accident: Insurance .. . ;just call Jobe, A. McMurcby R.R. 4 ' Ripley, Ontario honeCollect, ` RIpley' 119-r-23 Co-operators Insurance, Association • Local 'Brinker Spoke 7 • 111►�•1 Meefing• The Silver.. Lake ` ,Institute .meet ing was held in the Kinloss hall. The president opened" the meet- ing eeting' and Mrs; Ray. Stanley read the scripture. The 4-H girls , put on their skit. "What Milk : Did for Molly." Mrs.: Roy Cornish then : in c-, 3' trodu ed the speaker Mr. Milton Rayner from Lucknow ;Bank of Montreal. Be spoke on, "The ,High, Cost: of :Credit. Mrs. Wm. Campbell thanked the speaker. -Mrs. Hoy Cornish read the motto, ' "Take Care of the `Pennies and. the 'Dol. lars will Take Care of Tl em- selves." A report ::.of the safety'. scrap book was given b Mrs. Ray Stanley. The stand` com- mittees gave their reports. Mrs. James MacEwan gave a sum Caru.va ne.rS.: Vis tPaints Of....eiigious Significunce—lneluding—St. Augustine-:; Abbey Md�,Canter6ury Cathedral Dear Friends -- tha's. cl u cl-Tw1iere she wor- •Nnw • what. to: tell you today? shipped with her Bishops Lindard, Since we have spent most • of this and where. St. Augustine also wor..-- week..in Kent it is not very hard shipped until his • own ;Abbey to decide. Church; Religion, Chris- Church• was built.I went from. tianity,: gall it• what you will, and there, just as' St. Augustine did,. this will . interest:' my . Anglican to St. Augustine's Abbey, also friendsparticularly, though nearly outside the walls of. Canterbury. everyone else will find :something The extent of the Abbey .Build of interest. .• •ings ,must have•been ..enormous, Why , religion because we are but of all theruined' abbeys. we in Kent? Well you.must all re- have seen, it.'is certainly the. member in British History lessons most ruinous, only a few heaps the story of St. Augustine preach- of stones or outlines of walls are. ing to King Ethelbert of Kent, to be seen now. However two whose. wife, Queen Bertha, was parts:. of it ' are in good repair. a Christian. We learned at school At the time of the Dissolution (or that that • was the coming of Chris- Desecration depending on :.your tianity to England. Actually there religion). of the monasteries, .Hen - had been missionaries working in, ry VIII spared one part to use the West of Britain' before that for a Palace when he visited and they are remembered • in. a Canterbury. It is now used for an host of place ' names 'in 'Wales Anglican:Missionary Training Col Devon, Somerset and . -Cornwall. ` lege, and has student missionaries However,''I am talking about 'Kent from all parts of the world. and ,this time.. preparing . to •go to ` all parts of Dover is the ' gateway to Eng- the world to serve., I saw names land' from the continent of Europe in the small Chapel of a 'number and Dover is in ..Kent This week, who had . gone .to Canada, and I spent an, hour in.. a tiny, church there is ' a student from Canada within the' Awalls. of Dover Castle.. ':there now.• But I" must get back According to tradition, there was to the early days: some ' kindf church ch there: for Some time ;after St. Augustine, the `subversive' Christians . in the Canterbury 'Cathedral was . begun Roman ;army of occupation due- : and: the building went on for ing those . first four or five', cen- : -years.:: We spent a morning wan turies of : the Christian era. Of : Bering . around, ' guide book ' in course ; the present church 15 not hand. (The guide book is now .on that old but parts of it are 1000 its way- to .Canada.) . The; ' Cath years old, . and I played : a few . edral .is huge and high and, beau - hymns. ' . on the electronic organ titin and ' has interest, in ; every init.Thep stone. As some of you .know it is the home'church: of world Ang an 'who .was pc) h- ing the brass when I went in was very.• kind : to me, a Canad- ian, . because he .' got to know " a number. of ` Canadians in prisoner. of: ' war camps inR . Hong Kong, Next we come to. St. Augustine. Just outside the walls of • 'Canter -- bury is a tiny, lovely, old flint stone. church. .It was Queen Ber- •Then we came on to that tra- gic gic .story of Henry II and Bec- ket. -- ec-ket..— do you' remember "Will no one rid me of that turbulent priest?" The exact spot : of the murder is called 'the . Martyrdom,: For centuries afterwards, ;Canter .bury was a place of Pilgrimage. Mary of` the meeting" of the red- Becket's tomb was laden. • with aeration of 'Agriculture: • gold and precious newels, and was After the dosing of the,: meet- fabulously valuable. Wonderful ing ' Mrs. Frank Colwell and Mrs. cures . and ' miracles took ` place' Clarence Hedley . served coffeethere..0ne of the earliest poems and donuts. . in the English language is Can- t y --Tales and-is=a–eoiiection. r ouch at'little timate .Today young Bill likes to tinker but tomorrow -- be will be deciding on his career. Whatever profession or vocation he may 'settle on, • there will be no financial problem,. A' life insurance • . 'program with Sun Life not 'only guarantees the funds for Bills education but provides an income for the whole .:family if ' Dad should die pre matirely; I'm alleviated k ' :Sun ' Vie.. of Cancer, the Com. ` with the policy Mars right , for 'you and your family. Why mil me sodaill WILL1AM KINAHAN l h. 2 tkilt ow Phone 55.74987 SUN LIF ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA of stories ' told by a group of pil- grims' on :the way . to Canterbury, and here and: there in Kent, .bits. of road - are marked as Pilgriin's Way. From things I read, I be- lieve the `Ways' ". are much more: easily seenfrom the air than from the ground. In Dover I visited. a large' building .called..Maison Dieu; :which was a large' house or hall in which ' Pilgrims from Europe, Wand the Near East . could find rest • and food before going : on to Canterbury. Kent is dotted with churches 4 large and small.: Most of the Pre - Reformation churches became Par ish Churches after those uneasy• Tudoryears, and the people . are proud of .their long ,history. Mir- ing the time - of • Oliver Cr, omwell and the • Commonwealths the re• Mous statues : and beautiful carv- ings ' were mutilated or . destroyed:. y a been .hidden away. Most of the• old coloured glass windows: were broken • and. the lovely . wall paintings of religious stories were covered with white- wash., However, 'one' finds bits of the old colour and beauty here and there:: 'This morning we attended ser-, .vice in ' the . Parish , Church at Biddenden and we were very rn- pressed with . the preacher, and the seg mon: One thing :he. spoke about at some Length was the ; beginning of a movement here in England for union of, the Church • of 'England and the ,hfetbodssts;.' And if .'an ministers rand their • •people) were like him, it would certainly come s'about in our day-. But. I want to , tell You about ' one . other ' place I visited. We were -in a 'very small village call- ed Aylesford and we're told see 'what* The Friars were do- ing." am.ing", So of ' bourse I went. I was Cen:.. ata° over . the 'Friary :by a , very pleasant woman.' who showy ed me all the chapels. 1"teli �'le��eu theeon'taining a very holy, relic.: and exrala so math things to. . me. She told tie, abort to all "nigh"t vim .when they RIPLEY M.EA,T.M.ARKET Custom Butchering Mondays t --t, logs, •$2.00 in: by .4 MO pain, • Cu#ting, and Wrapping, �2c pound - CATTLE, CALVES and' LAMBS EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY' We Do Curing and Smoking ,, ..Beef, Pork and Lamb. Sold` Whole, Half- or, Quarter' .... For . Better Service, . And :Lower Prices Call Ripley, 100. Chas. Hooismia. Prop. Huron Twp. Native RALPH The sudden death of Ralph . Leo Irwin occurred at Byron on Sun- day, May 24 following ' heart seizure. • Ralph was born in Huron Town- ship on . December 21, 1906. He was , a son of the late Marion Reavie and . Robert Irwin. ' , When. he was ' 17 he went to Byron where he was . employed with the Byron, ,Telephone Com- pany; until two years ago when the Bell • Telephone . purchased it. Since that time, he was employed with the' Bell . Telephone Co., Lon- don. . In 1935 he was : predeceased by pray unceasingly'for those who- .. never: pray, lapsed Catholics.: and converts. •The ' first Friary there was built,, by . Carmelite Friars hundreds : of years. ago,- and . the present one is partly restoration of 'the ruined ;buildings. and part- ly extremely modern chapels with a. large outdoor :.nave on the, ground . of the old . church. Itis now a place of Pilgrimage' for English Roman'.' Catholics.. You see' now :. why I said most of you would : find something of interest in . this letter. I wish 'you had been with : me. Sincerely, The Country :: Mouse. Near Tenterden, Died Suddenly IRWIN his wife, the former 'Annie . Ker-. ridge, leaving : an . infant daugh ter Marion. (Mrs. Les Thomas) of Brampton. ' In 1937 he married ' Jean ,Ker- ridge, who survives along with a: daughter Ruth " (Mrs. Paul Van Bree), Byron, Ontario. One son Robert. predeceased him • 7 years ago. . •, . Besides .his, wife and.. 2 da'ugh terse he leaves to mourn, ' 5 grandchildren, 1 sister, Mrs. George. Dane (Kathleen), . Hythe, Alta.; 5. brothers, Lloyd, Ripley; William, Ottawa; • Bert, Huron. Township; , Steve, Ripley; and Leonard, Huron Township He was- 'a member : of Byron 'United:. ' Church. He was also . a member and Past Master of Ash- lar Masonic Lodge A.F.and A.M., Byron. A masonic service . was conducted at the Mdlard George Funeral Home on Tuesday even- ing, May 26, which was-•' largely. attended. Funeral services were conducted .on Wednesday, May. 27 .by . Rev.:', Slater, with ' interment in Woodland Cemetery. Pallbearers were his four bro- thers Lloyd, Bert, Steve, Leonard and two :;nephews Allan and Doug- las Irwin. Beautiful floral, tributes show- ed howed the,. high esteem in which, he was EVERY KIND OFRNITURE' FOR :OUTDOOR .:LIVING' THIS ' SUMMER See OurLarge StockOf:' hummer Furniture CHAISETFES CHAISE ` LOUNGES SUMMER CHAIRS REPAIR FITS COVERS. FOR 'CHAISE -LOUNGES * * . Every Type 'of' Outdoor Fur. nture for ..the Cottage' 'or for die Home.. Summer Furniture Would Please Dad N,cicKENZ IE F11,1tNITURE... r _Phone `528.3432,