HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-17, Page 10iso wave ®r a 1 ..► rw 1M
k LIM �. Y' _ 1 sire 1 r it i ®Y W L I it
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HOlyr�odj. Kinlaugh Stage $hovVe.rs/
Mr.` and 'Mrs.Dan Nicholson. of ing' which was held at. Walkerton
' Lucknow were recent visitors with ' on.: May 22nd.. Those • taking part
Mr. and Mrs, Don Gillespie and in the program 'were Mrs. Ger-
trude Walsh, Mr's.. Roy Schneller,,
Mrs'. George Graham, Mrs. Rus-
sell Hewitt ;and a : Bible contest by
Miss .Edna Boyle after., which' the
books of the New'testament were
On Monday evening the Luck sung. Mrs. 'Roy Schneller gave the'
now Lions club, supper was served . courtesy .:remarks: The meeting
'by; the H L:.. closed with prayer and delicious
• Mr.. ' and Karla Boyle and refreshments were served by ': the
. Carol and Mrs William Lloyd of hostess:
London visited. on Saturday eveni Master Geordie Haldenby ; cele-
ing : with. Edna and May Boyle.. braced his• 9th birthday on Tlurs.
Miss Evelyn, Nicholson s•hasse-•
cured a position at Toronto, She
attended business•. college at, tit
chener'during the past year.
Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs.. day:
Lorne Kraemer (nee . Eleanor BUS TO K ITC H E NE R
Murray), on the birth of a dough- The teacher Mrs. K. Collins,
ter.: Mrs. P. A. Murray spent a pupils: of Kinlough and , Purple
few days' in •Toronto at<the Krae- Grove. and several of the parents
mer home. Mr and Mrs. Charlie (47 in all) . enjoyed a bus .trip, to
Murray,, Mr.: 'P. A. Murray and Kitchener on Friday. Places visit-
Elaine went to Toronto Sunday ed were Burns Meat, Kitchener -
for the : baby's ...christening and, . Waterloo.—.Record,. th police .stat-
stat-Mrs :Murray returned 'home with ion, Coca Cola,' . the Big. 'Al. Show
them. 'and a picture show at Winghara
We are sorry, to report that on their return trip: Marjorie
WS. Elden ' Eckenswiller had the Burt woji the birthday cake, Alice
misfortune to fall, fracturing her '.Robinson :and Wayne. • Percy the
wrist dance contest and Barry Halden-
Mr. •and Mrs. ,F. B: Schofield by the ball game:'. •
. of London visited on-T.ues.lav with--Messer:-_Walter- Breekles;_iar-
old " Haldenby; Jim Hodge, ' :Tom..
Gordon and '.Fred Guestattended
the funeral of -the late Alex Smith. -
Mr. Gordon ' Hodgkinson• has
moved from the 12' .'con. to his'
home in the village.
We are pleased to report that
Mr. Floyd Stanley is the: new prin-
cipal in the Ripley -Huron Central
School, Floyd ' is a .graduate • of
Stratford . Teacher's College and:
the . Iucknow ; District High, School
andattended ttie Kinlough' Public
School. .
A number of ladies from here
attended the. trousseau tea at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Thompson, Dungannon .in honour
• Mr and': Mrs. ' Chris ' Shelton. Mrs.
Schofield is .a •sister of Mrs.' Shel-
ton: •
The .Holyrood, hall was taste-
fully .decorated •withballoons, pink
•and white streamers for a show-
er for. Miss . Corbelle• Thompson,
eldest ,daughter of 'Mr: and: Mrs.
Frank Thompson . of '.. Dungannon.
The .wedding march was played. by
Miss . Edna • Boyle and the bride
and her. assistants -.took their,
places • of honour. , Mrs.• Ernie
Hanna read*, an ' address in poetry.
Miss • Brenda Eckenswiller .pre-
rented ,the gifts. Misses .,Bernice
Thompson and Elda Wall assist -,of their.daughter3 ° Corabelle' who:
ed' Corabelle •with* opening • the was .married on°: Saturday. Mrs,
'gifts which were placed • by Harold Haldenby was soloist at
Mrs. Grant Eckenswiller while the wedding• •
Mrs. MorleyWall 'and Mrs. Ernie''
Hanna : read the attached .verses.
•Corabelle' thanked the ladies. • for
their lovely gifts and ,extended an
invitation to all toattend a trou-
• au tea at her home, the follow-
ing day.' At this time a short pro- streamers decorated the, room.
or us contest muchwos 'conducted A hunt-'
ucted ,by Miss Boyle 'was in,.Letthe chair
and ledMay a sing song, " me 'call
Mrs. Ernie Hanna. Joanne
Thompson favoured with: a , • pianO you sweetheart„Bicycle built
number.. Mrs. • Morley ° Wall gave for two” and `It isn't any trouble
a' humorous reading. Mrs. Frank to (smile, grin, laugh). Mrs. Kath
Brown rohcoconducted
contest and Brine Collins and Mrs. Delbert
Allh ,blued in singing.
a read- y Hedleygave readings,:, contests by .'
Murray g Jean tarn and Nerrma llaldenby.
ging "For ' A song "Serenade bf the bells"
She's a jolly good fellow". Lunch~
was sung by the school girls.. Miss
was served and a social ,time was. Barbara Haldenby. read an ad-
enjoyed. "'dress .to• Sheila. Sharon Hod
'Mr. and Mrs. Levi Eckenswiller Sharon ' Dillon . and Betty Smith as-
of London were recent visitors : silted in opening the' gifts while' •
with relatives and friends here. Jeanthe attached
Mrs. George Graham : was hos-
.Sutton ral a iris assisted in
verses: Seve
tess for the WA . nieeting. MIS. brio
• Boy Schneller presided and Mrs gifts. Miss Kana
�g m the*
Boyle played the' wedding music...
Gertrude. Walsh acted as scare= Sheila thanked theladies and in-
'..tary. A hymn and prayers •follow- „ vited everyone to her.. home
,.The Scripture was read : by r lowing. the shower where her trou-
lVlrs. William Cox and Mrs. Rus- ! sseau was displayed. Lunch was •
sell Hewitt gave the, ;meditation, served` and a social time enjoyed,
'The word for the roll call was k Mr. and Mrs, John Emerson
rejoice. Miss May Boyle gave a , of Lucknow were dinner guests
full account of the Deanery. Meet- r with .141r, and Mt s. Edbert Bushell
Returned From European . Trip
South K.1 n 10 s s. Presbyterian
church was filled Sunday for their
108th- -anniversary,--se ices •-Rev.
H. Williams of Glenview Pres-
byterian church gave inspiring
messages on the Third and First
on Tuesday.. They also called on.
Mr, and. Mrs. Donald McFarlan.
and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon : Mac-.
Donald and girls. -
Congratulations to IIr. and Mrs.
Elmer. McFarlan on the birth• of
a son. - - •
Mrs. Gertie ' Bushell,, Mr. and
-Mrs. Edbert Bushell visited . on,
Sunday . with Mrs. Annetta Bush,
ell. at Lucknow.
• Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson,
Allan and Lois were Sunday visit
ors with Miss Donna Nicholson at
Mr. and Mrs Harry Rieck and
their 'four daughters . of Peters
burg. visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mr's., Roy Schneller, Jimmy
and 'Betty.,
On Saturday evening ' a miscell-
aneous shower was ,held . in the
Anglican Sunday 'School, room. for
Sheila Haldenby bride of . the
Mr. and Mrs, P. M. Grant ac-
companied . Rev,. and Mrs, Wil.
Hams, Mr. Grant taught in Luck -
now high school back in the 20'S
but had little difficulty recalling
the many former . pupils •. who
spoke to him,
Several members of the Gra
ham family enjoyed a • rp-union,
at, Rennie Graham's . cottage at.
Cedar Heights,, north, of u Kincar-
dine; Sunday` afternoon. Those
present included Mr. Rennie Gra-
ham of 'Toronto, • Mrs, John Lown-
des ` and family of Newmarket,
Mrs. Dorothy MacKenzie -and fam-
ily of :Teswater and Mr. and: Mrs.
Allan Graham and family of Luck.
Mr, : and Mrs. Fred Gilchrist
and Miss. Winnifred Wrightson are
*enjoying a holiday • trip to Tor-
onto, Perth andreturning via Al-'
gonquin Park,
Mrs. Bill Searle . resumed ` work
at. Douglas Point . this •week.
Mr. Bill Buckton . of Toronto
spent . the week -end with• his par.-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, Herb Buck-
ton, • . '
Mr. and Mrs. Eon: Wallace of
London were week -end guests with
Mr,. and Mrs. Philip . Steer and
Mr, and Mrs.,' Harvey MacDou-
gall wow—returned : front-° their -
European • trip this week ,visited'
with Mr. and ' Mrs. Lloyd Mac-
Dougall on Sunday. Miss Isabel
Welsh returned , home to' Owen
Sound with them. Other guests at
MacDougall's on Sunday were:
Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrish of Luck-
now' and Mr.. •and.. Mrs.. Grant
Farrish, Barbara and Janet..
Mr;. and .Mrs. Russell Beacock
of Wiarton visited . • Sunday' with
Mr. . and .,Mrs.. Ira Dickie and
boys. ,
The June • Kairshea W L , meting.
will beheld Thursday, June ' 18th
at the home., of .Mrs. Harold Camp-
George G. Parsons, secretary
of the Goderieh , • Elevator and•
',Transit . Company, has also been
named asmanager, as successor
to the ' late R G. Sanderson. •
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