The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-17, Page 7Tor 'WEDNESDAY. JUNE 17th, I•f64 TWE LUCKNOW SENTINEL;, LUCKNQW, ONTARI° PAGE SEVIN { Lifting A. heavy kad takes n ore `than strength! It takes -'know-how" to lift it s0 you won't get .hurt! f Many'strains, slipped discs and sprains have resulted •from improper lifting • If youhave a heavy Toad to lift' here's how;to do it safely... ▪ look It: over carefully 'to decide' the best way to:,grasp if .. place your feet close to it.: • ... get a good grip on it • bend ,your knees and keep your back. straight • keep the load close to your body • :; be. sure you can see past it IF THE 10AD IS TOO HEAVY. FOR ONE .PERSON GET HELP! o -operators Insurance 'Association and operators Life Insurance Association renks Accident tWHITECHURCH NEWS) man Rintoul Mrs. George McGee, Mrs. L. Whytock, Mrs. Gord,: Margaret and Patsy Taylor, Monrs. Mac Cardiff, _ Mrs. Walter Elliott, Mrs. Archie Pardon, Mrs. Don Martin, Mrs. Harold Gaunt, ' Mrs: Geo. Webster,' -Mrs. Bill" Purdon, Mrs, Elroy Laidlaw. and Miss Sandra 'lfiil :On June 26th' a bus trip : is be- ing sponsored through ' the. ' Wo Mr. , deorge. Grigg .had the mis- fortune on, Thursday • while un-. loading logs at Gaunt'ssawmill with Mr. Gershom Johnston, for; Whom he . works, to have. one roll on his • leg breaking . it at the ankle. Mr. • Johnston took' him . , to Wingham and. District Hospital. where it was X-rayed .. and a 'cast applied. His many friends wish him a speedy .recovery. • Mr. and-- Mrs. WinBrown of Lucknow spent a few days.. with Mr. and Mrs. Charles ,Tiffin. Mrs.. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Albert .Coultes attended the fun- eral of .the late Mrs: Emerson Dennis . in Blyth on Thursday. ° The United ' Church. Messengers held, their June meeting under the supervision : of their leaders, Mrs. Clarence Ritchie 'and Mrs. E. Sleightholm. The president, Cathy Soloman opened . the meet- •. eet-•. ing with the call to worship — Come with hearts rejoicing. The scripture• were read in • unison: Mrs, • Sleightholm led in prayer. Linda Purdon received the offer ing and the prayer ' was given by Janet Sleightholm. Mrs.: Ritchie thanked the Messengers for their mite • boxes and the; Messengers are to put on the programme for the It.C.W= . meeting to be'. 'held July •'1st at • the home, of 'Mrs. Mil- ian Moore. The Seniors and Jun- ' iors each went to their group with their leader for the Study , .Book : period. ' FORDYCE:• ,SUS TRIRt • Fordyce School under the super.- vision of'. 'their teacher, Mrs. Olive Kennedy held their bus trip to Toronto on Friday and visited Fort York, went across on , the ferry to the islandand had their noon luncheon there, Casa Loma, Museum and to conclude. the day attended Country Hoedown and save' Gordie Tapp In person, Ac- companying the scholars Were Mrs., 'John, Earl and Ronnie Jain- resort, Mrs, Pili Rintbul; Mrs, Nor• - men's Institute and will visit Adelaide foodless,. Homestead at St George; Stoney ,Creek, and Hamilton. A few fi om .here •are planning on • going on this trip. , ` SCOT'fS HOLD. REUNION, ,The., Scott reunionwas; held. at the home',of Mr, and. Mrs. Nor- .man or-•nian Cottltes, . East" Wawanosh °on Saturday, ..•June 13, throughout . the day. By .the' noon luncheon 60 . had gathered . and. by after- noon luncheon .around' 130' had ar- rived.. The afternoon . was spent enjoying • contests, games, races, and softball games: The president; Mr, Lloyd Scott of Alma presided with .Mrs: Lloyd Scott, . secretary readingthe minutes. The election Of , officers were president; .Mr. Harry 'Scott, :Elmira, secretary, Mrs. Harry, Scott; Elmira,.. lunch committee,, Mr: and Mrs. Wesley Scott, Guelph; Mr. ' and Mrs: Jaek Scott, Fergus. A recreation •corgi- mitee was also appointed. After, the election • of 'officers the lunch. committee' ,served . refreshments, Guests 'were presentf rorfi ' Alma, Fergus, Elora,` Elmira, Guelph; Hamilton, Woodstock; Windsor, Listowel, Ashfield.: • Mr, John McKay went to Lon- don on . Saturday • to attend the wedding..; of his nephew, ivtr Don- ald MacKay son of ; Rev: Angus and/Mrs. McKay, missionaries home on,' furlough from Jhansi, India. , Mr, Garry Willis of Streetsville spent the . weekend . at his home here.. • AMBERLEY and DISTRI.CT Unit one of Pine River United Church -held their --meeting on' Tuesday evening .with an atten- dance of fourteen.. Mrs. Leonard Irwin , and Mrs.- . Mervyn Hooey presided.. After the opening hymn andprayer the roll call was an- swered with a favorite hymn. Af- ter the business period .Mrs. John' Blue who ;was convener of the program, gave a . reading .which was, followed with responsive • read ing from .Psalm 7.14. A hymn was sung andthe. scripture :by Mrs. Bert Irwin was followed with the Lord's ,prayer in unison; A . trio, Consisting , of: Mrs. Hooey, Mrs. J. Ferguson, 'and Mrs. W. Courtney was given accompaniment by Mrs. B. Irwin,' Prayer by .Mrs. Mur- dock MacDonald was followed with the Study . Book :by 'Mrs. Mervyn Hooey. •She . explained that 'the large population and poverty .of parts of - India is a handicap to. missionaries • And teachers who try to.. cope , with.. this situation. After the closing hymn and pray- er by• Mrs. J. Blue, lunch was served • hi the Sunday School` room and a . social half hour was en - toyed. .- Mrs. - E lizabeth. •Sallows. of God- erich .and.:Mrs. Nellie .Wellwood` of Kincardine . visited .on . Tuesday with Mr.. and : Mrs. 'Archie' Court= ney. • , A Smart Dog. • That: Lynn .Campbell :owns ,. an intelligent . dog was proven:. last. week. Calling at a neighbors on - his way from work at, Amberley store, he closed the dog in , a garage till after supper.' On leav- ing Tfor, home, 1the dog. eras, :miss, mg, After a futile Search Lynn gave him up for lost. Upon re- tiring for and the night he was. sur- f pleased' to findthe dog upstairs •peacefully sleeping in bed. Finding no, one • at home' the dog managed to open' a door and thence. to , bed. . and pleasant dreams, Who . says dogs aren't smart.? . . 'Congratulations go to• Mr. and Mrs.. William.. Kempton of Amber:: ley on. the arrival;, of a daughter on Friday, June 12 at Kincardine General • Hospital.' • . ' Mrs • Mary Brown" of . Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs. ' Walter Brown of Amberley visited on Sunday with • Mr. and. Mrs: Lloyd Brown and family at.: Paisley. Deer Graze Unperturbed Grazing in a luscious grain field of William .Ferguson's on High- way '21 near Amberley a couple of deer - attracted, several motor- ists who stopped . to watch these timid animals •' which ; were quite • unperturbed by traffic or ,curious on -lookers. Unit 2 of Pine River United Church held their meeting on Thursday evening, June 11, Mrs. Leonard Courtney and' Mrs. Rob- ert Courtney ' presided Roll call was answered witha beatitude. :After a, reading on Family ' Be-. atitudes ' by Mrs. Leonard Court- ney, the ,convener of the ,'worship. service Mrs:: Ernest Gibsongave. a prayer, followed with the scrip- turey - reading by . Mrs. Leonard Reid. The closing; chapters. on; In dia which have been interesting was taken by Mrs. , Elden Loviiry. Meditations by Mrs. Ernest_Gibson__�� were given. After: the closing hymn and the • benediction, Mrs... Gibson closed the meeting with prayer.Lunch and a social half:' hour was enjoyed - .afterwards, The annual church `bee" wa s' held at St. ' Luke's Anglican • church, parish hall and. grounds.. on Thursday of last week. A good crowd attended and premises - Were • soon` in fine , order. . Mrs.: Chester Er imerton and daugh- ter Eleanor served . a delic— ious ious 'supper for the ' workers and., visitors. < ° Mrs. CIarke Mills accompanied by Mrs.,' James :Mins (Mary Smel tier). and son Blair of Weston visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smeltzer and family. Sold Cottage- After 25 Years At Point Clark . - Mrs, H. G, 'Hyland of . Wilming- ton, ilmington,.. Delaware visited ' with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Courtney on Fri- day. Mrs. Hyland. Who has.' been a . summer , resident of Point Clarke for over • twenty-five years has .disposed 'of her cottage re- cently. , She' . has made . many. fri- ends in the vicinity , and will be. missed. ' ' Mr. and.' Mrs. Cecil. •Humphrey,. Mr. and.. Mrs. Donald Courtney and 'Carol spent°Monday in. Strat- ford. 'The Irwin Bros: of the fourth concession; of Huron shingled Howard . Robbs house and barn last week Mr. Archie Courtney • has erect 'ed .a new cottage At 'Point Clarke.. c►ia ward, CO-OP Servlcemon fopsup the 500 gallon. underground gasolinestdrage'tank. Mr.;T,enkamp and his wife - %like the reliability of all Co-operative services,the quality of CO-OP products andespecially the Sunglo home heating 'service..;They buy from their Co -;operative wherever•possible-=fuel; fertilizer, feed, seed, building Materials,home and garden needs'. , Like Mr. ran Tie Oa* of Newmarket: conscious farmers depend an reliable service AND JOB -PROVED CO-OP FUELS WORK 125 ACRES of •cash: crops as does Mr. Jan. Tien kamp, andyou can't afford unreliable fuel delivery or: inferior: petroleum' products.. Perishable ,cabbageAnd cauli- 35 acres of the Tienkarnp farm are devoted' to cabbage and cauliflowers which Jan sells direct to the supermarket. CO=OP fuels and service get'theni'there on. time.•. • flower crops must be'out of the field and intoAthe supertnarket in. the shortest;' time.: That, why;' in the busy. harvesting season,•as throughout the 'year, Jan depends on his Co-o;peratt,ve for .all his petroleum needs. CO-OP • .petroleum products ;are geared to Ontario .farm requirements : tailored •to :today's poWerfuI•.engin'es: ' -Co--operative s-eryiee• thatched to efficient •f rniing, too'Trained salesmen like' Cliff Ward •know fcirm rob-, lems and know how' t serve the farmer 'best. ' • Mt. Jan . Tienkamp hos two sons and a hired man, who keep three tractors going efFiciently,onCO-OPpetroleumproducts. • Try CO-OP petroleum prod- ucts. and discover the . many advantages of•Co-operative service for yourself. +'Registered tadeMark. You can a!wa ys 'depend on 06-0P Petroleum Product§ DISTRICT