HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-17, Page 1Jaik of —14:00—A Ysar•-=in AdVence -- -` 1;01�`ixtra.- . LU NONAGENARIAN KEEPS HOE AND TYPEWRITER BUSY Meet ' Temporarily In Orange Hale" • Rev. Benson Cox will be 90 years young this month, • and when one reaches nona genarian status, with. thevigor.. • and keeness of mind of Mr Cox, they just naturally • "be-• • CKNOW, ONTARIO, ' WEDNESDAY, JUNE' 17th, '1964 Single Copy 10q 16 Pages come news." • A few months ago we Wrote,. about Rev. Cox purchasing a new typewriter — and itici- dentally, selling his' bagpipes. That he is • making , good use of the typewriter is ' indicated by the fact that last week. Rev. Cox purchased a ._quan- tity of envelopes, Not just a pa'ekageor two, mind you, but a box of ..1000,:. Over the years he has made many friends and acquaint- ances, . as well as other :inter- ests, which involves a great deal of correspondence. .• But Mr. Cox doesn't . spend' all his time at the` typewriter. He has an excellent -flower and vegetable garden at the Kinloss Township farm home, which is proof of the time , he .spends and the pleasure he derives from this hobby, which some • men ••much younger would find 'toe strenuous. • Lost <,For bear, Funeral Tuesday Funeral services for- ,Ken, Mac- Lennan, brother-in-law of James Culbert of Lucknow, were held Tuesday in . Vancouver. Mr. Mac- Lennan .mysteriously disappeared lastsummer while visiting in Manitoba.. , At that time, he left the supper table, went ' outside, and . diSappeared. While details of the discovery' of the body are not clear to Jim at present, he is • expecting further word . by letter. <A telegram was received by himat the weekend advising of the funeral arrange- ments. Mr.' MacLennan is survived by his wife, .the former, Barbara Cul- bert' who returned to B.C.' last summer after searches for her, husband. had proved. futile.. Mr:. MacLennan, who ' was in 'his 80th year, . was ' found in. the vicinity of where he, was' lost near. Virden, Manitoba. 3 �n;:�amity Pais College Exams ti Bill andn• Andrew, sons° of Mr,.. and Mrs. William E. Andrew. of Ashfield Township, were .'suc- cessful in - passing their examin- ations at O A.C., Guelph. ;Bill has finished the first .year of the , De- gree Course and John has com- pleted the second year. •• Bill went west to Tilley, Alberta six weeks ago and hired . with the Henuset Pipe , Line Company for the summer. He is thoroughly enjoying this new experience and the friendly people in that dis- trict. is-trict John is helping out on the home farm for the summer. Mr. David Gorlin of Sarnia, • a friend of John's f om . the 0 A C., An - 'drew g' his' home with the An- d _.._.. familyfor the summer while r he works in conjunction with the Dairy Branch of the College. He is temporarily Assistant l+ ieldinan for the creameries in the Wing- ham, Goderich, Clinton area. The cream- brought in by the farmers is given a rigid test for .acidity, flavour, etc. in an, attempt to im- prove the quality of butter. . To 'Complete B.A. Course Miss Louise Andrew was suc- cessful in obtaining her : winter course -in Philosophy and will :at- tend Waterloo College again this summer for • two more courses. She plans on taking leave of ab- sence from the Kitchener Public School staff next term to coim- plete her B.A. Degree at' water- loo .Lutheran " College. A new $20,000 Bethel • United Church will. rise from the ashes of the church , they lost by fire. over , a year -age .% Construction of the new brick veneer building is expected to get underway within a month and a completiondate has been set for early Fall. Bethel is located on Highway 21, midway between Pine River -and Kincar- dine. Ruins of . the old church have been 'dismantled and the lot com- pletely cleared. An application has been made to the. Department of Highways for al permit to .proceed with the construction of • the new church building which will sitfur- ther back from Highway 21 to the east. ' The new '. structure will be 27 by 47 feet and will have both an upstairs auditorium : or worship and a downstairs '. assem bly area, Contract for the 'cone struction of he• church has been' let to Mahood Lumber Co. of Kin- cardine Members of the . building com- mittee for the new Bethel church are Jim Elliott,' secretary, Jack Elliott, Ralph Elliott and Harold Courtney. Meet In. Orange Hall The congregation has made plans. to • meet for worship . in the Orange Hall apronss . the High- way from the, church site.; . Ser- vices will start in July with the arrival of ''the new minister Rev. Harold D. ' Pillen who will serve the charge of Bethel and Pine River. Rev. Donald MacKenzie, who . has been ' in charge,' of *the two congregations, leaves the end of June for his new charge 'at Kirkland ..Lake. The construction of the new , church is a notewor- thy undertaking for . the Bethel congregation 'which numbers less than 50 families, • Appoint Trustees • • A congregational. 'Meetingwas g held in' the ran a Hall oMon- day night at which time two new trustees were appointed. They are. Elmer. Courtney and ,Harvey Har rison who along with former trustees Murray Shelton and Bert Elliott will act in that. capacity. The resignation was accepted with regret of Trustee Mervyn. Funston who was thanked at the, meeting for his service. Present at the meeting ie. addition to members of the congregation was Rev. Don= ald MacKenzie, minister, and Rev: MacDonald of Kincardine a n .d Rev. Howard Strapp of Lucknow • representing ' Presbytery; Re v. ,MacDonald acted 'as - chairman. The congregation, which was very. I. well represented at. the • • ting, decided ,.te redecorate th seats from the former. church. They were not over 10 'years. ol when the fire hit the building nd are in good condition. Congregation 1' ears The history of a l e congregation goes. ° back: • 108 ears to 1 n. the first churc was buil on the present site. In rrange-- ments were made to build a new• church and while the new one' was being built to the north of the, : original' one, the • old ' log church burned down scorching the 'one. side of the new one. -'In 1926, -the ; church was.remodelled and Again • in 1953 remodelling was done. 1964 will see the third church on the same site, a tribute to the pioneers who established this con- gregation 108 years -ago. .' ° Set Open Hours • For Village' n Dump At, a '. special meeting of . ' the Village"'Council, open hours were decided upon for- the Municipal • garbage dump. The : dump will be open, cinder supervision, for one hour from. 7:00, to 8:00 o'clock on Mon day, Wednesday and Friday even- ings veningsof each week, and each Thursday : afternoon from 2:00 to. 4:00 p.m. At all other times •the dump P will' be locked. The utter disre- gard' by some people in disposing of garbage has led' to this lock - the -dump. policy. The supervised open hours will provide plenty; of access • to the property, and :it is : felt is the only ' answer to orderly disposal ' of '.refuse. The dump has been .a perennial' Problem . for Councils ` over the years, and it has _ proved costly from time to time in "cleaning it up." Recently the Council had , an- other cleanup of the property, and have fenced and locked it, in or- der ' to effectively carry out ' the new^ program for orderly dump. Council is also currently adver- tising ' dver-tising' for a municipal' employee to' succeed_..Hughie .MacMillan—whir has :, accepted another position.,' ' • Bruce Pr�sbyferyPast�ral —"Efe tve: July—Ist, `Rev Harold. D. Pillen will assume his duties as pastor. of the two-point charge of Pine River and Bethel .United Churches. • He will succeed ' Rev. Donald A. MacKenzie who is going to Kirkland Lake suburban:. Rev. MacKenzie's ministry will conclude at : Pine River - 'Bethel,with the former congregation, obse rving their centennial anniversary, and Bethel congregation - commencing h construction of a: new _ church ._ . to replace the one which:. was destroyed by fire. Rev. and Mrs. Pillen • who will occupy' the Manse • at Pine River, have a family of three children, two teenagers* and the ether' of ,public school age. Other Changes Other pastoral changes in Bruce. .Presbytery are at Bervie and Mildmay, • • ' Rev., Martin Rule •comes to 'the Bervie-Chalmers-Kinloss ' ,charge, as successor to' Rev. W. J. Car.- son. Rey.. Doug las L. Steven " has g been appointed to ,the . Belmore- Mildmay charge HOSPITALIZED. 'IN LONDON. WITH FRACTURED-a_HIP Wm. 0 Hunter of. town .is . a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon don,' where he underwent surgery on. Monday; : June ;8th to have' a pin put in his; hip. Mr..Hunter ;broke the ;lip .in. a fall at his home .the previous .Fri- day. He was' taken to Winghan' hospital . and . from 'there' to Lon- don...' Retires From Swine Associati�n Posf The''.Canadian Swine Breeders' Association is meeting' this week in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, when. they . will . officially deal with the resignation of S. Stothers, who has served 'as- secretary-treasurer. as• s cretar treasurer•. of : the y Assoc- iation, and editor :of the Assoc ration's magazine for some 'four- teen years. This ..is one' .of the activities which has kept Steve busy since, his retirement from the Agricul- ttiral.' Service Department. Mr. Stothers tendered his res- ignation : to the Association some time ago and• has . -been carrying on the duties; until his successor.. is named. Mr. aiid—=Mrs— -Stothers left for the 'East by train' the .first of the. week. They will also " visit in Ottawa. The: meeting of the Swine Breeders' Association. -will be on Friday . at Hotel •Charlottetown. The island province is ; going all' out this year ' .to focus' attention on the `Cradle , of Confederation" where pre -centennial .celebrations are—being--featured this -year. Blokes .tommupt� Honors. Phillips Blakes community' honored Mr. and Mrs. Herman Phillips 'at a social " evening at Blake's Church Hall on Saturday, • June 6. Mr. and • Mrs. Phillips have taken up residence in. the Henderson apart- ments on Lucknow's, main street' after thirty-seven years farming in the Blake ; community. For 30 years Herman operated a chopping mill ' on the ninth con- cession where they* lived - until year's g about seven a a• when the milling was discontinued. During a pleasant social' even-, ing, Jerry Cranston and Howard Blake ' presented Mr, and Mrs. Phillips with a lamp and electric' tea kettlefrom the community. Mrs. Phillips, received 'a cup and saucer from the ' W.M.S.. Their. son Bill Phillips now resides on the home farm. Brothers Together In Local Pulpit '�o :Mark 40#h Annirrersary Of �rdinafia�n , A service of unique interest was held in Lucknow United church, on Sunday, June 14th when Rev. Howard W. Strapp and his brother Rev. Oliver B. Strapp of Colpoy's Bays' Ontario, celebrated' forty years of ordination in the Christian ministry. ; • • On Sunday morning : Rev. H. "W Strapp conducted the service with his brother as guest speaker. Rev. "0' . B." as he . is . known, referred briefly .;to the personal importance of this anniversary to he and his. brother. They have shared diffi- cult times and : times of great happiness and: great joy, , and "we give ..thanks to God for .:all his goodness," he concluded. Rev. Strapp's sermon was bas- ed on -religious conditions in • the: United Arab Republic, where he was privileged to visit this past winter, and where the great maj- ority are ,:devout Moslems,.. who carry on. 'a quiet persecution •of the Christians. But more insid- ious • he. feels is the 'Western. World's tendency . to rationalize, a progressive lowering . of the moral standard. A family gathering . was held at The Parsonage " following the ser- vice to further mark., this mem- orable occasion. Rev. 0. B. Strapp was ordained at Hamilton on Sunday, June .1st, 1924 at which service Bishop F ,D. Leete,D.D. of the Methodist EpiscopalChurch was guest spea- ker and :.participated in;the . or- dination .se�' . iceH. a Rev.W.Strapp was ordained on June .15th,. 1924 • •. ntoxtli-_Aven_ue---C h m Toronto. The two brothers, born in Dart- ford, Kent, England, came, . to Canada in September, 1911, sett- ling with their parents at Oshawa. -Upon graduation their ministries within the church havebeen quite varied. Rev. H.. W. Strepp• In .1918. Howard. Strapp, the 'pre sent_ minister of Lucknow United Church, became a probationer for the Methodist Ministry . and re- eeived his theological training from ' Victoria and Knox. Colleges in Tor- onto and was ordained in 1924 by the . Toronto Conference at Dan - forth church. His first charge was • in the Barrie district On Septem- (Continued • on Page 2) Publish Pine ever Centenary History "A Centennial History" of Pine. River United Church is now avail- able' vailable' and has been' published in connection with the'one hundredth anniversary ;to . be marked this month. The 32 -page book, published by The Sentinel, is an interestingly detailed history of .the a,congrega- tion and sister congregations •at, Lurgan . and Amberley in earlier days, with which the Pine -River inseparably history` is 'associated. The Centennial Planning Com- mittee, : whose duties included the preparation of the book, is com- • prised" of James : Bradley, ; chair- man, .John'. Reid, Donald Court- ney, Robert Courtney, Mrs. Gor- don Elliott, Mrs. ;Eldon` Bradley, Mrs. John Blue and Rev. Donald A. MacKenzie, who- did the actual' • composition', .of the history. The congregation of Pine River will observe' their centennial an- niversary on the last Sunday , of the month, June . 28th, with Rev. Merrill, MacLeod of Trinity United 'Church, Guelph, .guest speaker at morning and . evening services. The occasion will • be highlighted by a homecoming of many for- mer residents, and following the morning . service there will be a -buffet luncheon which -will time of ' happya re- newing of friendships. •, ' At the morning service there will be the dedication of . gifts : and, memorials • and .the evening ser- vice will be marked by : the ded- ication of a new organ which has just been installed and the burn- ing of the mortgage, symbolic of the debt -free position of •• the :con- gregation, ` which in the past few years has undertaken major • cap- ital expenditures The nets manse was built in 1951, and the 18vely ,- new, church on Highway 21 at • the intersection of Con. 4 Huron Town- ship, was built ,in 1958. ' Nonagenarian Presents, Electronic Organ .To .Kinlough Anglican Church. On Sunda , June 28th, relatives, Following the service there will friends and neighbours of the Rev: he a reception and: 'a buffet lunch- 13enson' 'Cox are cordially invited eon. '° ' to the Anglican church at Kin A. few weeks ago. Mr•. Cox pre-+ lough for a special.service of sented the church. with a beatiti- S thanksgiving to 'mark his 90th ful • electronic organ which will be ' birthday, ` used at this time. • w • • i#