HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-10, Page 16PAG SIXTEEN
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.Aondsome!, int
sizes S, M,. l; XL
A .varlety. of
Wks :sad
• $1::90,
WALKING . • '.
dhoice of,
fabrics find
m New: patterns, succimer ' shades
■ patterns
+.:BELTS ...
ileather and elastic
■ . , '' Plain or initials
■ ' Shorties, ;Longs, small patterns
a plains .. .. ..
!'. Stripes and solid: shades
.. •for these summer zip
arid -
.......... ...........
3 ,
ByThe S
THAT seed potatoes.; have become
quite .difficult to, acquire and a
• classified' ad ' in last week's' is-
sue . sold a .lot for John Ruther-
ford "like hotcakes." ' By Fri-
day- he was sold out.
' .THAT Wilma .Hackett, daughter
of • Mr. and . `Mrs.. Donald Hac-
kett, R.R. 7 Lucknow wasthe.
winner . •of :a rotisserie broiler
given by the Singer Sewing Co.
at. the • Wingham. Trade Fair. It.
has a value of $37.95. • .
THAT Miss Karen .Carnegie of
'-Walkerton and formerly of Luck-
now, recently • received; her
Bachelor of Science degree
f r o:ni McMaster University,
THAT - Virden Mowbray was hos.
pitalized briefly the latter part..
of the week, as the result. of
a .. dislocated- shoulder which he.
suffered in a fall •while remov-
ing : a cyclone chaff feeder at the
'Flax Mill,
THAT Murray Hunter :and- Fraser
Ashton have both receivedword
of passingtheir. university -cour.,
ses with'. honor standing. Murray
is in first year Arts at .Univer-
sity of Waterloo, (Lutheran) and
Fraser inthird year in Micro
'Biology at OAC, • Guelph.
THAT we . had .an -error in a
; name , in' the ; list of .' kindergar-.
ten registrations last. week, - . and
to add 'insult to injury". we
gave a lad a .girl's' name. The
• proper listingshould have read
Craig ;Treleaven, who is .the
son of : Mr. and. Mrs. Jack: Tie
' leaven.: '
• ■•
and '.$2.00. '■
$150'•and $2.00 �'•
25c .and 5,Oc I
. A
and •.
$2.98.: to $5.95
• $5 95 ':and•:$6..95•. ■, •
'$1.00:;'"and $1x50 LI■.
$2.98, $3.95, $4.95
■ •rn; summer •shades
■HATS . .
■ New straws for: summer wear
■ SLACKS: . .
Tropicals, terrylene and wool, t
w r' .,-..�._a_nd '.cottons.'. washables from . •■
Free Pick -Up and D elivery ` Monday and Th
Ladies" aad Men's :Wear
.� 28-2126`
. .PHONE. 5
-THAT Lynda Campbell, ' 5 -year-
old daughter ',of Mr. and . Mrs.
Bob Campbell of Lucknow, un-
derwent an operation for hernia
in Wirigham -Hospital on Mon-
day ot last week, She was able
to return home' Thursday.
THAT ' the Lucknow District High
School Band will . sponsor a per-
formance in Lucknow on Sep-
tember 25th by the. Schneider
Choir of Kitchener.
THAT it's examination time at'
Lucknow :'District High `. School:
For Grade 13 students ` "this is
it in .concluding .: a strenuous
year. Other grades are : writing
on the basis of an exam -a -day.
THAT the• Explorers and Mes-
sengers 'or the United Church
concluded the , term's meetings
on Monday when. their leaders,
Mrs. Harold Greer,and Mrs.L.
• E. Goyette took thm on a pie-
. nic : outing to the. Greer .farm.
.THAT anew asphalt shingle roof.
has' been .r put 'on the. Lucknow
.United Church House by Bob
Campbell. ;This property was
the former. • Allin: residence, ad-
jacent to:. the church on '' the
. north side and was .acquired a
:few - years ago by' 'the congre-
ongregation- to , provide, Sunday School
accomodation,: and ;other meet-
facilities. ..
THAT two brothers,.' Rev. H. W.
Strapp of Lucknow. United
• Church and Rev. Oliver Strapp'
will 'observe the fortieth anni-
versary: of their ordination on
• Sunday, and will : be associated
in conducting ;the service in the
United Church on Sunday mor-
;THAT the .following members of
the Ladies Auxiliary to . the
Lucknow Branch of theoyal
• Canadian Legion attendee. the
Zone C-1 Rally : at Exeter last
week:. Mrs. ' Rena Lyons, Mrs
Anna Johnstone, Mrs. Shirley
Cooke; Mrs... Susan McNaugh--
ton, Mrs.. 'Amanda Hamilton
Mrs. Mildred. "Mickey". Inglis,
Mrs: Veronica King, Mrs, Sadie
• Han1 lton, ,Mrs. Eunice Cunning-
THAT guests at the Lucknow' and
District. Lions Club meeting on
Monday were Dr. Peter John
ston,',the new veterinary here;
John Wherry,. ,a. student min*
ister, who is employed at Silver-
wood Dairies daring - the Stun-
-met and will supply the United
Church pulpit; in July while Rev,
Strapp is on vacation. Dan Rose,
agricultural representative at
Erne in the Parry Sound dis-
trig; 'who with his wife and son
David are holidaying . With re-
latives in the community.
THA in , observance of •National
Shut -In week, open house was
THAT Miss , Janet Finlayson,' ' held at Pinecrest Manor Nut's
daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Clark ing Home in' Lucknow on Sun=
Fuilayson, has successfully coin- day' from 2 to '.4 in the ' after
pleted, ' her second year in arts , noon. Over :, •eighty visited'. the
y- with tea and cookies be-,.
at University' of Waterloo (Lit- home
t the past ing. served. Mrs. George ' An-
theran). Janet-spen • _ . . - . ,
.e Anderson . of
Week it Toronto before leaving ..':..drew and Mrs. Joe
for. Banff where she will be Lucknow and Miss Anna Mae
employed for the summer at MacDonald of Kintail poured
The Chateau at Litke Lou :se, ( . tea:
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10th.: 104
Ali'e'n's :Tall 4.8 -oz,
Fruit Drinks $410.:
Supreme' L'arg 5 -oz.
Instant' Toffee Sale
Maple Leaf •(8" slices)
Cheese - Slices • Sale •
t Lawrence ;(for. frying) 25 oz.
ern Oil Sale
3 fins ;$1
SAVE 10c
jar 79c
SAVE Tai 3c
kgs. S5c �.
tin 59c
With. $5 Cash Purchase. %i: -gal.
:.Ice Cream Deal
Only -69c
.'We; Sell For Less 'Value : Effect#ve
Phone. Lucknow 528 3420 �June 1, 12,, . 13
( Continued . from page i )
ironed firemen.' :Shortly after the
siren rang, Mr. White appeared
at his upstair's front `south bed-
room window and' hung < out . the
window Until. a. ladder: was placed
by firemen. . John Dodds, . Joe
Fludder, `.'` Roddy: ' MacDonald and
Jack Scott aided Mr. White from
the • window, but he " was - :able to
go ' down the ladder himself, lit-
tle the worse :' for ' his experience:
For a . time the Ripley Fire De-.
partment feared .for: the entire
Ripley.. business. :section. but :it was',
not Jong before they had, the fire
under control. ` The 'downstairs
business portion was ; badly gut-
ted. The, upstairs of the home .was
less severely damaged .by actual
fire but the ;whole_ building suf-
fered ,quite .heavily from water
and. -smoke damage .'in. addition
'to • actual fire loss: Fire ..chief
THAT the. canopy on the 'Tom An-
derson apartment building on
Campbell St. has been removed
/and. is being replaced with an-
.: other one •nby Tom;. ''Old Tim-
ers" will associate 'the' original
rain . and sun • shelter 'with the
Thomas Reid bakery and 'rest-
aurantwhich was one of Luk-
now's :early business enterprises,
and ..when. disposed• =of by , the
Reid . family .: was converted to
an.. apartment building.
THAT Belfast school, their :teach-
er Don 'Cameron and about 20
• adults.;. made up ' a btis load of
.close to. 50, that ,with bus driver
Allan Reed .: visited Niagara'
Falls,. Brooks Monument, Nab-
isco -Shredded - Wheat Co., On-
tario Hydro Plant and the locks
at Thorold last :Friday. The
.money to send the'. pupils was
raised • through, the holding of
'winter card parties at tC'h •e
( THAT Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd Collins;
Lori, Janice and Julie have
moved :from Brampton to their
farm on ,,Highway 21 between
Amberley and Kintail. Lloyd re-
cently purchased the farm from
Larry MacIntyre and is present-
ly living' on the JoeMaclntyre
farm until his own ' place is
ready for occupancy. Lloyd is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram
Collins of Lucknow and his wife
hireis the daughter. of Mr.
and Mrs. doe Macintyre, for.
merly of Kintail. • •
Gordon Scott --left .Tiley;, nail .. the
fire pretty Well well licked' by 6 ,a.m.
The origin of the fire appeared
to be about the centre of the.
building. downstairs on the south
side. At this '. location is a store
room • w t .h • 'stairways - running
from.. thefront street and back
to a landing in the ` apartment.
It would have been very unlikely
that Mr. Whfte could .have .made
his way. 'down the :stairs through .
this. dense smoke and : fire area.
Pet ,parrot Lost '•
A :pet' parrot'`, Polly", which the
White • family hove .had for : 35:
years was ' lost in : the : fire..The°
age • of the 'bird is not known.
It was supposed' to be an old
bird when -it : was. acquired.: 35
years . ago
Served Ripley 45 Years
. The White Drug Store in Ripley
has .been a -familiar business spot
for ; the past- 45 years. Mr. White
started business - there in July,
1919 in the former MacCrimmon
Drug Store which was-ilnot-roper-
ating' at that time. The White
family have lived over the drug
store all .that time.. Mrs. White
passed away 1i years ago •and
Mr. White has resided alone since.
then. He has • no immediate plans
for the c, future of the store. An
mediate estimate ' of the loss
was ,not available Tuesday. • Mr.
White has been at- ' the home of
daughter Mrs. Dave , MacDon.
ald of Lochalsh since the fire:
Adjacent Buildings : Sufhr
Bill . McCreath's. Furniture Store
located . next door to . the south of
the White, Store suffered:quite ex-,'
tensively from. , smoke. The Hoo=
isma - building - to the- north also.
wase, filled with ;smoke and it was
feltby the' owner the first of
the week that; redecoration would
be necessary. There was no 'fire
break through into either of the
adjacent. buildings.
• Word • Tuesday.: is' that a firm
from London will, be moving in
to do cleaning and deodorizing of
the McCreath, 'Ho6isma, and Watt
Culbert stores },The Culbert build-
ing is south of the McCreath
store and. suffered from t h e
smoke, Bill McCreath has .furni-
ture , stored over the Culbert ' shop'
and a door was open upstairs be-.
t. , , buildings. ' Reg
tween the two
s tore located north of
H� seta'
from , suffered only lightly
the • smoke,
Sill NtcCreath
plans a fire sale after a settle-
ment has been • made bn the
stroke damage,