HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-10, Page 8E'U ..H:T' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, i'UCKNOW, ONTARIO t. .r i�• :+r 2�. .,4. r. 'Pr.sbytt mart 'On' Junethe 3rd, the regular meeting of the Lucknow W.M.S. was held in the Church. Mrs. C. Finlayson . opened .the meeting With a' poem, and prayer and also gave ,a ' reading. . The 3rd chapter of Ecclesiastes, verses 1 to 8 were read in unison, followed. by the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. C, Cook gave the Bible Study. The resignatiop of Miss . Gladys: McDonald, as leader "of the C.G.I.T. was consid- ered, and a new leader was to be found. A letter of appreciation 'was , to be sent Miss . MacDonald. ' for her faithful, and diligent work. The report of the visiting commit- tee was: .heard and Mrs. J. Adams,: 'offered • to accompany: Mrs. C.. Cook to relieve Mrs. " P. Stewart, ' for the months of . July and August. It ' : was. announced that the bale should be in the end of June, and the allocation was $27.50. Mrs. Speir, of Brus- sels, president of the Presbyterial, was. suggested as speaker for the next meeting, . which` was to be in the form of , a picnic. The roll call was • a verse from Joshua. The : offertory prayer Was, taken by Mrs. Finlayson. A lovely piano solo "I love to . tell the story", with variations . was given by "Miss. M. Malcolm. The Prayer Circle' was taken by . Mrs. C. Agnew, Mrs.' ° J. Little and Mrs. M. Henderson. Mrs. W. Porteous took the mission study "Partners in . South Asia", and stressed that we " all should. be partners in winning souls . for Christ. Themeeting was. closed "with; prayer by Mrs.. K. Chester.' 'Unit 2 United Church Women. '. South "Kinless W.M.S. Mrs. Jim Burt was hostess to South Kinloss W.M.S.in Kairshea. Hall on .June• 2 with Mrs.: Harry Lavis and;' • Mrs. D. L. MacKin- non as directors. Mrs, Ted Coll- yer and • Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall conducted .the meeting •and ar ranggements . were made " for " a special Home Helpers meeting ..on June .26. Mrs. _ W. F MacDonald •to' Kin= was appointed delegate . Kin - tail Camp, meeting. The member to receive the Life 'Member cer- tificate was. chosen " . by ballot; Mrs. D. L. " . MacKinnon read the scripture lesson and Jeremiah 14 was the chapter " studied with the roll call being "iniquity." ' Mrs. Hughes gave the treasurer's .re - ,port re -,port and Mrs. MacMillan the re- port on the bale. Mrs. Herb, Buckton." gave a reading and Mrs: Currie Colwell . had charge' of the prayer .: circle. '. Mrs. Ross Mac- Millan gave a report of the Pres- byterial " meeting ' " held in • Brus- sels, afternoon and evening ses- sions . and:: Mrs. `.Douglas Graham gave findings of the Executive meeting held earlier, as 'well as a review . 'of current missionary happenings. Mrs. Lavis gave the courtesy remarks and hostess and directors served " refreshments.' Unit 2 ' held their June 'meet-. ing ;at the home . of Mrs. J. W. Joynt. Mrs. E. Wightman 'opened: the meeting with • a reading. A hymn was sung and the Lord's :prayer repeated in unison. The theme of the devotions was "The Cliurch" : and, was capably `given by , Mrs. H ' Strapp. Psalm 744., was read followed by prayer. The :roll. call "An, item from The Ob- server" was answered by ` 21 members. The minutes were read :and adopted. The next meeting will be held September .8th, one 'Week . later than usual. The gen— eral eral . meeting with : the Citizenship committee in, charge: will be held June 16th in' the church fellow ship room. A panel discussion +cornprising;. of , Mrs. Alex Andrew, Mrs. K. Cameron, Mrs. W.:What- ry and Mrs. G. Whitby ,dealt with the U.C.W. and their, work in the past two years. Questions, _taken from items in The Observer; were answered. Mrs. ' J. W. Joynt and Mrs. E. Ackert favored us with a 'duet ,accompanied ' by : Mrs.. H. Strapp. Mrs. E. Wightman closed. the • meeting with ' prayer. A Bib- lical contest was conducted. Lunch was served ley` the hostesses. Slakes -United Church . Women The theme of the Grandmothers' meeting of Makes U.C.W. held ' :at. the manse, was "The Form of a Servant." Mrs J, Arnold " was in charge of the program. Psalm 145 was read responsively. Mrs: Wm. Andrew read the scripture lesson. Readings by several ; Grand mothers were enjoyed very much. The roll call~ answered by paying "A penny for each inch of waist line", with 14 adults and 1 child present. The .chapter' from the study book was taken by Mrs. L. Menary. The herald's report oix "Home Missions" . .was given• by Mrs. W. Zinn. ''Lunch was served w'' by` the non -grandmothers. Unit 4 United, Church Women' • The last meeting of the Spring, for Unit 4, was held at •the home of Miss Helen Thompson, The convenors were Mrs. J. Treleaven and. Mrs. B. McKenzie. -The meet- ing opened witha brief Worship service led byMrs. McKenzie and Mrs. J. Boyle. This was fol- lowed by two well -played piano selections, given by 'Bob Hall, son of the . Unit's president, ,Mrs, E. Hall. The theme of the • meeting was. the United Church • Observer. A question andanswer periodwas. followed by several interesting": quotations and readings. from The Observer, and ' all • members ex- pressed their enthusiasm for this type of programme. 'A . brief bus- iness session ,preceded a penny auction : sale, where members of the Unit had a chance to , bid. on many useful articles. •. Refresh- ments were . then served by the. committee convening the meet- ing, and the group adjourned un- til September. ' Unit : 1 United Church Women Unit 1 of Lucknow U.C.W. -met at the :home of Mrs. A. °E Mc- Kim with 15 members in atten- dance. Mrs. McDiarmid opened" the meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs.: O. Brooks, with a hymn, prayer and repeating the -Lord's Prayer in unison. ` Roll call was .answered with an item from The Observer. Mrs. Drennan re- ported eighteen calls :to.. sickand shut-ins. Mrs. .S B. Stothers re- ported on : literature; Mrs. Geo. Stuart . on Stewardship, . Mrs. W. B. Anderson on Citizenship; Mrs. C. Webster ' took the chair for the program r opening with pray- er and a hymn. Mrs. Stothers gave a Bible :'reading from Luke 15-11-32, followed :by, • meditation. Mrs. Balzer gave 'a reading . titled (My Purpose). Mrs. C. ' Webster, Mrs , McDiarmid, Mrs. Joynt, Mrs." W. B. Anderson and. Mrs. E. Taylor discussed the past and.: future of U.C.W. taken' from The Observer.` ;Mrs. Collins „favored with a mouth organ Selection. Questions; from The Observer were prepared by Mrs. . R. H. Thomp- son. Mrs. McKim gave a paper on " lotteries, ' sweepstakes, bin- gos, ' etc. Mrs. Geo. Stuart ex- plained the crest of U.C.W. of Canada. ' The mizpah benediction was 'repeated. Mrs. McKim and. committee served a dainty, lunch. St. Mary's C.W.L.' Unit 3' United Church Women' • Unit 3 . U•C.W; • met at the home of Mrs. E. S. Lewis on 'Tuesday. afternoon. Miss . Ada Webster was in the chair and 19 ladies answer- ed. the "roll call with. a news item from The Observer. Mrs. E. "Hen- derson reported for the social committee' that the . Smorgasbord supper,cwas quite. successful Mrs. V. Hunter reported for the citizen-. ship. committee' ' and Mrs. ' E. Lewis for the . supply. The bale will be packed in June and anyone :having good clean used clothing is asked to ; leave ` same. .at . the church., Mrs. .G. Saunders • gave. the report for community friend- ship and a card was 'sent from ;the. group to Mrs. Downey: whomet. with an accident. Miss Margaret Rae took the chair for the Wor- ship period and : opened . with prayer ' ' and meditation. . Mrs., Breckles. took ' the topic "Salva- tion" as •propounded by the ;Evan- gelist Billy Graham'. A panel dis- cussion on The. Observerproved very. interesting .and was, well taken. Miss Ada Webster . asked questionson the meaning of the. United ;Church' crest and . explain- ed the meaning ' of ` each emblem which appear • thereon. This was - very" enlightening and was much enjoyed. `: The meeting closed with a, hymn and, the benediction. Rev, Fr. Malak opened . the June meeting -with the . League prayer .recited in unison with .:ten members present. The General Intention which is a Christian sol- ution to rural problems and the Mission ''Intention which is con- version of 'Japan to . Christianity were given. The 4th annual' Lon- don Diocesan held ' in Sarnia this year was discussed. A resolution to petition the federal• government for legislation to reduce physical abuse. of children : was passed. 'A request for increased coverageun- der the . Ontario Hospital Insur ance for ,a • dependent up to 21 years .of age who is attending schoolor solely supported by the -.parent—:•was___another resolution. passed. Four Sarnia high school students formed a " panel to dis- cuss adult attitudes . toward teen- age fads, etc. All claimed adults St. Augustine C. W. L. stress, the wrong-doingsof youth The monthly meeting of . the rather.' than the good . deeds. CWL of St. Augustine was held in C.W.L . members of the London the rectory with ` a good attend- 'Diocesan '. Council helped secure tThe meeting was s .opened foster homes for 46 children with the League Prayer led byawell as 28 adoptive homes Father Malak. It was decided to for. 33', children. Mrs. P. Mac- give a gift to the newly weds of Donald donated a hand -made the parish, the First Communion quilt -top which League members class and successful Grade 8 stu- will quilt during August. Fr. Mal - dents nts from the Separate School. ' ak closed the meeting with pray Mrs; Redmond thanked Fr. Malak er and this is the final meeting for hisy co-operation in the past until . Ste�pptember Mr, and Mrs. twoyears and wished him. sue, Grant Chisholm were gracious cess in his new parish.:: hosts then for a steak barbecue :Lunch" was served: by Mrs. Gus and smorgasbord lunch, after Redmond and Mrs. Julien Delber- 'which' a Social time was enjoyed quep at the close of :;the meeting. by all. :WE.DNESDAY:I, JUNE;' 10th, 1, 0. ATTENTION FARMERS!' Weed Control Gr�in .Corn::Cros ,lircraftSpraying" 8 ozs. 2-4-D $ 1.55- per acre, chemical supplied; -- ., 8 .ozs. M CP -`" er' acref chemical'. supplied on.:seeded. crops,' $2 per ILTON Sk'1 11 Albert ' Airport again this year/ Based at Old Port << "collect"lle Phone Goderich oct" 524-7154 .. This reminds meof my 4V1111—Pin PE ANOTHER. QUALITY PRODUCT FROM, SU'NBEAM STYLED ,' RICHT Wouldn't You like to ,travel through your leisure hovers appth of comfortably soft Outdoes? Not practicat... Not'posslble? Don't give up:hope! Now you can enjoy this luxury: with a pair of rtippetcantal' ehoc$. 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Ten of .these are health -boosting. ingredients, Every bag of Purina Chick Startena has vitamins,, minerals, antibiotics and a special coccidiosis control ---to help keep •those chicks on' the road to"'prcifits What s • more important to you, Purina, Chick Startena. `s:.Micro-Mixed • o t g : ''that every thick gets its'proper share. of .all 26. ingredients, EVERY DAY! • • Why not stop in and let's discuss your :frock: Our :Outside..Salesman, will be pleased to , give' you advice and help in getting your next batch of chicks • ' off to 'a . fast,► safe start.. on the Purina .Program. He'd like to help ,;you prove to yourself Purina. feeding:CAN 'cost you less!. • FOR, FAST, EFFICIENT 'FEED SERVICE CALL ' LUCKNOW , • .; . PHONE 5284636 tana ans .IA0- want bigger profits tornorro ,r, feedP.'utina 'Chows to' dot r r■ r■r■ lir■ rrlre. . m m .. . . r B■rr rr �l: ritt rliii M A teleala