HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-10, Page 8E'U ..H:T'
'Pr.sbytt mart
'On' Junethe 3rd, the regular
meeting of the Lucknow W.M.S.
was held in the Church. Mrs. C.
Finlayson . opened .the meeting
With a' poem, and prayer and also
gave ,a ' reading. . The 3rd chapter
of Ecclesiastes, verses 1 to 8 were
read in unison, followed. by the
Lord's Prayer. Mrs. C, Cook gave
the Bible Study. The resignatiop
of Miss . Gladys: McDonald, as
leader "of the C.G.I.T. was consid-
ered, and a new leader was to
be found. A letter of appreciation
'was , to be sent Miss . MacDonald.
' for her faithful, and diligent work.
The report of the visiting commit-
tee was: .heard and Mrs. J.
Adams,: 'offered • to accompany:
Mrs. C.. Cook to relieve Mrs. " P.
Stewart, ' for the months of . July
and August. It ' : was. announced
that the bale should be in the
end of June, and the allocation
was $27.50. Mrs. Speir, of Brus-
sels, president of the Presbyterial,
was. suggested as speaker for the
next meeting, . which` was to be
in the form of , a picnic. The roll
call was • a verse from Joshua.
The : offertory prayer Was, taken
by Mrs. Finlayson. A lovely piano
solo "I love to . tell the story",
with variations . was given by "Miss.
M. Malcolm. The Prayer Circle'
was taken by . Mrs. C. Agnew, Mrs.'
° J. Little and Mrs. M. Henderson.
Mrs. W. Porteous took the mission
study "Partners in . South Asia",
and stressed that we " all should.
be partners in winning souls . for
Christ. Themeeting was. closed
"with; prayer by Mrs.. K. Chester.'
'Unit 2 United Church Women. '.
South "Kinless W.M.S.
Mrs. Jim Burt was hostess to
South Kinloss W.M.S.in Kairshea.
Hall on .June• 2 with Mrs.: Harry
Lavis and;' • Mrs. D. L. MacKin-
non as directors. Mrs, Ted Coll-
yer and • Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall
conducted .the meeting •and ar
ranggements . were made " for " a
special Home Helpers meeting ..on
June .26. Mrs. _ W. F MacDonald
•to' Kin=
was appointed delegate .
Kin -
tail Camp, meeting. The member
to receive the Life 'Member cer-
tificate was. chosen " . by ballot;
Mrs. D. L. " . MacKinnon read the
scripture lesson and Jeremiah 14
was the chapter " studied with the
roll call being "iniquity." ' Mrs.
Hughes gave the treasurer's .re -
re -,port and Mrs. MacMillan the re-
port on the bale. Mrs. Herb,
Buckton." gave a reading and Mrs:
Currie Colwell . had charge' of the
prayer .: circle. '. Mrs. Ross Mac-
gave a report of the Pres-
byterial " meeting ' " held in • Brus-
sels, afternoon and evening ses-
sions . and:: Mrs. `.Douglas Graham
gave findings of the Executive
meeting held earlier, as 'well as
a review . 'of current missionary
happenings. Mrs. Lavis gave the
courtesy remarks and hostess and
directors served " refreshments.'
Unit 2 ' held their June 'meet-.
ing ;at the home . of Mrs. J. W.
Joynt. Mrs. E. Wightman 'opened:
the meeting with • a reading.
A hymn was sung and the Lord's
:prayer repeated in unison. The
theme of the devotions was "The
Cliurch" : and, was capably `given
by , Mrs. H ' Strapp. Psalm 744.,
was read followed by prayer. The
:roll. call "An, item from The Ob-
server" was answered by ` 21
members. The minutes were read
:and adopted. The next meeting
will be held September .8th, one
'Week . later than usual. The gen—
eral . meeting with : the Citizenship
committee in, charge: will be held
June 16th in' the church fellow
ship room. A panel discussion
+cornprising;. of , Mrs. Alex Andrew,
Mrs. K. Cameron, Mrs. W.:What-
ry and Mrs. G. Whitby ,dealt with
the U.C.W. and their, work in the
past two years. Questions, _taken
from items in The Observer; were
answered. Mrs. ' J. W. Joynt and
Mrs. E. Ackert favored us with
a 'duet ,accompanied ' by : Mrs.. H.
Strapp. Mrs. E. Wightman closed.
the • meeting with ' prayer. A Bib-
lical contest was conducted. Lunch
was served ley` the hostesses.
Slakes -United Church . Women
The theme of the Grandmothers'
meeting of Makes U.C.W. held ' :at.
the manse, was "The Form of a
Servant." Mrs J, Arnold " was in
charge of the program. Psalm 145
was read responsively. Mrs: Wm.
Andrew read the scripture lesson.
Readings by several ; Grand
mothers were enjoyed very much.
The roll call~ answered by paying
"A penny for each inch of waist
line", with 14 adults and 1 child
present. The .chapter' from the
study book was taken by Mrs. L.
Menary. The herald's report oix
"Home Missions" . .was given• by
Mrs. W. Zinn. ''Lunch was served
w'' by` the non -grandmothers.
Unit 4 United, Church Women'
• The last meeting of the Spring,
for Unit 4, was held at •the home
of Miss Helen Thompson, The
convenors were Mrs. J. Treleaven
and. Mrs. B. McKenzie. -The meet-
ing opened witha brief Worship
service led byMrs. McKenzie
and Mrs. J. Boyle. This was fol-
lowed by two well -played piano
selections, given by 'Bob Hall, son
of the . Unit's president, ,Mrs, E.
Hall. The theme of the • meeting
was. the United Church • Observer.
A question andanswer periodwas.
followed by several interesting":
quotations and readings. from The
Observer, and ' all • members ex-
pressed their enthusiasm for this
type of programme. 'A . brief bus-
iness session ,preceded a penny
auction : sale, where members of
the Unit had a chance to , bid.
on many useful articles. •. Refresh-
ments were . then served by the.
committee convening the meet-
ing, and the group adjourned un-
til September. '
Unit : 1 United Church Women
Unit 1 of Lucknow U.C.W. -met
at the :home of Mrs. A. °E Mc-
Kim with 15 members in atten-
dance. Mrs. McDiarmid opened"
the meeting in the absence of the
president, Mrs.: O. Brooks, with
a hymn, prayer and repeating the
-Lord's Prayer in unison. ` Roll call
was .answered with an item from
The Observer. Mrs. Drennan re-
ported eighteen calls :to.. sickand
shut-ins. Mrs. .S B. Stothers re-
ported on : literature; Mrs. Geo.
Stuart . on Stewardship, . Mrs. W.
B. Anderson on Citizenship; Mrs.
C. Webster ' took the chair for
the program r opening with pray-
and a hymn. Mrs. Stothers
gave a Bible :'reading from Luke
15-11-32, followed :by, • meditation.
Mrs. Balzer gave 'a reading . titled
(My Purpose). Mrs. C. ' Webster,
Mrs , McDiarmid, Mrs. Joynt,
Mrs." W. B. Anderson and. Mrs.
E. Taylor discussed the past and.:
future of U.C.W. taken' from The
Observer.` ;Mrs. Collins „favored
with a mouth organ Selection.
Questions; from The Observer were
prepared by Mrs. . R. H. Thomp-
Mrs. McKim gave a paper
on " lotteries, ' sweepstakes, bin-
gos, ' etc. Mrs. Geo. Stuart ex-
plained the crest of U.C.W. of
Canada. ' The mizpah benediction
was 'repeated. Mrs. McKim and.
committee served a dainty, lunch.
St. Mary's C.W.L.'
Unit 3' United Church Women' •
Unit 3 . U•C.W; • met at the home
of Mrs. E. S. Lewis on 'Tuesday.
afternoon. Miss . Ada Webster was
in the chair and 19 ladies answer-
ed. the "roll call with. a news item
from The Observer. Mrs. E. "Hen-
derson reported for the social
committee' that the . Smorgasbord
supper,cwas quite. successful Mrs.
V. Hunter reported for the citizen-.
ship. committee' ' and Mrs. ' E.
Lewis for the . supply. The bale
will be packed in June and anyone
:having good clean used clothing
is asked to ; leave ` same. .at . the
church., Mrs. .G. Saunders • gave.
the report for community friend-
ship and a card was 'sent from ;the.
group to Mrs. Downey: whomet.
with an accident. Miss Margaret
Rae took the chair for the Wor-
ship period and : opened . with
prayer ' ' and meditation. . Mrs.,
Breckles. took ' the topic "Salva-
tion" as •propounded by the ;Evan-
gelist Billy Graham'. A panel dis-
cussion on The. Observerproved
very. interesting .and was, well
taken. Miss Ada Webster . asked
questionson the meaning of the.
United ;Church' crest and . explain-
ed the meaning ' of ` each emblem
which appear • thereon. This was -
very" enlightening and was much
enjoyed. `: The meeting closed with
a, hymn and, the benediction.
Rev, Fr. Malak opened . the
June meeting -with the . League
prayer .recited in unison with .:ten
members present. The General
Intention which is a Christian sol-
ution to rural problems and the
Mission ''Intention which is con-
version of 'Japan to . Christianity
were given. The 4th annual' Lon-
don Diocesan held ' in Sarnia this
year was discussed. A resolution
to petition the federal• government
for legislation to reduce physical
abuse. of children : was passed. 'A
request for increased coverageun-
der the . Ontario Hospital Insur
ance for ,a • dependent up to 21
years .of age who is attending
schoolor solely supported by the
-.parent—:•was___another resolution.
passed. Four Sarnia high school
students formed a " panel to dis-
cuss adult attitudes . toward teen-
age fads, etc. All claimed adults
St. Augustine C. W. L. stress, the wrong-doingsof youth
The monthly meeting of . the rather.' than the good . deeds.
CWL of St. Augustine was held in C.W.L . members of the London
the rectory with ` a good attend- 'Diocesan '. Council helped secure
tThe meeting was
s .opened foster homes for 46 children
with the League Prayer led byawell
as 28 adoptive homes
Father Malak. It was decided to for. 33', children. Mrs. P. Mac-
give a gift to the newly weds of Donald donated a hand -made
the parish, the First Communion quilt -top which League members
class and successful Grade 8 stu- will quilt during August. Fr. Mal -
nts from the Separate School. ' ak closed the meeting with pray
Mrs; Redmond thanked Fr. Malak er and this is the final meeting
for hisy co-operation in the past until . Ste�pptember Mr, and Mrs.
twoyears and wished him. sue, Grant Chisholm were gracious
cess in his new parish.:: hosts then for a steak barbecue
:Lunch" was served: by Mrs. Gus and smorgasbord lunch, after
Redmond and Mrs. Julien Delber- 'which' a Social time was enjoyed
quep at the close of :;the meeting. by all.
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