HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-05-27, Page 15WEDNESDAY, .MAY 27th, 1964
U.W.O. 'Gradual
In Engineering
° A Colwell re -union was held at Thomas
W. Kempton,, retired
the •home of Mr. and Mrs. Currie Ripley business .man and a native
• Colwell on Sunday. Thosepresent of Ashfield Township,. died in .Kin-
• included: Mr, and Mrs. Don Mc- cardine hospital on Wednesday,
Cosh and family, Mr, and Mrs. May 13th,; after a lingering ill
Walter;. Forster and family, Mr. ness. He was 77 .years of age.
and Mrs. Ardell Mason and Mr,
and Mrs. Roy Webster .and
fa it Born .in Ashfield 'Township on
Y October :29th, 1886, he was one of
Congratulations to " Sandy. Mac- a family of • six children of Wil-
• '.Kenzie whose name appear with .liam Kempton and Marion. Me-
ttle engineeringgraduates o: the Rae, He had' -been a- resident . of
Western University. He leaves Ripley since 1921 and was a highly
soon for a: position in Calgary, esteemed citizen of the village and
Mr and Mrs. Ira Dickie attend-' districts being interested in all
edthe funeral of the late Mr,
Thos. Ross in Toronto on Friday..,
The -leaders and scouts returned
from their canoe trip in Algon-
quin Park on Thursday night. An-
other group enjoyed a weekend.
camp_ at _Camp Martin. •
Miss Isabel Welsh *'of Owen
Sound who has just completed .her at Port Hope . to Rena Coiling of
term at Stratford . Teachers' ..Col- Bruce, 'who survives with a, fam-
lege is visiting at the home of -Mr. ,ily of one son, William -C. ' Kemp-.
and Mrs, :Lloyd MacDougall. while ton of Amberley, and one ,daugh-
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey . MacDougall ter,. Mrs. E. G. Torrible. • (Betty)
are holidaying in Europe. of. Kingston.. '
Mr. and Mrs.. Gilbert Hamilton . Surviving also . are two, sisters;
and Ross , visited Sunday with Mr. ' Mrs.. J. Moss Beeler (Sophia) of
and Mrs. John,Hamilton
and fam- I Meridian, Mississippi; Mrs. Har-
ily inClinton. { old Bogie (Tabitha) ' of: Goderich
Mrs. Ray Taylor,'Walkerton and • and a. :brother, Wm. H. Kempton.
Mrs. Larry, ` Brocklebank ' and Lu-, of . London:- ' •
anne ;Windsor, ,visited last Thurs 1, .He .Was predeceased by two sis-
day with Mrs. Harvey Houston: ters, Miss Christena •(Tena)
Sunday visitors with Mr.. and ' Kempton of Detroit in 1948 and
Mrs. Harvey Houston, Kenneth ,Nora in infancy. '
and' Wallace, •.were Mr and -:Mrs.: : Mr. Kempton was a•. member.
Stu. •:Perrin, Mrs. Marlene. Ras of the Ripley I.O,O.F:.Lodge and
borough, `Mrs. Isobel ' Pegg and of Old Light. Masonic Lodge, with
son :Stuart, also James J. Houston, the last rites of both orders being
all •'of Newmarket. ' - .conferred at memorial services on
Diedin 78th Year
Honor _Parents On
40th Anniversary
Mr, and Mrs;. Elmer Farrish of
Gorri ,; and formerly of Ashfield,
will be forty years married on
Thursday, May 28th.
To ' mark the event and honor.
their parents, a family gathering
Was held on Sunday at the home
of Mr, and Mrs: Donald Leader
of . Lucknow, ,.with ' twenty mem-
bers of the immediate family in
attendance. '
Unable' to attend were two. sons,
Jasper • Farrish , in the RCAF 'in
France and Johnston Farrish, who
is serving in the Canadian Navy
community activities, at Victoria. "
Mr, Ke'nipton was a member. of Other : members ' of their family
Ripley United Church and served are Bower •Farrish sof Goderich,
on the : Board of Stewards:. For WroxMrs. George Adam$ (Maxine) of.
many' years he served on the .eter and Mrs, � Donald Leader.
Ripley 'Board of Education and at (Millie) of Lucknow. There 'are
• sixteen grandchildren..
one 'time acted as" fu a chief Mir,• and Mrs Farrish were each
In October .1932 he was married presented with a pen and • pencil
set. They left Monday to spend
a week ` in 'Ottawa. , '
Mrs,: Farrish is:the former Hilda
Whyte of Holstein and Elmer is
the • son of the late Mr. and Mrs:.
;John Farrish. of Ashfield.
r".... ..,,• .
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The ZENITH. ' CUSTOM DELUXE ,14 cubic foot -
Frost Free Refrigerator -Freezer will give you •the most
modern frig Tea,Tures. at-a::.most attractive•
The ' PopularTwo-Door Model..,.
, __. cif and {,� u,.
refrigerator. capacity.
apa y lZc
.gives 9.85 cu. feet of
feet of,freez�r capacity with separate doors for ' each"
Zenith On -0isplay At
.:. Phone 528 -
Thursday evening at the MacLen-
nan Funeral Home in Ripley
The funeral service on . Friday,
May 15th was conducted by Rev.
George N. Ball, assisted by ..Rev.'
D. MacTavish of London. ;
Interment'' was in 'Ripley Ceme-
tery, the pallbearers being Ross
Martyn, Donald Blue, Ellis Gos-
sell, Hamilton McKinnon, Douglas
Liddle and Frank' Scott:
(Continued from page i),
!Lake. They proceeded across Big
:Crow lake into the Crow River
again and to Crow Bay. ; They
made eightportages on the Crow
River with a •distance• of between -
380' and. 1,310 yards and even-
tually paddled into Lake Lavielle
which is 8 or 9 miles :long, and
2 .or 3 miles wide..•
The boys caught , all the speck-
led trout they could eat along the
way and while fishing 'at. L a k e
Lavielle, Currie ' and Albert .caught
-a 30" lake trout with a 171/x- : inch
girth estimated to weigh' about 10
Lto 12 lbs. .If" you have'a.road
map. of Ontario, you can trace the
route that the group travelled.
They retraced their steps on the
return journey.
(Continued from page 1)
'there was not much which could
,be done at Monday's meeting, and
had not considered there would
be such financial obligation with
the project.:
Made Big Hit
The doubletrio of Ripley, young"
ladies made ;a big hit with. .their
harmony numbers,: • and �. were
.broughtback for an encore ; after
two appearances, Their accom-
panist: was Mrs. John C. • Mac-
-Donald, who 'said this was • the
most. rogsing.. reception they had
received/ The girls; •Corinne Mac-
Donald, Barbara Funston,' Joyce.
Funston, Diana McAuley, • Mary
Ann Funston, and Ann Gemmell
were introduced by Gordon' Fin-
layson and thanked and present --
ed with ,an individual ' gift ' by
Campbell. Thompson.'
Guests with • Wm, ' Johnson last
week -end 'were Mr. _ and . Mrs.. Gor-
don Ronald of Toronto and Mrs..
John Johnson of -Hamilton,
Mr. and Mrs. •Richard Compton
.of Scarboro spent•the week -end
with Mrs'. Colin Howes.
Congratulations are extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Macdonald on
"the birth of a son. ' •
The girls of the C.G.I.T. took
charge of the program for the
W.M•S:' May meeting which was
held in. the churc"n on Thursday
evening with Mrs. John Mae-
Creight in the chair.
Church service will be cancelled
in Ashfield Presbyterian church
next Sunday While Ripley has
anniversary services.. ,S u n d a y
School will . be at • 9:45 a.m.
• T.
Baird Motors (Goderich) Limited
.Are: Noir �n 'Their New Building
At• 414 Huron Road, Goderich
latch dor The .;Official - opening
friday, June 5th
(ou Are . In They Market For`
New Or Used (ar
(Mill Pay You .To See Bairds
During The Grand opening
Or At Any Time
Mr. and Mrs. -Robt .Irvin and
Betty spent • the week end with
Rev. J. Bright and Mrs. Bright of
• Mr. and Mrs. Chas Drennan . of
Sarnia' . visited" his grandmothe.r.
Mrs. Abner Morris. last Thursday.
and other relatives in the vicinity.
In'• ant impressive service -at. the
•Dungannon United' Church, on Sun-
day morning little ones were
christened: Glenda Elizabeth,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John.
Park and Helen Elizabeth, daugh
ter of Mr: and Mrs. Harold Elliott,
Rev. J. Veldhuis; ' minister who of-
ficiated gave an appropriate ad-
dress. The choir sangan anthem,
"Just Leaye It To Jesus."
Mr. ' and . Mrs. Jack Templeton
and Marty of Detroit were week-
end . visitors with Mr. ' and Mrs.
Gordon' Congram.
Visitors with Mr.. and Mr s
Harold Elliott and family on Sun-
day were Mrs. Elliott's parents,
•Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCreight of
Listowel, Mr, Sam . Fellows, St.
Thomas and her sister, Mrs. Ar-
den Barker and husband of Mil-
verton. The latter `couple • were
made god -parents at . the" christen-
ing of. Mr.'and Mrs. Elliott's little'
girl. Helen Elizabeth at :the" United
Church on Sunday morning..
Mr.. and; Mrs. Thomas Fowler,
Kinburn • spent the weekend with
the former's " parents, Mr. • and
Mrs., Charles Fowler.
Misses -Joyce` 'Eggleston and
Joanne Bootz, , Brampton, spent,
the weekend with Mr. and. Mrs.
Arthur. Eggleston.. •
The .Women's Missionary 'meet-
ing of Erskine Presbyterian church
was held -in the church. on Tues-
dayevening, May 19th: •Mrs. Robt
McAllister . opened the meeting,
with prayer, the Purpose a n d
hymn, 19. • The Glad Tidings Pray-,
er was taken by Mrs. Arthur. Ste-
wart and the Devotional; by Mrs.
Wm. Reid and prayer, by Rev. J.
Veldhuis, Mrs. R. McAllister wel
eomed the visitors from the United
and • Anglican congregations who
united with them to meet Mr..
Jack Geddes and his wife, lone
on furlough' from Taiwan, •China,
Mrs.; R. McAllister introduced Mr. •
Geddes, who is originally f r o m:.
Port Elgin .and is a grandson of •
Mrs, Robt Reid of . that town:
Great aunts here are Mrs. Matthew
Shackelton; : and. Mrs.' Mason ,Mc --
Allister as well as many other re-
latives. He gave an interesting
account of his work in. Taiwan, the
history of , the people there . and
their way of living, illustrating'
with slides,- scenesof farm life;
homes and beautiful gardens. Miss,
Iva Carr thanked Mr: Geddes and
his . wife. All retired to the base-
ment for ' a social hour over the
tea -cups: A table of Chinese ex
hibits was', displayed' and Mr.
Geddes game many interesting ex-
planations ' about them.Best .wish-
es go with them ontheir return
trip: •
Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Errington..
spent the weekend with • Mr. and'. _
Mrs:: Lorne Badman, Comber. •
Mr. Harold Blake, Mr. • and Mrs.
Cecil Blake' • and Barbara spent'. the
weekend • with Mr ' and Mrs. H.
Eugene Hanson, East Tawas,
Mr. Dalton Reid has returned
from Montreal' to - the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Stanley
Reids ,
Mrs'. • Clifford Crozier presided
for the May meeting of.the United
Church Women on Tuesday of 'last
week which opened with the Call
to Worship. Mrs, J. Dauphin -read
'The word and the way", Mrs:
Ivan Rivett had the theme "Good
News in India". Mrs. C. Blake
read ' a ' letter from . Miss *Jean Whit-
tier giving the annual report. Mr.
Wilfred Anderson of Lucknow has
donated a , refrigerator to •. the'
church ladies..A bale is .being sent
by June 17th. A bazaar in the fall
Was also discussed. Mrs. • Frank •
Thompson was. Convener: for lunch.
News stories and advertisements
have, been crowded out of this
issue -- now a • frequent occur.
rence in spite of 16 pages. One
article is Mr. Tom Ross' obituary.