HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-05-27, Page 1311,114aPfillat WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th, 1964 ROY L BENTLEY PUBLIC ROY 1•,,I GODERICH,. ONTARIOBox 479 Phone 524-9521 A.M.'HARPER • • 'CHARTERED. ACCOUNTANT • 55'- 57 South Stieet, Goderich Telephone '• 524-7562 JOH NSTON:E'S. • FUNERAL HOME:: Modern and Convenient • Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 • Day or Night Serving Ali Faiths According to, Their Wishes Moderate Prices :. Established :1894. R. DU .VAL D.C., . Sp. C. „ . Chiropractor Physio and Electro: Therapist Wingham — .. Phone 357-3580 , (Office .located on John.:St. West next '.to Toronto Dominion Bank) INSURANCE .FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY. AUTOMOBILE .and..LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure;' With Jack. Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow; Phone 528-3423 ' STATE. FARMMUTUAL AUTOMOBILE .IN �.URANCE Investigate Before 'investing REUBEN WILSON• ' R.R. 3 Goderich Phone 105-r-8' Ripley •• • • R. W. .ANDREW Barrister 'and` Sol'i'citor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO.. IN" LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and • Saturday. Afternoon ' Office , in the Joynt Block Telephone: . • Lucknow 528-3116: • HETHERINGTON, Barrister, Etc. • Wingham and . Lucknow IN',LUCKNOW. ' MONDAY and WEDNESDAY Located in. Kilpatrick Block Phone. Wingharn Office 3573630 • — .. Res 957-2570 • IMPERIAL ,O1L PRODUCTS . for .prompt service, and quality products,. Contact: GRANT CHISHOM Phone Collect Dungannon 529.47524 Always Look To Imperial For The Bests` THE •LUCKNOW •SENTINEL, ,L,UCKNOW, ONTARIO Cadet Corps C�flipiete Firs1Y:'ear his �k�: Excellent Show Voluntary Group. Lucknow District High; School Cadet Corps No.. 730, completing their first year as a strictly vol- untary unit,, held the annual 'in- spection at . the school last Fri• - WINGHAM: MEMORIAL° SHOP. THE. :BEST' GRANITES Along . With EXPERT: DESIGNING AND. WORKMANSHIP. • Prices Most, Reasonable. Cemetery .Lettering a Specialty JOHN 'MALICK P.O; Box. 1'58 PHONE' '3574.91.0,--,WINGHAM MacKenzie Memorial` :Chapel FUNERAL 'SERVISLE Services conducted according to your wishes at: your. Home, . your Church, or• at our Mem- orial Chapel at . no additional, charge Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 0. Day or:: Night G. A. Williams, Optometrist 9 Patrick ,Street W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 K J. MacKENZIE, . O.Q. Optometrist' . NOW IN RIPLE.Y EVERY ,WEDNESDAY Office : Hours ' 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie,:: Ripley, -96-r-24 for appointment. R. W. BELL. OPTOMETRIST 7. GODERICH. F. T. Armstrong, , Consulting. Optometrist The. Square • (Phone •JAckson '4.7661). LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. ' Lucknow Phone 5282125: TED COLLYER: Registered Master ' Electrician ELECTRICAL' CONTRACTOR Specializing. In' • Electric Heating, Electric Wiring and Repairs , and ' All Electrical: Appliances Lucknow — Phone 528-5182 , • Gavller,1111�1n�osh and Ward • C'HARTE 2ED ACCOUNTANTS ' '.Ueside,rit Partner,'. l E. Kennedy, C.A• • ' Oppesite POSt.Office p Phone 88t$471, Walkerto t - • day at2pm: The reviewing, officer was Maj- or. R. P, Ritter. O.C. 99th battery, 21st field regiment R.C.A. (M) of Wingham and, the inspecting of- ficer was Captain C. L. Scott= Brown, area cadet officer. Wet - tern Ontario Area. ` ' 'Following the, general. • salute, Cadet. Major ' Terry . O'Donnell, ac- companied Major Ritter, Captain. Scott -Brown, Ken Cameron •rep- resenting the Lucknow Legion:and, and_. L. Ex Goyette, principal of the. schoolon a , general inspection, ' of the 28 . man cadet corps . and 20 member girl's division: The corps followed with a march past .in column of 'troop and route, the advance in order and the general salute: • . Band Very Impressive,' The Lucknow District H i'. g h. School- Band demonstrated' their marching and playing. ability . un- der the leader- Elwin, . Hall. -The 47 -piece band was one. short of equalling the • total number.' in the 48 member Cadet corps. which :be- cause be -,cause ;of its . voluntary basis,. was much smaller.. ,this year. • Rifle L.M.G. and Signaldisplays fol- lowed,. ollowed. • , Present Awards Major Ritter presented Jim .Mac- Donald . with the trophy . for.- the best cadet. The. Banff cadet award, based on . cadet and • academic work in the school,. went to Roy Button and . was :presented by Cap- tain . Scott -Brown. ,Roy will spend the summer . at ,the national .cadet camp ' .at. Banff, :. Alberta. 300 . ac-. ross •Canada will attend*the camp. Paul Henderson presented the new ' Paul Henderson : trophy for •the. best Cadet rifle «shot,.to Elliott Whitby: Gerald Rathwell. present - 'ed the, award.' for. „the best girl cadet .rifle shot, to Peggy' Button. L. E.. Goyette presented Helen MacNay ' .with the award for the: best girl .on. parade and• the band award was presented. by Ken Cameron to. his daughter- Barbara ,Cameron. ' When asked to make this presentation, Ken was : not aware ..that it. was ',his daughter. who would be receiving it. ' Bar- bara has • missed only 2 of 42 band . practices' and .engagements this year. Present ' Sgt. Reid • • Cadet Major Terry :. O'Donnell presented Sgt.' 'George Reid: with a remembrance from the 'cadets. Sgt. Reid's ' training throughout the 'year ; at `LDHS has been val ued by the cadets as well as his friendship with cadets, staff and ,many members. of ,the commun- ity. Praise Lucknow Corps . ' Major Ritter, in . his remarks, expressed .the : hope that many of BLYTH. FRIENDS` HONORED NEW LUCKNOW..RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oster were guests' of honour ata party . in the McGowan School house; East Wawan'osh. Township', on May 9th Friends .and , neighbours gathered to express farewell and' best wish- es as they took up 'residence at Lucknow. A .very `'entertaining program featured the evening during Aid) iclji Ralph Caldwell 'and Bert , Fear, presented the honoured couple with , a , lovely: mirror and ' tray- table ,set, and Walter replied -fit-.. tingly. ,. Mr, and Mrs. . Oster bought the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker north of the CNR: LOCAL MAN 1$ DELEGATE TO .90th GENERAL ASSEMBLY ,Some fifty Ministers and elders Have been commissioned by the Presbyteries of, the Synod of Ham- ilton and. London to the 90th Gen- eral Assembly of the Presbyter - an Church in Canada which meets in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Toronto on, Wednesday, June 3rd, Huron -Maitland Presbytery has delegated: Rev. Angus MacKay, missionary, , from India,' of *White- church and,London; Rev. G. Fish, Wingiiam; Rev. D, Fry, Seaforth and elders. Melville Scott of. Kin - 'cardiae and .T, A, . Car rerun of Lucknow. • ;PAGE, THIRTEE$: PROPERTY FOR -SALE tAUL' S. STARR and CO. LTD. , E A.'L T p •R S... WINGHAM OFFICE. DIAL 357-3840 Local. Agent J, EVEIIETT PENN GTON "TEESWA.TER ` F hone 392-6064 LUCKNOW . HOME — plus .'5acres of land and the 9 mile . river running across the back. This modern ° .1/ storey home has ,the look of tomorrow ; and completely modern. • Alsoon the property. are • a doublegara e .and a small barn.,Full price' - , only $10,500 with easy terms. n 0 On the outskirts of Lucknow ' we have this 30 acre farm with a river on it. 11 storey home, barn. 16' x 24', double garage and a hen house 30'' x 14'. Full price .$5;500. Very modest down paymentand easy. terms. Sacre of land situated on_ plus a 11 storey home . and SMALL SERVICE STATION , the corner of a busy highway miles from competition.. The full price for. all this is. -only-. $6,900 with alow down a easy y terms. , The p yment and ; owner is, anxious to sell, so , inspecti . t today! WANTED — DRY CLEANING BUSINESS .Serious client who has just sold his business and has $10;000 cash: to invest in a dry cleaningbusiness: Possession within 4 to 6 weeks. A good opportunity if you have 'been thinkingof selling. your business:. An immediate reply would be. apprec- iated. AUL :S' S.TARR: and CO. LTD. REA'LTORS. ONTARIO'S LARGEST RURAL REALTORS ORANGEVILLE. ' FLESHERTON OWEN' SOUND.REALTORS__ BRAMPTON GUELPH : PORT ELGIN WINGHAM CHESLEY MEMBERS OF THE Grey Bruce Real, Estate Board -Orangeville Real Estate Board Brampton" R. E. B., Owen. Sound R. E. B .Guelph R. E. B. Ontario , Association of R.E.B.—Canadian Association of R. E. B. MULTI LISTING SYSTEM ASK ONE OF OUR AGENTS HOW TO GET MAXIMUM :. COVERAGE' BY LISTING . YOUR PROPERTY AS. A MULTIPLE LISTING Through PAUL. S.. STARR'and` CO. LTD. '-'WE SELL RURAL ONTARIO" the cadets would choose , to join the Wingham ;battery in the ' fu- ture.. `He said, he recognized :sev- eral in. the corps that are .pres ently' members . of the battery. Be. referred to `cadet training' as the. one remaining part of school cur- iculum that teaches discipline.' He stated that he had personally. trained cadets for the last 12 years and that the; Lucknow' Corps matches ' anything ' he : hasturned out in . Wingham. where he teach- es. Captain Scott -Brown describ=. ed. the corps as polished and well' turned out• ,and stated' that as a westerner, ' eastern cadet corps are 'much ahead :of the west: Prin- cipal : L. E. Goyette in his 'remarks paid tribute to Sgt. ; Reid for his training of the cadets ' and for his• friendly associations within the school and community. Officers of the ' cadet corps are Major .,:Terry` O'Donnell, .. Captain David Thompson, Lieutenants. Jim MacDonald, Jim McNaughton and-, Helen MacNay, .Sergeants .Garry Johnston, Peggy ' Button,. Doug Johnston, Tom Andrew and Don- ald Fisher. "' 'Following the inspection, the. cadets, headed by the band, par- aded through main ' street. • pair and AcheS�n Chartered Accountants Municipal, Auditors Box 663 , • , Kincardine; Phone 5 Pedlar Agency . • Golden Glow Egg; Pick-up . Depot. GARDEt TIME IS er 1 A FULL' STOCK OF ath-birds" as hand yk' .* BARB WIRE • ,moie,0 Jn r►,Y�rn ►,Yr,� ►iY�„ir,i�lt if�NYr, 'M. KNECHTEL' and SON LTD -Lucknow Branch, Phone . 528-30.1.4 "There's • k New Life reed For livery . Need" w