HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-05-27, Page 1$4.00 'A Year In: Advance . $1.00
Extra To U.S.A.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th, 1964..
Single Copy .10c • 16 Pages
Blackhorse Young Man Killed
Jack slips, crus
Carl ' Douglas . Stanley, 30, of
R.R. . 4 Kincardine was instantly
killed Sunday, morning when he
'was . pinned underneath his. car
when the jack slipped. His wife
discovered the accident when' she
went out to the yard to .call him
for . breakfast.
....:.Mr. Stanley- -had removed a
. wheel, ' from the vehicle to fix
the brake and was under 'the. car.•
Theframe came onto his . chest
crushing him. Coroner Dr. M.R.
Helliwell of Kincardine said there
will not be an inquest.
Mrs. Stanley called the victim's
father, William Stanley, who lives
nearby. ' He stopped a passing
motorist and ..:they raised the car;
off his son's body.
•Carl lived on the home farm
a, mile west, of'. Blackhorse on No.
9 Highway. His father,. William
Stanley, , resides in Blackhorse and
his brother Ronald operates a
machinery business at ' Bervie.
Carl; was well known to many in
Lucknow and district having at-
tended Lucknow High. :School.
Funeralservices were conduct-
ed ` from the Linklater: Funeral
Horne . in Kincardine , on Tuesday
at °2 p.m. with burial • m Kincar-
dine cemetery. Rev. W: J. Car-
son of Bervie-Kinloss-Chalmers.
United Church conducted the ser-
vice. Pallbearers were Claire
Bushell, Earl Quinn, Llqyd Husk,
Wayne Bushell, Frank Colwell,
and . Charles Sittler, Flower bear-
ers were Doug Bannerman; _ Rae
Stanley, Larry Bannerman, Don-
Geddes, . Del Lindsay, Albert
Mr. Stanley • is survived by his
wife, the former . Mildred Ibbot-
bbotson,:infant daughter Carol Lynne'
agesix months; parents Mr. and
Mrs.. William, Stanley of , Black-
horse; brother'. Ronald of Bervie,.
sisters,Mrs...Michael (Mary)' Pro-
cyshen of Canora, Saskatchewan
and .Mrs:" William- (Betty Jean)'.
Elliott ' of Huron Township.
OId P• ones Go. To:
.,Kitchener, Detroit.
The old wall .type magneto tele-
phones are still,: very. much in
demand in the ' Dungannon area
• despite ' the fact that they : have
not been in use '.since the switch
to dial phones there last fall..
At an auction at Dungannon re-
cently, Huron and .Kinloss Tele-
phone System auctioned off about.
• 400. phones' . that : ,averaged about
$5.75 each., The prices ranged
• from $5 . to $11. •At; the start of
the . sale, the phones wereauc-
tioned . in . pairs to supply local
wants, but later in the sale they
were sold in lots of 25 ;and 50
with the larger quantities going
to Kitchener and Detroit buyers.
A large . crowd • attended : the
sale. Clayton r Nicholson of . Ripley -
is manager of the . phone system
• and Ronald: Blue . was auctioneer.
About 600 cedar* • poles were also
sold to. mark an' end; 'to the. ;orig-
inal Dungannon exchange: Phone
cable are now underground.
Stanley. J: Pymm, a certified.
public accountant servings this.
airea� since:_1944,:� is �retiring�froni.
his regular accounting duties:. He
will finish out work' pertaining
to the 'past ' texation' , year.
Mr." Pyrnm ,wishes to advise his
Clientsin Lucknow . and area, that.
he will be' continuing on in the
role of a tax consultant.
how Complete
Melvin ' A -Ferguson,who has
been teaching at Morrisburg Dis-,
trict High' School, , 'was . engaged
by the Lucknow. District'. High:
School Board over the week -end
to fill the vacancy caused bye the
resignation- of Miss A, Gall: '.
Mr. 'Ferguson :will teach math-
ematics at .LDHS. He is : a grad''
\uate of : the ' . University of .New'.
Brunswick. He will be ' . married
shortly and will live . in the Fred
Webb house on Ha:velock
Street. • This completes the: , twelve
member : staff at the ' school.
Jim Thompson of the sec-
ond concession' . of " Kinloss
Township lost•' his wallet Mon-
day night' but didn't miss it
until. Tuesday morning. It
contained .$100 along ' with • per-.
sonal papers.
Fred. Emberlin; found : the
wallet on Wheeler St. be-
tween Johnstone Seed Clean-
ing' plant . and the Holyrood
road .-.early • esday mormn
and promptly brought it : into
the Sentinel. Jim , came into
• the Sentinel an hour ''' or so
later to advertise for it , and
was 'pleasantly surprised and.
grateful to Fred for its re-
Johnston . of Peter -
Dr.. Peter o
' borough, Ontario, was one of the.
1964 ; graduates of, the Ontario
Veterinary College, Guelph.
He.. is associated'. with. the prac-
tice of. Dr. pp. -..H . ;H.. Bissonnette
in Lucknow.
Bervie Pastor;
Going To Oakville:
Rev. W. J.Carson of: Bervie
will conclude his duties as pastor
of the United Church three-point
charge of Bervie, Chalmers and
Kinloss, : at the : end of June.
Rev. Mr. Carsonis; going : to
Maple ; Grove ' . United Churc at
Oakville, and: will .;assume the du-
ties of his ` new charge on , July
.He is serving his 4th year on
the Bervie charge, which has as
yet not -obtained a successor to
Mr: Carson.
Award Winners
Pictured at
taict High Schoel Cat lnspec
tonlast 'Friday a .tho.a award
winners. .Left to right,' Barbaro.
Cameron, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Ken Cameron, band award;
Jim MacDonald, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter MacDonald, best cad-
et award; Peggy Button, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Russ Button,
best girl rifle shot; Elliott Whit-
by, son of Mr. and " Mrs. George
Sentinel Photo
Whitby, best cadet -rifle shot;
Helen MacNay, daughter of
f Mr.
andMrs. el�.Machaybest girl
on parade; Roy Button, son of
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Button,
Banff cadet ,award..
LookOut - We've G�t; .A -Bear behind
Once upon a time there were, three fishermen from.
Lucknow who decided to 'go to Algonquin Park for the week-
end and sleep in the Esso home heat truck. Leaving their
, '• food to cool in a large cooler, they went fast asleep 'only'
to be awakened in the middle of the night by .a _ noise outside
the truck.
Who s . after .ourfood" snapped Buster as he jumpe_,
from the truck to be reeted byPa a• -Bear onlya few
• feet away from him.' Papa Bear, black one,"was sittingon
;h -shaking
. '
his rump with: the large.cooler inis fronpaws -sh g"
it. Roy and Jack ' soon had a light trained on Papa and heard
him exclaim "this is just right" as he ripped the lid off
the large cooler. and pulled out the ,"porridge."'e..... -- .
Withy look. over his. shoulder;:. Papa beartook off
into the darkness with the bag, of food. The three fishermen '
went back to bed, but not to sleep, as their feet were .hang •
ing .out the back of the truck. °
TreleavenTsome Buster. Whitby, Roy y Havens..and Jack
The -"thy the ten lake trout, over weekend, ° but the
'moral of the story is "when you gobear hunting, never
take a fishing pole".
Present Slate Of .:
New—Lyons fficers..
Lucknow , and • District Lions
Club approved of the 1964-65 slate
of officers at the regular meeting
on ' Monday. They are as follows:
President, Robert Finlay, who will
succeed Bob : McIntosh; 1st vice,
V. •.:A. Mowbray; 2nd vice,. Omar
Brooks; - 3rd vice, M. L. Sander-
son; secretary, L. E. `Goyette
treas., Ray Gannon; 'directors,
Gordon -Finlayson, Al Hamilton;
Blake Alton, Donald McKinnon;;
Lion Tamer, Elwin `Hall ' Tail.
Twisters, Russ Button, Grant Chis-
The 'Club gave Peter Bissonngtte
"a hand" upon his election as Dis-
trict Governor, the second time
this honour has come to . the local,
group in its comparatively short
life time.
' The meeting voted to again par-
ticipate in the program of swim
ming.: instruction, at Teeswater.
Registration fees, . • the Firemen,
Legion and ; . Lions financed the
project last year costing' in ex-
cess of $400.
Is '
Report ` On Twin Pines
Harvey Webster, secretary, read
at, letter from Art Haas of Twin'.
Pines* Apartments Ltd. ` He con-
firmed the fact that a_ represent-
, ative of Central Mortgage and'
Housing Corporation had approv-
ed two possible sites' for a.Senior
-Citizens- Apartment.
The required equity' of 5% from
the sponsoring. -body, less • the al-
lowance on the site, would require
a . budget of between $2,500 and
$3,000 by the sponsoring bedy it
was estimated. ti
• If the project were to proceed
on this basis, a survey of need
would have to be 'completed and
a /tax - agreement. made with
-Council, on the basis of $25.00 per
suite per year.
Approval and completion of
these .factors `.would clear. the way
for calling tenders . this • summer.
President Bob .: McIntosh, stated
(Continued- . of page 15)
=loan Band . Enter
n Lions Parade:
Kinloss Group
Have Outung I
Algonquin Park
Five Kinloss ' Boy . Scouts, . twos
leaders and one .member , of the
group committee ..portaged and
canoed; 50 to 60 miles last week in
a trip . into: Algonquin Park.
The group left Friday, May 15th
and returned Thursday, May 214.;
Walter Dickie, : Douglas Eadie and
Bruce C Elwell frcm : the south.
troop, Eldon Eckenswiller and Don-
ald . Bannerman from the north.
troop; leaders Martin Benedict, and
Currie Colwell and group commit-
tee :• member Albert Colwell made
up the part of adventurers.
The eight - went by Currie and
Albert's bars to Opeongo Lodge in •
Algonquin "Park.: Albert . towed his
boat, and motor. behind his car. At
the Lodge they got three canoes
and two pack. sacks. The three can -
goes;`. were towed by their motor
boat 10 to 12 miles to.. the end of
the, lake.
• The. • group portaged from the
North Arm of t h .e : , Opeongo
Lake, 1,2326: yards . to Proulx Lake.
They ' . crossed the lake and went
down. the Little : Crow ' river into
Little . Crow lake then into ' the
river . again and into Big;' Crow
(Continued ,on, page 15 )_
The Lions provincial ' convention
opens at Kitchener this, weekend,
and• ,the local glob will have a
float and a band' in. ' the Sunday,
afternoon parade:.
The Lucknow District High
School Band. and a group. of 15 or r
j; 20 majorettes . will 'participate.. The
float , will centre around a` . six -
horse hitch of Aubrey Toll's show
ring; horses. r ' •
A 'bus' • with the• band . and • maj-
orettes will leave from the High
School on Sunday morning at 9:30.
The parade assembles at' the Wat-
erloo Square and will proceed
down King ,St,, Kitchener's main
street. . The . two-hour 'parade is
schedule to move off at 2:00 p.m.
If sufficient parents or others
are interested in going to Kit-
chener by bus, a second, bus could
by arranged for by contacting.
Montgomery's . Garage, , .' .
3.000 Dama e
Driver Unhurt
Bill `. Gibson of Lucknow escaped .
possible death or serious .' injury
about six. o'clock Monday night
when the , tractor' trailer of cattle
he was driving UP Toronto, left the,
road near Wroxeter and ended up
on its top.
'Bill drives for Gordon Brooks ,
Transport and , near Wroxeter` 'a
car driven by Mrs. Audrey
O'Krafka . with her ..mother , and.
young son as passengers, came
out of a farm lane into the path
of the large transport. Bill : was
meetinganother vehicle - and had
the split 'second choice of hitting
the. car or taking to the• ditch: He ..
took . to the ditch only ' slightly
damaging the bumper of the car,
but when' the 'cattle :shifted the
transport went into a complete
roll- �._ ...
With the transport on its top, Bill
fortunately was able to .',get out
quickly and suffered only . a bump
on the head. Gas was, leaking
badly and danger, of fire was ever.
present. Of : the 30 cattle, . three
were killed and one injured. The'
rest of the load was ,later picked
hp by Dan Caesar who had made,
'a trip to Toronto with some cattle
and was returning home. Ile re-
turned to Toronto with the bal-
ance of the, load, .
The racks of the trailer and cab
.of the• tractor were badly dam-
aged but early indications did not
show the frame to be damaged.
Estimate ' of the :damage is set at
$3,000. `