The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-05-20, Page 10s`` G . ' j5
��®■ E.■ ■rhEERr ■ERam Eaa rrrRamolaar*le aims..e on
is �; • .- ■
The Gir Guide: Association
A Travelogue on East Africa
• Her trip extended from Cairo to Cape Town. High-
lights Were wild animals in National Parks and Victoria ■,
In . the Town Hall, L.ucknow
May 8 �tarda.K •3Q • �a �
se Falls.
is •
IN the -work czf Girl Guides:
Come out, with, your familyand meet the .local leaders v
. of your child's Brownie and Guide' Troops.
A plate will.." be at the door for. donations .'towards i
ry n
W.L Delegate G e
On Thursday evening,. members
of Whitechurch Women's Institute
gathered at , the home of Mrs. Vic-
tor Emerson'. to make up the topic
card, programme for 1964-65. When.
' half way through Mrs. Frank Ross
read . an address to Mrs. Emerson
on behalf of . the members . and
t Mrs. Garnet Farrier made the
presentation of ,a beautiful : black
patent leather purse .for'' Mrs.
Emerson to use , while on her trip'.
• to Wolfeville, Nova Scotia to the
National Convention in June.
Completely :taken by surprise.
Mts. Emerson just ' couldn't find
Convention lift
words to express her appreciation,.
The ' ladies served lunch, which.
-they had managed to bring with-
out. Mrs, Emerson knowing it was
there. All enjoyed a social time
and the programme will' be com-
pleted at a later date.
Straying from its natural hob'
itat, a beaver took up its pos-
ition on the river bank • in Dur-
ham andattracted' quite a. crowd.
Because of its peculiar behaviour.
it was feared the animal was.,
rabid and it was shot by the Dur-
ham ' police officer
Vy .
ENI Y 25t
8;00 pm:
Auctioneer Bert Pepper will. offer. for`_ sale New 'and•
Used Household.' Furniture, .TV's, Appliances, Brand
New Clothing; Walt. Plaques by Personal Consignment
amd -Financu .Company Repossessions, : ' a•
Everything Goes -fro Reserve Bids
Furniture -,
A 2 -pc. French ;Provincial Chesterfield covered. in top
grade' Imported material with foam 'cushions;. a 2 -pc.
Contemporary Chesterfield Suite (hand rubbed walnut
arms); 2 other assorted Chesterfield. ,Suites, all • with
foam cushions; 2 *Modern 2 -pc,: Daveno Suites ,.(convert
to sleepers) ; two • 9 -pc, Chrome. and Bronzetone bineite
Suites (8 chairs)., 72' tables; two 7-pc..Coppertone Din-
ette Suites (inlaid . arborite tables) ;' 'two "5 -pc. Dinette
Suites 3 Bookcase Bedroom Suites, complete with bed,
dresser, chest of .drawers and , matching box .spring and
mattress; two' 39" Continental Beds, complete 'with
headboards and legs; 2 ' full size '5 4" Spring -Filled Mat-
tresses; 2 sets .of, Lamps, consistingof tri -light and 2
table lamps',' 2 sets of Step and Coffee Tables;. ,an as-
, sorttnent of ' Knecktel Kreations, manufacturers of ' Top
Grade Step, Coffee, End and. Corner 'Tables; Hostess
Chairs, Chrome Hi -Chairs; Chrome Step Stool;' Tele-
phone Tables, eta.
Appliances and TV
A large: Refrigerator with full cross -top freezer; 2 elec-
tric Ranges; a long. skirt Washerwith pump,. a 20 cue
ft, chest, type Freezer (full warranty) with over 600
Ib, capacity; an Admiral Stereo A.M. and F.M, Radio,
alike new; Automatic Washer and Dryer, used far only 1
year; .a variety of Guaranteed Trade Name Televisions.
Fri; r Your Financing Convenience.. .
. Terms on all' purchases
can be arranged after or, at any time during sale.' •
nn't Miss This Outstanding Sale
Cheques Accepted -_ 3% Sales Tax In Effect
Died. Suddenly.
While Assisting •
So n On Home ' Farm
The death of James . St. Marie
of Kitchener occurred late Sat-
urday afternoon onhis former
farm on, the ,pivision Line and
now owned by his son, Miles St.
.Mr. St. Marie was up :'from
Kitchener and' was helping his son
remove branches. ; from the shade
trees. In order `to do . this he was
up on a wagon and . in some mari-
ner fell off.
An, autopsy was to be perform-
ed to determine if death was due
to a heart attack or 'to• the fall,
from the wagon.
' The. remains were . removed to
Kitchener and at time of writing
we understand ` the . burial service
will be Wednesday forenoon at
St. Augustine. Mr. St. Marie was
in his 82nd year and had been
active and enjoying good health
so that he felt able to assist in.
farm ,work when he came to visit.
This 'community extends their
sympathy tothe family in the
loss ' of. their father.
No Injuries In Car Collison'•
late • Saturday. aftern'oon'
-when' .Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, whose
car was facing . east, was driving
away from . Mr. Russel. Chapman'S
store, she was in' collison with' a
car driven by ' Mr. Neil Rintoul
who was proceeding east to Wing -
harm The Rintoul car had the
hood, bumperand front end dam-
aged.. The Laidlaw car received
a badly dented front fender and
flat tire. Mrs. Laidlaw was ,ac-
ac-companied . by Mr; Herb : Laidlaw
and her niece. Mr. Neil Rintoul
by his mother 'and sisters. Luck-
ily no one was injured:
WEDNESDAY,, MAY 20th, 1964
Par ents desiring to have. a ' child attend Kinder.'
during the 1964-65 School term 'are requested to.
garten g
.register i, cknow Public;
register, with Mrs. Helen Hall, at the.Lu ,�•
School, ' on, , Tuesday, May 26th from .2.00 to 3:30 p
• Proof that' the child will be five. ,yearsof':age before
'December 31st,. '1964, ,is required and the child should ..
accompany parent at time. of 'registration,
Tuition .fee — $15.00, fornon-resident children,
payable at. time ' o f .registration,
Mr.: and' Mrs. Jack Needham
and friends, Mr. and Mrs, ;Don.
Kimball of Corunna spent t week-
end at Fairy Lake. and Suzanne
and Janie -Needham visited 'at the
home of Mr: and Mrs. Lloyd Mac-
Dougall. . •
Holiday guests ' at the home of
Mr,: and Mrs. Ira Dickie' included
Da1 and Jerome Malleck of
e .
Dickie, : Richard, Caroline; Jack
and Steven of Scarborough, Denver
Dickie of Waterloo. and Miss Chris-
tine Thompson of. Oshawa..
thenar Flight Sgt. C. E and Mrs.
Mrs. ,Allan. Graham . and family
visited with relatives at Belmore
on Monday.
Mr. and. Mrs:; Cecil Sutton and
Robbie visited Sunday with .Mr. and
Mrs. Robt -Gilchrist and boys.
Mr. Currie...Colwell,. Bruce Col
well and Walter Dickie joined
other' scouts and leaders at Holy -
Mr Roy Hudson passed away
Saturday in. Goderich Hospital He
was,: a ; son of the late Mr. and.
Mrs, Wesley Hudson 'who moved
to the farm on '2nd con .Kinloss
twp..' across from Mr Huntley
Dawson, : when the family . were
public school age : and. they atten-
ded S.S. No. 9, Roy was always
a salesmanand was :favorably
known over a wide area of Wes-
tern Ontario. The . family were
regular attenders of Tiffiii'o Meth
odist church. He leaves to ' mourn
his loss besides his . wife, one son
and < two daughters, two sisters,
:Stella (Mrs. W: -J. -Irwin); , Greta
Mrs. Wesley Alton), London. One
brother ' John was • killed in action
in• World War I The funeral was
held Monday to Greenhill. ceme-
tery. • This community extends
their sympathy. ,
United Church Y.P.S.
Whitechurch Y.P.S: held 'their
meeting ,Tuesday evening ' in.' the
United Church Sunday • 'school
room, Miss Margaret Moote play-
ed music while they were gath-
ering and for the sing -song: •Wayne
Farrier and Billie. Wall had charge
of the meeting. The theme was
Missions: •'and World' Out . Reach:
A, hymn was sung. Billie Wall
read . the Scripture, Wayne.- Far-
rier ,gave the . topic cigarette.
smoking . and cocktail ' drinking,
A discussion' period , followed:
Prayer was led by Nit'. Wall, Miss
Marlene Martin read the minutes
and it was decided to . have a
Weiner ' roast the 'end of June at
Boiler Beach, ' and toy enter .the
soft 'ball tournament "which is .al-.
ways 'held on Labor Day, ,White-
church has on this'," tournament
a few times. There will be no
more meetings until after exains
are over.
rood and Kinloss at 6 On. Friday/
morning. They set_ out for a 5 -day`
canoe and fishing trip through the;
lakes in Algonquin Park.
Mrs. Dorothy MacKenzie of Tees -
water visited on Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. ,Allan Graham.
A school bus trip., for senior pup-
ils . of Kinloss Central School to
Toronto eis planned for ' May 21st.
Bruce` ' Township ' School : Area
Board ,has • received : -approval for
construction of an ' 8 -room central
school just north , of Underwood
at a, cost of $225,000..
Mrs Stanley Mountain,. 61, un-
conscious: for more than four add.
one-half months • after she was
struck by a bicycle, died . 'in in. Dur-
ham, Memorial:' Hospital .1 a s t
Thursday, May 7
(By Elizabeth Ritchie)
Al the Brownies met at the
school. They marched to the •base
ball diamond and climbed 'to the
top of the hill. There the Brow-
nie Meeting was held and opened
with , fairy ring. After inspection
and the collection the members
gathered wood and each one help-
ed to make a fire, After a nature
hunt pow -wow was held. Brown
Owl read; a `story about a Brow-
nie, The squeeze and chivies I.
closed the meeting„
is man workse�
our Home comfortable,
and all. you pay for Is . the
"oil and replacement parts
Including annual inspection of the furnace, smoke .pipe,
chimney base,.burner and oil tank. Your heating unit
is thoroughly clean4d, lubricated and 'tuned, upfor maxi
mum efficiency.. '
Emergency calls answered ort a 24-hour basis -to correct any
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There's double satisfaction in dealingwith your Co=opera
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products because Co-operatives are owned and controlled
.by' the people they serve. Remember too, when you
patronize, your Co=operative, you are .making your business,
stronger, and more 'successful,
Lijcki ow.District Co-cp
• Lucknow. ' Phone .5284125