HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-05-20, Page 21144,
Mrs.. Howard Thompson was
**OAS for the WA meeting on
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Roy
Schneller presided andalso read,
the scripture ..with , prayers 'follow-
ing. The meditation was given
by Mrs. Russell Hewitt on
"Wither", the word for the roll
call wsis "Worship." Letters of ap-
• preciation were read from these
who had. received get well cards
and good wishes,, A A. letter was
read concerning, .:,a work shop'to
� TV
For 0 P. Tours
Members: of the'daily and week-
ly press . were guests of Atomic
Energy of Canada ' Ltd. and On-
tario Hydro at a ,tour of the Doug-
las las Point � nuclear power 'station
last Friday. A dinner "followed at
Port. Elgin,
The Sentinel was among those.
'papers represented. ,
Construction at. Canada's first
full -.scale nuclear electric gener-
ating station is reaching its final
phaseand isscheduled. for oper-
ation in 1965. About 350 construc-
tion workers are.. employed in
building the plant,; and . about . 60
to 70 of the operations staff are
training , at the site.
The day . following the press
tour,the information centre open-
ed for the season' with '4sitors
welcome daily from 10 to 5:30.
' More than 50,000 people , visited
the station last year : bringing . the
total number of visitors since 1961
up to;, almost 150,000. World-wide
interest in . the Canadian nuclear.
• program has also attracted atomic
energy . experts from many :coun
tries to . Douglas Point during the
past year:. Nuclear experts from.
the United Kingdom, • United . States,
India, Russia, . France, Italy and:.
Japan have visited , the station.
This year, with work concen-
trated on the installation of equip-
ment, . closed circuit television will
be. installed at the Information.
Centre to enable members`' of the
public to see progress' inside . the
station. • ' In addition, .a new ten-
minute film •. showing'. construction
progress has been prepared; The
Centre consists of 'a lookout plat-
form with a billboard explaunng
how the plant works, outdoor . dis-
plays, . a .reception , centre, and a
150 -seat, theatre.
In charge, of the .Information
Centre is. Chief . Guide, Ivan Lloyd..
of Kincardine, and formerly of
Lucknow. This year, Mr, Lloyd will
be ,assistedby three student
guides, all . residents of Port Elgin.
John Rowland, a student at . the
University of Western Ontario,
returns as a project guide, and
with him will be Brian MacLean,
a student at McMaster University,
and John "Wylie, who is .studying
at the University of Waterloo..
be held in London this month.
The Spring deanery, meeting will
be held at Walkerton.. on May 22.
A birthday party committee was
appointed to " arrange. ' for Rev.
Benson Cox's 90th birthday. It is
also the 56th anniversary., of his
ministry. .Miss. Edna Boyle gave
the . courtesy : remarks and delic-
ious refreshments were served by
the hostess, This being a work
meeting a quilt was completed
during the afternoon.
We are sorry to report that
Wayne Rhody, son of Mr. and
Mrs. . Gerald Rhody,, was a patient
for several days in the, • Wingham
and District Hospital as the re-
sult of an injury which he receiv-
ed at school. We hope he will soon
be well again.
Mr... Alex Hewitt left on Monday
for Edmonton where• he will spend
the . summer months. "
Miss Betty. Hunter . of Pine
Riverhas been engaged as teach-
er in this school to ,commence • her
duties in September.
• A number from' here( attended
the fashion show at .thh Lucknow.
and District High School of which
Mrs. Laural Hewitt is the home
.economics' teacher. •
Mr. • and Mrs. Karl Boyle and
Carol. sof London visited on Sat-
urday . night with Edna and' May
We extend sympathy to the, fam-
ily and ''relatives .o of . the late
Thomas. .MacDonald /of Lochalsh.
His daughter (Clara) Mrs. Orland
Richards was a former teacher
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur , Haldenby
and members of their family, of
Toronto . spent Saturday at their.
home in the village.
Mr. and. Mrs. Norman E. Evans
and Linda of Downsview spent
the :.:holiday with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and
with ; Mr. and. Mrs. William: Evans
of : Langside. Miss '' Donna Nich-
olson 'who spent the . past week at
the Evans . home returned with
them ,
Mrs. Gertrude " Walsh visited -on
Sunday afternoon with, her niece,
Mrs. Gordon. Avis and son . Carl
at Tiverton.
Miss Bertha Blue, Mr. and Mrs.
John Scott . and family were din-
ner guests with Mrs. William Cox.
and Rev. Benson Cox on Sunday.
Mr' and Mrs. Roy McGregor,
Steven and ;Eric, Karen -and >.Den-
nis Trafford of Allan Park visited
Mr. and Mrs. Alex 'Percy". and
Wayne over the weekend.,
Mrs. Arthur Phillips of Font -
hill. visitedwith . her father, Mr. J.
R ;Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Maulden . and Keith,.'
Kinlough held its usual fine dis-
play offireworks over the week-
lnjurieS Fatal To •
Mrs. Matilda Kitson, aged resi-
dent of the Kintail district, died
in Victoria Hospital, London on
Sunday' evening, frominjuries re-
ceived in a two -car collision near
the :hamlet. of Summerville in . the
Clinton district. She was 87.
Mrs. Kitson was a passenger in
a car driven ,by Mrs. Gail. Howes
which was in collision with an-
other vehicle driven by John Seers
of Auburn.
Mrs. Kitson received a fractur-
ed hip and facial injuries. She was.
first taken to Clinton Hospital and.
then transferred to London..
• Mrs. Kitson was the former
Matilda (Tillie) Thompson, .daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Thompson of Dungannon, where
her father operated a blacksmith
shop many years> ago. She is the
last member of the. family.
To ensure the education' of their,
teenagers, parents . need to : pull
a few wires' TV, telephone
and ignition.
inking Of A New Bedroom Suite?
We Have.
A. large Range To Fit Your
.Taste and Budget
See Our Used Furniture `Selection
Lucknove one 528-3432
In His Home Church
communityr:: AnniversaryF0
sh#�e1d KI.rk.II.a�
1 6th Anniversury
Rey.' Angus' MacKay,, a. mission-
ary in, the Jhansi area of India
since 1927, and a son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. .Hector. MacKay of
Whitechurch,' was guest. speaker'
at anniversary services at Ash-
field Presbyterian Church on Sun-
It was ' 116 ` years ago -that this
congregation` had its ' beginning
after stalwart Scottish settlers had
landed at Kintail on the'shores.
of 'Lake. Huron and, spread inland
to. the Lochalsh vicinity.
The present . church was com-
pleted in 1906. and today is well
and ' attractively maintained, with'.
many ' members . of the: congre-
gation being descendants of those
early settlers.:
.At the morning service Miss
Bertha Blue was . guest soloist
with Mrs. Duncan- Simpson as or-
ganist. In . the evening a choir
comprised, of members of : the
Wingham district Barbershoppers
under the direction of Wm. Con-
nell, sang three well received sel-
ections. With•: the choir from this'
were, M: Wall, Elwin
Hall Philip Steer, Raynard Ack
Large. congregations greeted ert.
Rev. Wm. A. Henderson as he. re- At the evening service Rev. Mr.
e to. his''home church where MacKay outlined some of ' the
•he was.'ordained, to conduct mini- 'highlights of thirty-seven years;" in..
versary services on Sunday. India. His duties have been diver-
" ' The occasion marked the :75th sified over the years with much
anniversary .of the ".laying of the of his time now .spent in admin -
corner stone of the present church, istrative. and legal matters. How
which was opened and dedicated ever .every°, part of the work, .. is
a little less , than- a year later, on featured' by ` evangelism . in the
June 9th, 1890. ' ' constant and desperate... struggle
The church: was built "after the : with the ; forces of evil 'and, chains
two Presbyterian congregations of of darkness:' . • •
Knox* and St. Andrew's became In spite of : opposition and fres
one and adopted the name The., trations, : Rev. MacKay personally
Lucknow Presbyterian Church, testified to :the power of the :Gos
with Rev. Angus : MacKay as the pel in transforming lives.
first pastor of the uniting con- • "The ,:devil never seems to tire
gregations. He remained for 16 in frustrating them" (the Christ -
years :before.. returning .to.- Scot- tan workers), Mr. MacKay said,
land' where he accepted a . call to. and listed several ; instances of the
Kingussie and later ' became mod- periodic opposition . and, difficult
erator. les which they. have faced and ,in.
Rev: Mr. Henderson said it was variably overcome.
a privilege to . be back, but it They are always short handed
made one think to see the changes on the. mission field and Rev. Mr.
and new faces: He expressed the MacKay asked for their prayers
hope .' and : prayer that ` Rev. Mr. and• support in furthering `the work
MacLeod would soon he restored of bringing the, Gospel .. to these.
to health and : resume ` his duties., people, •; and for
in their re-
restorof they
late ;Mr.- and Mrs. John W. Hen- ':Christianity they ,become outcasts
derson. of . Lucknow and . Mrs: .and. are :considered. "dead" by
Henderson .is the former `Peggy" : their families. •
MacDonald, daughter 'of the late These conversions to Christianity
Rev. and Mrs. C. H. MacDonald.. provide : the , stronghold 'of Christ,
Her father ministered to the Luck- from which :` leaders, teachers,
now congregation -for -Z. -years:— .preachers --and --nurses-have-come.
Rev. and Mrs. Hendersons son,
John Henderson who is a student.
at Western University, : has a fine
voice and sang pleasing, solos
morning and evening. Other pleas-
ing numbers were a duet -by Mrs.
Stewart Jamieson and her daugh-
ter, Dianne Jamieson in themorn-
ing and in the evening double
trio numbers by 'six Ripley . young
ladies, Barabara ' Funston, Diana
MacAuley, Mary Anne, Funston,
Corinne MacDonald, Joyce Fun-
ston, Ann Gemmell.
'The ."choir was under the dir-
ection ;. of ' Mrs. William Scott, or-
ganist•;and rendered , an athem in
morning. •
Rev:' Mr. Henderson ,gave force-
ful sermons . on the themes "Spir-
itual Capital" ' and . "Highway
In the morning service he used
illustrations pointing up . the need
for financial capitalin orderto
achieve production, ' and then "re-
ferred to the need for spiritual
capital in order to , produce for.
God and provide protection
against the . evils which surround
us. ' Laws are only stop -gaps to
help protect us,. for only when our
spiritual resources are sufficient
Grill ,evil capitulate.
Mr. Henderson warned- of the
danger of trying to live on the
spiritual capital of others, and
reminded his ' listenersthat we
could not coast along on the • spirt-
ual capital of our forefathers. The
shortage of Sunday School teach-
ers and ' ministers points. 'to this.
Our spiritual resources are like
a bank account. If we keep, taking
out and putting nothing in, We
face spiritual bankruptcy,
AVe need fear not for the future,
whatever it may hold, Mr, Hen-
derson concluded r if we build Up,
our spiritual 'resources,.
Dungannon School
Fair Interesting A:
• Dungannon School Fair was held
Friday , afternoon . at the school
grounds with the teachers,. Mrs.
M. Durnin and Mr. Ron Jewett . in
charge. Mr. Eldon Culbert, chair-
man of the school ' board helped
conduct the ' contests and races:
pet rabbit, Beverley Culbert; ,pet
cat, Gary Caesar; pet turtle, Ste-
phen 'Caesar;; goldfish, Joanne
Veldhuis, Jimmy Stothers pigeons,.
rabbit family cat family, Gary
Caesar; kitten, Marsha ' Hodges,
David Caesar, Debbie Hodges,
Gary Caesar; pet. fowl, Alex Chis
holm and Gary Caesar; decorated
bicycle, Joanne Thompson, Law-
rence Smith, Heather Park, Char-
les Young; cowboy costume, David
Caesar, Steve : Caesar, John Stand -
bury; girl's Indian costume, . Faye
Mason; girl's prettiest costume,
Lynn Culbert, Doreen Mason, Aud-
rey Errington;, girl's funniest cost-
ume, Ann Errington, Barbara
Blake, Cindy Errington; best dress-
ed doll, blonde, Nancy Wardrope,
Joanne Thompson, Heather Park;
doll, brunnette, Penny Reid and
Barbara Blake; doll, red, Barbara
Blake; doll to represent a country,
Rhodene Pentland, Audrey Erring-
ton, Barbara Blake;•stuffed. animal,
Jean Stothers, Peggy Hedges,
Susan Park, Valerie Park.
A table with garden ,and house-
hold plants wereauctioned. by
Douglas Henry and also Gregory
Park, who brought fair prices us-
ing professional 'technique,
Bernice Thompson auctioned the
fine lot of baking inside the school
in the senior, room and. Mrs. M.
WEDNESDAY, .MAY 20th., 1964 ..
SUNSET Drive -In, •
Thor,, • Fri., Sat., May 21.22.23-".
Cameron Mitchell and,
The: Kessler 'Twins..
uric 1h0.--'-C-on.q.ueror
..Color b• also
A ;cartoon featuring:. the voices of
Robert Goulet and Judy Garland
Mon., Tues.,. Wed,,, May 2546.27
Natalie'Wood. 'and Robert. Wagner •
. • Plus` a
and ' other shorts'
'A t The: Fine
• Scope and. Color •
Thur-, Fri.; ' Sat.,, . May 28-29-30
Debbie' Reynolds and John Saxon .
This Happy
Plus Michael' Keith in the 'thrilling
,Both in colon
Mon„ ,Tues„ Wed. . Thur:
Fridays and Saturdays;
Durnin was assisted by Mrs. Eldon . .
Culbert and Mrs. Ross Henry..by
selling hot dogs, coffee and cake,
and orange drink, that ; was much
in' demand . Races were run at the
playground and . a ball . game', en
gaged. Larry Park was the :win.. ,
ner of the travel alarm clock.•
Mr. Bob Conley of Port Hope
was a week end, . visitor with, his
friend ' Mr. Robert Sherwood.
Mr and Mrs. Frank` Finnigan.
and their daughter; Mrs. Gerald.
Neil and her husband, Mr. Neil of
London on''Sunday visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Sherwood.
CKI�RC 110
Rev. Howard W. ' Strapp'
Minister . .
10:00 , a.m. .. Sunday
11:0U. a,m.
Studies Ih
• "'s •C
Church School f 10:30 a.m..
Morning Prayer 11:15. a.m.
The Rev. J. E. King,
Lucknow '
Presbyterian Church
Rev, Roderick , M'acLeod
Minister '
1°100. Lit. . Sunday School"
11:0o guilt Morning Worship
atm►wadi..(.-.+i r.iN 0.4, r ...---;r•r4.