HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-05-06, Page 9WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, 1964 THE L U.. CKNOW • SENTINEL,. LUC,KNOW,, ONTARIO' PAGE NINE Roy l,ightfoo# Buys Broorn..Company Roy • t of Port. Elgin. has:. .Lightfoot purchased the Wilson Broom Com- pany in, Ridgetown and Mr.` and'. Mrs. Lightfoot. will take up per- manent residence that town on: May O. Mrs. Lightfoot: is the former Margaret Geddes of Lucknow. Roy was a..member of the Bank * of Commerce staffhere when that. bank had a branch. • in •Lucknow. located in the Johnstone Block, Where t h e Johnstone Funeral Home . Ls now located. Mr. Lightfoot has been with. the :Stephens-Heptier Co. Ltd since 1940: ' . . The new owner hopes to expand the ::business. The company now makes corn brooms and whisks and 'holds the Canadian patent on the light -weight "Kitchenette" broom. Mr. •Lightfoot plans •to in-' crease production of these lines and begin ' production of a curl- ing broom. The company once made, curling, brooms * disoon- tined the, line three years ago, J. Lorne Wilson, owner of the company for, the past 40 years Will remain with the new .owner far • another year as adviser.. Mr • Lightfoot's son Gary has.. joined. his father in the company. Dave Butchart, another Port Elgin res- ident, also: associated. with.; W4 Lightfoot. . • • PROVINCE OF OPPORTUNITY • Lastyear, Minimum Wage legislation was introduced ••. 'carefully to:establish establish exactly how. this vital and in the.Tororito-Hamilton-Oshawa industrial• area. ' progressive .piece of legislation will .benefit you. It;proved highly successful, and as .a result, .I am pleased . to announce an early extension of : it throughout the entire, Province beginning: on June 29, ask you now:'toread the following' highlights Reduced to its simplest terms, the new Minimum 'Wage Orders, implemented and enforced by your. Ontario Department of Labour, are. designed to :'.protect every working man and woman in. the Province from exploita- tion, and set a minimum wage of $100. an hour ($125 in ' the construction industry).,.• The Orders, now ineffect in the Toronto -Hamilton- Oshawa "horseshoe", will be extended throughout the entireProvince on June 29. However, sothat employers, will have .sufficient time to' adjust to and absorb•the higher rates,. the Orders Must be carried out in: stages; • Briefiii here's. :how your. Ontario Department of . .Labour plans to`go about it `The•.'i'rovince"will be di vided into two:Zones. Zone 1 takes in the More heavily populated and industrialized 'areae and centres. In this • Zone, the $1.00 Mininiuin Wage will be achieved not //. HON. MI. ROWNTREE,Q.C. Minister. of Labour later than• March of next year. In Zone 2„covering the remainderof the Province, the wage will be achieved by December of next year In the Construction Industry,.ttie Minimum Wage of, $1.25 an hour will be reached in the same manner in - both Zones. ;• ' The map and salary boxes on this page show the two zones, and the salary •increases scheduled in both. ZONE fl rry Sound': Huntyvilis' INcLuceo:tP ZONE PRATES North. Bag Sudbury. . Timmins- •• Sault Stie. Mane: Port Arthur Ft.William tresent fr ninium ronfio Wage Zare :• lagaim Bolls ONTARIO. COUNTY soUNDARIES 1 � ZONE.NOUNIDA$UE! Imre raceme MINIMUM WAGS IONS IOUNOAAISS ZONE i General and Hotel and:Restalasat Order Woon June 29, :1964•..'.. $1.00 $ m?.$5 Sept. 28, 1964 .90 pec. 28, 1964 .95: - March 29, 1965 1.00. Construction Work Order June 1964, $425 •ZONE.2 . • General and Hotel and Restaurant Order Men Women June:29, 1964 $.:85 $:80, Dec. 28, 1964 .90. .90 .December 27, 19651.00 ' 1.00 { Construction Work Order •June, 29, 1964 December 27, 1965: 1.25 . • The General Minimum Witage Order does riot apply to: Registered apprentices;” camp counsellors, or. students employed`in certain recreational programs; apartment house janitors who live' in; real estate and insurance salesmen and salesmen who determine. their own hours; professional persons andlteachers; domestic ser*nts; farm labourers, . • Special rates (80¢ in Zone 1 and 750 in Zone 2) apply in the .following cases:.A student who does not .work more than ,28 hours a week; a seasonal worker ,processing.'Perishable fruits and vegetables sPEpuAiGROtFS who does not work, rlr more than 16 weeks in a year,*' . . Speciai rates (600 in Zone 1 and 50¢ in Zone 2) apply in the following 'cases: :Delivery boys, mesa• sengers, newsvendors, pinsetters, caddies who ate ..-_under:..18years of age.*.. . • • +Ill both special rates categories, the Zone,1 rates will apply in` . Zone 2 o rpecember 21, 1965, EiVIPLOVERS NOTE 'Where employees,•are being paid on apiece -work basis, if, at least four-fifths of them . are earning at 'east the minimum wage, you will be considered as complying :with the. Orders. . 'Learner Rates are as follows: Where employees•are on a piece -work basis, (earners may • be paid 20¢ Tess ;than the prescribed minimume rate fol, the -first three months of employment, and 10¢ less' for the cond three months. tit all Other cases, learners ay be paid 100 less. than the. prescribed minimum„ for first four months of employment. The Hotel and Restaurant Order establishes a special learner rate fi14 rst lower rh than theprescribed minimum rate for the of employment. ' • Your Ontario Department of Labour stresses the fact that these are jusfthe highlights of the new Tv inimuin Wage Orders. To find out •exactly, what the Orders mean to you, lease write. THE LABOUR STANDARDS BRANCH,' THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR,- 74 VICTORIA .STREET, TORONTO 1, ONTARIO, ' or telephone 365.5251° . . MENT Were progr* are planed for people