HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-05-06, Page 8PAGE EIGHT CANADA'$ «reed exedteog tiad eict e?a e. NIGHTCLUB ENTERTAINMENT dir.cf fro s Broadway, las Vegas ' Hollywood and:Europe .... Lavish. *elves; sparkling entertainment "\ and, .finest food .'. only two blocks 1 from, the Royal, York in downtown Toronto ,� ,,; •.. • Luncheon, dinner and :supper served daily Floor shows at 8:30 •,%;and 11:30 P.M., nightly • Front & Slmeoe Streets %.Iphon.. 363.1151 • in •tile •• Barclay Hote modern rooms and .suites '• for commercial .and transient guests, - singles 1 ilN"f iN ktiCKNt W ONTARIO Resident RIPLEY At Preston MlitTECHURCH NEWS) We ne day, Whitechurch Wo 's last trite held a .euchre par- t.$•,'' in the Whitechurch. Commun., titleMemrial Hall, The Hall was decorated with a profusion of yel- Q lcw and White daffodils,: There were I5 tables- in flay, Mrs,' Cora, McGill :Won the "-prize for high • lady with a ,white card. Mrs, Al- . den Pardon Von the prize• for• high • lady with a ' pink 2tard. -and' Mrs, Jim Ilalliiday won the prize for ' ' the most lone 'bands; , The, hostesses served lunch and. all en- joyed a social time.: - • Bruce Federafi on Executive':: Concerned By Spread Of Elia Disease ;ln Bruce. A meeting of the Bruce County 'crease in their share of wages, Federation : of , Agriculture Execu-. for services rendered by the of- tive was:. held on April 28th at. fice secretary. by $4:00 per week, Walkerton, • retroactive to : April 1st. Ron Slade, Fieldman, in report- . At : the request 'of ' County Coun- nig on action taken and response cil. three members were appoint - from feed manufacturers on the ed in the persons of Jim Powers, resolution dealing with a ''request Cameron MacAuley and Ronald 'that the amount of nutrients con- Slade, to;.sit : on the County ARDA tained,'in feed , that are digestible Committee which: is being set 'up be listed on the tag stated that under the direction of Provincial many feed companies do not have ARDA Branch Directorate.' the `facilities to make • the nec-Allan Wedow, President Ontario essary tests by the sang : Poultry Producer* hssociation, re- ken manyfeel at such :.a request is warrnted . and . should fob- . ported that'while . the Farm •Pro- ducts 'Marketing Board have. ap- The Whitechurch 'Women's In- stitute are making arrangements to tour CKNX .on .May 12, their regular meeting day,: and later to lunch at. Danfly.'s Restaurant, The hostesses are Mrs. This. Jamie son andMrs. Claude.: Coffin.. We are . sorry to report Mrs. George Coultes .was. admitted to %Ingham ,and District Hospital. on Tuesday; Her many friends wish her " a ,speedy recovery.:,' Mr. Kenneth Morrison, had the misfortune on. Tuesday.to break his left arm while • doing : 'exer- cises • in the gym at the Wingham High School. He was taken to the Wingham Hospital and a • cast put Ori the arm and he returned home that evening, ' Mr. Gordon .Rintoul' was ,admit- ted to the Wingham and District lowe&up. At the present time only proved the,': egg marketing poral; to date the Minister of Ag- riculture has `,notgiven his ..final consent , to :. the plan but has high hopes that such would. " be soon . It was- reported : that there is a. move.' at foot .to , join; Ontario Farm Radio Forwn,Folk School and Leadership Forum under one Board of Directors which , should cut operating- costs :'considerably. All three of, these adult education programs , presently work togeth- er., very closely • He also.: announc- -ed that the Regional Folk School: Will be held in Grey County this ANNOUNCES DATES . FOR ' year at Varney.' on June• 19, .20• CADET' CORPS INSPEC'TIDAS and 21st: / 'Considerable 'concern was shown Dates. for: cadet • inspections in • with regards . to .:inroads , t'h a t the ' area: that 'comes ,under the h_ Elm disease is. making into junsdict1+n, of the 21st 'field Reg 1 Bruce County. •h `was felt that anent, RCA CM) 'were announced either ' our. Townships or County recently • by Lieut-CoL L G. Vic- I should be, doingeverything e eu>g in ---g a eer of the their: power through.educational •1CAI'S', , commanding ..0�.' amt. programmes, preventive measures The inspection at Lucknow will, , and eradication of • diseased trees be - at 2:00. p.m. on Friday, "May Ito .try and • check .it. If • proper. 22nd,, conducted by . Major . Robert, and inn ieediate `procedure is not .Ritter, O.C.of • the ,99th Batter►, i taken a slaughter of Elm trees Wingham. wdl be the. end result: the amount of :, protein 'contained in • the feed is stated onthe tag, not the amount that is digestible. Feed could contain a;'high., amount., of :.protein . but there Is ..no as- surance that the livestock can di- gest it; i.e. chicken feathers . are highin protein ' but they cannot be digested- The Executive direc- ted irec-ted:that : thiS :resolution .be for- warded to . the .OFA for. further. ... 'Upon request: from the Grey County Federation of, Agriculture the ' Executive' approved an : in- • 'WEDNLSDAY, MAY ,firth,; 194. Custem 1utterng Mondays Hogs, $2.00 in, by 4:00 p.m. " Cutting and Wrapping, ' 2c. pound CATTLE; CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY ,We Do Curing and . Smoking . , b. i . Beef, Pork and . . Sold' Whole, .:Half or Quarter . For Better Seance,. And .Lowery Prices :Call Ripley 100. had. Hooisme Prop. • from a heart condition from which he. is .slowly recovering. Word wasreceived here that Mr. Bert Caskinette, a. son of Mrs. ' Ralph • Caskinette and the late Mr. Ralph; Casldnette, had passed away at Preston hospital on Monday.. The Caskinette fam' ily lived on the 6th con, Kinloss. and •were • well known to many in ' this area His passing is the first in a family of ten`. Those attend- ing the funeral from this 'com- mu nity were , Messrs.' Bill Scott, George Tiffin, :. Elmo •. Pritchard who ;were pallbearers.• Mrs. Wm. Pardon: attended ,her ' uncle's fun- eral, Mr. 'Frank' Miller, Mr. Gra- ham Moffat: and Mr. Archie Mc- Kinnon of Teeswater were ;, also present: Burial was .on Thursday at , Preston cemetery... : This com- his sister Mrs. Bill Smith and. Mr... Smith, of Wingham ` and also his sister Mrs. Ed Wadel and Mr. Wadel of Teeswater. (ASHFIELD) '((Too late for last week ) Misses Anna and Charlotte Mac- kenzie ' of Weston spent the week, end with their , sister' Mrs. : Earl Howes. • • Miss Betty Anne Parrish of . Tor- onto was home . for, the week -end'. ReV, T. Kennedy, of Bluevale occupied the pulpit of Ashfield Presbyterian.' church :, last Sunday. Miss Margaret .Macdonald of Toronto was home for a few days.. Miss Sharon West of • London spent" two . days at home recently. Dr, Wenzell • and Barbara of De- troit _spenta'the week -end . at their Hospital o n � y suffering !nullity ;extends their `sympathy to summer home,. ' Tuesday i■■■■igi mismo ■■ illm ttimem0000'ii'nen■otit, assaanamesiaeeilimmaiE'�i°•■immortaia ■o ■. a. THEATRE. . MAS: • ■ K YOUR VISIT ■ . .. ■ . _. WE. TRY TO: :MAKE • .. WIN N OH H AC o A PLEASURE ■ , ■. ■ . •• • Phone 357 4030. , ■ is ■ • . COMMENTS •WELCOME AT ALL •TIMES ■ is STARTING. �-:..Y:15• and• 9sl"�:: a '; • • Except 'as listed SELECTED SHORT, SUBJECTS i..'. MON.-TUES. MAY '4 S MON.-TOES. WED. MAY 18-19.20 • .; "OPERATION. BULLSHINE ■Colour ` ■ . Starring. Ronald Shiner Carole Lesley: •hr, . make `.. sure you ■■ •For.: an • evening of: au�hte • see this 'hilarious . Enghsh :.comedy. It's quite ■ . • an: operation. ■ • ■ ▪ WED.-THUR.-FRI--SAT.. ' MAY 6=7-8.9: • • "SOLDIER . IN . THE RAIN' '� ■ ■.Starring: Steve McQueen Jackie Gleason, and 'Tuesday Weld !▪ ' -Wheif••they put Steve - McQueen and Jackie • Gleason in . the same army, camp—look out. • It's one of the unusual comedy dramas of c A• ADEN T�'LIERS make gar eing•. or easy as mowing your lawn!. re %a lieu : Cshirase Sean ill R a►:1 • `Ea Weei PJi' • • • Teri Grswi . Fertilize, l A gra brat ?titlark/try Soles, •. 3,. 4 5 IF fines • fold -Sorer 6at+i0s • AdirOolite' dad die WOO q gotdeu Tltl:SfTH • ds�•s, •fou .h nares u4tb iota ti .'I a ratf►X of the future ..: beeper„ `better, tester filftrra. "Sinai * calor :tis expand 'to . wOt fides ' ,f , 30' 4ds..I t:Orrnpesetly.,. CNN L frit i Des imasimtes ski 1' ►lit j Pioue 5'�-2E2.i ■ the year. • M'ON.=TUES.': ti • • ■ . "CRY,•�OF BATTLE" Starring. Van Heflin Rita. Moreno and James MacArthur, This wartime story takes •lace ..in the ' Phil- ■. lippines during: the time o• the Japanese in- ▪ vision. It proves that there's nothing like a : MAY .11-12 ADULT, ENTERTAINMENT "UGLY AMERICAN" Colour $Barring. Marlon Brando •: Eiji Okada and Sandra. Church • This gripping drama ' is . high -rating in all der partments..;it conveys a senseof urggency, and: reports. the fast -changing, but . vital . political 'situation in' troubled•southeast Asia. ■ • THUR.-FRi.-SAT;: MAY'` 21-22.23• i "DR. STRANGELOVE" ■ *Or: How. 1 Learned to Stop> Worring and17: Love the 'Bomb Starring:. Peter Sellers George' C. Scott'. ■. • Sterling Hayden and .Keenan Wynn • This serio-comedy is •. an unusual screen exper- ience that will not soon be. forgotten. It's • the • most original American comedy, in ..years and 'at the 'same : time .a •supersonic thriller ' that ■ . should have you chomping . your 'fingernails;; • right ,down. to the funny bone.• . • SATURDAY. MATINEE MAY .23 • "HAVE ROCKET, WILL TRAVEL ;..: Starring: The• Three Stooges ■ ■ ■ a° war to change a boy : into. MON=TU ESMAY ■ 2S -Zi a man. .. • • ... •., ■ WED.-TH UR.=FR I .SAT, . : MAY. 13.14.1516 CinemaScope - Colour. , ■ Starring:. Dolores Hart - Hugh O'Brian ;and" "COME, FLY WITH MEss ! ■ , • ■ i ADULT ,ENTERTAINMENT . Karl Boehm s It's a cute,, well-made,'slick comedy,- drama of ■ ▪ . .TAKE HER, .SHE'S MINE.; the roinantic • adventures . of three airline hos ■ • ■ ■ Sta CinemaScope ` . Colour e lesser ■in Paris Vienna, tc., etc a n rri . James S wart SarWra Dee ■ 1•,o and Audrey Meadows WED.-THUR -FRI.-SAT.` ■ • : MAY Z7�Z8=29�30� ■ `MUTINY-- SPECIAL ,'- a . . ■ ON THE BOUNTY"• CinemaScope Colour ■ Starring: Marlon Brando Trevor Howard 0 and Richard Harris This remat. adventure of famous work- is' one of the thrill n ". s ;making. One . stories of'them em all. g ,climax, of years of film One • ■ show. , each night starting at 8 p.m. ' • • '11 This is the funniest fare in many a• 'moon. ' Y • ' It tells the story .of . a father. and the troubles • he • has with his 'teen-age daughters . , treuble i. ■ that doubles because he is chairman of the, ' ' a school 'board, • SATURDAY ,MATI.NEE .• `MAY 16. • "TREASURE OF• THE • : :: •. GOLDEN CONDOR" s •. Starring; Cornet Wilde , 5 5 ■ a s a s • 1. • . • *a • tiltle>Rt00;BAlTsBJ0saiiata i;i st;ti11saamiaa iiifreMantrenaiierrr■iirar■iiilisl■wi■■tzMasl� r • SATURDAY ,MATINEE MAY 30 • Special. Children's .Matinee •■ ■ ■ ■ COMMG: TO THE LYCEUM THEATRE "NEW KIND CUFF LOVE". y "W.,HO's MINDING 'THE STORE ONE MAWS WAV SUMMER HOLIDAY" "BEACH.. PAPTY" - ]'MISADVENTURES: .OF MERLIN'. • JONES" • "LILLIES OF .THE FIELD" - "TOM ..ZONES" ''MAIL ORDER BRIDE" Ktssll�t` COUSINS" •"PINK PANTHER" ',CHALK GARt3'EN." • 1 .q, (Clip Per , Reference) a ,• •