HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-05-06, Page 3WEDNESDAY, .MAY 6th, 196 . THE ILUCKNOW, SENTINEL, .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . ".:PAGE THREE; 1 E*I•■aN.*.mh.AEEI11appma.nu•E■.■■■u■atu$Iu•u■Eumaiu■En ■■E Eue ■■ VIIINP*P ■t • a• -a • 'V21 AllICL emote. (:11-6Truziry • ' rr �1.:qe.. ll� r w• . a i ■ ✓ 0 FOR QP 'QUALITY AICD Loi PRICES EVERYDAY • Red it: White Sweepstu Salad: Dressin .59� esg■ LOCAL and GENERAL NEWS arry • MacDonald. of Toronto spentlast weekendwith .hs mo- ther Mrs. Garfield. MacDonald.Lorre .Campbell returned home Saturday from '•Winghamhospital,aftr a tonsil opeation.,Mr and Mrs Victr Kannpin, Marilyn. and Vicki of Kitchener were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cil Campbell on Sunday. Mrs.Lloyd Hall, kindergarten • oohch .at Lucknow Public Schn es •M P afis the 'h capQ of ar casts onher >tracle. �R%hi � 32 oz, • � • -11 ,Aylmer Peas • Fancy ' 15 -oz. tins. a Jell Desserts... 10 for $1 ▪ Lushus pkgs. 6..f�r99.c Pineapple -Grapefruit Drink -37c Libby''s' 48 -oz. . Instant.Coffee 1.07. Red Rose 6 -oz., 1.5c: off pack SAVE: :29c •I b. 87c Nabob'C�ff�e r. In . f lavotainer' bag a • Solo Margarine 2 for 47c 2c off. pack - lb pkg.` a Suprerne Frozen Pies 39c 'Fresh regular : price 47c c • Apple and Raisin:: Delicious! 24 oz;. size s • i 'Listen to CKNX' TV each Thursday ■ left . 11. between. 6 and 7 ;m. •1`'orr o• be a• v�nn= i' I .Mrs. Sam Reid ,returned ;recent P . c y ■ ly . to her home in Lucknow after ner. Contest entryform with' each .purchase • spending pe g the winter .with ' h e r at ,our store, daughters at Zion and St. Helens.. Donald. Fisher, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Fisher: of Lucknow, was .taken to Wingharn "Hospital • last • Fridaywith a gland infec- ts tion. • Mrs.' Ina Harlton and Mrs. Nina • Fotover heringham night visioftors St, Maryrs . were dere ■ with.. M Mrs. Cyril. Campbell on Friday enroute. to Owen Sound as dele • :a gates to * a public school confer- ence. ; Miss Christina ''Carrick left this week * for . St. Paul, Minnesota, where. she will visit. • with her sister. Mrs. E. • G. Johnson:. and Mr. and `Mrs. • M. G Miller. . She also ,will visit at. Duluth . and •:Vir ginia,' Minnesota. ..Smoked PICNIC H 39c:.Ib. Kam:Luncheon Meat 12 -oz.. Ban : Deodorant Reg' $1,25, 112 -oz... Bufferin Reg 79c 36"s Vitalis Reg 79c 4 -oz. size, Frost'riServe Shortca Weston red. 39c • • *■ r :Caryle ; to Mr. • :Keith; Cameron ■ Hi'ckling, son of Mr. and:: Mrs. James: Hickling :of Carlsruhe,,.The ■ wedding will . 'take lace on Sat- o g P ENGAGEMENTS 'Mr, •and Mrs. Hugh < Menary, Ashfield, • announce , the' engage= :mens -.of their daughter, Mary s i' • Donald Kirkland. of St.. Thomas. spent last week -end with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Kirk land . Mr., and • Mrs, ' Leslie Hallam,. • Lorie and Larry • of Kingston, visitedlast week -end with his:. parents Mr. and Mrs; , Charles Hallam. DRIVE -1N THEATRE NANOVEH THURS., FRI., SAT. MAY. 744 Haunted PaI*ace. Technicolor, Cinemascope ' V. Price, D. Paget ' "it' Came From the Lit To Honor Her." Gypsy . Colt. * - W. Bond ' Technicolor "Family. Fun." CARTOON MON.,. TUES., WED. •MAY 11.12 is Wiiaf:.Ever Happened , To Baby Jarmo Betty Davis, Joan Crawford * Adult Entertainment. ".There's Heyer been 'a Thriller urday, May 23rd at their .home, likes. this before." CARTOON. Ashfield Township.; , Ma lis Itetl and Wmte Food Store _•a� T µ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.,......,. pARK �E SOLIARE a ti. a. PHONE 5284001 -= FREE. _ THE ▪ • ▪ • nail!■ ■■iis..lis■sa a■asn.mmasais a ■■■i■ossai a ai■■■■■E.aari■p lsommaai PLANE ; CRASH ..KILLS. TWO (Continued from page`. 1) • there' that: evening An. aunt and uncle ..of . Diane, :Davis from Scar- boyo picked' .her' up• late that.'even- ing at Walls and she . returned with.: them. ' Diane ' had the unpleas .::ant task of informing her mother Of her father's death. She phoned a 'neighbour •• from Walls and• ask- ed her to go to be with her . mo- ther, and .;.:then she phoned_ her, mother in North• Bay and .told her of the tragedy. No Ma. (function Of: Pt:ane ' Provincial 'Constable Jack Hatch Of.' the Kincardine Detachihent in- vestigated : the :.accident: Two in- spectors from the Department of Transport: arrived at the . scene Sunday* evening "and . on Monday a preliminary. examination of the wreckage ' at . the. scene revealed' no malfuhction of the plane. On ,Monday the plane was removed* to : Goderich where a. further ex' .'amination will be conducted. Bides his wife, Norman Litt is survived. by two sons and three daughters; two brothers, • ` three 'sisters and ' his • mother . Mrs.: Gor= don' Litt "ofTeeswater.• Mr: -Davis. is survived by his wife and "four. ' daughters. Litt was the . operator. of . Seip's 'Welding, and Machine • Shop in Hanover and ' has been flying.. for 'a little over a year. It was only the second .timehe. had used.. 'the Aero -Green :Ponds airstrip • Unfortunate' Climax It ' was . an unfortunate..climax —to •to the development, of 'Aero -Green Ponds , by Borden Litt of : Tees - Water. Mr. and :Mrs; Litt, Herbie and . Bonnie, had been . spending all their free time there and had developed the. farm into a very creditable . addition, to the town- ship. Borden had just nicely -fin- ished ..many ' of his projects that included' the seeding of the run- • Way 'and Was lookingforward to future: days of leisure and flying:• when the tragic accident 'hit. The Litt family have'' a" trim cottage built at the site, .a hanger for: his plane and have stocked some fish ponds on the farm, The grounds are trim and neat and the pro- ject is a credit to the family,• and .an assetto the community. About seven years ago, Dick McQuillan sold Borden . 50. acres -of the farm. About three. years later Dick'* sold Cliff Johnston 95 acres in the same :: location and Borden . purchased the . remaining. five ' acres • of land : from:. McQuil.. lies, last year. Borden obtained some .additional . land from Cliff Johnston togive him enough. length ' for : his runway. * .Borden has been very . generous; with his `rides" and many in the . area have had the opportunity .,to see: this district from the air for the first ,time, Remains:. Of Crumpled Piper .Cub iaiiaai■■a■aa■■E.•■■a.■•••••iaraa■••■■•i■aa•E■•a • ■ Subset. is HIGHWAY' 85 is Drive EAST OF GODERICH Thursday, Friday, Saturday, . May 7-8-9 ' . "THE THREE STOOGES. GO''ROUND' IN A ,DAZE" •■ , also ."PIRATES OF BLOOD RIVER" • with Kerwin Matthews .and- Maria Land; SeOlti.e & 'color ': • , P • ••° • •• •• • • • • ▪ " .. Filmed in Greece' • Showtires 7:30 'and ' 9:30 p.nn. Thursday, Friday; Saturday, .May 7-8-9 "MUTINY,*,ON* � E BOUNTY" .Magnificent. in .Sca and Color w i th Marlon, Brand() : and Trevor Howard . Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "Never On Sunday' 1 May : 11.-1243 ADMI1TANCE • RESTRICT! D TO PERSONS 1$ YEARS• OF'AG■ OR OYER • • •:.,. • ▪ _..ALsophisticated—comedy-drama *in -which. an American : `. tourist becomes an abortive reformer ; ` • e' Melina Mercouri, Jules Dassin and George Foundas j • Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May •.14-15-16 • • s.• • .adult entertainment` • • Jimmy Stewart, Sandra Dee .and Audrey Meadows s Present the hilarious story of a protective father. • . ."Take filer, She's Mine" • • • • Scope and Color .4. o. ■ ■ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 11-=12-13 ■ ■ Rock Hudson and Arlene Dahl' ■ "THE BENGAL BRIGADE" • • ■ • ■ ■. Murray Hamilton and Kat}ry Dunn• • in 413 FRIGHTENED WOMEN" All color --- Twin Bill Thursday, Friday,. Saturday, 'Kay 14-15.16. • Leslie Caron and David Navin ■ • : "GUNS OF• DARKNESS" • •• • w Plus' Marshall Thornpson and Gaby Andre: in ■ ■ ■ "EAST OF KILAMAN�"ARO --.color � ■: N., a • ' ▪ . MIDNIGHT SHOW ---- SUNDAYMay 1.7 . , • ■ weep sluifll sVivi■■■r■■■■■■■a••••••■••Niri■■■■i ■ • •. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " Watch for ~"THE 'PRIZE" with Paul Newman adult entertainment • ■ai,Eaai.iii■■a■.iii�■■i■■■.■■ra�nEa■■ii■�in�.' • • i •■ ■ • • ■▪ •. ■ EUM�W'ingL ant• • is • WED:-THU-R.-FRI,-SAT. MAY 6.7-8.9 ."SOLDIER. I:N .THE RAIN" Starring: Steve 'McQueen. Jackie' Gleason ' ..and Tuesday' Weld• When ;,they ', put'•6 Sfeve McQueen and Jackie Gleason in the same , army . 'camp—look otit. It's one of the unusual comedy dramas of the, year. MONA-TU ES. MAY 11=12 r ADULT ENTERTAINMENT." "CR'Y OF BATTLE" Starring:, Van Heflin •Rita Moreno avid James MacArthur o This wartime story takes place in the` . Phil- .. a; lippines . 'during the time. of the Japanese., in- ■ • ' vasioii.. It prves that there's ., nothing like a ° • war to ,;change a boy into a man.: • WED.-THUR -FRI.-SATS • MAY:.13.1415.1'6 • "TAKE HER, SHE'S MINE'S E girr uilui•■i i sllIis sIaU'NINiiiris■■iil i • ■ si . s 5 i, sae 5 .s a; 5 .5 5 a a 5 a 5 a i i, bussu . • .J )i , ,► •