HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-05-06, Page 1$4.00 A Year In 'Advance $1.00 Extra To U,S.
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KinIosJPIcne Crash KiIIs.T*o
• The weekend hum of 'a private
- airstrip on , the 6th, concession of
Kinloss Township changed to a
gloomy silence late Sunday after-
noon as a Piper Super Cub single
engine ` aircraft plunged. . to the
• ground from a 'height of : about
100 feet carrying two men . to their
death .and leaving nine children
fatherless. Aero -Green Ponds. air-
strip, the scene of the , accident,
is ' on .the 6th of Kinloss, about
1% miles east of the Holyrood
Dead fire 'Norman' Litt, 43, ' of.
Hanover who was a brother of
' Borden Litt, owner of ,the air-
s p and Harold Davis, . 49, of
North Bay whowas a .friend of
Borden's. The . accident was a
tragic end to a . Week -end' 'of plea-
sant flying, typical ofthat en -
j o y e d at Aero -Green , Ponds.
throughout the summer months.
• Mr. Davis,,.• who, operates Mir-
amichi Camp at Trout Lake near
North ` Bay, came to the Kinloss
Township :airstrip' Saturday •;and
spent ..• the night with the, Borden
Litt family at their., cottage there.
On Sunday, he and Borden . flew
to Stratford to pick .up Mr. Davis'`
daughter Diane, age 17, and her
17 -year-old friend Sharon Smith
who ; had stayed in St. Marys 'after
'a day of retering at colleges
• at Waterloo and Guelph. The four-
some returned to the Kinloss. air
strip and: planned to drive back
to North Bay. in Mr. Davis' car
later .in ♦ the day.'
Girls . Decline' Ride •
Duringthe afternoon, Borden's•
brother Norman of Hanover had
flown into; Aero -Green Ponds and
later offered Mr:. Davis a short
flight in his plane- before the.
Davis 'headed back to •North Bay. 1
The 'Davis ,girl and, her friend de-
clined the offer of a .ride in the
plane at that .time.. The. aircraft
tookoff down the .1800 ,foot grass
runway, climbed to a :height of
about 100 feet,: ,started to bank ''to .
the west and apparently• went in-
to a stall .plunging straight down
to the ground: The ground was
hard at that area arid the plane
did not dig into the earth ', too
much. There .was no scatteration
of pieces of the aircraft. The fuse-
lage had to ripped •apart to re-
move the bodies .of the two men
who .were killed instantly.
Among ' the witnesses , f the
crash, were Borden Litt'and Diane
Davis who ,'saw their brother • and
father plunge to. :their death. Oth-
ers witnessing .the :: take off . and.
crash, besides these visiting, at
the Litt cottage,. were Mr.' and
Mrs Gordon Wall and their., fam
ily, ° Dick McQuillin 'and. his .son
Ronnie, : Luverne, Wolfe' and Bert
Flox Borden Litt,his s on.
Herbie and. , Ronnie. McQuillan
drove, Litt's': truck' to the end of'q,
the: runway where ,they found the
wreckage. and the 'dead men, •
There, was no fire. despite . the..fact
that gasoline. had . spilled over .the
wreckage '
The, two . girls went to the home
of Gordon Wall following the
bing. experience. ; When offered •a
ride on the plane, 'both Mr. Davis
and. Sharon Smith were eager to.
go,. but it was ':decided , that 'Mr.
Davis . would go first. Sharon
Smith. was picked up by relatives
from:. St. Marys . and she -returned
(Continued on' page 3)
St: = Peter's and, Sister Churches Take
Part In Anglican, World Mission Play.
St. Peter.'s - Anglican church is I Sunday, "when a : special . offering
one. of many Anglican
churches in will be taken. The organizations
:.. . ... ,.. .,, .
Canada which .Will be participat of : the parish have been generous.
ingin a new plan. "la of World ,Mis-..in ,"their response to this:new ,ap
sign.. This ' newp lan of '"Mutual . peal: The W.A. and th_e Ladies'
' Guild are' both planning, ' 'special•
among on g the '18
churches_ _of.:."...the--wwor-ld-wide=Arg=J endeavours with the proceeds for
lcan .is ' a' result 'of this World Mission.
the Anglican Congress: held in Tor- The project tobe supported by
• onto .. lastA u. ust. The.. Anglican St. Peter's , Church is . in ' the dio-
• church .of :• Canada has. pledged an cese of'Accra, � est Africa. Per •
extra $15 million .dollars over ` and tonal contact and prayer partner
abovepresent missionary commit ships with Anglicans in Accra are
ments for the next five. years to to be established in the near future.
missionary work. ' • St. Peter's `sister. churches,. St.
St. Peter's church is also plan- Paul's Dungannon "Christ' Church,
ning an extra contribution: to world Port :Albert, and St: Paul's, Ripley
mission. Sunday, May' .10th, has are also participating in the World
• been designated. World 'Mission .Mission Plan• -
400 Cattle Sold At
Stocker Auction
The spring stocker consignment
sale auction promoted by Bob
• McIntosh was held on : Monday at
the 'Community Sales Barn.
Good seeding weather cut the
crowd somewhat, but 400 head
were sold at prices comparable
to • the present market 'which is
somewhat .easier this , past 'month
due to American cattle .imports.
The top lot of seven steers av-
,` eraging about' 650 pounds . were
consigned by Art Eggleston of
West ' Wawanosh. They brought
24.20 and were sold to L. John=
stun of'
The .top lot of seven heifers
were consigned by Russell Irvin of
Ashfield and bought by Gordon
Martyrs of Ripley for 21.70, They
Joins: Ontario
Provincial Police
Eimer MacKenzie of Point. Crr c•
recently joined' th� 'Ontario Pro-
vincial i
an'd is� �presently
yhmcial : Pollee .
serving ,his six . months probation,;
ary period ;at Mount Forest, dis-
trict headquarters.
Mr. and Mrs; MacKenzie '(Mar-
lene : Lowry) • and Blair. ' resided
over the. Lucknow Fruit Market
while Elmer was employed here
and later moved to the • light
house home" " at Point Clark, They
will move' to Mount Forest short-
ly. .. I .' ...:.:i:..� .
Elimer's . first work upon joining
was a two week training.' period
:in Toronto. During the probation-
ary period, he will serve. some
time at the police college at Ayl-
....er 'before receiving, a, perman-
averaged about 530 pounds. ont , posting.
Cockpit '. `Where. , Two Men Died
Ladies Show. Interest
A small ; group of interested we-
men :attended a meeting in; the, MISS • JOANNE :HUNTER
- A /graduation service Was held
Town: Hall Assembly Room' • on
Wednesday `evening, April,29th, •at'•
which Mr. •.Rolph Gibson and, Mr.
W. Van Dam from the. Walkerton
and District unit of the: Canadian
Cancer Society were present.
Mrs. J. L: MacMillan' was in
charge. After some` . dicussion ' it
.was decided to lay plans for a can-
',trait- of the town and district, dur-
ing the . week of May 11th.,
Mrs. P. Stewart consented to act
as campaign chairman and; a com-
was formed which includ-
ed Miss Ruth Thompson, Mrs, Jack
McKim, Mrs.'Ford Cunningham
(.Lady--For-esters-),; Mr -s. H.' Lavis
(Kairshea) and. Mrs. A. McNay.
These ladies are:to act as con-
tacts. with the Walkerton and Dis- •
trict unit,' and Miss .Liella. Finlay-,
sen 'to be treasurer jointly with
Mrs. N. J . MacKenzie.
A group..of dedicated ' ladies
are finalizing plans, for a can-
vass ' of Lucknow next week
on behalf of the Cancer Sec
• iety
None . need be told the.im-
portance of, this cause, and'
no doubt " the citizens ' of ' .the..
,community' will respond as al-
ways to such appeals.
If you are not 'at home when
,;the canvasser calls, or any-
one in, country • or town who
is not' contacted,: may leave
their. donation at the ' Bruce
County Health Unit office in
the Johnstone Block, Lucknow.
Donations may be left there
any afternoon. Monday thru
• Friday from 1:00 to 5:00.
Final � Report On
Easter Seal Fund.
The Easter Seal'Committee . of
the. Lucknow' and District; , Lions '•
Club has, anounced the final, re-
sults of ' this campaign,'which was
most. 'successful with the.'' .gener-
ous • response 'by the:. residents .of.
the community, sending the total
wellbeyond previous years,
Gordon Fisher, treasurer of the
fund, °announces a grand'total of
$1079 50,
. The following list :completes • the
'acknowledgement of donations to
the .: fund:
'W. L. MacKenzie,' ' Lucknow;
Douglas • Drennan,.R. 3, Goderich;
Wm. S. Eadie, Holyrood;
Shackleton, . Dungannon; . ,:Gordon •
Montgomery, • Lucknow George
Graham, R. 1, Holyrood;, Andrew :.
Gaunt,; R: 1, Lucknow; Lloyd' Mof '
fat, 'R. 3, Holyrood; Wm. .flow,
R ,2,. Auburn; :James` 'Bo .le Luc-
-. �.w...: a,.�w ... Boyle,
know: , $ekei+cDtifigii; `f.vlcltiiow,
Rev., J '.R 'King, •Lucknow; Jack'.
I McKinnon, : R. `6,: Lucknow; Mrs,
Arnold` Alton, : R. 7, Lucknow; Bill
•Helm, : R. 3,:. Lucknow.
Swnday,at St. ,Peter's Basilica
for 45. students from Brescia. Col-
lege, the Roman Catholic women's
college at the ;University of Wes-
tern Ontario. '
A procession of the graduates.'
into . the church preceded the ser-
vice. One of' the group was Miss
Joanne Hunter, daughter : of Mr.
and. Mrs. Vernon Hunter of Luck -
now. Joanne is a candidate for.
her. Arts, -degree, . specializing in
Home Economics. Graduation ex
ercises are scheduled for May
• ,Joanne --will teach. Grade 9— h s
tory; and ,`,assist -in' home econ`
omits' at Forest District.; High
School next term. She is currently
at Forest, until the end . . of the
term to becomefamiliar with her
duties, nice gifts ;and ,best wishes.
ed 53rd
Mr. and
Mrs..Robert McNall of
Lucknow observed their fifty-third
wedding anniversary on Sunday,'
May 3rd ' at their home on Camp-
bell ' St., . with the . following rela-
tives and friends attending: Mr.
and Mrs. James. 'McNalland fam-
ily of. London, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
McNall and June. of R.R.;5 Luck -
now, Cliff IVlcNaIl of ` Cargill, Mr.
and. Mrs,_Clarence" Wadel of Zur-
ich, ` Mr. and ` Mrs. Harry Swan
and family of Langside, Miss Tena"
Carrick of "Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Clancy of Guelph, Mrs. Grace
Clancy of Cargill.
They were .recipients of several"
Choked Into �)nconsciou�ness
"'-Eight'-yea'r�old• Joan Anderson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Charles
Anderson of . Ashfield Township, a
mile west of Lucknow. had " a
brush, with death last Saturday
morning at their farm;
Jeanie." and hersister Charlene,
.age°11, were riding on the plat-
.at -form, ' on the back of the. seed.
drill. while their . father, Charlie
was' getting his spring seeding.
work done and driving the trac-
'tor . The youngsters decided to lie
down on the platform and Char-
lene happened to fall off: as the.
tractor inched along. As she was
scrambling.back on, the drill; she
noticed that Joanie's scarf had be -
Then Charlie got to 'Jeanie he •
foundher scarf, which had come 1
off her . head and ' was knotted
under her chin, tightly wound in
a shaft ;in the. drill., ' Charlie •used' i
a, screw driver.. to .fr his ;teen
unconscious.' daughter and applied
Mouth to mouth respiration at the
scene. For about a minute Joanie
appeared to have stopped breath-
ing until her welcomed crying gave
evidence that she was alive.
She was taken to the doctors'
but was, ,not hospitalized., ° Other;
than neck. burns, urns she isr ecoverin g
Foresters Adopt' Hogg King C�il�:
At the. May meeting of the Can- the maintenance �arid welfare. of
adian Order of Foresters (Ladies ; this little girl. • • ' •
Court) it was decided,"adopt a ;. The Lady Foresters will. assist '
6 -year-old girl from Hong Kongwith the ` localt r
,, cancer cane a� s ani
under the Christian Children's •L ackn e
nt aw next week and, at the
come' caught in the drill and was Fund of Cdnada.
tight around h si ter's neck, : The local' lodge will 'make
Charlene aler her dad and monthly financial contribution
request of the C.W.LE, have also
a agreed to conduct the c,anVass
to .for the bland • in October. '