HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-04-15, Page 5IIS .,.. ... ......, . .iw►l!,' 4 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15th, 1964: ' }l 44 I THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LIOCKNOW, ONTARIO. PAGE FIVE Lt LISTOWEL ONTARIO' have openings for "FEMALE PLANT WORKERS" an, days ship Good wages,' security benefits and Cafeteria' 'facilities are' available; Interested persons • should. contact ; the Plants, - Personnel Office. A1..PBELL SOUP COMPANY L' LI5TOWEL ONTARIO have.an �penhiigfora. „-.. FEMALE 'CLERK TYMST �., Salary will be based on educationand experience. Full range of employee insurance benefits are available., Interested persons should contact ` the Plant 'Per- sonnel ''' Department as soon as ,possible. Reception Held For Newlyweds (W.HITECHURC:H NEWS) A reception was held in White- Congram were called . to the. plat church Community;MVlemorial; Hall. on Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Con rain mewl eds"' Congram,newlyweds Music for dancing . was supplied by Tiffin's : Orchestra with Mrs'.. Fred Deacon doing : the calling off. onedwhich will remain with them At lunch - hour, Mr.. . and, Mrs. in memory.. form:. Mr: Leonard James `read the address .'and.. Mr. Bill ryWillis ...pre- sented • them with a gift of money towhich the' gropm replied thank- ing all for coming and helping to make the evening, enjoyable, and applied for your Social Insurance Rumber? Your gCvernrnent is issuing Social Insurance Number Cards in place -of the unemployment insurance ,/ numbers that most employed people have had' until. now. Thee new numbers will help government to use . . modern office methods for greater efficiencyln handling unemployment insurance, and also, other ,social benefits such as proposed, pension plans. For 'these reasons, you are: invited to apply for a . Social Insurance . Number, even if .you are not Contributor'ta•the unemployment;insurance. plan: Ityou haven't yet applied, here's what you 'do. .IF YOU' ARE AN EMPLOYEE your employer will give you an application, form: Fill it out and.•return to your • employer promptly.• " IF YOU ARE UNEMPLOYED and drawing .benefit you Will complete an application form wherti'•you' report to the .Unemployment insurance Commission in person or by mail. IF YOUu ARE AN EMPLOYER registered with the Commission, you will receive application forms auto- rmatically..lf NOT registered. with the Cornmission, please get in .touch with your -local ,U.EC, office and application•forms will be sent to'you. Distribute application forms to your employ ees, have them dom.; pleted and •return then together, not individually:, to the.Commission. CQMP4tE. .1#1. APPLicAt10N NP.W • .UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMM"SON u1C464a ' OTTAWA. United Church amen : Annual Members .of the United Church: Women of Bruce Presbyterial met in St Paul's United' Church,, Walk- erton, for their second annual meeting The meeting was well at- tended. It Was opened with a hymn sing led; by Mrs. Truax' with Mrs. - (Dr.) Robinson at the organ. The worship service was in . charge of Cargill U.C.W. The president,,. ,Mrs, E. ' J. Fox,- presided and extended a 'welcome to the delegates. The 'secretary- gave a review of 1963, and reported an increase of 132 in Membership: over. that. of 1962. Mrs. Miller, corresponding .secretary, read . greetings from Halimand-. Norfolk, Halton, Huron, Sudbury and Hamilton Presbyterials. 'l e treasurer, Mrs." H. A. Street,' re- ported $17,570.21 `sent. to Confer- ence treasurer, an increase of $254.62 over the previous. year. Mrs. Walter Farrell, finance secretary, announced. the .allocation of $18,420 has'. notbeen increased,,andit was voted to accept this. Bruce also reported $663 given to projects other than those of the .United Church and a .balance on hand of. $9,436.0..f Mrs: William :Arnold .spoke brief- ly on Stewardship and .recruiting, stating, that 50 women are needed. for teaching in Hong Kong; and that the Church ' Hall at Fisher, Manitoba, will b&. built from the "Over. and Above'G"ifts. • . • ' The:;highiight.of the morning ses- sion . was an . excellent . Bible Study demonstration ' on. "The: Covenant" by Mrs. P. Chalmers, President of Hamilton Conference U.C.W. as-.; sisted by Mrs. 'Kent . of Hamilton: Beginning . with early references. from Genesis, the various step's of God's convenant ; with man were traced through history : to the New Covenant described in the • N e w Testament. "The Covenant is , a. thread that never breaks as it re= weals God's relation to His people, -and theirs to •Him, and opens up a new way of Life to all, of 'us:" Miss Simmie presented the work of the Lay foundation of Bruce Presbytery, and invited the women to become members. Mrs. Boland- er.. and Mrs. McTavish presented the literature in the .absence of Mrs. W. A. Krug. Mrs. Schmidt, Walkerton, extended a welcome to the guests, and Mrs., Fox ' closed: the morning session, with prayer:. A• delicious luncheon was served by the Walkerton.' U C.W., during which .., Rev. E. Nelson , brought greetings from . Bruce Presbytery and the Grey Presbyterial sent greetings by ",their president. In' 'the afternoon Mrs. O. P: Hossie, •Kitchener, presented "Hymns You Might ' Use", a new feature . for Presbyterial—and was much enjoyed. The `In Memoriam'. service was conducted by • Mrs, Ii.. B. Cheshire, Walkerton, and 43. names, were entered .in the', "Book of .Remembrance". This This was' fol- lowed' by ol-lowed'by a solo by Mrs. Chalmers., Miss N.. Moffat, . supply secretary,, spoke briefly on the Supply Allo, - cation, • 'Rev. Lorne. Keys' of Paisley and Dr. Donald/McKenzie of Pine River presented the "New Curriculum" in a most interesting manner: It • is, expected to beintroduced in the fall of 1964. The offering was re- ceived and 'dedicated. Mrs. N. Bel fry then presented . Mrs. Fox with a gift of -'crystal, a bowl and two candlesticks in the trillium pattern, in recognition of her guidance and leadership , durin : the • ast two: years. Mrs7x: t asked ,the wo- men. Bev. E. Nelson installed, the slate of ,officers presented' by Mrs, Woelfle, Paisley.' i "Mrs.. M., ,;Donahue, Teeswater extended the courtesies: : Mrs, -W. Grant, the new president, took the chair and spoke 'briefly: The wo- men sang "In Christ :there is No East or West" and the . meeting was closed with the benediction. Special mention was made of the Book that. Miss W. Warren has, prepared for archives of Bruce' Presbyterial, .and 'which was on display in the church. ' The 1964 officers installed are:. pout--.pretilleht, 1Vii s: .Y. Fox, Chesley;- president, Mrs. Wilfred Grant, Paisley; .vice-presidents, Mrs; N. Belfry of Walkerton, Mrs. 1. 11. Chesire of Wiarton, Mrs. 0, MacCharles of Lucknow and Mrs; • • Editor,. The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario, Dear Campbell: Having ' read the last issue of The Lucknow Sentinel with much interest, we feel • the urge 'to com went on. . the 'ban the tobacco' movement which is gathering momentum in the' village: The leadership displayed ' by the village pharmacist is a . fine ex- ample xample to the youth of our country. We need more : of this kind of dra= uratic leadership and this .sense of the historic moment among the vil- lage fathers as well as the rest: hof the inhabitants. Well we remember ' meeting Elmer Umbach many years ago when the'.. blush and, bloom of youth were • still upon his cheeks, and,.. even then wp could detect the spirit of crusade : in •him and , we knew that someday he would have a -"movement -- ` to lead., Now the time has come. In- cidentally, we recently . came across' a •photograph of . Elmer taken in those' early days when a group of young men from Lucknow , were. attending, : we think, some sort of a revival meeting in Toronto: ' We ;cannot agree with, the letter from Mr. Johnston of Aylmer be- cause we feel that :tobacco has in- fluenced: his judgment,.. dimmed his perception; and dulled his appetite. Perhaps. the best •example of his decrepitude is the last line. of - his letter.---.. that . famous quotation from Kipling. Although Kipling. may have been an authority on women and cigars in • his . day,to' quote, him '. now is -very poor . judg- ment, because many changes have been :.wrought since Kipling was laid to rest.:,Wopien. have been em- ancipated, franchised and several times generally ' redecorated in , the last half century and no man ina sound state of mind can say with any great:: conviction that.. woman 1795' Baseline: Road, Apartment. 407, .. Ottawa, 5, Ontario April 9, .1964. . • • A. ' Woelfle of Paisley; correspond= ing secretary, Mrs. ,Harold mac -,'1 ker, Kincardine:; recording-'secre- 1 tart',` Mrs. Bert: Carson, Clavering: treasurer,' Mrs.. John Millar, Port Elgin; Christian :Citizenship. a n d Social .'Action, Mrs. Stan Ellis, Southampton Co-op .in. • Christian Education and Missionary Educa-• tion,:, Mrs. Gordon Alpaugh, ' Dob- binton; finance, Mrs. W. Farrell'; Ripley; • leadership ' development, Mrs. 'Art Reoch; .Port: Elgin; nom- inations, Mrs: Alex Heard, ° Port Elgin; organization & promotion, Mrs. Frank Paddon, Southampton; community .friendship', & . visiting, Mrs. Ralph Elliott, Ripley; • liter.-= • attire ,communications and pro- grams, Mrs. W. A. Krug, ,Chesley press and . publicity, , Mrs. H. A. Street, ;.Kincardine;; stewardship and recruiting, Mrs. W. J: Arnold, Ripley; archivist, Miss W. Warren, Walkerton; without portfolio,, Mrs, 'Ken MacDonald, Teeswater. • is only woman. There may be much morethere. Therefore, it is also .questionable if a good cigar is really only. `a ,smoke. In closing we would like -to say that we still find that Lucknow is a focal point in our life, and while home recently . we enjoyed' I a; brief but ' pleasant chat, with:. Reeve Joynt. We were pleased to see that he recognized and took the : time to greet us, thus personifying the friendliness of. the •:village, Yours sincerely,. • J. H. Bar. ger.. RCAF Station, St. ' Hubert, Que. 7th 'April, 64 The '' Editor, Lucknow'Sentinel, • Lucknow, Ontario Dear Carnpbell;, ' This is .once that I cannot sit calmly by and allow . the Sentinel. to printtwo whole .pages, honour in'g aa; hockey. player .without com- inent, when Lucknow ° has produc ' ed so. many : really important con- tribution`s ' to.. the fields, ' of med-. icine, dentistry,: teaching, -engin- eering farming, members • of par- liament (you panne •it), 'in' its, young people. Athletes have their place, but let's, keep them in it, not elevate them 'above it. They ,deserve cre- dit certainly,. for their talent and hard work,-. but ,let's., 'not get c'ar-: vied away • by all this. Must the professions' and the. students con= tinuously take a. *back—seat to sport? I, for :one, am . getting ,pretty sick , anu tired,. of the adulation of hockey and hockey players: Why ,not. dedicate two pages to' native: sons.: or daughters. (to name only one of_many), such as Alex. Maclntyre, neurosurgeon, •who, •in. •my'. opinion, has . contributed, and: will continue - to contribute, much more to' humanity, .than all the hockey players in, the NHL put to- gether and will, no' doubt, make less per: year.. \than: top hockey. players. ; . ,. • • It's unfortunate 'that . Lucknow canot send a bus to watch such people.. as Alex work because: I ,guarantee you . would.?• see some .thing lnuch more dramatic . and spectacular than a hockey game; but in a much'. quieter atmosphere. By tbA way, a hooray for 'Bruce Johnston, who has so 'very aptly ,put. the 'unmentioned thought' of many.pf .us 'in, the. nursing `and med- ical procession into ':words in. the April 1st edition of the Sentinel in'. "Letters to the Editor". concern- ing smoking. Over -indulgence in anything is dangerous, but moderation in. all , things. is a 'motto to live by- •if you wish to ` continue living that r. is. 5. M. 'Robinson, . . ' Flight ''Lieutenant, ' Nursing. 'Sister, RCAF (A native daughter). Consignmen • Mond* May Lucknow 'C�mrmmitySaIe Can handle..up to, 00. •Bead: Phone 1 R4r11 WOO of .ucknow 5 8 891' 9r to