HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-04-01, Page 21p rig Ir'. iir
_.. t,,�y,. RerS,....., .ani:...._ ...:
WEDNESDAY,; APRIL 1st.; . 1964 -
PollockllethtTRipleyand Piunmbing for Luck- I iness in 1946. Re started on his
How's new Bowling and Billiard d own doing wiring and later addin4.
plumbing to the business, After
purchasing the barn equipment
business from Tom Kempton, he
branched further. into the :retail.
serves a wide area surrounding line of appliances and equipment.
the village of Ripley. Clarence Employees assisting -in the Luck-'
went to electrical school in. Chic- now lob were Ken MacDonald, Bob
ago, worked in Toronto in the MacDonald, Rod MacDonald and
army and ,started the Ripley bus- Allan MacTavish,
Academy was ,done by : Pollock
Electric of Ripley. Clarence Pol-
lock ' operates. this busine s and
W, A. "Bud" Hamilton ' .
Furnace oil :for the new.•Bowling h
' andABilliard Academy is being sup-
plied by'W A. "Bud" .Ilamilton,
Cities Service Agent, Lucknow:".
Bud.,serves a large area surround-
ing Lucknow. and recently purchas-
ed a new .distribution truck with a
dual pumping system designed .to
• eliminate clan�erous contamination
of fuels. Besides his trucks serving lished in October, 1957.
t e" village. ,and .area! Bud. operates
a retail depot at' the. east end of.
,Lucknow, retailing. gas and acces-
sories to the motoring public. A 24;-
hour oil burning service is avail-
able also for your. convenience, Be-
sides Bud himself, Cliff Crawford
and Gordon Barger assist in the
business, The business. was estab-
• ,
Lucno . r.:.1110(1.:..:BOwling .,: A!Iey ;Which
Briefly* Over. . ..50Operated� , Years .Ago
The official opening of: the Luck- son's had 'been, operated as 'a shoe
.'now ."Bowling Lanes .next,... week, store by Robert .Hughes.' The frame
brings ,to -mind the : fact that. Luck- building immediately • to the' east,
.now's : first, ?andonly other bowl- and .adjoining what is now : The
ing alley venture, dates back over Sentinel office, •had. been ,a butcher
fifty. years.shop.. .. . f: .
The writer, believe it or ' not, The ' Lucknow District Co-op flow
• remembers being impressed by the occupies the site of those two build -
sight of those idle alleys, and on: ings, which . back about.1910,Were
• Saturday we "contacted . S. E.: Rob- both.. vacant. •
.. ertson . for conformation• of that ; That was the- year .of the •last big,
memory; and Information. about reunion until the 1958.: Centennial.
. them. ' , . Mr. Robertson recalls' that he start-:
The,.alleys 2'; lanes if memory ed buying eggs that year 'and; his'
*rues ns,.—,- were located, in the first shipment of egg caseswas de-
building ... adjoining-ayson's Zayed in reaching here by a. rail -
store, The two -store fram. a {building way_ strike, which for a .time, was
was then owned' by the Hughes feared would effect , the.'; reunion
fainily. and the shop :nest to Finlay homecoming, then only possible
by rail. ,
InstalleCAIleys •
BuaI t �`.Years.Ago.
who installed:the ;bowling alleys -
It was the late George Douglas s
Contin "from ...page
17) and 'not without: o position ` - ` in
and lighting. .' . the.: vacant 'Hughes building and
A perinanent cotntnittee ' of the _did a rushing business in the win
ter of 1910-1911, Ntr:: Robertson re -
• reeves of the four-. municipalities . , . .
was set up;: with' authority on a_ calls '' r '
majority' vote to decide on selling. Their ".operation was rather
y short -lived -.however., and•the alleys
the .shed, >f � and when that time
arrived: In 'suck.: an " event, 1951 were • eventually ,sold; but ';.where;
contributors would: be reimbursed. they .Went isn't certain,..
prorate. It is recalled, however, .that it
`•'Donations.' by, 'municipalities . hi, was ' necessary t0 remove: them:
1951 were: • . . from the Hughes. building.. They
Kinloss• : $ 649110 were.. temporarily stored ' in .the
fi uckriow * . 442.00 South Kinloss Church. stied, but. it
, Ashfield -...
,. X16.00 is said that R.ev F. A. MacLennan
west Wawanosh . 253.0' minister at South Kinloss Church
Total .$1 660.COat that, time, 'wasn't atiforme'd of
:There were 214: donors ao .the the trunature off the equipment or
-.fund for the � 1951"purchase` of 'the thealleys would never. have': 'got
into'the shed, no matter how byief..•
Shed:-. 39 from Lucknow, 71 from. ly.
Kinloss; 65 from Ashfield, .35 from ,
• West Waw&iiosh and 4 from Huron, And se ended abrief, era of alley
bowling here. The,late A R:''•Fin
Proceeds For .ice Jayson . rented the 'building 'during;
' When the Iucknow and District, World War .I: for the storage . of .
Lions Club commenced talking ar mill feeds whiohhe bought by the:
tificial 'ice, they •• contacted 'shed ;carloads; :At. one' time : the Hoer
' donors and were successful in oh- collapsed under . the weight of 'the
taming releases for sale of the feed. '' .
Shed with .proceeds for artificial .The shop. later became the':egg.
In August of 1and prodii�ce shop. of the. late
962'the trusteeship George''Robertson and..Stuart Rob=
of municipal reeves gave approval ertson, The business was eventual -
to, the: sale of the .shed for this V sold 'to Ed Baker,,�pior •to• the
P�'po e. Co-op acquiring . the building..'
It Was early in 1960 that steps Many ladies will remember that
were. initiated by..' the Lions ' Club, the ' little shop to the, 'east which
to have shed contributors sign off: formed:.part of this' two -shop' build -
their equity for
the purpose. of ing• was tenanted by the late Belle`
selling the 'shed with proceeds fora Roberton as a millinery .store.
. artificial ice, The agreements stip- - '
elated that if the project was .not
Proceeded with within' four years t h
the sale price all then be livid I Y ewri e s' •
ed pro rata among the contributors
as 'Originally' The economic. situation of .. the
g yprovoded+" Kincardsne." area was presented
A time limit was placed•of . the ',Kincardine.
Minister of Industry, Zion:
sign. -off agreementspr ' ice ' per- M Drury in Ottawa recently
poses; which .Tues due to expire at byMembers' of the Kincardine
the "end of 1963.
•nisch ed, was scheduled to: be ad- .Industrial Committee: The brief; vert'when prepared .by the committee, p .
L erne d r d sale
the fall, c ogressive ` deterror-
iced for sale in. d 'out the . pr
Van Der Veen, ,
- anon of� ,industrial devel6prYlent in
completed negotiations for its pm'- Kincardine and' urged ' t h. a t
Chase and covenanted to instal a EinCardine be considered as a de
bowling alley, i velol�tn- t area.
For a term. of 'so•me five .years : ,� , 0.:
Gordon Brooks had part of thc' Cntnatny (jntai io s
building. leased as a transport Dr. ' H`
: h y e p ....tsea cot onet4,-mt_iIl_-11 A ro
n�"acatepdµth remises lastr�ing t i� death on April
ear u n at
th intoe a palm-
Transport building.lon Inglis St eet, ••tan ato the t o
Mme ,Monda. new era w%11 be ,'erston woman ribs... Ina M. Noer, .
Iaunched when the building will fi4, who died• with a surgical clamp
reverberate to the sounds of bowl- in her, abdomen., frtilowing "sw•-
.6 and billiards: • I gory in ;Palmerston hospital.
• Congratulations . to Mrs.. Ron
Frook: in. having her name 'drawn
in. the "Pick -a -Prize" draw 1i in.
Teeswater. .
Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall at
tendeda.banquet at Wingham on
Tuesday evening - for the entertain-
ers andtheir wives on the the
CKNX-TV . show. Monday night.
,Tuesday 'of last week Ezra Stan-
ley attended an implement sale,
at Archibald,: Ohio, U.S.A.
Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg
spent Monday evening with Mr.
and Mrs.. Jas. ' .Wraith, Lucknow.
On Monday of last ;week a flock
of :wild geese was seen wending
its way North. Robins have also.
been sighted but the weather does
not ' give them ..much encourage-
ment to put in.. `an .appearance.
Ronald Parker, : Fort William, : is.
spending the ., holidays with.. ; his
parents, Mr. . and Mrs. Everett
Parker and :family.:
Islington, spent., the holiday week-
eekend with. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stan-
ley and family.
Mr. and Mrs.. Gary " Edwards,.
Toronto, spent. the Easter Holidays
with Mr. and ,Mrs: , Everett . Par-
ker and .family.. .
Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg
were the guests Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. Don .Robertson 'and fam-
ily, Georgetown:
,Alfred Cook of ,Westfield cele-
brated his: 86th birthday' on ' Tues-.
• Mr. and Mrs. Dan ` Tollef son day, March 31st. .•
BE PR9,UD::.
Of Their New Modern
We were pleased to have had the opportunity to instal
the suspended Good Cheer Oil Furnace and 'do, all ,the
sheet metal work.
Photic 33R or 102r30
, t.