HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-04-01, Page 3,p■upututimmitr.4011M11111WtrriARIPIPIllesilligiali:Witarf"Vier*Witifte;"F. W_DNESDA7,4 APR11.4 40t•., i49444 THE LUCKNOW ,SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO PAGE THREE• • Port Albert Man 'Killed. Saturday Douglas Edward Calhouri, 5, of Calhoun and •Mr,„ McGuire, bath --Wft:11"-Oft-Albert;.'was killed sat,. civilian empleyees EitRCAF Sta- urday night' when his car went tion, Clinton, were on their way out of Control and into a ditch to Orillia to visit Mr. Calhoun's on Highway 26, 10 miles east ,.of sister, Owen Sound. Surviving . Mr. Calhoun are two Donald McGpire„ 40, of R.R. 3 sons Kenneth, Kingston; Edward, Goderich, a • passenger, received Sudbury; a,daughter, Mrs. Joseph minor injuries and was treated at (Barbara). McGee of Ashfield; four • °wen Sound General and Marine sisters and a lmther. • moved• the refrigerator,- electric ' Hospital. -The funeral on Tuesday- was range and water heater. OPI'.from provincial police from pwen from the Lodge Funeral 'Home, the Kincardine detachment hives- . Sound investigated. They said Mr, Goclerich, to Dungannon Cemetery- tigated. • • • • ssussnamsaalananananammismosicsaaalmasminaim■■■■nommisomm■■■■■■■•■■■■■!■■■■• • 0:0.1..4.rm • -,000grroom!..,74,, , STEAL FRIG, STOVE, WATER HEATER AT POINT CLARKE 1•••••••••••••••11! • RePorts. of• 'tottage -breakins-at the Amberley, Point Clarice and Limon areas brought numerous owners to their cottages last week -end. Six buildings were bro- ken into but the cottage owned by Andrew Jarvis of Listowel spf- fered heaviest loss. At this Cot- tage, ,thieyes disconnected and re:- ,a ' 111 •V40.9; s'•071°0;•''.•*.`,9 AP' •••••,,,,,,•••:::,..4.:•••:.::::*:.;4•• • ...4....;.yrta:v:44,::•:*4 ":" ' wale .99c', Paradi .Of,VaIu.eS At Red afld :White •1 D00 Food.. 8 foe'. .99t Dr Billiards Champion, 1 5 -oz., SAVE '16c 1•Facidi •Tissue 7 for.. 99c Scotties 200.I-landie Pack • ' '• • • • : Vogue' Tissues •1;2„.for.,99c • • • • r, Peanut Butter 3 lbs. 99c Supreme Homo • Red and White Swee stakes • Listen to .CKNX TV on ThUrsday be tween 6 and 7 p.m. for details on the new Red and White Sweepstakes contest You will receive a contest entry' form with each., purchase .at our store. just another of "the many Red and White bonuses. It pays to shop the Red acrd White way. • . • j Aylmer tp Jam' 55c Heinz SPcigh• a Strawberry: th added pectin •24 -oz. . • ." 6 for 99c 1 ot • Mir Detergent 79c PP • to .4. . Aliens Fancy ..48 -Oz. tins . . • Liquid . Buy 1 Get 1 FREE „ . • , • • Chernes - • 4 for 99c71 LOCAL and GENERAL NEWS ifter-Johriston • patient4n, Wingham hospital. George Saunders of Lucknow is a. patient in Kincardine hospital since last Saturday. ' Mrs. Margaret Carruthers re- turned last week to her home in Ripley after being, a. week in Wingham hospital., ' • Mrs.,, Gladys Reed- of' Lucknow is a patient in Wingham Hospital having .been Admitted on •Tues- day, . Mrs. Wes Ritchie returned home last .Saturday from Wingham hos- pital .where she .had. been hos- pitalized over three weeks.. • Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Holmes of. River Canard were week -end vis- itors with Mrs. J. D. McKanrick and Miss Madelyne MclVlofran. Roberta Jean (Bobby) Reid re- turned home.. on Tuesday of Tast • week • from Wingham hospital where the youngster had been a. patient.• for almost three. weeks, • Mrs. Sandy Andrews (Shirley Brown) of Auburn has been a pa- tient : in Goderich hospital since last Saturday with rheumatic fev- er. Mrs. Andrews is . a grand- daughter of Mrs: W. .G. Reed. •Mrs.' John England spent the weekend at St. Catharines with Mrs. Raymond Morrissey, also visited on Sunday with .Mr: and WS. Bill Welsh and Sandy' at Niagara Falls. Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mole were Mr. and. Mrs, Donnie 'Mole and baby' Dawn Vivian, Mariop. Mole, Gerald and 'Clayton Shaw of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs,. Stewart MacDonald and sons Billy, Doug and Murray of Dorchester. • .• Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jun Holyrood, over the Easter week -end were Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Smith, "Brian and Brenda, Miss. Jane Warwood, Allan Cal- listor Bob Smith Toronto• Mr and Mrs. Douglas, Singh,/ Chris and Jeffrey, Waterloo; Mr. and •Mrs. •'Harold &fifth and Sandra ____13everley---MatKenzie—is frig Easter week at Mallon with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Palmer. Mr, ..and Mrs. Omar Brooks of Lucicnow were guests Saturday evening of. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Scott hi Ripley, Mr. and ,Mrs,.Melvin Hodgins, Jimmy and Debbie of ' London, .Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hodgins Holmesville, spent Good Friday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. -- Oscar Hodgins. ' • Mrs. Jerry Cranston of Belfast returned home on Thursday, after' 4. being hospitalized for two weeks at Wingham. • Miss Rah Thompson spent the week -end in Toronto. She was ac- companied by Mrs., Russell Roh- ertson, Mrs, R: H. Thompson and • Miss Helen Thompson; who visit- ed relatives in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Iver Small a n d family of Ramore and Mr., and Mrs. Bob Campney .of Trenton visited with the ladies' mother Mrs. Rae Boak of Lucimow on. Easter week -end. Mrs. R. D.• MacDonald, Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Judith and John visited on Easter Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs. Roy Havens. Mrs. MacDonald remained for the week. John is speading. the holiday with his relatives Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and family of Belgrave. •• i. • Births THOlVISON -- In Wingham and District Hospital • on' Wednesday, March 18th, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thomsen ofWhitechurch, a daughter. • EGGLESTON.— In Wingham awl District Hospital, on ,• Monday, March 23rd,.1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eggleston, R.R. 2 Auburn, a daughter-. CARTER -- To 1VIr.' and Mrs. Gordon. Carter, dt Wingham Dis- trict Hospital, on. Friday March • • of Luckriow, . Miss Sheila Halden- 20, a daughter, Helen . Roseanne. by, KinlOngh. • A sister for James "and Gary. __11106411110041.001141•••••••••••■•••••••■■••••••••••••111 • • AT MiX /Ern orMatch Em. 's Cheery Valleu, Choice Red Pitted .15 -oz '" • . • THE I PARK THEGoclerich • :11 . Jelly Powders 10 for 99CI showthaes 7:30 and 9:30 . - Now Playmg Walt Disney's TiNOCCIII0 . .Plus York Peas 6 for ,99c Red and: White • • pkgs. • • aspeiaI ■ . • , featurette "The Born Hunter" • • Fancy 15 -oz. • • Instant Milk Powder 87c11 Mon.,Wed, adult • , •Tues., ed., April 6-7-8, entertainment • • * • • Charlfon Heston, Elsa Martinelli. and . Baccaloni • York Pumpkin. 6 for 99c CarnatiOn 3 lb. • • ▪ • Filmed in Rome. 'This riotous war corriedY features • ' • a carrier pigeon on active service during World War II. • • • • . • . . .•. . • .. . . • r • ; • • • York 'Kernel -Corn 6 for 99c : 1 4 -oi . • • • . • • York Beans 6 for 99c • with pork 20-bz. a• Dristan• 'Tablets - '-'"Move- Over " • $1 25 24's ▪ • Adult Entertaintheig Anacin Tablets Reg..89c. 60's .* Resdctn 6 - Reg $1.50 69c 1 "The Pigeon That Took Rome" I III • VL. . ti . 1 9 . , Six Days Thur, Apr. 9 to Wed, Apr. 5—technicoloi; • • • •Doris Day, James Garner and Polly Bergen.. •• In -the great hit fun -show that has, everyone t mg. • 99c •• • : Corned Beef 2 for 99c 'g • :'!Hereford 12;:3z. S E Av e n . • . •, Saturday. 114atMe:e only' — Laurel and. Hardy in' "Bonnie.*4 . . . . • L MO uest ake 4 • • scotiaiul• Plus hvb special car!oonss G • • C. 5c . . a •• ' westo s . • . Reg 49. c' each . stio•■••••••••••••■■••!••••••••■•■••••■••••••••••4 • MaCi o,r Sp'agh. f . 14 '-‘)9c• • . m 0 . , • • Catelli • 16 -oz. • ' Weston Jelly 39c.: • • Mcished.'Potatoes.4 fot-.09c RaSpbe,rry a7d•Lemon,Regular 45c, ■ • Special ,in hanit Carnation • .6 -Oz: .• Su. nkit Otanges, E.D. SmithPie'FFilling . ... .., • . ung Juicy • , ,3•Doz. • - ' r *It I , "•"' •. tiy 2. Applen3d 1Cherry 20 ,oztins .• • • . --Murder Atr... • s1I11IE1 . ■■ Man-Tues.-yed.Apil 6-7-8' • TureFrOat. April 244 •r All for 99c : • Frozen Feature FoFo lma •LT e Wonderful World The . is , 9.. 4, ' ,? • 9. * • The Gallop”' 14 Brothers Grimm ' • , • • • •••■ CinemaScope 7, • -' • . • Bircl'S •Eye • .SAVE' 4c , : •,6 -oz. • : ..: ° /2 -oz;" dna • s :: Starring: Lawrence Harvey - '12. Claire Bloom - terry Thomas /I ' and B'uddit Hackett : is There's excitment and re- meisjaimm • m Finance,- and fun in fantasy • 1 N al and 001Our, and coinedy. Do, in' ..a ,neW._ Agatha_Christie.•,:. , •_____ . . . . . 1 ____titi.,.,_.__ _or .—K-TivritireetivblingJotie:oircfriii , , . • N il II t 0 See this one. ' - - thriller, .She' even dOes the oi , ' ' nm : One shoW each night starting .edy and mystery in this One, a 'twist", There's lot.S. of• com- : *.• si PEUVERY. ' . : ., : t 8:60, ton. * PHONE 62:8,3001 .....-, FREE • . k t . 9 • Colour - • - Starring: • ■ , . • '• Dove Beauty. Bar 5.for 99c 'French Fries . . .bag Robson and 'Robert Morle • ■ ,49c ,imitable Margaret RUtherford Margaret Rutherford Flora size Whiier-,-.• Pink SUprerne .2 lb. econorn Y Is This film featnres the in- 1 • r 9 ' 9 . • • , . So Make Sure you see it. : • • ".# a 71111010111111. IMO* NMI II II 11 LI 1110.1411 1101111 lit OM It.11:1111"1111111, !Oil. OM, 011,111. 1.111,6,11 10, 191111111 I UM NM 011111111111111:1111.11111111.1.11111111,1*11 MINN • ' ' • I' 4