HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-25, Page 15"4
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2S, •'1964 .•
Riley's Snack:.Bar
and Billiards
Main St.
for any make of Radio or T.V.
mKinlossProminent :
•Native Passes •.
(By "A ' Newcomer")
After v►e :have Andured a 'very
mild" winter in, comparison to:
years gone by,. it seems ..as if
Spring is just around the corner.
We were out driving in the area
over the weekend; and saw some
very .convincing signs that Spring
must either be here, . or very near.
The ; Department of Highways
maintenance crews were out in full
force, taking down and rolling up
the . "slightly used" snow fences.
Thee black furrows. of ' the fall -plow-
ed fields are mostly all. clear- of
any signs. of; the. `white stuff" .The
back reads are all full of "pot
holes" and. "deep. ruts"; causing.
the . "new wash job" motorist to,
.sigh`' and hold his breath till he
gets back onto the highway.
The rivers and streams are flow-
ing 'very. swiftly and, much higher
than in the latter part' sof the year.
People in general are changing
their winter ,coats for lighter
weight jackets and then most of
us are "sporting" a good cold. The
children are tracking in "addles"
of ' mud on, mother's newly waxed
floors. It .truly trust be Spring?,
At least . we certainly hope so! "
samammill■■■millimingememei mmu fm ■nmBr■■■ihEom
• ,
✓ Huron County, Farm & Home Electric Club (regular meetings i.'
• m Exeter area) at Huron District High School Mon-
▪ "day, ' March 30, '2:15 p.m. ' '
▪ Lucknow 4-H Beef Calf Club, Lucknow 4-11 Dairy Calf Club, ■
▪ Lucknow 441 Tractor Maintenance,. Club (2nd year project, '•
• . '63 ' members eligible only), Dun annon ; 4-11 Calf Mil); Dun-. r
:r. gannon..4-H Grain' Club Of; sufficient interest); at Dungannon
Agricultural Hall Fair . Grounds, ,Thursday, April 2nd, 2:15 p:m:
• 4- in .Club • (is ` and: 2nd i
.Huron. County :Hog • Producers . H Swine Cl ( t ,
'; year' project's' at Londesboro Hall, Thursday, April 9, 8:30 p.m. is
■ Abo s. and. girls who havereachedtheir i2th .birthday by
• January '.1, 1964; and have not :reached their 21st birthday ■ .
' er 31 1964 . are' invited to . 'oin 'a club of their ■ ,'
� by " �Decemb , ,. , , J ■
• choice. (Electric , Club and 2nd year Swine Club Members —. a' '
• 16 as of January 1st, 1964, but who have not reached their ■
�•, 21st birthday. before December, 31st;' 1964) 1 .
HuronC�unty: Club. Leaiders.Assoc.:•
iia.a ■, n.i> . w mum a••••awmaatiOlaaima:owopos ounea r'
Smart - gro °'
for The
Hol dy
a s:
With. A
Little.. Miss Pretty"
Hair Perna e
•• ,
fort the •
-( pretty' .young Miss from Six to Sixteen): •.
"LITTLE MISS PRETTY" '. is a gentle beauty touch for • .'
w Miss' from six -to -sixteen..
avin hair of the' fi�retty young•
This is a prescription permanent formulated to wave the, •`
immature often. .difficult hair of .t},e sic -to -sixteen set •
normally soft,pliant; even stubbornly straight.
Thomas G. •Gaunt of Wingham,
'and a native of Kinloss Township,
who 'served Ms community well
during his lifetime, passed away
at the Brookhaven. Nursing Home
din Wingham on -Sunday,March
22nd. He was $0 years of age
and had been in failing health for
the past two. years. • ' •• .
Mr, aunt . wasa son of James,
Gaunt and Elizabeth Mirehouse
and was born on the . second Con-
cession Kinloss, where' he spent
the greater part. of " his life . be-
fore moving to Wingham in 1944.
• Tom received his public school
education at ' S.S. No. 9 Kinloss
(Murrays School) and after reach-
ing manhood served : the school
section faithfully. for 25 years as
secretary -treasurer.' Mr. Gaunt
was. treasurer of .`Kinloss .Town-
ship for a similar period • from
1923 until 1949. .
"LITTLE MISS PRETTY achieves th,e natural young : •
hair beau y .the,.c harnning;.youngMiss wears mo, ,„pre -..y 0_
'With Every Perm You • Will Receive
Free French ,Poodle Pin.
with our. compliments
attractive additionto your Jewellery,'
._ . 2'4435" •,,
:LticlCnoMr � � �.., Phone � .
Bi•i•ii••ii•••iiri•••i •i ir•is.iiiiiiisir.•iii•o,...
:Mr; Gaunt- was a .:member of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian ' Church,
Wingham; . and :fraternally . had
been a -member ` of the .Canadian
Order Of Foresters for over .60
years.' •
On January 29th, 1902 Mr... Gaunt
marled ' Elizabeth McKenzie 'of
Kinloss who died on'. July . 25th,
1936. On December 28th, 1936 he
married lMrs. Elizabeth Robb' who
'predeceased . hien on; ' March 24th,
1942. In :1957`,: he married, Rachel
Patterson • whose : death occurred
on July • 12th,: 1963. .
The funeral service was. held
at the R. A. Currie''& ;Sons fun-,
'eral home; `in Winghain .on Tues.,
day, ' .,conducted' by Rev. Gordan
Fish. Burial - was. 'in, 'Winghem,
Cemetery, the :' pallbearers being"
Wilfred Henry, Mervin Temple-
man and four grandsons; .• James,
Donald and Harold Gaunt ' and
Carman MacDonald. • r
.Mr. Gaunt is aurviv'ed by two
.sons, . John of:; Whitechurch; 'Rus-
sell " of Kinloss Township; one
daughter, Mrs. 'Merle Casemore.
•of. London; .one stepdaughters Mrs.
Joseph Stephenson . of .London; ten.
grandchildren and fourteen great
He was ;predeceased by .a son;
George Stanley Gaunt m. '1907: and
a daughter Mrs: Norman (Eve-
lyn'): Wilkins . in, 1932.
The. Whitechurch correspondent
paid :this .tribute -to Mr. Gaunt:
"Because of 'all his •activities'. his'.
name., will long . be recalled" in
Kinloss: In church. work he ,gave
freely of.:his, time as a member
of the. Board or Session. He was
ever a good neighbour, ' ready to
help 'a weaker one along, to • heal .
a. wound • or right a wrong, . and
make those around him happier."
Death Of Mrs: -Lott
• Friends and neighbours of this
community .were shocked on Sun-
day morning to. learn of the sud-
den passing of Mrs. Walter Lott;
about 7 .a.m.
Annie, as . she was familiarly
'known . to all., was not in good
health' on Saturday. Mrs: Wever,•
who lives inthe apartment across
the hall, found 4 Annie on Sunday
morning . when .she went to light
the ; 'fire in her kitchen stove
around' 8 a.m. • •
Of an extremely jovial . .dispos-
ition, she was known to and re-
spected b a• wide 'rural areae-hav-
this. district since she
was married. She was: a member
Of Chalmers Presbyterian church,
W.M.S., Ladies Aid, and joined
the Women's, Institute the first
year of its organization in 1928..
She was a' *friend whose heart
was tender; who helped in time
of need, ' who shared your sorrow.
and your joy and this (commun.
ity is going to miss her; as'• will
her family to whom the commun.
ity extends their sympathy.
The funeral was on Wednesday
in Winghatn with burial in Wing-
hem ' Cemetery, ,
Mrs, - 'Lott's husband - pirede-
ceased her, She is Survived by
one daughter Mrs. Orville, (Net-
tie) ;Newby of Chesley; and three
sons,: Robert of Calgary; Wesley
of London; Carl of Wingham;
Mr. 'and Mrs.. Robt. Irvin and
daughter Betty visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Irvin's sister Mrs. Jean
Papernick, Goderich:
Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs.
Nelson. Pearson who on March
18th observed their 20th wedding.
annversary.. Rev.. Vickerson, Un-
itedChurch minister ' performed
the: marriage " ceremony at -the
home, of the bride's (Gloria Con -
gram) . parents, Mr. nd "Mrs.
Gorc(oi� Congram, - •
Visitors' .Sunday with , Mr. and
Mrs. Jackson Reive were. Mr. and
Mrs. John .Conway, Brenda and•
Bradley of Eagle, and ,' r. • and.
Mrs. Bill Clements of Goderich
Sunday visitors.. with Mrs. .Ab-
ner Morris.; were Mr, ' and Mrs ••
Ken Morris of Benmiller and" Mr.
and Mrs, Anderson Mugford .of
:Mrs.. Laurette Hefford, Toronto
last week visited "her, 'sister Mrs:.
•Herb' Finnigan who underwent 'sur-
surgery. earlier in the week. We un-
derstand • Eaiily.• is geting along as
well as can be' . expected. Mrs,
Hefford: also visited Goderich And
.Dungannon relatives. andher'.•,mo-'
ther Mrs. W. H. McClure: of -Pine
crest .Nursing Home; returning
home on Monday. .•
A card party was: held at SS.:
No.. 2, West: ,Wawanosh On. Friday
night . of which Mrs. Harold El-
phick "is teacher, ' Ladies high was
won by Mrs. Joseph 'Dauphin, ,low
score .to 'Sharon Pearson.: Gents
high Donald Jamieson, .,low score:
Bob:. Hallam. •
Mr. and Mrs: Tom Koviak and
S011 .Tom Jr.: ,of; Detroit were ,here
at' the . week -end.
Mrs. Cecil Blake and daughter
Barbara ..enjoyed two weeks -.in
California visiting relatives ' and'
friends :at San Francisco and Long
Beach.. They returned Monday. of
,last week./
Mrs. Thomas. Edmunds, 86,•
died at Pinecrest Nursing Home,
Lucknow 'on Thursday, March 19.
She was the wife" of Rev. Thomas.
, Ednpunds, . Seattle, Wash and
came east :about: 10 years ago .. to
be with her sister, Mrs''.. Nellie
.Stewart.,. Her . health had : not 'per-.
milted her to :return homer She.
was forrnerly:.Maude Lucelia . Ker
nick.,.Born ',at Lucan, she was
a daughter of the late James and:
Sarah ' Jane• Carter :: Kernick. She
'taught school at Burk's Falls and'
in Alberta , where . she . met :her
husband. They'' lived ,there for 50
years.' Besides her husband, , She
is .survived by her elder •sister,
Mrs: Stewart of.the ,Pinecrest,
Nursing Home; Lucnow. The body
rested.: at the.'Lodge funeral home,
,Gc derich, where a service . was.
held at 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon
in charge of Rev. J. Veldhuis of
Dungannon United' Church. The
pallbearers- were; Heber Eedy,
Bert Maize,'. K , K. Dawson • 'and
Cecil Blake. Interment : was in
Dungannon cemetery. ,
Mrs. ' M. E. Reid. is visiting, her
mother ..in Vancouver: Mr. Reid
of Clinton` Air . Force: is -on leave
and 'able to stay with the family;
Erskine Presbyterian W,M.S.;
on Friday, afternoon held the
•Easter Thankeffering.. 'meetings
Guest auxiliaries ,from Auburn and.
Dungannon churches were repre-
sented. Mrs..,Robt..McAllister open-
ed 'withh prayer and • •a hymn with
Mrs. Frank Jones at the organ..
s. James Wilson vsas • the re-
rding secretary;. After prayer
rs. Esther Rivett sang a solo with
rs. L, . Stingel accompanying at
the organ Mi . , Will Reed read
the scripture:.: -.lesson-; Mrs-, Arthur -
Stewart, gave . the Glad Tidings
Prayer an Mrs. Jim Wilson read
a letter from .a missipnary, • Miss
Dorothy Douglas..of Formosa,. Mrs,
Wallace Wilson gave the Devotion
'al reading & also aceompanied 'for
a vocal duet with Mrs. Wes Brad -
hock and Mrs.' Donald Haines of
Auburn. Rev. .Roderick MacLeod
gave the address on . Missionary
churches and Mrs. Jack • Caesar
gave .an Easter Reading, A delic-
ious lunch was served at the close.
:of thelafternoon. •
The Dungannon U,.C.W, met In
the church basement forAhe-March
meeting -with twenty-nine • ladies
present. Mrs.. Esther Rivett vice-
president presided The meeting
opened by Mrs.. WM. Cranston with
call ato worships: 11frs,, Lorne
I4'asty. read a chapter of word and
the way and. Mrs; Fred. Young
gave a Bible reading.' The theme
Okinawa and. Taiwan Aid. and
Relief was given by Mrs.. M. Reed. •
Invitations were accepted to .Fri-
kine Presbyterian Church, on. Fri-
day, March 20th at 2:00 p.m. and
to Auburn •United Church Thank-
hank offering' on March ' 25th at 8 ' p.m.
It was noted to send -$5 donation;
to Five Oaks and $5 to the. Young.
People's for books.. Further plans-
were . made for ,the congregation-.
al supper on ,.April' lst. Supper is
tobe served at 5:00 o'clock and
at: 7:00 o'clock. Lunch° was con.
vened by. Mrs. J. Falls. ' •
Mr: and Mrs: John 'Emerson of
town were Sunday guests ' of .Mr;
and Mrs, John Nixon at Belgrave. ,
Carnivai costume
The annual Lucknow •and District
Lions Club Masquerade carnival.
on, Friday evening set a new at-
tendance record,. with upwards of
200 children. ` in 'costume, : •
The costume judging' was 'preced-
ed by a hockey : game between the
Lucknow ladies and the , Peewees,
:and : was followed by "an uproarious
broomball game, 'fora good night's
wholesome fun.
• As reported elsewhere Miss_ Toby
Greer scored all the goals for the. ;
"girls" 'to, give them a 5-5 draw
with•the . Peewees..
No. one •'knows ` yet , not even
referee "Cuddles", Henderson,
who won the broomball . game. It:
may be;nothing short of suicide fore„
the:• press" to. give you 'the score,.
but to "impartial" observers it.
'night' appear as if the farm 1)03r8;...
won. 1-0, provided they didn't. kick
it in: j
•• Win or' lose, its the Town Mice
which received .the "gold plated"
trophywhich was officially receiv-
ed' . by coach ; "Huss' Brooks, who
came attired m a brimming white
hat never doubting that he would.
receive. "..the Y . `mug" and would
have to take a. 'bow.
• 'An : Array, Of. Costumes
But:.there. was no • fun`'for' thee.
judges, Mrs. Rod 'MacLeod,.,',Mrs`
Harvey. fouston and Mrs. Ralph
Cameron, who had to decide the '
costume 'awar'ds from classes
whih had. as 'manyas .25 to 35
entries:" There was a treat for . all
costumed children who " were .' net
prize winners •
The. results were as follows,. with,
cash prizes 'of $1.00, ,75c and 50c:
Pre=school • and -kindergarten.
'Sandra Finlay, Arlene Corrin, An''
netta Kirkland;. Public School,
Grades' 1 and 2 ,— Gayle Grant of
Teeswater,.. Nancy and Laurie Chis-
holm., Janice Glenn; . Grades '3 and -
4 - Mary . K. MacKenzie, Tees-
water., Greg King, Douglas Corrin;
Grades : 5 . and 6 Joanne Greer,'
Carol Campbell and: Lynda Walden,
Allan MacKenzie; Grades ,7 'and 8
— Nancy Kirkland, Nancy Corral
and Lynda Chisholm, .Eleanor ,
Whitby and Linda Boyle. 5
It was a night for the , children
with adult costumes coanspicious by
their' absence. A couple of the
hockey "girls", Mrs. •Gladys Rain -
Non' and Mary Anna MacIntyre,.
got the nod . for their "outfits".
The/ race results provided lots of
excitement. and fun and ended this
'way: Grades 1 and '2: Girls —.
.Laurie Chisholm, Kathy King, Con-
riie Stevenson; .Boys, — an' :Mont
gomery, David . Farrisl'i, Larry
Cr-ides-3-and---Gir1`"oar�ne ,
'Thompson, Lorraine Boyle, Mar-
garet Montgomery; Boy's -- Jim-
my Parrish, David , Lode;' ;Kim
Grades 5 and 6: Girls :Valerie
'Morningstar, Sandra "Thomson,
Donna . Mullin; Boys = John Em
berlin, .'Allan Andrew, John 1'Ic-
Grades 6 and 7: Girls Eleanor.
Whitby, Nancy. Corrin, Linda Chis- •
holm; " Boys Bob Button, Glen '
Morningstar, Donnie MacKinnon.
Fred Pierce was convener of the
succesful event, and, he gives his
,version of the-event'elseWhere
Lucknow' District High School
band under', the direction of Elwin •
Hall, and assisted by Members of
the Atwood band, were generous
with their selections, inadding
mach to the program,