HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-25, Page 5iminetrOZOPY0. ,N54.41,
WEDN.ET$.DAY MARCH ' 5, ' :1964
�IL'ilr '
have. openings for
mon dayshift.
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Good' wages, security benefits and Cafeteria
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Interested `. persons should contact the Platt
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(field Over
Premier John Robarts . indicated
recently that he will. ;ask the .Fed-
eral -Provincial Conference .'conven-
ing in • Quebec City March 31st
to consider' .. the . problem >. 'of hate.
literature being ,distributed in Can-
ada.; Prosecution . against'• persons
who distribute . hate., literature can
only be' 'undertaken under provis-
ions *of the Criminal Code a
Federal law enforced by the ' pro-
This problem has . been . becom-
ing .more acute, recently ' as sharp
increases. in the distribution' ot.
anti-Jewish and .an Negro liter.
attire has been ..note. .•'
Preliminary'.. investigation . shows_
that only a few :persons have : been
engagedin this .damaging. racial
,fifth butnevertheless it does Make
onewonder if :this. country is .head-
ed for the. same .racial' strife :that;
is seen . in Southern- United States.
Last week the estimates -of the
Civil Service came' . before the
House. From repeated question-
ing the Opposition,. Hon. Provin-
cial ' Treasurer James Allan re-
vealed that positions, for-, the Civil
Service are . filled oil the basis
of experience , and': qualifications
From Last Week)
only and not on political. patron
age: He suggested' it is only when
two applicants ' have the same
qualifications and 'experience that
a. letter from the member could
influence the Civil *Settled. Com
•mission'` qpe' way or. , another.
Nursing 'Home . operators. in .Met-
ropolitan .Toronto have proposed.
a deal with 'the' Ontario Hospital
Services. .Commission that they
:say. would provide more than .1,000
beds to ease ,• Metro's 2360. bed
shortage. The hospital bed short
tage has been debated many, times'
in 'the Legislature : during the, ses-
'sion: There have been several
deaths resulted in ;the ` province
because there. were no beds avail
able in.. hospitals . where' the. pa-
tients' had 'intended to be ' admit-
ted. The Minister, of Health''' has.
maintained throughout.- that .'no.
hospital. bed shortage: exists, in'
the Nursing '.Homes' in Metro 'Tor-
onto: If the Nursing , ,Homes in
Metro Toronto' are successful in
coming. to terms: with Ontario
H.S.C.' it' Valid clear the way 'for
a similar arrangement . through=-
out the Province. ,
The Department of Reform. In-
Had 2 -Week Course
Norman: Porter; Walkerton, Ca
ordinator, Bruce County Emer-
gencyN Measures Organization, at-
tended a .two weeks' course con-
ducted . by the federal govern-
ment at the Canadian Civil. De-
fence College, Arnprior. •
This course was the first of a.
new series. on • organization' plan-
ning and operations. The objec-
tive of these new courses .. is to
provide training in the .techniques
of organization; planning and op-
erations in the .. field ' of emer-
gency function oUgovernment ' add
its agencies at the federal, pro*
vincial and municipal level.
The' seminars,dir'ected to or-
ganization, portrayed the need for
continuous effort . at all levels of
government .in planning to meet
the demands' that either a national
or local ' natural . disaster , would
Planning technique studies in-
'eluded methods of assessment of
disaster situations, the prepara-
tion of departmental' emergency
plans :and ' procedures.
The:"operations phase . of the
course was _taken up. mainly. 'by
a three-day exercise in which the
students . took the parts of federal,
provincial and municipal *officials
working together, hi a simulated
disaster, .situation.
The class consisted of 26 civil-
ian EMO' personnel : representing
the• provinces and 12 military; per
sonnei representing different sec-
tions of the armed forces..`-
Bi g Sister; "What's` . the .'idea . of
wearing my raincoat?":
Kid Sister: "Yeu wouldn't want
me to . get 'your' new dress.. wet'.
would you?
stitutions ..is now : to the procesi.
of presenting its estimates to the
Legislature.` •Tie Opposition:' has
expressed its alarm'' at the large
percentage of: repeaters in our
penal : institutions: Andrew.Thomp-
son • (L. Davenport) .,said . that
greater . research facilities must
be set up to find why : these people
continually_ find, their way into our
Reform 'Institutions.
• •
r • Ltd,t•
,, >/
Fertilizing .
• i.
• .
• •
• '
R Hobden " m
'.a once again will be in Your area this year`.on their own
Ron and 1; -low rd � ,_ .. t
for.. your agricultural spraying ; needs., DON'T GAMBLE. Get. us,,' for . our,
+. air area is an insurance of good work GU:A,RANTEED.,
past experience in y ,
Contact or Phone.:
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Goderich, Ontario . - Phone 'Goderich 5244385or ALEX .
RRISH Phone Dungannon 5219 7805
1e m•• •••••af •04 6•044A44i••o••••e•a• ciepieopeo•i•u0•00•4 a.••••••••••••.
• '
Sealed :tenders . on. farm's and in envelopes available
from the undersigned will, be received until 5,:00 p.m.
� 8th,Wednesda�,:riA I b.
for the erection of approximately 2,500 'rods of woven
wire fence on County .Road No. 4 between' Crediton .
.and Highway ,No. 81..
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted,
J. ` W. Britnell,. County Engineer .•
Court' .House,' Goderich, Ontario
Mrs.• Albert 'Coulees, • Mrs. Elmer
•Sleightholm, Mrs. Russel 'Pordon,
Mrs.. Garnet Farrier and Mrs.
Millan Moore attended. the U.C.W.'
Presbyterial . held in ' Exeter on
Wednesday. .
Mr. ,..Russel Ritchie, Mr. ' and
Mrs: Oharles Tiffin `went to Lon-
don : ,on ' Wednesday .. and . brought
Mrs. '..Russel Ritchie home froth
St: Joseph's.' •Hospital.., .•
Mr. Claude Coffin wasadmitted
to Ontario. Hospital, Goderich ' on
Thursday. His '.many friends wish
'him ,a speedy recovery.'
Mr. and . Mrs. Carl' ,Weber,, Anne
Marlene and Clare were in Har-
rison on ;Friday evening at : the
Hardy Funeral Parlors, where the
remains '' of his uncle;: Mr. Jack
Greenly .rested. '
Mrs. Earl "Jamiesonaccompan-.
led ,Mr. John Jamieson to Lon-
don, Victoria Hospital, on' Wednes-
day when : Mrs. John Jamieson
underwent .. surgery. Mrs. . Earl
Jamieson.• remained and returned
home on Friday and -repots. •M s.
Jamieson. is making' a rapid .re-
e-covery • ..
The . Whitechurch ' 'Y P,S. theid
their meeting, on, :Thursday even-
ve i,ing • in •.the lnited_: Church Sunday
School ' room..The 'meeti'ng opened
with ; ' a sing -song and . was • •ac-
companied .'; by • Mrs. Mitchell - on
the .piano. The theme of'..the meet-
eeting, was Faith and Evangelism.
Miss ,Diane Coultes gave 'the. scrip-
ture reading and prayer. Mr. Bev-.
in Tiffin.. gave the meditation; Miss.
Muriel Conn'' gave " the .story of
Faith in Nepal. " Miss Alma Conn.
gave' the East German y • story,
"Stand up and be Counted." Miss
Margaret Moore gave an account
of .:the': 'work among the . Bhills.
gr./Wayne Farrier gave, the' sax-
aphone solo - The Stranger of
Galilee. •'\ Rev. George Mitchell
gave' a ' ;Bible 'contest:. The roll
call was ' answered . by the 24 .pres-
ent giving a Bible verse,. ` The next
meeting. is .to• be '`held the week
after 'Easter. The Society is 'plan-
•ning .a .Bowling, Partyto be held.
•in ' ' Easter' week. Rev. • George .
Mitchell. 'closed the meeting with
. •Nris.' Dan ,•,
Tiffin •and Mrs Vic
tor;,' Emerson:. on Tuesday 'attend-
ed . the Executive and District
Directors ..meeting' of Bruce . South
District "held at `;Clark's. church.
.where- ::Lisburn branch were . the
hostesses.. 'The branch . presidents,
of the -: District were : also in 'at-
attendance 'as the information gain-
ed from the I3oard`. Director's
meeting :with, the:: District Officers '
for subdivision 16 ,w. as:,. given: as, .,
well ,as arrangements .,mad e . 'for
the 1964 District .Annual to • be
held ,i2 ,Kincardine. United Church
Sunday School room on May 27.
On' Fridayevening a dance was
held in• the Whitechurch :'Commun-
ity Hall with .music' supplied- by
Tiffin's orchestra.. Accompanying.
the orchestra With .:guitars were,
'Bevin Tiffin .• and Brian King. Dur-'
ing the evening two. spot '.dances
were .won, .by - Ist one a. tie '-
Alex Craig and Sandra Cameron,
Neil Rintoul• and Mary Purdon;:
grid, spot dance; Arthur Laidlaw
.and Shirley Tiffin.
Contributions To The Easter Seel TM
Find for•Crippled :Children
'Sponsored by .:
A Partial List Is As Follow
. now;
/0 ' Ceorge LOckhart; ..11. 5, tuck- row; Donald , MacKinnon, Luck -
▪ Albert Maize, Dungannon; Tom Harold Greer, Lucknow; 'Mrs,
• ▪ MacDonald, R, 3, • Lucknow ' Gor- ,Clara . Webster, Lucknow George,.
' ! don ' Congram,''R. .1, Dungannon; Saunders, Lucknow; ' Mason Mac-..
Bill Cranston, I ., 2,: Auburn; Rich- Allister, • Dungannon;. Jerry Dor-
and West,R. 3, Goderich; John„ scht, R. 2, Lucknow;.. Dr.. James
Gammie, Lucknow; Ray Gannon, Little, Lucknow 'Ross, burnin-,
L c L ow; s, A. �R' •.Finlayson -2, Luckr-tow Gordon. :Brooks,
Lucknow; Mrs. Annie; McDia; mid, Lucknow ' Mrs.. 'Maude•. Shep'wood,
Lucknow; Allan Macl:ntyre,' 'R, 6;' Lucknow; Miss Dorothy gCooke,
Lucknow;• Bill Fairish, R. 3, Luck Lucknow; Clare Johnston, Luck-
now Tom Webster, Dungannon; now,• Harol'd;Stanle ;, ' R.`;6. Luck-
R. Kooprnans, R. 2, Auburn; Cliff now; Ewan JacLe<an, R. 3, Lucke
Johnston, R.3, .Holyrood, .'Walter now,' Donald Murray, R.. 2, Lucke
Dexter, R. 3, Lucknow, Alf. Rit- now;. Radcliff Murray, R.
chie Lucknow; Dan MacKinnon, ' Lucknow Mrs, Edgar Holl` man,
R. 3; Holyrood; Fred ' Tiffin, 'R.: Lucknow; Grant Chisholm;. .Luck-
5, Lucknow; George Swan, Luck- now;, Noble Johnston, 'Lucknow;
now Russ Button, R. 3, Lucknow; Marshall Gibson, R. 3, Lucknow;
Clark Finlayson, Lucknow; Doug- "Bill 'Houston, 'Lucknow; Lawrence
las Graham, R, .' 5; Lucknow; MacLeod, R. 5, , Lucknow ; . Harold •
Prank. Maulden, It. 2, Holyrood:. Elphick, R. 3, Lucknow; Orville'
Mrs; Albert Alton, Lucknow; ;Alex Finlayson, R. 6, Lucknow;' 'George
MacLeod,. Lucknow, Wallace Wil:Stanley, Lucknow; Grant McNain,:-
son, R. 2, Auburn; Tom MacKen- R. 3, , Goderich; 'urr.te ,Colwell,.......
zit; ' R: 5, :Lucknow; 1VMrs. 'Herb°, R. 5, Lucknow; Bill Ross,' R. 3,
Hackett,. ; Goderich; Hugh Lane, fit.. 2, Holy-
Curran, YJuckr�ybw; Alex
McTavish, R. 1, Rip%,
R. 7, Lucknow; Tom Hackett, ,rood; ,Don.
Lucknow,' Wm. A. Schmid, Luck ley; Peter Connon,, Lucknow.
44)=.44,4+-44 ♦• 8 v►4 v + '• .4 i 41,4 • r * 'i ♦ a i i(*•
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