HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-18, Page 11 -A.. Tier In. Advance
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Discontinues Tobacco Sale
.Burns entire Stock
'.mer Umbach, ..local IDA liar- of .tobacco. The '.action stemmed.! always believed a ,con`ictio:i. must
'isf, •last week burned about from the. comments of leading I be. ;followed by, definiteaction, I
cases of . cigarettes with • a i medical authorities linking the., use. , am burning up all my 'stock and
Scissors Found In Quilt Operthioii)
The alertness 'of one of the attendants. in; chargee of needles '
at`,the •Lucknow . United Church last week. prevented a . "relief
operation" from being completed and one of the instruments
in, use, • a pair of scissors, from being sewn into the ` finished
Members of the Lucknow. United Church Women ' were -in'
volved in "Operation ° relief quilts." Two of the morning atten- •
dants who set up the operation' did not Count. their instruments
and a lady on' the afternoon crew, probing with her needle, dis-.
covered the . scissors before the ' sewing job , was completed;
• Strangely enough, the topic of conversation at the 'time of
the scissors discovery was to do• with "doctors ' and instru-
ments" and the lady who made 'the discovery commented "I
-wonder 'who operated on this' .quilt and left the scissors in it,"
0 ed House 'At 90: In June, Buys
'Public School' New' Typewriter
. _
Parents, friends, ' and - children;
had the'' opportunity of visiting
Lucknow:: Public School • last Fri-
day night when open house was
held to observe', Education. Week.
Notebooks, workbooks and other
accomplishments of teacher' and
pupil:' were on` display. and caught
the attention of '.those . present., The
rooms were gaily . decorated with
work` done by the pupils 'through-
out the year.
Teachers, at the school are Prin-
cipal Stuart Collyer, Mrs. , Lloyd
Hall, Mrs. Larry Taylor, Mrs.
Norman Taylor, Mrs. James .Mac
Tavish, Mrs: Jack: Fisher, Miss
Helen Thompson:' and ..Miss Ruby,
S h by many ,.
sions' 'made by; the Pharmac- ..health hazard. • I. tirely for .y,,our. benefit'in the. in-
to of about' .$250. In so doing .of .tobacco and ung :cancer and; discontinuing the sale cf` all ' to .
. , Standing _ . , .... .. , . Webb. % �
ger is standin behind recent. , .the 'opinion that it is a bacco. The decision .is made 'en -
cal. Council of •which he is a In an .advertisement in• 'last..
aber::, week's .paper,: 'Elmer 'stated '`since
ie council recently .resolved to my convictions always .have been
Aerate in every way with; any never to sell anything that iS pro
hods that 'therovincial.. and ! ven in a large majorityruling b
P g y
ral, governments proposed to .j the proper authorities, to be 'a
ourage the promotion: and sale! health' hazard ' and 'since I have
terest of your health; and your
At the request of the• Sentinel;:
!Elmer . agreed to be photographed
in the burning of' the cigarettes,„, •
New hmemade :maple.syrup is
the .'task being _ completed last 'being ' offered for ` sale'loeallY ,
which would seem to be a bit 'ear -
her than the average season — al
though:. we may stand to be cor-
rected.. :.
smmans Furore
Arms roundup
arly this year the -.theft' '' of. .
,11 '.arms from •a Montreal ar
y, :sParked some - action. by
Defence -Department, which' °
• had some .scornful. criticism •
douse of Commons; .. ' • '
ie security roundup of arms.
a 'armories and; cadet corps,
ears :to' be an expanding op -
whereas originally it 'was .•
°ined 'to , "sensitive;. areas:” '
scally, au ammunition avail
for cadet corps use was ;pick •
'up,' and more recently,- we
erstand, the :rifles : , have been
ected. : G
W.:. W. Hill of, town has re-
ceived .a clipping from a rel
cent. issue of the Globe:. and
Mail .:which. is an illustration
of .a "bedroom suite built for
Sir • John• A. MacDonald "', in
18f at Lucknow, .Ontario.,,
.It' As a three-piece ' suite,
'with . high ° back bed, , dresser ::
•and • ``wash • stand. n •
Has anyone any knowledge ,
• of the 'manufacturer .of . such
suites9 •The date makes the
suite about .100, years old, and •
must have ; been ` made within.
5 or 6 years of the founding
of the village in 1858. .
The Lucknow . Furniture Fac-
actory; was' not established. un
til about 1878.- . . • '
iyncil studying New Traffic. ,And
irking Re�ulat�oi�s ,dor . Y nage
he Municipal. Council is p
res- will mean off-street •unloading for
.y ; studying a plan of. traffic trucks. This involves, a decision
.parking regulations' which will on what to do in regards to a
nt �i the right-of-way behind stores on the
Gaily go into effect inright-of-way .
age. •.it has been ii future south side of Campbell, from
as for some time,. but to reg- Webster and •McKinnonhardware,
to . and enforce the by-laws east to WM. Sehnmid's shop ' at
'ch willbe necessary to adopt, .the' river. F
hired — t 'he services of a po ice' `N'ew� Bridge
` 'l 'has plans, for a neW`�
cer. An initial survey'was made Counci .
this regard in 1961.• bridge on' Willoughby 'St., a block
representative' of the •;Depart-. south .of 'Campbell street, and for
nt of .
is t
Trans or; : expected .in the widening 8t' improving of this'
Village within a few days. • ,road, as well as providing ..a par-:
To 'Be Crosswalks • king area across .from Jack Mac
ndications. -are • that • Campbell ' :Donald S garage.
the connection link, on To facilitate rear -of -store un-
•hway 86, Will have angle• park- loading • council w i 1.1 improve
on one side and parallel park. t lit access' road from W .
, p l . _e � tb to the rear' of. Crest Hard -
on the other.. There will. be lougl y
ass walks ware.
ks and parkingStalls .
hiMerchants east of this area have
eked off, but this ,Will have Mere . ', ., ,_ im rovY
await thei h- �roperty which could be p
Department of H g P� ncerned
ys/decision' to repave the main ed, giving access to all co ....d•
rcughfare. p
and pioviding additional parking;
le v "step!! and "yield". signs space. :.
iformin- to This area could be lighted and
o highway. design
Village, ,hydrants installed for improved
. throughout the g ,
includedn, fire protection, ,.
c tided in the overall. Ala , � � :.
yhen the Campbell St. regu- All th>ss, of course, is in the lis
inns can be p
put into effect, it ,cession and .Planningstage•
$ak.Satu.rday. :Ends
Fifty five'1 years . of farming in
Ashfield Township will come ., to
an:. end for Albert' W. ' McGee on
Saturday..when a clearing auction -
ok Red .Coss
sale. of stock, � implements., etc will( Q
be 'held. t . .'
Fire .last: fall speeded the:'retire•Nursing
ment of this widely known 75 -year-
old gentleman. Early lest.October, Five members • of the staff of
on . a Sundayafternoon fire fanin . t.h e Pinecrest. •� Manor Nursing
ed 'by a. brisk breeze levelled' the ' 'Home . in Lucknow, .were included
'big L-sha P a barn on' the McGee in a class of nineteen who receiv-
farm, con 4,' Ashfield, • near the 1 ed pins and• certificates upon,'com
former airport 'at Port Albert pletion of•'a•' fourteen weeks' Red
barn ' :Cross'' Nursing course.' •
The was crammed :.�with.�. .
,10,000 bales of hay and 1,00) bush I ;Classes . were . held weekly at
els '. of r in, ' Thegrass cattle i Hanover from,. November _._`-until-
g'- 1! ebruary- :sponsored :by the Han-
fortunately, were on .pasture. oyer Branch. of the Canadian :Red
Mr: McGee' subsequently . ,sold Coss: '. • . '
In :any: event' maple syrup mak-
ing was in , full' swing last wee'.,
and the : sap was reported to be,
running very freely. •,
•:•the 185 acre farm" to Owen and' r
The director of the course was.
Allan of near Chatham, ..who:plan Mrs.. Shirley. Roach, ' Reg; N. of
to plant it in corn this season.:• Hanover.: She ' Was assisted. by
Mr. and Mrs. McGee are •con- Mrs. George' (Mary) Newbold;
tinning . to reside in the home, ' Ree. N. of Lucknow.
:which ' narrowly escaped destruc- The Lucknow graduates. were:
t •in last fall's fire. • ' : Mrs.... Philip . (Ena) . Steer,Mrs.
Fred (Helen) ,Gilchrist, Ms. Ro-
bert (Cora )' -MacDonald; • Mrs. John
• (Clara) Crowston, Mrs. Don (El -
John Hall '/11lns lenCardis,Joh,
' Mr..Ray Culliford presided &d
rim. the evening and intrbdu •
ing Awardofficials.r.
Red Cross and . other.
guests including Miss Elaine Daw=
John Hall, 17 -:year-old ' son . of .son' of Toronto, Director of Red,
. Harvey and Sheila' Hall' of Detroit Cross Nursing Services, • who spoke
and formerly! of Lt.icknow, recent -briefly paying tribute to the 'Han-
Senior division achieve over Red Cross Branch, who she
meet gold key in the Detroit News °said recognized the great need for
18th„ : annual writing awards con- nursingtraining caused by the
test:. . :
' � � shortageand- crowded
• There were 11,455 entries from' hospitals: of n>zrses
all Michigan • high schools, and , Mrs, Roach who directed the
John'was one of the 161 top win- class 'of' nineteen graduates, in
Niers, Their entries have been sub- presenting pins and certificates
mitted in the National Scholastic said it had been a happy privilege
writing awards program.In ad- to' conduct the class and ;hoped
dition •the ..winners received;. a the would. ggo on learning.'
P n/
certificate' of merit end . clic Mrs; Gardiner and. Miss ' Jones,
members of . the class ,presented
'Mr`s.' Roach With a gift en behalf
Of all the class members and Mrs.
�r _ ce made a presentation' n
j . John will graduate in June from
East Detroit Hngh School and will
attend Oakland University to n1,a., yp do to Mrs,
jor in art history.
The. good': health enjoyed. by Rev.
Benson:. C. Cox, and his ' youthful'
and energetic :outlook , on life, is
reflected in •the fact that as he
approaches: his ' 90th birthday, he
has purchased a new typewriter.`
Mr. - Cox will be 90 'on dune 29th.
And its interesting to'. note that
in this issue. he is' offering his
bagpipes . for' 'sale. In ' short it
would seem, that Mr.. '. Cox 'no
longer has. "the wind" •:for the
pipes,' but is keen of mind and`
as 'a world traveller; is spending
more and more time writing.
Rev. p' Mr. .Cox, •a , retired: 'minis
ter who .spent much of .tis. ac-,
tive ministryin ' New York ' City,
returned to his native Kinloss
Township some' years ::ago to re-
tire, but not' to become . inactive,
and has . frequently. been :, called
on to . participate .:' in: community'
activities and in his home parish
at Kinlough. • 1
final Winners In
ShopAt Home Draw
The ;:Shop-In-Lucknow Commun-
ity draw, which has been spon-
sored for 26 weeks by thirteen,
local business; places, came: 'to an
end on'Saturday.:
During that'time there were six
prizes- ' of. $25.00 each; six prizes
of $10.00 each . and. twenty-six $5.00
prizes, awarded through lucky
ticket draws, for a total : >give-
away of .$340.00. •
The Y
final draw was made b.
C. R. Sinclair, Metal and Alloys
Co., . London.. The : winner of the
825.00 .prize was Mrs. Fred Mar-
tin, R.R. 3 Lucknow ` who. made
her ' purchase at The Sepoy store.:
The $10.00 prize' was won by :Mrs.
Sadie Hamilton' of ,:Lucknow - and-- -
the $5,00 prize by. ` Mrs.. Pete' Van'
Osch, R.R.• 3 Lucknow. Both these .'
winners made their purchases at
Sanderson's Ladies' and Men's,
The, sponsdring merchants were:
Rathwell Shoe Store, Lucknow
Di'trirt Co -nn. Schmids Jcwellry
and • China, MacKenzie Furniture,
Hall's Red and White, 'Bud ,Ham-
ilton Cities Service; Ashton's La-
dies' and Men's Wear; Lucknow
Fruit Market, ' Supertest Service.
Station, Crest Hardware, Siegrist's
Market, Bennett's Sepoy Store,
ander"son's Ladies' and Men's.
.Held Warble . FIy
School At Clinton
With government concern : and
participation. in the control of the
warble fly, a warble fly school
for inspectors and spraymen was
lie?d • iii` Clinton on' Wednesday.,.
Cattle will be treated' as usual.
before going on grass, rand a start.
in spraying will be made early
in April. The date was expected
to be announced at. Wednesday's
meeting, '
Victor Errington• has again been
appointed inspector in. West W a=.
wanosh. Township, a n d' Lewis
*ra:te fie.appxintod as sprayman.
4 •